0�-�5-�99s DEEn �F TRUST Page 4
<br /> Loan No 866848 (�cntlntsed� �q— 1.QQb6r1�
<br /> Q� ,
<br /> SECURI�'i'AQFiEEAR�lT;F11dAAiCtPlG�'T'AT'E�tEKTS. The tokrxinq Provk�raa8np to this Deed�Trust as a Sec�aitY aflr$err�nt are a pert ot
<br /> this t)se�d d TntSL �
<br /> �n3r��r'eer�nG Tt�ks k�rument shel con�h;ie Q secxxttr�M�p G1►,aod��t a a the
<br /> ��oP�S'.en�Lsnder sha9 have�9 of the riphts ot 8�paxYed p9ufy tm4er Ehe tlnHotm Com��e�ded trom d� .
<br /> � 8veUrity tnZersst. !l�on reciuost bY Land�,Ttu�stor sf►ta eomCtdo dnensinQ�ttt�msnts�nd tala�wfiafever olhsr�Ctlon!s r�t�tted by lender
<br /> to p�iect end conBnue l.ander'S&ectxity In�t!n tbe fienls and Persor�al ProQerEy. In additEon to record3rq tt►IS Deed o!7rust an tha rea[
<br /> �roPertY recards,Lender may,at any ttme end wtChout hathar autt+o�natlan trom Tnistor,Qie e�uled counterPe►ts.caPCes or reproduc�ltc�s of
<br /> thfs Deed a!Trusi e�a t5nair�ng stateme,-if. Tnistor stm0 reimburse tsnder tor e��MCCxrsd!n paiiecBnp or coMinuinp this secax3ty
<br /> sm
<br /> �nleresf. tlpon data+_dt,Trtistor ahag ssssrnble ttie Perspr�!prope�ty�n 8 man,�er and at a plecd reasonably ca�vanf�nt to Trustor end Lender
<br /> and make R availsble to Lender wiufln tMve(3}dal5 a1te�rec�t o��xrittan demersd from LerM�.
<br /> AddrESies. The rt�np addr�a'7nrstor(debtar)and I.snder(5ectued PartY��rom whfch irttoPmnticx�cance�ni�g the seCt�ly kttetesi
<br /> pranled by thi.a Ds9d of TtusS may be ob�inad(�h as rrequksd by th�tlnifortn Comme�cisi C�a�ere as sttfed on tha f4s!Aati7e N hds�JeeA
<br /> of Trust.
<br /> FIkiTHER ASSLIRAWCE8;�A7TORNE1f-at8-FACT. The faioMrinO Prow�sions rele�tlng to hx+J��nces and nttansy�n-tec!are a part of thls
<br /> Deod oI Trust.
<br /> Fur'tl�st Aa�s. At eny @n�,nrM trom i{rtie!o]ms.upon r�uesf o[Lsnder.Tnlsttx wBl msice,axec.�uta and de►wsr.ar w�caus�So be
<br /> mede. exse��ted or de5vared, ta lender or to Le�`s desiprx0. and when reques4ed 4y Lender� cause to tse Ned, recaded, refibd, or
<br /> rerecorded,es the case may be.at suGh ifmmes a.nd In aurfi ofM,�s and pfeew.s as Lender mey deam approp,ri-te,enY and a4 such rtfo�efles, ,
<br /> e
<br /> d�ai srusl,securilY�eC%�,secwfty agraemoMs,N^ancln9 siabp�r►�ls.ccntlnu�tlon slafarnenls�instrumen�af further assuranco,ce�4i`�cates,
<br /> and ott�documents as m.sy�in the sole apinion cf Lends��Ce riec�sary ar desirabie ir order io effac;tuata.comPfeto.PeAect�contlnue,a
<br /> preserve {a)the obfigstions af Trustcx undar tha kots,�1is Diwd of Tnxst,and the RelBEed Documenis.and (b)the Aer�and aectxity I�tsres�
<br /> created by this Deed o(Tnis!es flrst nnd p►ior lieru aA the Proporly�whothsr now ownad or heraaRe►acquirbd by Trusta. Unless proh&�Ited by
<br /> rv t
<br /> law or a�raed to!he contrary by Lcndor 3n writfng,Truslor sha9 reimburse Lende�for aN cosfs and a�snses irecu►red in con�ecdo�with the
<br /> mat!e�,3 rebrred to In ihLs paragraph.
<br /> Atlumey-tn-Fect. 11 Trusior h�ds to do ar,y ot ttte tNr�r�farrod!a In tt�e pr�ng..�ag�eph,1.��rtu�.y do so for and in the name of
<br /> Trsisto:and et Tn�stor's e�erua. For such Aurposes>Trvsta hereby&revocAbN BPPdMs Lender es Trustor's ariomey-in-fact Por the purFose
<br /> of maklnp,exectrU�O. de&verinp,f�fnp.�cgnq.and doinq at other thinQs as may be necessary or des�rable�in Lenders sole opiNon�to
<br /> accarttpitsh ttw maiters referred to in ttia Prece�8n9 F�9fePh.
