<br /> � . `_
<br /> Ol••15-•1999 DEE�7 OF TRUST r� • Pege 2
<br /> Loan Na 865848 (�onii��ed) ��^ �0����)
<br /> togeiher with atl ronewa;s, extensiar�, modhicaBorrs,refinar,cings,end substituNons Eor the Note. The mstcu*.ty date of this Doed of Trust is
<br /> January 15,2J�04.
<br /> Per3ana! Praperty. The words "Persanal Property'mean aA equipment,flxttxss. an9 ather artscfes of personal propetty rrow or hsreaRer
<br /> owned by Trvstw, and nc,w or heroaPl�r attachec�� atfaed t�the Real Property; together wi'rh e�accessions, paris, and ad�Uons to, a�
<br /> raplacerrtsnis ni, and all substituftions far, eny of such p�o�ertx and toge[her with a!I pr�ceeds Qnduding withoui �mflafbn aM Insvrance .
<br /> procc3ec)s and refunds of p�ertdurtesJ from any sa{e or other dfspGSltlon of tt►e Proper9y.
<br /> Property. Tha wwd"Prapertyr'means cotfectively the Fieal Proneiiy flnd the Personal''roperty. •
<br /> Fteai Prnyserty. The words'Real Propar!y'mc3art the pr�e�ty,i�terests and righis described above!n the"Comreya�ce and GianY sxticn.
<br /> Related Documenta The wosds "Related Documents" mean end inc�ude without Um'statian a6 pramissory notes, credit agresmenks, losn
<br /> egreements,enviranmenlai agreamonls,guarenties,securify agreements,mo�Ygages,dee�'s of trust,and aA other instrument5,apreements and
<br /> documens,whether now x hereait�r e�dsting,exectrted in connecilon wfih tha indebted�ess. ,,
<br /> Aents. The word'Ren#s"means aa present and hJtta�e rsn�,revenuas,income,fssues,rm,�tties,profits,and other benefits deriv�d hom thc+
<br /> Property.
<br /> Truslee. 7he word'Tnrstee"moans UN[TFD NcBRA.SftA BRNK end eny subs�tute or s�cces.aor tr;�stees.
<br /> Trustcx. The wad'Trustrx"means any and ail persor�s and enlitlas executlng this Deed oi Trust,includ#rty without QmHaUon aq Tnt59ors named
<br /> ebove.
<br /> 09�TfiE FOt:.OWiPIG T'ER1AS:
<br /> PAYMENT ANU Pc�1F0�iMAPiCE. Except as otherw}se provided in th�s Deed ot Trusi,Trustor shall�ay to Larsdsr atl smounts secured by this Deed
<br /> ot Trust as ihey becvrr�a due,and shsil sir9ctty and In a tlrtsely manner psrtorm atl ot Trustor's obiigatlo�s under th�Note,ihis Deed of Tnxi,snd iha
<br /> Relaled DoCtsments.
<br /> POSSESSION ANO MAINTEh'AMCE QF TFtE PROPERTY. 7rustor egrees ihat 7rustor's poss�ession end ttse of the Propsrty Shal!be flovemed by
<br /> the toiiowirtg provis:ons:
<br /> Possessiw►and Use. Unhl Ihe oxurrance oi art Event of Default,Trustor may (a)remain in posssssion end contrd of ths Property, (D)use,
<br /> operaie or msnage the Praperty,and (c)coAect any Fients from the Properfy.
<br /> Duty Yo Maintain. Trusior shall maintafn tho ProFerty in tenantab6a condition and promptly perform ali repalrs,replaCem9nts,and malnfena�ce
<br /> necassary fo preserve its value.
<br /> Hniard�nses Subslenc�s. The!erms"hazardoir>wasle;"t�azardous su�slarx�,"'disposal,"�Yeleeso,"and"threatened ralease,"as used in this
<br /> Daed of Trust,shall hava the sams maanings as set lorth In the Comprehenstve Envkonmenlai Response,ComRensttilon,end LkibAlfy Acl ot
<br /> 1980,as amended,42 U.S.C. Section 9601,et seq. ('CERCLA'�,the Superlund Amendments and Reauthorize6on Act of 1986, Pub.L. No.
