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� <br />� <br />� <br /> s <br /> 0 <br /> I <br />; . 0�-3�-1.�9? [�EED �F TRil�T Pege.5 <br /> � Loan PEo �6684� (CaM�nased) �'f g- .�QQ��� <br /> -- .�..� <br /> @) Commencs an acUc,n to forecbse 2hEs Dee�ot Trust as a mortp�gs,apcolM a r�cehre�or s�ed}fcaAy eMa�e any d tl�,=svennnts <br /> htxed;and <br /> {c) DaAvar te Trustee a wriHsn deciaraBort o!dstaudt and demand tor sak+artd a�n no�o!defautt and electfon M causa Trvstors <br /> intaeest in tha Prs�perty to be sold.which natice Trustae�i�cae►se!o be duy�d for reCOrd f�ihe app•oqiele atffoas ot Mw CcuMy M <br /> which the PropeRy is focated;and . <br /> ;d) Vlith respmct to aA or arry��art ot the Personal Property�tsnder shaN have ail Ure�iphls artd remedlaa of a se�ured party urxSer the <br /> lJ�raska Unifam+Camrmsr�lat Code. <br /> Foreelnaure by i'awer of Saie. If La�ier sleds'lo ioredo5e by�eease of tl�e Power ot Sele herein co�fainod,L.�Qer sha,!�od".y Tntufee and <br /> shaN deQc+sit wtth Trustee tt�is�eed a 7rtut and tlie tJok and such rec�eipls and evider�e of�sndturss mtede nnd aacura�by 9hb D,eA o! <br /> Trust 8•.Trt�tee msy reqtdre. - <br /> (aj Upon recdp�o!such n�ice from Lender,Tr�fae st�4 cause ia be recorded.Pc�lshed end deBv�aredlo Trustor sucA Nolicce af Dsfault <br /> . and Nutice o!Sale as t!xsrt reGtfhed by 18�w end by this Ileed�f 7rvst T�ust�e Shal,wilhout demand on Tnlstot,at�r suC�iGne es m8y <br />. th3n he req�red by law�nd aRer recada9fart ot such NoBc�o(Detattt�nd aRer Notic�oi S�sle hevinp b9en qiven as requ6red by Iaw,s�6 <br /> fhs Proparty at the Gma and pFace of saie flxed!ty R in such Nadc�cd Srete,eFtt+er as a whde.or I�sapsrate lots ex pa�els or!lems es <br /> Trustas shap daem e�edsent,arxi!n s�h�xdac ss N may cietarmine,at¢c�bic auc�an to the hi�t�,st b�ddar tw cash In tawiul mcriey ot <br /> fhe�`r�siad SF�tss psyaGle at tha tlme oi sale. Trustee sheM cleRver ka such ourct�eser ar purchasers thereoi iRs good end sumc�►t daed a <br /> deeds corsveyEng the proporiy so sdd.bul N�thout arry cavenant or arerranty.e�ress ar implad. The recilais(n wch deed�of ary rtsstters <br /> or tacts ahaA be conduslve prooi o(the&t�tha�eoi MY P�rson.k�cludkp w�out 1m'�ibn Tntstor�Trusf6e, a L�ndu.maY .. <br /> purCh�e at st�cis ssle. _ , . ._ .-- —._ ._._..�.___.._ `_._,__ .. _....� ._ _.__ . <br /> (b) As rr�Y be pertniRted by Isw�after deductlr►a e6.�sts,tees ind expareses of Tnxsles azd of this Tnrst�i�ludinp costs of avldence o! <br /> tirie tn ronnecdon witfi ssle.Tnlstee sha9 eRPb ti'►a P�roce�eds ot ssle to p�yment ot pj e8 sums e�ended u�er tFse bems of►Ns deed ot <br /> Trvst or und�tFw iarms nt tAe Noi9 nat Men repeid Pr�c�udnp but no4�mtted to aocn�ac!lnt�sat and fate charpes, A)sA othsr s:mb tha� <br /> secured Maraby,ar:d {Ai)the remalrxisr�tf ths E�son a parsorb IapaAy enGtled 8'+srMo.