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<br /> �roGETxfix NtTx aDl the:m�novar�ts aow or he�fter«+�ea on t�pcoputy.aaa au�ts,appurtenancu, ana
<br /> fiz!ures now or htrcafter a part of thz praperty. All repiac�nean aad additiaaa shsil also be covtred by this Security
<br /> Tanre�cnt.fiii of the fcmguing is refrmed to ia t5is Saauity Iasuumeat as the'Ptvperty,•
<br /> 80RROWER�VENANTS that BorroR�er is lawfully aeised of the csate hereby canvtyed md has the right to grant aad
<br /> coavzy the Pmperty �d that the Pro�+scty is aacmcumbcrod, uagt for cncambranas of record. Borrower warrencs and will
<br /> �fcnd gcacrally tht tit?e to:he Pr�xrty agains�aI]claiffi asxi deanands,subjexx to a�y encumbrsnces of rr.cerd,
<br /> THIS SF:+CF.JRIT�'INST'RUkIEIVT'cambinr��anform coveaanu for natioa.l use aua aon-uniform�vr..r,anu with limiced
<br /> variazioaa by jurisdiaio:►ta cor.stitute a vaifoim sxuriry insuummt covering rea;praperty,
<br /> 4JIVIFQRi�i COVET�`AM'S. Borrowa sad I.eader oovea�mt and agroe ss fallows:
<br /> 1. P�y�eat of grincfpsl an3 Zatarest; Prrpe7mmt aad Late Cbar�es.. Bommver s�al1 Pm�Y P$Y when duc the
<br /> priz�ipal of aad intcr�est an 3he debt evi�by cbe�1ae aad aa�r P�a}'meat amd Irse chargGS due under the Note.
<br /> 2. Ftimds fur Tazcs aad Ia�rance. Snbjax to�piiabk la�v or ta a w�rittea walver b;+ I,endcr. F3orrower ahall pay to
<br /> i.c�er ea th�day moathly gaynner►u ue duc u�der the Note.n�arii the Note is paid in full.:snm('F�ads')for: (a)yearly tazes
<br /> ,�..,, :�nrrnts which tnay attain priority�er thls Sxuriry Imtuumeat as a tien oa tt�e Prapetty:{b)Ytuly leasthold paymeats
<br /> or grou�ei ieats on th�Froperty.if say:(c)Yezv1Y haurd or FropcttY fnsutma p�emiumt:(cn YuriY flood insurana pmmiums,
<br /> if aay: (e)YcuiY mortBa8� in�u�oe F�. ��Y: sod (�aaY am*n PaYable bY Bocrower to L�eada. in a000tdance with
<br /> the provisl�of para�aph 8, fn lien c:'the paymemt of mortg�ge tnsuuace premiuras. Tlx�s items are callod 'F�c+ow Items.'
<br /> [.cadcz may. az soy tiax, collax ,ad hoid Fua�is in m amoaat nc� zo a�crad the �um a�mamt a leader for a :ederaliy
<br /> r�elatea martgage la�m t�ay .equire for B�ormwa'� rscto9v se�uat tmda the feda��l Ral Eatate Settlemeat Proeedwes Act of
<br /> 1974 u arnmdaf from time to time� 12 U.S.C. �iioc 2�QI et se+q• ('RESPA': natess tmother law that apglid to t�e Funds
<br /> se�s a lessu amaiat. tf so. I.a�dcr mry. at aaY time, coilecx and hold Fs� la aa a�auai not to ezaod the lesser amouat.
<br /> L.znda may cxtimate tht amc�ut of!�ands doe oa tbe Fi� of curmst dasa�md r�bk�tim�sa of expeaditurrs of future
<br /> E.�crow Itaas or othetwiu in�rdaace with�pplksblo law.
<br /> Th� Fands shall bc he�d in aa ins�tucioa vrhose de�es�sa �e tnsured by a f�lerrl ageacy. Inscnimeatality. or entity
<br /> (iacluding I.eud�cr, if i.cnda is a�cd�a iustitutioa)or in aay Feder't Home i�u��. I.eader shtIl appiy tha F�nds to psy the
<br /> EscroN ltr.�. Leuder msy not�e 8orrawr.r far ao7din8��'A�Y�S���� �alty aailyzir,g the eacraw account, or
<br /> verifyin.g Lhe Emow Iteatt,unless L�pays Borroa�a m.erat�[hc Fciads aod�li�ble law pamits L,eader to maice such
<br /> a c�aarge. How�.wa, I,rnder mry rcquire Burrower w pay a��arge for sn in�t real estato sax reporting servia
<br /> usc� by Lrndu Fn canneaMli with this {opn, unless a�pliablc law pmvidd otherwise. Unicss ea agrcesneat is made or
<br /> applicabie law rcquir�iaterest co be�aid. I,ead�s sbaii not be;,oquircd m,�ay,Eaarower acry �te�or earnings on the Funds.