<br /> F1A.L.PEFt�0Ai1�ANC�. I!Trusior pays e!the indobtednass wh�ui due,a»d�p�forms ai tfx+oblfpatlons lot�posed upan Trustur under thfs
<br /> Daed cf Trust, Lender shail axacuie and dt�Yver to Trus�ea s r�qs�sst !a!u6 reconve�,�ar�ce and sf►nB e�aecuta and de6ver io Trustor suHable
<br /> slal�menls ot t�rmisiaBon of any flnandrsg staiement ai ttle evidfs+idng lende�s sacurib/inlsrost In the Rsnts and tlw Personal Property. Any
<br /> recc+nveyarx;a{ee requirad by Ia�H sha0 be pald by Tn�t�r,if t�rmitt�!bY ap�Cxblo law.
<br /> �f,U,LT. Fach oi±P�e to��ow(n9,at the o�ti�on of t.en�',shNl cor�Utute an svsnt of deFault("Evant of Oe(aulC)under Ws Deed of Trus!-
<br /> L�ei�utt on IrMebiedne�sa. FsHure ot Tn�stor to makt anY PaYm�t wtren due on the Iridebtadnde.s.
<br /> l?�ttaWt on Othor Payme�ts. FeStxe o!Tsu�r withn!tw�rr�e reqt�rad by this Deed o(Tn�sf lo rtwke anY PaY�snt(or taxes or instxnrx�,or
<br /> ar�yr other p�ymenl �
<br /> nec�sery fo prnverat 1��q of or to,�ttect discharpa ot eny�en.
<br /> Defsult In F�evor of Thlyd Partiets. Should Barower a�arry Tn�stos delauPt under any ban,eadension of cret9t,sectxHy e9reement,purchase c:
<br /> seL�; agreement, or a�y other a�reemeM, In faver o(arty oitwr credttor or peryun that may materiapy atfeci a�+of Borrpwer's propery or
<br /> Borrawe�s or any Trustor's eb3Aty ta repay ttre Loans cr peAorm tFtieir rRSpc�cyve obty,Jayor�s ut�er ttri5 Oeed M Trust or any o!the Relatetl
<br /> er
<br /> Documents.
<br /> Compitance DefauN. Fa9ure oi 7n�slor t�comp!}wfth any otF�term,obNgayon,cpvsr�ant or condiiion conleined In ihis Deed of Tntst,fhe
<br /> Note or in any ot the Reiated Occuments.
<br /> . :�:.Falae Stsfementa. Airy werranty�ra�.�erttatlon or s3stemant reasfs or turnlsl�ed to Lender bry a on behalf ot Tn�slar undar this Dood o(Tru�t,
<br /> the Note or the Related DocumenG is faise a�n�ng in any maleriet respect,slther now ar at the time mada or fixnishsQ.
<br /> L?etecilve Catlatesdtzatiore. Tt�s Deed of Trusf or arnc oi tlxc RNafed Documents ceases to be ln fuM faas and effect Qndudirp faiixe o!any
<br /> coUat�ral docume�ts to create a vae�and pe�fected security(nterest or 6en)nt arry tlme and tor arry reason.
<br /> Oeath M Inaolvency. The death of Tnsfor a the �sduBan a lern4naUon of Tntsta�s eodstertce as a gdny business, fhe tnsoivency of
<br /> Trustar,the appointmen4 of a receiver for any part ot Trustor's property,any ass3gnment for the bsns6t of credctcrs,any typa of credifor workoul,
<br /> cu ths camrrt�,-icement of any prcce�ding uncler sny bankn�picy tx insohrency Fayvs by a a�afr�t Trustor.
<br /> Forecloaure,Forfetture,etc. Commen�ment ot toredosure or torteiture Prxeed�ngs,whether by judicial pror�ding�eeM-help�rePaasessl�n
<br /> or any other method,by any creditor ot Trustar or by any povemrtwnial a�ncy agafnst arsy ot the Prc�erty. However,this subsectlon shap not
<br /> apPly h ihe event of a pood taith caspute by Trustor as to tha vaG�ly or�easonabbi�e5s oi tha o..:m which is the bayls of the foredosure or
<br /> forefeitufe p�ocaedirvp,provided that Trustar flives Landar w�ittsn noY.c�of auch c�alm and hxnishes reserv�s a a surety bond for the clalm
<br /> sattsfactary to Lender.