�: •: ' <br /> (c) Trustee may in tfiA mar+ner pro��dsd�y lew pcetporw aele af aN er any parffo�o(tM Prgpeily. <br /> Resnedles Not ExctusJve. Trtc�tse artd Lender,and saeh af tt�em,stenA be entltlsd to entoros paymeM�nd pe►tortnerxx ot er�y Indebtedness <br /> or ob�gaSons seccned by 4h(s Dead oi Tnn4 and to socercfse a1 riphis and powcxs tmder thls Daed of Trust,under the No4e,under any of the <br /> Reittlad Documents,a under arry cther agreen�ent or any lews now or herea4te�in force;notwlthstan�np.some or a9 0l such{r.debtedness <br /> gnd obfigatloas�sectxed by thb Daed of 7rust may�ow or heteatler be othenvfse sectred,whelhsr bY R�ort9861e,deed o!tnnt,Fled9e�pan� <br /> ass!lti;nment�r oiherwise. Neither the sccaptance of ttds�eed oi Tn�!nor Its erdorcement,wheiher by court ectlan er pursusM to the power oi <br /> sale or oiher powas c�ntalned In this Dead of Tn�s�sh�preJudfce or in nrry martner affect Tnntee'S or Lende�s ri�ht to reaNze upoA or <br /> enface arty other sectxtty now or hareaHer held by 1'►ustee or Lender.H being eyre�d thel TrusSes and Lendar,and h of Yiem,shtN�e' -,,\ <br /> entltied fo eni!orce this Qeed of Tn�t end any att�yecu�fty np�y or hertiyalter i�id by l.ender a Tntsiee In such order an�d�manner as they or <br /> cuth� of them may in their ebsduHe disaeSOn dsle�rtdne, Np remedy cpn}erted upo�a raserved to Tnlsiee or Lander,1s intended lo be <br /> exdusive ot eny other remedy{n Uds De�d o(Tnut or by law prov(ded or Rertr9tEed,but eech shal bs q3muls4ve and shaM be In addltlon to <br /> ve <br /> every other rema.^!y ghron In this Deed ot Tnn9 w now cc herea}ter extstlng a4 faw a M equily or by statula. Every powtr or n b the <br /> Note or any e! ttis Relaled Documents to Truslee a Landar or lo whlch elthar of qiem rney be otherwlse enNtled,ma�y be�,ed, <br /> conctxrentry cx irtdePendarttlY� from Nms to dme and as oflen as may be deert�ed e�e�ent by Trustee or Lsnder.and BNher of them may <br /> pursue incor�skstent remedfa�. N�thing in tfiis peed o{Trv��t�!be�y�� ������ a deMclency)udpmeM <br /> aQai�.si ihe Tnlsta�te the extent such sc�on fs pem�fltsd lay law. ' • . <br /> Requsst For Plotke. Tnstor,on betiaM af Tnxlor and Lender,hereby ragues�Rhet a copy of arry NoUce of QeCaul!artd a copy of any Notl� <br /> of Sale under this Deed of Trtn3 be�naded to them at ths nddr+asses�et forth Sn the 9kst pareq:aph oi thig Deect of Tnut.�,. . <br /> Wdver; Electlon ot Rem�dlea. A welver by eny party ot a bre�h ot a provlsbn af tt�t Deed a(Tnist shaN net caisL'tufe e waive►o!or <br /> prejudice the part�/s r!phs oG'ierv►Fse to demancl strlct compAarxx;s v�fth that provls(on or any oiher provhlon. ElecUon by Lsnder ta pursuo eny <br /> rerr�dy p�avided In this Deed ot Trust,the Note,ir.eny Helaled Document,or provided by law shell not exdude pursult o(any aher remedy, <br /> e <br /> and an ebc8on to make a�an�ttues or