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\ �- _� <br /> ��- �dA�°�� <br /> Tc�E i HER pVITIi all the improv�ents naw on c�resfter erect�l un the prop�ty, aad all rasements, apPurtenanxs, and <br /> fixtures now or ner�after a part of the propaty. A!! replacemtuts and �dciiti�om� shall alsa be cavsnd by this Stcauity <br /> Ins�n±cnt.All of tLe foreg4ing is referrd to in tuis Security Instcvzcxnt as the'Property." <br /> BORROWER CO'VENAZVV'TS that Bocrower is lawfuliy�seisal oi the estate htt�eby oom�eyed and has the right to grant and <br /> canvsy the Property and thac the Propeity is u�mberrd, r.xce�t fQr encumbrdnces o�rxord. Borrower warrants and will , <br /> d�fr�3 generally thti tielc to the Property against aIl clai�s atad demands,subjeix to any eacumbrances of rxond. <br /> T�IIS SECURJ.TY TNSTRITM�T combinGS unifor�co�eaants for nacional vse and aon-uniform coveaants with limited <br /> variatioas by jurisdietion to coastitute a uniform securirf instrument covering rcal prooerty. <br /> U?�IFORM�OVENkiiTS.3onrower and I.ender�vcaant and agrx as fol�ows: <br /> 1. 'Paymeat of d'rind�wl � Int�; Prepsym�t and Lste Charges. Borrosver shall P��PVY PaY whea due shs <br /> principal of ar.d inierest on tlnz debt evideaad hy zhe Not�and auy prcpaymeat aad isu cha_*ges duc uridt,r the I�iotc, <br /> 2. F�nds for'I'exes�d Insura�ace. Subj�ct to applicable law or to a written waiver hy I.ender, Borrower shal! pay to <br /> Lender on taa day manth!y paymcnts are due undcr the Note,until the Nots is paid in full,a s��m�°Fu��ds")far: (a)yearly taxes <br /> and assessmcnts which may atcain priority over this Security�.���t as a lien on the�noperty; {b)yeazly leasehold paymanu <br /> or ground reuts au thz Proper:y.if anY;(c)Ycarly ha�ard or property insurancx premiu�!; (d)Yearly fleod insurance premiums, <br /> if auv; (e? )eariy martgage insur�e premiums, if any; aad (f� any snms payable by Bonrower to Lcader, in acr.,ordance with <br /> the pr�visions of paragra�h 8, in liea of the payitx�t of mortgage insura�cx pnemium4.'Ihese�tcros are ralla: 'E�erow Items.° <br /> Lendcr may, at any, coliect aad hold Funds in aa amount not to a�csed the �azimnm amauat a l�ada for a f�dc3ally <br /> related mortgage loan may r�quire for Borrowa's escrow accouat w�der the fedr.ral Real Estate Settlemeat Procedures Aa of <br /> 1974 as auKUd.ed from time to eim�e, :2 U.S.C. S�cticm 2601 �t seq. ("RFSPA'},�mless amother law thst applizs to th=�unds <br /> seu a lcsser amount. If so, T..ender�ay, as azry time, coiSax sa� hold Funds dn an amount not ta excxod the tesser amount. <br /> Lender.may estimate the a�unt af Funds due on ths basis of cuzreat data ansl re�sonabie eatimaies of expeaditures of futur� <br /> rscr3w I:ers.�or otherwise in aocordanee with applicable law. <br /> The Punds shall bc beld in an ins�itution whose deposits are ia�ued by a fe�dera; agency, instrumeata2ity, or entity <br /> (including Lrnder, if Leader is such an instituvon)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Leader ahall apply the Fund�s to pay the <br /> F�scrow Jte�s. Lender may nat charge Borrower for holding and appiying the Funds, anncally analyzing the e.a�row account, or <br /> verifying the Fscro�Items,unless Lender pays Borrower interest an thc Funds and a�plicabla law pexmits Lender to make sueh <br /> a chargc. However, Lender may raquire Borrower to pay a one-time chazge for aa indepen�ent real�state tax reporting service <br /> used by I:cnder in cosmxtion with this loan, unless a�plic�b3e law pravides atherwise. Unless an agrxmtnt is made or <br /> applicable law requires interes2 to be paid, L,endcr shall.not be nquired to pay Borrqwer aay interest or earnings on the Fnnds. <br /> Borrower and Lender�ay agrcx in writing, hmwever, that inter�st shall be gaid on the Fun'..