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r <br /> . �f�- iOQS'75 <br /> 17.Tram>fer of the Prirperty or a Ams�3al Irsta-�si ta�arrower. If all or any pat:of the Property or�ny interest in it <br /> is sold oz transfc�red(or if a benefici�l inta-est in Borrower is so!d or�ferred and Boaower is not a natura!person)without <br /> Lendec's r�;o; written cansent, Lernder may, u its ogtion, require immediatc payment ia full of all sums sccured by this <br /> Sccuzitv I;,stru»ect. However, this op�iou�1,all�c bs eAacised by L,ender if ea�scise is prohibiud by f�law�t of the da�is <br /> of this S:.cL'"ity Instrumrut. . • <br /> if Lcnd.,°r ezercises this option, Leader shall givc Borrowe�notice o:ac�elerazion. The notice shail�rovidc a pereod of not <br />' ` less tban 3J days fmm the date che notict is delivered or mailod within which Botrcwer must pay all sums sxured �y ihis <br /> 3ecurity L�strvment. If Borrower fails to pay t�sse sums prior to the ezpiration of this period, Lender may invoke any reme3ies <br /> p�:aittcd by this Sa.�rity Insuvmeat without furthet noticc or demaad on&mna�er. <br /> I8. �rrower's Righi to Rei�tata if Bflrruwer meets certaia coadiuons, Borrower ahall have the right to ha�ro <br /> cnfoc�ennte.uc of this Secarity Instn�mcnt ds.�ntinned at r.ny ti�e pr'sor to the ea'riier of: (a) S days (or such other peric�d as <br /> appticable law may specify faz niastai�meat) bcfare sale of the ProFexty pursuant to aay powa of°sale containai in this <br /> Sa�rari.ry Tn;tni�ent;nr(b)cntry af a judgment enfo�ing this Sccurity Instrumeat.'Ihose coadidoas are that Borrower: (a)PaYs <br /> Lendcr xll sums which thea w�ould be d�ra uudcr this Security Iasmumcat and ttse Note as if no acoeleration had oa.^uned: (b) <br /> currs azay dcfsu!t o[arry otha covrnsau or agreements; (c) gays all e,zpeasa ia�urna3 in enforcing this Savrity Instrumtat, <br /> inclu�ting, M.i4 n�4 Iimit�d to. reas�nable attornzys` fers; a�d (d)taYes snch action a4 I..eada may csawnably requirs eo a:suze <br /> that tbe;iPn��this Secnrity I�ravm�t, I,enda's righu in the Pnaperty snd Borsoaer's obiigation to pa}�tho sums socured by <br /> this S�curiry �stru�aeene shall a�ntiaue nnchaaged. Upoa reinstate�t by Borrower, this Sx.urity Instrumeat and the <br /> obligations seciu�3��cby shsll remain fully effective sa L��ar,c�elaation had oaaured.Ho�►�ever� this rigat to ninstate ahall <br /> not a�ply in tht nf acxtlexaeian uadtr.Pan+Bra�h 17. <br /> 14. Sale af Nes��; C�avge u! I.o'n Ser�lcer. T�e NQte or �a putia�intertst in the Note (together with this Securiry <br /> Iestrumcnt)may be sa?�+a�o�more times witt�aut prior aoda to Bonower. A sale muy tr,sult in a change in the entiry(known <br /> as tht "Loan Servicer"};��i coll�ts monthly pay�eau due under the Note and thL�Sxuriry Instrument. Thers also may be one <br /> or more chaages of the�Servicer uarclated to of the Note.If thae is a change of th�Loan Servi�.er, Borrowar will bo <br /> $ivcn writtar aotice of the z.haag*.in axordance vrith paragrsph 14 abovc aad applicable law.T6e notia will at,qte the namt and. <br /> address of the atw Lo� �rviccr and tue address to which paymcats should be msde. The nodct vvill also a�ntain any ather <br /> iniorunation req�iirr,�by�piica&ie law. <br /> 20. L�az�rclo� Suk,�tances. Borrawer shail not r.ausc or permit the pres�ce, use, disposal, storage, or t�elease of any <br /> Hdz;�rdous S�bstsncxs 9n or in thc Froperty. Bormwer shall nat do, r�or sllow aayo� elu to do, anyt�ing affxtinE the <br /> Pmpert� that is in vioiation of ury Eav'sraamental 'I'he praxding rwo seatences shall �ot apply to the presence, use, or <br /> storagc oL thp Pcti3perty of small cgiantities of Hazssdous S�bsta�es that are geaaally rxognizcd