���_,�-�sss QE�Q �F TRUST P�ge 3
<br /> �.QRfI N� $�6$y� (Continued) �� � �QQ���
<br /> fifte�n jt5)days aRsr tha Uon nrkes or.M a Ban fs t�ed,withln lMaen(75)days a4ter Tnutor hes noHce of t1►e flN��sectue the dtsCM1err�e of tFie
<br /> li��, or it requersted by Lender, dep�sit wryh(,ender pa,h or 8 sttrtclern Carporstg surely bond or otiter secwrfty satlstgctary to le�der in s�
<br /> am�unf sufPx�enf to dEscharge khe 6sn pit�,t arty carts and aHorneys'tees or oH�r CharQes n�&p coutd ac�va ys g resutt o(a foredostue or sale
<br /> under the nen. !n any contest,Tr;tstor shs�detend ils�t$nd Ls»der and shaA satisfy any a�iverse judgment batore snfarcemaM agairfist!he
<br /> Property. Trusior shaH�me Lender as an addi8onal ob�e under arry surety trond itanESt�od in t`se contest proce�dir�gs. .
<br /> Evtdencc ot P�yrmenL Trustor shan upon demand furrdsh!o lender'sai�factory evldence oi paymont oP the taxss vr assessnye,nts and shaq
<br /> aidhaize the ePP���9�emme,iilal efRdal ta deRver fo Lertder at acy tlme e v✓ritten sta�emarn ot tha fexes and sssessm�nts apainst the
<br /> � me a
<br /> ��Y•
<br /> Noticc at Cmefstruetlon. Frustor shaq naiify Lend�at Ieest R11ean(15) .,bafore gny'wak 1s commerrced,any services are huNshed,or any
<br /> materisls are supp{ied to the Property. N a:iy mechanlc's 6en. ma 's lien, or other fien could be asserted on account ot the woric,
<br /> services,or materials. Tnisior wi11 upon rec�uest�t Lender ftxnlsh to , advar�ce assurar�s sa�rys,�act�,to Lendor that Trusta can snd will
<br /> s
<br /> pay�he cost of such fmprovement�. • q
<br /> PROPERTY DA"1AGE IKSi�tAPICE. The foilou,�ing provislons rel�ting ta! the Prop¢r1y are a part o}ttds Deed of T�ttst.
<br /> ' illalr►tenance of insurance. Trustor shad procure and meintaln p flre iruurance wlth stendard exlended coverage endorsemont�on a
<br /> � repiacsrr�n!basis for the fup tnsurable vaiue covet! 89 t o se
<br /> coinsurance dause,and with a siarsdard mwt � ��n� ����Y�n an amount sulficient to avdd appNCatlon o}eny
<br /> Ua9�e dauss!n favor of der. T'rustar shaN also procure and maintaln compreheruivg qenoral
<br /> RabiNy tnsurn�c¢in such coverage amounts as Lender mey roquest will� tae and Lertda+�being rtamed as additlonai lnsurgdg�n guch q8bility
<br /> �RSUrence pdicies. AddiBonally,Trustw shaJl maintain such ofhar ins�, Irwiudinp but not qrtslted to hazard, business intertup9pn, and
<br /> ' ooiisr fnstxa�ce,as Lender may r�asanabh requlre- FoUcies shed be ,en in fdrm,amatnts,coverages and basis reasonably axaptahie So
<br /> Len�and issued by a company or companles reasonsbty acceptab!e tc Lender. T�ttstor,upo�rsquest a}Ltmder.wiry dali�re;tc Lender from
<br /> time 10 Hme the po►'�c�les or ceryficates cf insurance In form sat}sfac;ory 1�;.ende�,lnciudinp Nipulations that coverages w(!I nat be cancAlied or
<br /> dimin�stmd without at ieast ten(10)days'prior wriften notice lo Lendar. Eac:�Insurance poQcy aESp Shstl�ndt�de a�endw.serr�M Rrpvld(ng that
<br /> coverage in favcx of Le,ider will not be Impgirad in any way by any act, on•d;sEon�x default of Trustch•or any othar perso�, Should the Reai
<br /> Properiy et any Nrne become locaied in an area d�signatod by the R'cec!!x. o.'the I'ederni�,���y Management Agsncy as a spedal flood
<br /> hazard arga,Trus�or agraes,o ottain and main4aln Federaf Flood Inssxersce}or the h;A unpaid prindp,ql batance of ihe toan,up to the ma�dmurs
<br /> poticy IimiLs sot iinder the Netlona!Flood insurance prpgrar�,or as othe�wise requk�d by Londar,t�d to maintain such Ir�surance tcx the forrrt of
<br /> he loan.
