. q�j-� �ao��rs
<br /> 5. Hxrard or Prunerty Ias�e. Borrowes shaq lcttp the improvemcnu naw existing or hereafter ere�cd an thc
<br /> �P',-m' »� 8E��loss by frre, hazards included within the term 'ezt�cm�e.rsge" aad aay otha haza�ds, includ'u�
<br /> floods or flooding. far which I.endrr r�xires i�s�raa�e. This ia�aancc sha;be maintainod in t�e amovnts md for ths peri�
<br /> that I.en�er requires. Thc iasura�xx curier{r,rviding the i�uraace shall�e e�oaea by Borraaver subjeu w l..eader's appro��al
<br /> w!uc� shall not be unreasunably wiii�betd. If Bo�o�va fails to ,rsm�;,, covrrage described above, I.eader mty* u Lcndtr's •
<br /> oF,tica,o�tain covarage to protea L.asd�x's rights in the Pro�ty in acoonlanoe with paragraph 7.
<br /> All insurarzcr.policies aad reaewals shall be aca�table w L.eoder and shall incliuk a stan3ard mortgagt dause. L�da
<br /> siiaaii have the right zo hold the policies aad rsaewals. If L�da reqciiru,B�rower s$all gmmpttp give ta I.eader all reoeipu uf
<br /> paid prcmiums a�d tengwal uotias.Ia the evYat of loss,Born.ra+a shaII givz pcnmpt notice m the iasurance carria snd L.eac��rs.
<br /> i�r may ma➢ce proo:of loss if n�t made p�tly by Boirower. .
<br /> Unless Lr.�der aad Borrower otbavvise agrx in wcidag.iasuraace p�nceeds shall bo�rpuad to restoration or repair of the
<br /> Propcm•ctamagrd.if the restor�ic�n ar repair is oconom9cally feesi�le snd Len�ier's�axtrity is nM l�tsenod.If the cestoration or
<br /> rcpair is nct ccanomi�lly feasiblo or I.cacier's sa,vrity would be lessened. t6e iasors�ce pr000cds stsail be appliod to the suuu
<br /> sccumi by this Sersri:y Iastrument, a�hcstxr ar not thea duo, wi:h any excru paid to Borrowa. If Borrower abandoas the
<br /> ProPerty, or does not aaswer within 30 day:a notice fram�that t�s insuraflce raxrier}�s offesed to settle a ciaim. th�n
<br /> Lend�r nnay coilect the ia�usmce proaxds. Leader asry na�e the p:oaeeds to stpair or reatore tho Property\or to pry auau._ -�
<br /> aaucod by thie Sscurity Instrsman,whether or aot theu dua.'Ibc 30-dry puiod will begin ahea tbs aotice i�gi�ea. .
<br /> TJnless L,ea�ier snd Bociotwer otherwise a8re la '�rritia8. +sY �piicatioa of pcmcoeds to principal thall �t eztand ar
<br /> pattpone the dae date of the u�onthly paynxats xrf�to in pa�graphs 1 aned 2 or change the tmount of the payment�. If under
<br /> P�B�h 2i the Property is a�quired bY I�ader. Bormwer's right to a:ty ins�rana policie� amd proceeds zesulting from
<br /> damage to the ProP�Y Prior to thc acquisition shali paas to Leader to tbe�t of the s�s seauod by thia Socuricy Instniment
<br /> immadiatdy prior to the acquisiiion.
<br /> 5. Occupsincy, Preservutfoa�Mslnte�nce sa�Prote�tio�of t3Ee�'roga�t�:23orrower's I.oan AppUcatioa; Leateholds.