to taDce ectlon to perform an ob6peMon of Trustor t�*�der this pe�d ef Tnest aR�r lapure af�n�stpr to <br /> Qertortn shaN�ot e4feCt Lende�'S r.pM to decie►e fl deieult and io eoterdse 8ny o(Its reme�es. <br /> At4ornays'Faes;Exx�eenses. �f Lender instHut�s any suM or pcdon!o e�orce any of U�e lerrnt ot thk Deed of Tnast,Lender shaM bc entfYtled te <br /> ed <br /> recover such sum as',he cou�t mey ad}udge reasoRable ns attomeys�{ees at triel and on any ap{ieal. Whether pr not any court aciion is <br /> invdvsd,ep rea,s4r�able�arues i�cur,ed by Lsnde�wh3�h in Lendera cpinion are neoenary at any Hrtie fC,�the prolectlon ot��nterest a fhe <br /> R9 <br /> entorcement ot its rigMs shaR become a part ot ihe Indebbedr�s�,ayabie on demand and shaA bsar interest af the Nobe rats tram ttv�dnl�of <br /> expenditt,ve untA rep�id. Expenses covered by thfs paraflreph indude,withou(8mifatlon,howeve�s�ibJeCt io any 9mtls urtdsr sipppcabie taw, <br /> Lende�s attomeys'tees whether or not tt�e fs m lawsuit,Inclt►ting afterneys'fees for bankniP�Y P�ee�rqs(induding eKa1s to mc�dffy or <br /> vacate any automaHc stay or Injunctlon), appeaFs ar►d any anUcipated posl-judymeni coAecllon aervfces, tf�e c�st ot seercrdnp records, <br /> obfafrdng N11e repor?s(i�l�d'ing toredosure co e <br /> �r+!��+hy aQpticable law. Trustor also wW�)•s�'�,���eAP�fees.@tle insurance,and ises tor the Trustre,to ths axtsnt <br /> P+�Y�Y couri cosb�in ad�tion to all df�twms providsd by law. <br /> Riphta i,•T�ttic9ee. Truslee shap have aG of the riphts and duUas oi Lender as set(orth iR 4Ms soctlon. <br /> P!OWERS AND OBLIGATIO!!S C�'TRUSTEE. The toNowlnp provlsions rela@r�y lo the powen and obNQatl�ns o}7nnlee are part pf tNs Deed o1 <br /> Trtts4. <br /> Powers of Trustee. in addi8on to alf powers of Trustee arisi,np as a rt�tter ot I�w,Trvstse shaq have the power to take ih�tollowinq actiorrs <br /> with respect to Ihe Proper�y upon the wriHe�request of Lender and Trustor: te)Ioi�fn FreParing and FJing a map or p!at M the Aeal PropeRy <br /> in�luding ihe dedlcaEon of stree�x olher righls to the public; Qb)Jdn I�prantlnq erry 9asert�ent or creatlriq any resp'iCtlpn on fhe Fieel Property; <br /> and (c)jdrt In any s�,�bor�lnation or other�eert,ent atEec�rp tMs Dsed ot Trusi or the IMe�t of Lender under tf�s pead pf Tntst � <br /> Trusfee. Tntstee sheA r.�eet ap quaGficaUcxis requked for Trusbea vnder app6cable law. In ad�don to the ripfns and ren�es sa�torth above, <br /> with rospecl to aq or any part ct the Property.the Trusslee shaA heve tfie ripht to forsctose by notice and sale,and lender shep heve(he rlpht to <br /> foredose by Judfctel foreclosure.In etther t�se In acconfance wkh and to the(t�e�xd Prov{ded by tlppYcabb law. <br /> Succtssor 7rustte. Lendsr,a!lender's opHon,may from tlme to tlrtse appolnt a st�sor Tntstee fo erry Trustee appdr�eCf hereunder by an <br /> instrument executed and ec�cno+vfedged by l.