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k <br /> � . ��-�a�6�5 <br /> �aymea�s m�y na fonger be n�;uised,at t��optian of Leada, if�c2gage ins�ua�rx coverage(';n the amount z�cl for the period <br /> that i.aider requi�s)gn�vided by aa i�curcr approv�d by L�-ader again bornmes awailable aad is obtained. Borrow�shxll pay <br /> tve premi��s rcqaimt to n�ainrain mo�rtgag�i��rance in effax,or to provie�e a Irs resem.unril the requiremeat for�ortgage <br /> insurance euds in acmrda�ce with asy�vrittea agre�at b�twxa Barrowa and I.cader or a{�plica�ie law. <br /> 9. Inspection. L,eader or its ageat may make reAwnable enuies upon aad incpoaioas c+f the Properry, Leudu shall give <br /> 8orrowEr aoticx at the time of or paior su an in�xaioa specifying xe�sonable c�se for tha iasp�n. <br /> 1�. Coadean�. "Ibe Froceeds of any award or clai� for damages, direct ar c�ngequeada:. in connection with any <br /> caademnaiion or othu taldag af any part of thc Progest}, oz far�aveysace ia lieu cf conda�ation. az�e hereby assigned a3d <br /> s�all be paid to I.ender. <br /> In tbe evcnt of a totnl taYing of the P:v�exty,the proceeds shal�be applied to,ahe sums ax�rai by this Securi�y Inswmcat, <br /> whethcr or aot then duc, with any ezcsss paid to Bozrower. In the cvsot af a part�al tating of the Fra�aty in which the fair <br /> marjcet valuc of t�e Fnaperty immcdistety before the taldng is equal to ar greaier than che amount of the sums aecured by this <br /> Sxurity Ia�un�eat iiamuiiately befare the taking,vnless Born,��er�I.eader othenvise agroe in writiag.°�aums sxurEd by <br /> chis 5ecuriry InstYVment ahall be � by tlx amoimt of the proa.eds mnitipliod by the iollowing c,a: (a) the total '��, <br /> arnocmt af the sums se�a�nd ;,•,•,+��y before the takir�.g, divided by @3 the fair macica valwc of the� imaaediately . <br /> before the talung. Any balaarx shall bs paid to Barrower. In the eveut of a partial tsking of she Property in whicL the fair <br /> maricet w�lue of the Property im�ely befon the talring is less than the amonat of che sums aecucod immediat��ty before the <br /> taking, unies� Bnrmwer aad I.eader athsrvvise�gree in writ3ng oz unlesa apglicabte lacr otherwise provides. the procoeds ahall <br /> be applitd to tht suass aecurod by this Seauiry Ia�vmeat whesher or�i the sumc u*.thea dut. ' <br /> If the Property is abaadoaed by Borz�on�cr,or if, aRer notice by I.c�er to Borro�,vu that the coademnor offtrs to make an <br /> award oc settle a claim for damages, Borroaw faiIs to ttispoad to Le�der withiv .'� daya aRa the date tche aoria is givcn, <br /> I.rnder is authori�ed to collxt and a�piy the proceods.u its optian.dther ro raci.o;�*.:a�or ctQAir of the Property or to the sums <br /> SCCl2_*C��t�i.S StC�1LiYY IDSfiSlIDt�t.W�1Cl OI IIO{LI2GII dtlt. <br /> Unlcss L.enda aad Borrowesr �rise agsee in writing. arry appl:�cation of praeacia� to principal shall not extend or <br /> postpone the due d�ate of the maatbly pay*nents rtfeiscd to ia pazagra�hs 1 aad 2 oc chaage the amount of such payaxats. <br /> li. Barnower Not Relesseci;Far�earence Bp Latdrr I�ot s W�iv�.