<br /> Aotmwcr ana I.zndrr rnaY agroe in writia8, however. that intcrest shall be gaid oa the Fnads. Leaaitr shall give to Borrawer,
<br /> w�ithaut cbarge, an aaaual accmu�tiag of ttse Punds, sLowing cr�adita and debits m t[ts Funds and the puspos� for which esch
<br /> d�it to tt�cc�Lads wai madr..i'be F�s arc pl�dgod is addiclaaaI srr.vrity for�Il sumi aavrx by this Sccuzity Instnius�nt.
<br /> If the Fiuids hdd bv I��ader ezcwd th�aasounts pamitttd co be bdd by a}�Qiicable laa, Lend�shatl aocovnt to Borrower
<br /> far the ezccss �-yd.� in a�ordaace wi;n tbc n�i�rea.eais of appiicabk law. 1;t�e amount af the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> ti..x is not suffecieat to pry the Estrow Itemi whea duc. I.tackt may sa natify Borrower in wtiting. aad, in such ease Bormwsr
<br /> shall gay co i.ender the amosc� noo�sary co m�ke up thc d�fiaeacy. Borrower shrll make up the de:DC1f.�CY III DO fIIOfC 5�1.1�
<br /> iR'G�YC fDOi1Q1�Y P8Y�3.3t I.C�Gf�3 SOZZ a35C7tSiOD.
<br /> Upoa payukxt in full of ali uu�s srcured by t�is Seeuriry Iasuvmait. I.eader shall promptly refiuicl to Borrower any
<br /> Funds hdd by L,erxier. If, u�da pa�gra�rb 21. I,eader shaL'acquire a sell thc pmpesty� L,rnder�prior to the acquisiti�n or sale
<br /> of the F'roQerty, shai(apPtY aa�r Fvnds hdd b��L.rader at tt�e timc of aoquisitioa or sale ss a credit against the suma s�unod by
<br /> this Securiry Instrumrnt.
<br /> 3.Appltcai�on o!P`m*Tamts. Unless a�splic�bia 1�+P:'rn'ides otherwise,all prymcata rcceived by Lendcr undcr paragraphs
<br /> 1 and 2 stsall bt�ppliod: fl�st. tr atry vrc�ymeut charga dsse uader the Note; socond. W aubounn payable u�er pa►agraph 2;
<br /> third,to iata�st dus; f�.to pri��rol d�:and i�t,to ury late d�arge�duc under thc N�te.
<br /> 4. CE�es; L.fe�. Be-cower ahall pry al! tnxes.use�s. d;arges, fcQa sad impositions aaributable ,,the Property
<br /> W�hich may attsin priority a►�this Ser+uity Insuumeat. aad lu�ut�' paymmts or grom�d rwts. if smy. Borrower shall pav
<br /> these obligacioas in the manna grovidzd in prregr�h 2,or if not gaid in that maaarr, Bortvaa shall pay chem on time directly
<br /> t�the person owai psymen*. Bormcver sb�li prom�xly furnish to I.ead�r atl nQtica of amoimts to be paid under thia paragra�h.
<br /> If Borrowet makes these paymeats d'uxtty,Bonuwa s�ail Pi'am�t1Y f�unish to I.eader rocezPts e"idencing the paymeats.
<br /> Borrewer shall grosupd}dischsrge a�y tien which has�rior�ty aver chis Seci.-rity Ins�t unlese Borrowzr: (a)agrxs in
<br /> uz'sting e��he p�y-ment of the obligarion s�-zd by tbc iim in a:a�a�x,i;rle to I.eada; (b)contests in good faith the lian
<br /> b�, or defe�ds a,gaiau rufocruneat of the liea in, I�ga1 gra�ding3 wtiich in th� I�a•$ ��� �� � prwrnt t�e
<br /> enfGrc��t�f�c tien; or(c)s�u,�es frvm the hoi�of thc IFin an agrxmeat saiisfusory to L,eadez subordinating tht lien to
<br /> this Se�.crity 3nscrusait. If I.rader ciueiminzs tha:aziy p�t of the Praperty is sa�sjax to a liea which zaay a.•tain prioriry aver
<br /> this Securitv Iactrumrnt. Ixuc.'er may givz Sorrower a notice identifying the liea. Bozrowa sbatl sazisfy:he Iiea or talce one ur
<br /> more of th.°.acriens sct focth abo��e within 10 days ai tha�ving of notice.
<br /> Fam 3028 /90
<br /> ��-SfiiNE7 ro<,z�.a� r.o.2ote .�
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