<br /> Brw�c�A of Ot!►er�lareenoent. Arry breach by Tnrsta under the�of ahy othAr eprae�men!be4ween Trustor and Lender ihet Is nof remedied
<br /> withfn any qrace perfod prov(dad therein,induc�np Nn'thout amitatlon eny egreert�nt conoarninp any indebtednan or othe,�ob8gatlon o!Tru�tor
<br /> to Lender,whether cadsdng no�v a laler. -
<br /> Eventa�AMectlrsy Guarantor. Any of the P��G��S occurs with respect to arty Gwnntos�of arry ot the Indebtadness a srty Guarantor `
<br /> d�es or becomes fncompetent,or revdcss or c6SpWes tha va(id+!y e},pr Pabi4t�r under,arry Guarenty of the Indebt�dness:'Lender,at Hs option,
<br /> may, bui shaG not be required to, permit the Guaranta's estate to assume uncondfd�neqy the obBgatlpr�s arising under the guaranty in a
<br /> manner satisfaclory to Lender,and,in dainp so,cure the Event o!DefaWL
<br /> Adve��Chanps:•A mai�rial adverae channs occ�xs Fn Tnisto�s 9n�rxiel condlUon� or l.Qnder beYeves the prospeCt o! PaYrr�nt or
<br /> periormar�ce of the Indebtedr�ass is im�saired. . , �
<br /> ,�.,., .. M � �.r 3. ,.� �,:. � :
<br /> �AilpJfi�e LYf1dBf�fl gQOd t8�1 a86Ri$��f1S�C{Y'9.�i_...1:v:rd4t� � r'C;S I h i�.,r..+�,( .. ....: y •. . .. . .
<br /> � ���
<br /> Ri�ht 10 Ciae:�tt such a te.�urs,ls c�x�.an�if Tn�oi has�ot been ph�en ri notics ot a braach ot the same provfslon ot it�s Dead of Tn�st
<br /> �����s P��G�(t�snortths,H�y ba c�r�d(and no Ewnt of Defautt v�hn�w occurred}N Trustor,ntter Lender sonds wri:feri
<br /> v
<br /> noi�e ciemandnp ciire of such faA�ae: (a)curEa the faYurs wHtdn lMeen(15}days;a �b)B the c�e req�res mare than ffAAeen(t�daYs�
<br /> im.mec9s;efy INUates steps sutAdeni to c�.xe the taAurg and thePeaRer contlnues and cample:es aA reasor.al�le and necessary sleps suMldent to
<br /> produce compksnce as soon as reasonably pracxc�L
<br /> RIG.'iT�Af�lD REIIAEDIES QPI DEFAILT. Upon the occtx'r�o�ce of ariy Evtmt at DefaUlt and at arry 6ms�ereafter,Trtalee or Lender,at tla optlnn,
<br /> may a�cQrcise any ons or moro of ihe toYowSng�yhis and rsmad�es„in ad�9on to any other riphts or rern�es provlded by law:
<br /> A�atlon uRon Def�It;.AdditWnd R�sa. H any evaM of detatdt cccu�s as pet the terms of the Note secured hereby,Lender mey
<br /> � deGare ell indebtedness sectxsd by ihis Dead of Trust to be dua rnd payabie and the same shaN tF►areupon become due and payeble wtlhout
<br /> any pressntment,demand,protest or notice c,Y arry kirad. Thereafler,lendsr may.
<br /> (a) EF1her In persan w by aQe�l,with�wtthout b�r�qfh9+�Y��a P�n6�or by a recefver apPointed by a courf and wHhout
<br /> regsrd�o�ad�uac�r or as sec+xny�s�ber upon and fake po�sessbn ot the Property,or any part tnerecx,in Its own name or In the name
<br /> ol Trust»e,and da any acts wtdcch It deems neces�ary or deslrsible to preserve the velue,martcetabURty ur renFabiBfy o}the Property,or part
<br /> ` of the Property or Interest in the Proparty;increase the irecame irom the Property or proteCt the seCUrfly of the Prcperty;end,with or without
<br /> taklnq pcssesston of ths Property,sue tcx or otherwfse c�ltect the re�ts,Issues and pro�b of lhe Property,indudinq lhose pest due and
<br /> unp�ld,and appfy the sartee.less costs nnd a�eeufes o(opernatlori and coAecrion.Mde�drp adansYs�Feos�to any indsbledneas�ecwad
<br /> ope
<br /> by tt�s Dead af Trust,s�In such arder�i..ander mny delerMna..Ttse 9nferinG t�on snd f�IC►�p Possssslon of the Property tM cdlectlo�
<br /> ot such rents,Issuas and pr�ts,and the app�caUcn ahereo(alu��not cure or waive any dslxtlf or nogce ot dofautt under 1Ns Deed ot Trusl
<br /> or InvaYGata eny ac! done In response fo suCh dedtt�t ar ptxsuoM to wCh noWs o!dsfal/t;and,nolvvttMtanc9rg the Contlnuance In
<br /> possess.bn of the Roperty or the caNectlon, recaFpi and �ppfcatlon of ronFs, Issues a praAts,Tnatee or Lender shetl De entlGed to
<br /> ti exePdse nvery ripM pravided}or!n the Note cr the Relnfsd Doa:m�nts or by taw upon the oocurrers�of any event o!de(atdl,Indudlnp lhe
<br /> �ighR to exdre�se t7re p�wer ot sa1e;
<br /> . ' '• � �l �e����)r►
<br /> =-,-�
<br /> ' - �
<br />