<br /> Ap�ittatlan of Procreds, Trustor shall promptl}+netify tender ot any foss or darriage to lhe('Yoperty. Le�der may rrael�e proof ot loss M T{us`or
<br /> faifs to do so within fifteen(15)days of 1hR casualty. Whsther or nol Lenders sac�vi�y is ImpaE�ed,Lender may,a1 its eleCtion,reCelve and rot�ln
<br /> the proceeds at sny insurance and appy Ehe proceeda to ihe reduction of the Indeb:adness,paymeni of any Nen efiec8i'�the!�coperty,or the '�,,
<br /> restoraUon and repair of 4h2 Propert;,, Ii Lern9er elecls Po spply the proceads to rgsioration flnd repelt, Trustor shap rkpak or repisce Ihe
<br /> damaged or destroyed improvsmsnts in a rtu�nnsr saHstac(ory to Lenasr. Lender shcN, upon sadsfactory prool of such e�endlture,pay or
<br /> reimburse Trustor from th�s procseds fa the resyonapfe cost of repair or res►org5an ff Trustor is na!In defautt under thls DF,ed of Tnlst. Any
<br /> proceads w;iIch have not been disbursed within 1II0 days etter th�r recelpt and wF�ich L�nd9r has not committed!o the repair or restorailon of
<br /> the f'roperty shali be�sed fint lo pay any amount owing to Len!ter under WS Oeed a(Trttsl,then to pay a�n�ed lntarest,and tho ren�a(nder,ii
<br /> any,shaft be appiied to the prirx,ypsl baar�of the indetsted��ess. If Lender hdds nny p�oceeds e}le�psyrts�nt in tull of the Mdeb!edr�ss.such
<br /> Rroceeds shall ba pald to Trustor es 7rustor s tnterests may eppear,
<br /> Unexpl�ed lnsurance at Sale. Any unaxpfred ir�urance shal{in�e to the benefit of,and pass fo,the purchaser of ihe Property covered by this
<br /> Oeed ot Trust at any trustee's�a.e or oths�sale hsid under the provfslons o!lld�s Deed of Tn,St,or at ar�y�oreclosure sak�o}such Prope�ly.
<br /> Trustor's Repo►t on Insurnnce. Upon requast ot Lender,however not more than o;ice a year,Yrustor shall fumish to Lender a report an each
<br /> e�sting policy o!ir�surance showi�g: (a)the name op(he�rtstx�; (bj�h�r�����. (c)�y���unl of the palicy; (d)the property insured,
<br /> lhe then current replacement value af such property, and the m:tnner af determining that value; and (e) the expireNon date of the poltcy.
<br /> Trustur shaA,upon request of Lendor,have an independor.t BppraFsar satlsfaCtory to Lender determfne the cash velue replacement cost of the
<br /> PropBrfy.
<br /> IXPENDITURES BY LENDER. If Trustor faiis to comply with any provislon of this Dasd of Tnrst,ar if flny aCtlon or proceedirtg is CommenCed thaf
<br /> would materiatly affact Lender's inleresls En fhe Proaerty,Ldnder on Trustors behaH may,but stui9 not be required to,take any sction lhat Lender
<br /> deems appropriate. Anv amounf that Lenc'e�r axpends In so doing wRi bear interest at the rsls provided}or in the Note hom the date inctnred or pald
<br /> by Lender to ihe dale of rspaymenl by Truslor. A►I such expenses,at Lendsrs apBon,wYtl (a)be parabfe on demartd, (b)be added to the balerce
<br /> of the Plote end be appwiiorted amang and be payable with any insia�rr�ent payments lo berome due during either (f)the ferm of any epp7fcable
<br /> tnsurance po�icy or �ii)lhe remaining ter;n af the Rote,or (c)be heeted as a baHOOn payment which wN be due and payabie at Ihe Nola's maturity.
<br /> This Deed o9 Trust alsa wil secure payrr�nt of tfx�se amounts. The�hts provided for in tRis�aragraph shall be in addtion to any other rlghts or any
<br /> remedies to which Lender may be entitled on account of the defautt Any such ectlon by Lender shap inot be construed as ctMng the oefault so as to
<br /> bar Lender hom any remedy thsf it otherwtse would have hsd.
<br /> WARRANTY;aEfENSE OF TIT�E. The folowing provtsio�s reladng lo ournership ot 1he Property an�e part of thls Deod of Trust.
<br /> Tttle. Trustor warranls thet: (a)Trustor holds good and marketabie!if'�e at record to the Prpperty fn fee simpie,free end cleet ol all 8ens and
<br /> ancumbrances other than lhose sal forth In tt�fiea�prpperty doscription or in any tlUe Insurance poNcy,�tle repo�t,or finel tltle opinion fssued in
<br /> favor o!,and accepted by,Lender in connecqon with this Deed ot Tn�st,and (b}Trustor has the(up right,power,and authority to ezacule and
<br /> deiiv�r this Deed ot 7rust to Lender.