�nder and recorded in tta olfl�of the recordet of FIA1.1 Cot�ty.Nebraska. The instrurnent sheA <br /> coritaln,in additlon to a9 cth�er matters roqt�d by state law,the nemes of the oripinai Ler.der,Tnatea,and Ttustor,the book and paQa(or <br /> computer sys'.em relerence}wt�e tMs Deed of Tnist Ls recoMod,and the name and addtess of tha suocessor truslee,and the Irntrttt►w�nt shaA <br /> be Eixecuted and adcnowledged by aA Me beneficiaries under the Deed o1 Tn�st or thek s�sors In irr�rest. The s�sor}n�ytee,whh� <br /> cornayence of the Pfoperty�shaA succeed to aN the tltle.Power�arni duUes conterred upon the Truslee in ttds Dead d Trust eu�d by eppYcsble <br /> law. Thb procetfure trx subshtution of trustee shaN qovem to ths e�ccftalon of aA othar provfslons for subs�tttNon. <br /> HOYICES 70 TRllSTOfi AND OTi�'R Pi�tTiE'S. Any no'.i�e u�der this Doed oi Trus't ShaA be(n wr1Hn0. may be se�by te�mBe(uNess <br /> �nerwse requ4ed by taw��e�a sh�l be enecflw9 wne�actuaAy deeve�ed,a wne�deposned wnN a nanortany recos�d o�emfght couNer,a,K <br /> msS!E�d,shaq ba deemed efiecthre whers deposfte�i!n the llnited Slates meH Rrst dass,carfllfed a reptstered rt+M,PostaOe P�epeld.�recled to the <br /> addrt+ssos shown near the beginrdr+g of ihis Deed of Tntsf. MY P�'�Y meY�en0e Its address tOr notic�es undar t4ds Qaed ot 7Rn!by phAnp formg) <br /> writtan nodce to the cshv parties�speciMn2 that the purao�of Qhe r.otice is tc+elenge the party'g address. fJl copies ol n�af Iornclosure irom <br /> lhe hader M any 8en wtdch has priority over tt�s Dsed of Tn�st�ha9 be sent to Lendar's fld�ess,as sAown near the bapinNn�o(Wa Desd o!Tn�si. <br /> s <br /> Far nal+ce Purposes,Trusfor agrees to keap Lender and Trustee�nformed at ep yrt�as o('Tnislpra�urt�n�Qddress. , <br /> MISCELLAMEOtJ3 PROY1510N3. The fagax{r,p r►�sc�lar�eous prov��ye,��a this Deed of Trust , <br /> Ame�tidment�. Thts Qeed af Trust,together wtth any Releted DocumenTs.cortstttutes the entlre understand(ny and eflreement of the paAles as <br /> to the maf:ers sel forin In fhis Ceesi of Tnist No enercHon of a ame�dmartt to tNS Deed W Trust sheX be ettective ur�less qlven!n wr(tlrq and <br /> s19�bY►he Pg�Y a P�aoupht!o be charqed cr bou�d by the alteratlon a amendmenL - . .. <br /> Annue!Rer,orts, tt ttx�Property is use�fer ptxposes other than Trusta's r�sidence,TrUSior Sha1 tumish to Lender,upon rnQu9st.a carliNed <br /> satemtw�t of rwgt operaHn�income received{rom y�,�roperFY durinp 7rusto�s previous lfscat yaar fn sucf� lam and defei!qs l.snd�•th� <br /> wtne R��an►�g income•snaa mean ae cush rec�'p!s lrom ihe Proper�y fess ae cash eo�er,�tures made In connecnon wNt,nie oparap,n <br /> APW-�able Lew. Th!a Deed o(Truad has been dellrerod�o Lander and acespte�bY�ender(n the State of keb►aeka.\Thls Deod of Trust' <br /> � - •, �� �dl!)�� <br /> s� <br />