to be appropriate co nornial <br /> residratizl�s acd to naintaiansx of the Property.' <br /> Borrvwer shall promgdy give I.rndcr written aotia of any investigazion, claim, dcmand. lawsuit or other action by any <br /> gc�vemmeata:or regulatory agrnry or private party involving the Progerty and aay Ha7ar�ous Substance or Environmenlal Iaw <br /> of wh:ch Bc�rrower has actua! Irnowledga If Borrowet learni. or is notified by any governmental or r�gulato authority, that-- _ <br /> any removaI or other remediatian of aay Hazardous S�Stance affecting the Property ia n�cessary. Borrower sh�prompdy take ''�. <br /> a11 aeassary:cm�ial aaioas in axo�+dxaa�rith Eaviran�atal;.aw. <br /> As used in this paragraph 20, 'Hardrdous S.�bstancts' are those substances definal as tozic or hazardo-as substances by <br /> Environme,nt:�3 Law aad the fotlowing svbuances: gasoline, kuoseae, other flammable or tozic petroltum proda�ts, tnxic <br /> pesticides and�e�icides,velacile so�vents, caateriais�niaining asbestos or�ornsaldehy3e, and radioxtive materials. As used in <br /> ehis oaragraph Z0, "Environmeatal Law' ��ns fcderal. tawa and laws of th�juris�iction where the P:operty �s locazod that <br /> rc2ate ta hcalth,safety or environnx.nta2 proux�oc. <br /> N�JN-UNjFORM COVENANi'S.Borrower au�?�.a�er furt4er�vcaa�t and agree as follo��s: <br /> 21. �►cceleraUan;Remtc33es. Lt�der s�ll g��aotke to Borrawer prior!to accelaat�on followiag Borrower's breach <br /> ot ang coeeaant o� sgreemeat In this Secvr3ty Iasinuueat (btrt no� pr€or to acctleratiafl under paragraPh 17 unless <br /> apptkable isa �vides Mhe.�wlse).T'�e rs�ia s�all specif�+: (a) the d2isnli; �b) the action reqtdrtd to cure the dr,fsult; <br /> (c)a dlate, aot iess than 30 days from the dnte the notkt�a givm to So�wer, by whlch the defavlt must be cured; snd <br /> (d) that fataim to rnre the delault on or before tha date sped[!ed fn the notice saay nsnit in accd�rat�an nf the sums <br /> s�cziml by t�Es Security �cs� �nd�a4c af the Propaty. 'ILc aotiia s�hsU tt,rt�cr inform Borrower of the right to <br /> rclnsiate a!'tcr accdrratlon and the rlghi to bring a court actlor� to assezt Wt non-cxistence of e defaul4 or any othrs <br /> dete�e ot B�rrower to accderatfva and sale. di the defanit Ls t�ot cured aa or 5efore We ciate spec�ried in the notice, <br /> i,ender, at iis optton, may rrqulre ImmedFaie �aaymtnt in fnli of all snms secured by 3his Seciirity In�sMYment w(thoat <br /> furt.'�er demrind may inroke the po�ver of saic aad gap other mncu�ies germltfed by applic�bEe taw. L�eder shall bc <br /> entl�ied tu coflecL al!arp�s IIICUr�xd fn pursuiag the s�e�ies provided tn thLg paragsa�h 2F,3nclusling,bnt not tSmited <br /> to,reasonable attorneys't'eQS and costs o[2iUe evideace. <br /> I�F t5e go�oer of sale � Invaked, �� �u �ra 8 �cin ar aeeaWC m ��s �� ia �m�� �y �n oe cn� <br /> Prv�.►eriy ts located and shau mail copies of snc�na£ice!n the manner prtsc.ribed by appllcs�le law to Borrower and to <br /> the utt�er pessovs pr�ib'd by applkable la�.A1Y�f�e t��ne reqaiml�y appli�ble law,TtuStee shall g�ve pnblic not�ce <br /> o[sale to i6e persoa4 and in t�e maaner pr�ibed hy ap�.�llca:�le law.Tttutet, withant d�mand on Sorcuwer, shall seli <br /> .u�P�gerty at pubtic saetic►n tm the hi�hest bIcidrr ac t�:�ne and platt aad u�dsr t�e tams d�gasted in the Botice of <br /> ssLe in one or aaon parcels An@ in any ordes'Trustee$etttbnines, 'I�ustae �y postpone sale of all or any parcel of the <br /> �P��Y bY Pvbiic ann�anccgneut �t tt:e time aud place of aay pt�ritruslq schednled sata I.ender or iis designee may <br /> purcha�e ihe�raperty a�any sul�. <br /> Fcrm 3D28 5/90 <br /> �-&R{NE1 ts���t.oi ��.e a e <br /> wri.a�� <br /> t <br /> . <br /> : <br /> . . <br />