�. Lender shalI gi��e to Borrawer, <br /> without chazge, a� annual acc�unting of the Funds, showing eredis and dr,bits to the Funds and tho purpost for whech each <br /> debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledgai as adclitional seeurity�'or all sums savred tsy this Socurity Iastrvment. <br /> If the Funds he�d by Lander ezoxd thG amounts pezmitud to tx held by appticable law, Lendcr shall account to Borrower <br /> for the ezcess Funds in acmrdana with the requirements of applicable Iaw. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any <br /> ti�e is Qot sufficicnt to pay the Escrow Items wbrn due, L,ender may so notify�orrower ua writing, and, in such case Borrower <br /> sha?I pay to Lender th;� amount n�xessary to make up the d�5czeacy. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in ao �.,�are ttkw <br /> twelve mouthly payffients, at Lender's eole discretiom. ' . <br /> ;Upon pay�ent in full cf all sums secu�d by this S�curiry Insir�.�nent, L.eader shall pt�atpdy refund to Bo;;rower any � <br /> Funds fleld by Lender. If, e:nder paragraph 21. Ltn�der shall a�c�ire or sell the Pmpercy, Leader, prior to the acquisi.tion or sale <br /> of the Property, shall �ly a�y Funds he�d by Leadu at the timc of acquisition or sale:s a cre3it agaiust thp suras sxured by <br /> this Security Instnimez.t. <br /> 3.Appilcatlon of PaymeatK.Unl�s applicable law pmvides otherTVise,alI payr.itats recxivod by;�tnder ur,9er paragnphs <br /> 1 and 2 shall be appl'ied: first, to any prepayment chsrges due under the Note; second, to amounts payable undr,•r T,aragra�rh 2; <br /> third,to intertst duo; fourth,ta priacipal due;an�i last,to any iate charges deu undzr the Nou. <br /> 4. Charges; T.iens. Sorrower shall pay all tazd, assessaaents, charges, fine�and impositions attributable to the Ymperty <br /> which may attain priority over th3s Sxuriry lnstniment, aad leasehold payments o*groand reats, if any. Borrower shall psy <br /> chesc obligations in the n�anncr provided in paragraph 2,or if�ot paid in that mazmer, Sormwer shaii pay thccn on tisne direcdy <br /> to the person ow�d paymcnt. $orrower shall prompdy furnish to Lcnder ail notices af amounts to be paid under rchis paragra�r. <br /> If Borro�cver makes these payments diraxlly,Borrower sball promptly furnish to Lender rxeipts evidencing the payments. <br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any liea which has prioriry vver tl�is Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a)agrees in <br /> writing to the paymrnt of the obligation securai by the lien ia a manner acceptable to I.eader; (b)contests in good faith the lien <br /> by, or defends agains2 enforcemeut of the lien in, �egal procadings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> enforcemeut of the lien; or(c) secures frDm the holder of the lien an zgreement satisfactory to L.,-nder subordinating the lien to <br /> this Security instrument. if Lender deter�rines that any part of tho Prop�rty is suhjtct to a lien which may attain priority over <br /> this Sxurity Instnunent, Lender may give Berrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall sadsfy the lien or take one or <br /> �ore of the actions set forth abave v�ithin 10 days uf the giving of natice. <br /> ��,aoaa s� <br /> ��-6R(ME?rnztv.oi r•c•z o�a wcwtr <br /> . ! k <br /> ' i <br /> i. - <br />