<br /> Defense oi Tiife. Subjeci fo the exceptlon in ihe paragraph above,Trustpr warrants and wilf forever defend the tide to the Pr
<br /> lawful claims of atl persoru. In the evenf any ectlon or procea�ng is cprnmer�t�t q��p�Tntstors tH1e or the inter�l�pYf Tr�S�gg�pe
<br /> I...ender under this Deed o!Trust,Trusla shall defend the actlon at Tnistor's e�erre. Trustor may be fhe nominal pariy in such praadeding,but
<br /> a
<br /> Lender shalt be entitled to parl�ipale in the p;c�ceeding and 4o be represented In the procsedirp by counsel of Lender's own cho(ce, and
<br /> Tn�sta wilt deltver.or cattse to be deiFvered,to Lender such instrurnenb es Lender rr�ay requsst itom tlme lo tlme to perm(t such partkipaUon.
<br /> Comptiance Wlth Laws. Trusta warra�ts that the prpperty,and Trustor's Use of the Prcyper}y�pmpNes wfth ail e�Unq eppUcablg laws�
<br /> ordinancss,and regulado�s of govemmental auttwrtfie�,;,
<br /> CONDEIbtNATlON. The fo{lawing provislons relatirag to condemnadon proceedings ars a pert of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Applicatlo►i of Net ProCeeds. If ap or any pari of the Prpperty CS �pn�mned by er�ine�t domafa procesdi,�s or by any proceeding or
<br /> purchase in Ileu ot condamna6on,Lender rnay af!is el�yyon require that aQ or any portion of the ne!aroceeds pf 1h�s award bg,qpp(►ed to!he
<br /> indebtedness or the rspalr or restoration of the Property. 7}�e net p,roceeds of the award shali mea�t the ewerd a'x;�aymenf of eA reasonable
<br /> costs.e�enses.and attomeys'tees incurred by Trusles or Lender In Eonnectlon with the c hondemnaL�or�.
<br /> Proceedings. If any proceeding in condemnatlon is filed,T�tor shall promRtly noBfy Lsnder in wriBng;and Truslor shall promptly lake such
<br /> sieps as may ba nece�,,sary to detend the actlo�ai�d obla(n the award. 7tistor may be fhe��ominal parfy in such praceading,but Lender shall
<br /> ba enStled tc partic�pate in Ihe proceed{ng a�d to be rsprese�;lsd tn the procse�ng by c�insel ol i45 own choice,and Trusla wfil d�ver or
<br /> cause fo bo detivered to Lender such instrurr�enls as may be requested by it from tlme to Hme i�permlt such pa,iidpatlon.
<br /> IMPOSITION SJF TAXES,FEE$AND CHAAGES 8Y GpVERM�yEHTqL AUT}iORlTIES. 1'hg ioliowir�g provis4on5 relaBng to govBmmental taxes,
<br /> foes and chsrgec are a part ot this Deed of Trttst:
<br /> Current Ts:ces,F�s and Chare,�es, Upon request hy Lender,Trustor shall e�cecute such dncumeny fn ecldi8on to lhis Deed ot Trusl and leke
<br /> whatever oftier aclion Is requested by Lender to pert�ct and conNnue Lender's lien on the Real Property. '1'rustor shall reimbttrse Lender Ior aii
<br /> taues, as Qescribed below, togelher witti all exper,ses incurrad fn recording, per{c�eNng pr c.ronUnufnq Ihfs Deed e{Tru,t, InCludiny without
<br /> IimitaHor,ail taxe,,fees,documentary stamps,and other cha es for recordl or �jctl
<br /> �9 �9 ►88��e�ing thls Deed of 1'�v3t.
<br /> Taxcs. The foitow(r�g shafl corss6;ute taxes�o which this socHon appUes: (aj a speG{{G tax upon this type of Deed of Tntst or upon all or any
<br /> payment onn he lndeblodn�es,�s s�ec�u��tl b�ts oE Trust; (b)a specliic tax on Trtrsto►which Trustor!s aufho�d a requtred to deduct bom
<br /> Ihe holdar of the Note;and d a Y �e o/Deed o/Tvust; (c)a fax on th(s type o►peed o(Trus��h��ble apalnst the Lender or
<br /> 7rusta. ( ) ���on�°f a�y p��ot the indebfedness or on peyments o!princlpal and Interest made by
<br /> Substquent Texes. If any tax to wfUCh this section appCies Is anacted subsequent to the date of fhis Deed p{Trusf,this evenf shap heva Ihe
<br /> same eHe„t as an Event of Defai�it(as definsd beirn,,�,and Lender may exe�ctse eryy pr aA of fts e•�aNab{e ternedies(pr gn��gnt of DBfaulY,as
<br /> provided below uniess Trustor either (a)pays the lax bafore tl becomes r9elinquent,or (b)coniesls the tax as pr,�waed abr�ve{n the TatteS and'-
<br /> �1ens secHon and depostts with Lender cash or a suPficie�t corporata surety bond os o'.he�secuirfty satlsf8ctay�o Lender. �
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