<br /> ot-ts-�ss9 pEEO OF TRl�S3 ��`��QS� Page 6
<br /> i i..oan Nc'86684$ (Cor�t➢nued)
<br /> EfOAb DE QOVMfl�d D�l aflfl COR�2RIEQ(il OCCOfMf1C0 MII�1 Uta IEMfR Cf tI1Q$t3I0 OS H8b�0�0(�.
<br /> i
<br /> Csption lieadin�s. �apibn headl�ps In d�b Deed of Tn�s4�n for cortveNs�os Pv►Po�w�lY Rnd aro not to be uaed to��n0erprol or d�iln�tt�_
<br /> pmvtsfora ot Ws Oeed of Tnut. • � �. , . , , _
<br /> Mesrye�. There shaA be no merpe�r ot the interes!or e5late cre�led by this Deed ot Trust with any ott�i�terest cx estata in the Propaety at�rc�r
<br /> tlme he�d by or for Fhe bene�it of Lender fn any capaa'tY�without the writtan�aruent o(Lender. —..:, ; '
<br /> Muttlple Partlaa Ap cb6getlo�of Trusta under thls aeed of Tnat shsp be jaini and sewrel,nnd aN references 4o Tnk;tor she!menn asch end
<br /> every Trusior. 7his rr+aar�lhat each olt the P�rsore si9^in9 0ei�rr is►�Oa for aN obRpaUons in thfs Daes!of TrusL
<br /> Severab[Riy. It g court ot competent jwisdlction finds arry provtsion of this Qeed of Tn�st to be!!rvaqd or uneMo�ceable as ta arn!person or
<br /> dreumstar�e,such fl��tng VhaB not rendar that provisicn InveRd or unenfo�ceable as to any oHtier persa�s or circumsiances. If teaslbVa,arc�
<br /> � such oHen�rro p�ovfsfon shap be deemed to be madERed to be wRhin the Nmiffi d.:�4orc�nb�r w vaBdHy;however.M Ihs oflendinq pro�islas
<br /> � canrwt be so madi8ed,ft shsB ba strldwn and aN other prwir�at thi�Dssd of Tnut in aM ulh��aspecffi shaN�In,vaNd and aMarowbk. ,
<br /> • , S�ceasors and Asa�pna�Subiect b tha MmNatlona sfated'Erf thEa Dood ot Trtdst on trarotx of Tnistors intares�Wa Deed of Trust sha�!be�
<br /> bEndlnC up�On and htxg to!he benetlt d ihe partles�thetr st�so�s ar�d sssfprta:'lf owteo�ahip o!Ms Property beGOmes vested fn e person'
<br /> other Rhen Trustor, Ler►der, wRhouf no&;a to Truslcr, may de�l wHh Tn�stor's s�sora with refarerice to thfs Deed of Tru�t and the
<br /> �r,dabGedr�ess 4y way�t faPbeare�nce ar e�A�nslon wStrout reisa�fnp Tc�t+x tro+r tha obNpatlons o(U�s Deed of�Tn�st sx ►tebpl{p tander the+
<br /> �fl�Ob�t1Q5S. ' ., . � .."�.i �t t•t-t"rc.. , .. c.� ... d�cMt.�n..;,' !.. . . . .. �;�ci:1��; t!U iU y,t<�I�ri� ... .S:!+.^.�:�q i�.�, �..id,t'.�H'u,r9.,l�u�p :.
<br /> Tims Oa o!Ihe Eaaencs. 11me 6s of the�ncs In fhe perforrnance oi thts Ueed ot TnrsL" s?"'�+a�oa:;r�.>r���,�. ,
<br /> `Ndvrrs ead Can�enta. Lendar shsA rrot be�osmed to have wa1�u:any righls under thls Deed o(Tntst(or under the Redated Documer�ls):
<br /> u:aless such wawer!s in wrEUnp and sdgned by Lender: No del�y or omFsE#on.on!he part.of Lender,ln�cerCisinC!�!?Y�kM ah�operebs as aa .,
<br /> waNer o!such rfghf or any other cipM. A walver by any party of a provfsfan o!t�D�ed ot Tn�st,'sh�not,cansYrtute a wehrer o!at prsJudk:e the
<br /> partys r:ght otherwlss to demand strict xmpitarxe xnYh thnt provlslon u(any'ott�'�rovision.z.No p�lor walver;by Lender,�wr;arry;course ot�
<br /> deaRrs� beMreen Lendar and Tnniar, shaA e�s�tcrte e wehrer W;arry�ot,Lender's.rlphks a ariy ot•Trusta's�obNpaUons:as b eny h�tixe':
<br /> harnacNens. Whenev»r cansen!by Lender is req�d in thEs Deed of Tnist,the prantlnp ot suc{t cansa�M by lender In arty Ir�larx�ahdf not
<br /> consiltute Confinl�lrea Cortssnt t0 strhseqt�ant htstar�ces rvt�such Co+�saPft le requksd�� "'�w T'1,,����:�,,;,,r
<br /> wstver of Homestead ExampUon. Trustcx hereby reieasas ans!w�h+RS ap rlphts nnd benafits at the homssonad,aomptlon,laws ot tfw�tad►af�
<br /> Nebraska ss to a8 Indebtediseds secured by tRis Dee;i ot Tnist. . . ' . .
<br /> 1'ERINS. , .. , , . .
<br /> TALJSTOFS: , , .
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<br /> !N�l1/ID�AL A�CKNO�WLEDG�. ENT
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<br /> On this day betore me,tha uttdersl4ned Notary Pubric,persona9y appeared LUE J AIlAN, ., MARGAF2ET V RLA.AK,to me known to be the
<br /> incAvldua�c�cribed in and who c�xecutsd tRs Ueec1 ot Trus!,end acknowEedged th24 the sig ed the peed of Trust as their hee end valunt�ry act
<br /> nn�d�,W,lcx the uses and purposes lhExein msntloned.� �1c�
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<br /> Giva�under my harW and otlldd sea+dds %`S ot 19_L__L_.•� � '
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<br /> ,,% G�,yF� . Naiery Pub1lc trt Use
<br /> ?���^'� W'��NO�A ..ReaFdlnp at ' _
<br /> '���<<�A,�rsiare MY com�mi�slo�
<br /> m�t fxp Aiy���1hepras�d ��s , , . , . —
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