�xteasioa af the time for payment or modificntion <br /> af amortization of the sums secured by this Scci�rity Iagtruma�t grxnted by Lcnder to aary sucasaor in interest of Borro�or shall <br /> not ope;ate to retcase tbe tiabiliry of the originaa Borrower or Borrawer's�ssors En interest. Ltadtr shali not be rcqui:ed to <br /> commence pmoxdings agaiast sny auccrswr in intereu or refuse tn eztend time f�r paymeat or otheraise modify amortization <br /> of the sumc smurd by this Stcuriry Iastrameat by rcaSOn of aay demand aade by the oiigina� Borrowcr or Borrower's <br /> suczessars in interest. Any forbearana by Leada in ezer�cising auy right or reaedy shall aot be a waiver of or prectu�e thc <br /> exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> 12, SuccESSOr� asd Assi� Boaad; Joint and Sesxse.l IdaSillty; Co-siy,aa�s. Tha rnvenauts sad �grameats of t�is <br /> Sccuriry Instnim�eas shall bind aad beaefit th� suoc�sora Aad assigat of l.eader and B�r.rower, subjcct to the provisions of <br /> Faragraph 17. Borrower's coveaants and agrtc�mcats shail tx joint aad s+weral. Any Borrower w�o co-signs this Security <br /> Instrument but c3oes not ezsrste Yhe Note: (a) is ca-signir.g this Sccur.ty I�suume�t only to mortgage, grant and convey that <br /> Bornowcr's ir.tezcst in t}ae Prc�perty undtr tht tern�s of tttis Socurity Intuu�at; (b) is not personalty obligazed to pay the sums <br /> secru�l by this 5eauity Instrunx�t;and(c)agxra that i.eadu and any othss•Borr�wcr may agm to eztcad, modify, fo�b�eas or <br /> ,nake any ar,camm�xiaaons with regazd to�ho terms of this Sxur;ry Inmuma�t or the N�te withcvt that Borro��cr's consent. <br /> 13.Laan C}Aarges. If the loan�by thu Socurity Insuumene is subjtct ca a law whirh sets r,sazimum loan charges, <br /> and that law is finally ia!erprated so thst th� iaterest or otLsr}oan ei�arges collxted or to be colltcted in comicetien with the <br /> iaan czcxec� rhe permitted limiu, t�en: (a)amy suc�loau chargt shall be redueed by the amount na�essary to reducx the charge <br /> to the pecmitted limir and(b)any su� already rnlloc�od firAm Botrower whIch cxoeed�d t�crmittcd lim:ta will bc nfunded ta <br /> �'��• �� �Y �� �o �� � n�� by ttducing the principal owed undzr the Note or by maYing a direct <br /> P$Y�t ta Fi�orrower. If a refuad rt3acxs priacipal. the red�ction will b� trtated as a partial prepayment without any <br /> P�Y�nt charge under the Nate. <br /> 14. Notices.Any noua to Borrower grovided for in this Sec�,-rity Iastnsmeat shall be given by delivering it or by mailing <br /> it by first ctass mail ualess applicable lave requzres use of anotlx�metbod. The notic�e shall be d'uxted to the Property Address <br /> or any other ad�ress B�rrowes designazes by nQtice to Lx.nder. Any uo�ia ta I.eadu shall be givca by first class maii ta <br /> Leadzr's statc�d hcrein ar atry at�a address I.rnder devgnatcs by nolice to�orn�wer. A,ny notia provided for ia�his <br /> Sxvrity Instrumcnt shail be d�to hav�e bern givea sa Bo:rowez or I,eader wben givar a4 provided in this paragraph. <br /> 15. Gorexnlag Law; Se�er�bllit�. 'lhis Secvrity �asiru�nt sha11 be gov� by federal Taw aad the !aw of the <br /> �urisdiction u►whic�the Pmpetty u tcrcat�d. In che event tbat any pr�vision�r claase of this Security Instrvment or►�he tVot� <br /> mnflicu with applicable law, sur�conflicx shall not affeci other provisions of this Sewrity Insuument or the Note which eaa be <br /> given�ffetx witho�i t�e cQnfii�tiag provicioa. To this ead the provasions of chis S�curiry Inmumart aad the Note are declared <br /> to be s�+erabla <br /> 16.Bo�we�'s Capy.BorroRer soa�I be giv�n a�coaformed coFy af the Nott and of this Sa:urity Instru��nt. <br /> Fam 3Q28 9JQ0�` <br /> �-&Rf�€3 cs2i 2�.oi re�.a m e wuaa�T'�f <br /> S. <br /> 3, �� n <br /> i <br /> b- <br /> / <br /> � . � <br /> �,;:. . � � . / <br />