<br /> Borrowu sha:i occupv,cstablish.aad use thc Praperty as Borrowcr's pr�i�cipal raidence within sixty days aRer the cxecuuon of
<br /> this Sa.urity llnstrum�ent a�i shall eontiaue w occuF'� the R'opertY as BOmo�er's Pri�ipal resideace for at Ieast onc year after
<br /> the date af�ccupancy, unieas Leader otherwise egroes in writia�.whinc�oa�eat ahall not be unreasouably wiLhheld, or unless
<br /> exteauating circu� exist whi� sre bayoaci Borron�t's cvamol. Borro�vex ahall not desuoy. dama8e or impair the
<br /> Property, v)o�u the Property to dctuiarate, or oommit w+�e on the Pmperty. Borroara ahall be in default if any forfeitvre
<br /> actioa or proc=eding, whathcr civil or criminal. is b�gvn thu in I,tada�'a good faith judgment could c�nilt 'vn forfeiture of the
<br /> Properr}or othuwiu mataia�Iy im�sir the liea cratod by this Seeurity Iatuumeat or L,eader's socurity interest. Borrower rnay
<br /> ci:r cUCh a default and tcinssate,u p:ovidad in par.,graFh 1&,by causiag the�xioa or prooaoding to bs dismissed with a ruling
<br /> thaz, in Lrndrs's gaad faith dacr�ina�an, prcc;udes forfdtare of the Bc�rcow�r'a interat in the Progerty or other material
<br /> im�airII�cnt of tYee lien cnated by this Securicy lasuu�eai or I.ender's sa�uriry iaterrst. Bor.ower shali also be in default if
<br /> Bormw;,r, ducitlg ihe lo3tt ap+pli�,xlioII gtOC�ss,gave tnaterially falx or ia�ccurau Information or statemeats to L�ender(or failed
<br /> to provide�dcr with any material iifonnauoa)in�n�o�ioa w������y��y,��Note� including, but not l:miced
<br /> to, rePresencationz conaraing Bor*awrr's occupaacy of the Fr�erty at a principal resideace. tf this Securiry Instrument is on a
<br /> ]casehol�, Boirower shall compty with all the provisians of the tease. If Bo:rower a�quitts fa tide to the Proporty, tho
<br /> lcasehold ac±d!he fte dtie shali not merAe natess L,.•ada agroes co the magtr ia writing,
<br /> 'f.Protec�ian Qf I.md�'s Rtghts in tix Propect�.If Barrowcr fails m pe.�form the coveaaats and agnements contained in
<br /> this Scti.-urity Instr�meut� er ihecrt is a legal proaociiag that mry sibnlficaatly af'foa Leadu's rights in the Property (�uch ag a
<br /> procerding in bankrvptry, Frabace, far condemnstion or forfeiture or to eaforx Iaws or regulataons), thtn Lender may do and
<br /> pa�• for whatrver is ae�ssary to pmtxt the value of t�Praperty and I.��a`a rig,hta in the Property. L.eader's actions may
<br /> include paying any aurns Fec.uiM by a liat which hat pciotity ove� thia S�urity Innnimeat, 8ppcaring in court, paying
<br /> rcasonabl�:ttaraGys' fees and ontering�thc Propettlr ea malx nptir�.Alth�ugh I.earler mey take Lctiois unaCr this P�S�Ph
<br /> 7.I.eac3er does aot have to do so.
<br /> Any amcxcnts disbursed by Ixader ua�r this ga.-agra�h 7 shalt tr�mc additioaa! debt of Bc,rrower secured by this
<br /> Sscurity Instrument. Unlexs Borroa�er ansi Leader agrr.�to athsr tcrass of payzra�t, � amounu shall bear interest frvm the
<br /> date of disburseaxnt at the rlotc r�te snd shail be pa�,abie, with intcrest, upc7a notict from L�ader to Boxcvwer requesting
<br /> payrncnt.
<br /> �.�iortgage Iasurence. if Lender requirod mortgagc i�r�uce as a�diiian of making the loan securtd by this Security
<br /> Instruacac, �3onowor shall pay �e premiu�s required to ma�nL;n t�e �rtgage :.y,�rance in effect. If. for any reason, t5e
<br /> mort�e insurance�verage n�uir..ct by L.eader lapses or�to be in effax, Sorroarr shali pay the pretaivass reyuiracl to
<br /> obts:n coverage suhstantialty equiwa�eut to th:mortgage insurancx pnwiaus!y in effect. at a oost aubstantially equivalta: to the
<br /> cast ta �orrowzr af t:se mortgage iasuranca previoiuly in effxt, from aa �texnate mortgage iasurer apgrove� by I,ender. If
<br /> suhuan�atIy equitairnt�orcg�e insuraux coverage is ndt availabl�,Borrowa shall pay to Lea�er each monsh a sum equal to
<br /> oco-tweifth of tn�y'eariY aort8age ins�r�r.a prem�uni bc�pai�by Barrower whaa the iasarazxx coverage l�sed or c.eased to
<br /> be in offxt.Lrrxicr FilI�c�egt.use and ret�in these papmeats as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage ��uraace. Lo�s me.cv;
<br /> ;
<br /> Form 3028 £?:t!
<br /> �� '��$Fl{�j�t92521-Ct i`ap�3 d 6 �
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