<br /> 99-499("SARA'�,the Hauudous tNater(ais Transpaiation Act,49 U.S.C.SecBon 180V,e!seq.,Ihe Resouroe Consorvat(on and Rrxovery Act,
<br /> 42 U.S.C.SecBon 6901,e!seq.,or other appflcabte siats af Feciersl taws,rt�tes,or regutedons adopted pursuant lo any ot!he tortgoing. The
<br /> terms"ha:�rdous waste"and"hazardous substence'shall also Include,withaut iirrsRaBon,petroleum and petroleum by-products er any lracUon
<br /> thoreoi and asbestos. Trvstcr represents and warrants to Lender Ehat: (a)Durlrfg the period oi Trustor`s ownershlp of the Rropsriy,there has
<br /> 4een no use,gareera8on.manufacture,storage,treatment,disposai,re�ease or threatened releass of any hazardous waslo or subsLince by any
<br /> perso�cn,under,about or from ihe Propsrty; (b)Trustor has no knowledge ai,or rea5on io be0eve ihal ihe►e has been,except as previously
<br /> �isciosed to and acknowledged by Lender in wriUng, (i)arsy use,generallon,manufacture,storage,trealment,d'�sposal,release,or fhreaiened
<br /> release of any harardou�wasie or subsffin�on,under,about or from Ihe Property by any prtor ownr3rs or occupants o(!hs Property or (II}eny
<br /> actual cu threater,ad liGgation ar clains ot any kind by eny ptxson retstlng to such matters; and (c)Except as previous!y disclosed to and
<br /> ack�iowledged by Londer in writing, (i) n�ther Trustor nor any tenant, contractor,agert or athor authorized user of the Property stwll use,
<br /> generate,manutacturs,store,treat,d}spose ot,or release any hsxardous waste or su6startce on,under,about or from the Proprrty and (!i)any
<br /> such activity shaA�a conducted in compliance wfth ali applicable le�ra!,state,and tflcaf laws,regulatlons and ordinances,Includin47 without
<br /> limitalion ihose laws, regulatioros,and ordinar�ces descn'beci above. Trusior aulhocizas Lender and its agents to enter upon the Property to
<br /> maka s��ch irtspections a�id tesls, at Trustors ex�ense,as Lender may deem appropriate to deferm(ne compiience oi ihe Proparty witn this
<br /> secUon ot the Deed ot Trust. Arsy inspections or tests made try Lend�shali be for Le�der's purposes o.�ly and shaH not be construed 10 creata
<br /> any responsibf!ity or liab!iity on the part ot lende�to Tn�siot or 4o erry olher person. The represanladons flnd warrantfes contalned hersln a:e
<br /> based on Trustw's due dl!gencs In invesiigating ihe Property ta hazardous waste end hsizardous substances. Trusta h�eby (a)releases and
<br /> waives any fulure cJaims egainst Lender for indemnity or conhibuHon in the eveM Trusfor becomes flabie(or cieanup or oth�costs under any
<br /> such iaws, and (b) agrees to indemnify and hold harmiess Lender agalnst any and aH c!elms, losses, IlabiGties, damages, pnne3Ues, and
<br /> expenses whlch Lendar may directty or EndirecUy sustaln or suiter resutNng from a breach of this secUon of the Qeed of Trust or es e
<br /> coriseque�ce of any use,gsneraHon,manufacture,stwage,�isposat,releese or thnsatened release oi a hazardous wast�or subst,erx;e on the --
<br /> propertio;. 1'he provfsior� 01 th� sectlon nf the Deed of Trust, including the obifg�gation lo indemntfy, shaU survive the\psymenf of the
<br /> Indebtednass and the s&tisfaction and reconveyence of the Uen of Ihis Dsad of Trust and shatl not be ehecled by Lenders acGv151Bon of any
<br /> lnterust In the Property,whether by foreclosure a otherwfsc� -
<br /> ' Nulsance,Waste. Trustor shali not cause,conduci or pernit any nuisance no�commit,permit,or suHer any stripping oF or wasle on or to Ihe
<br /> Property a any po�tion of the Properiy. Without umi6ng th�?��ere ity of lhe foregang,7rusior wi�not remove,or grant to any other party the
<br /> right to remove,any timber,minerals(induding rie and gas),s;�c�,gratvel a rodc products without the prior wriHen consent of Lender.
<br /> Removal of Impravernenta Trustor shafi not dam��G�h or rerrzove any Improverrx3nts hom ihe Real Property withQUt the prior writien consent
<br /> of Lender. As a candition lo the removat of any Impravemenfs,Lender mey require Trustor to meke arrangements saUsFac4ory to Lender to
<br /> reptace such Improvemenis with Improvements ot et feast equal value. ,
<br /> Lender's Riyhi fo Enier. Le�der and ils agenls and represenlatives mey enter upon the Real Pro�erty at atl reasonable times to attend to
<br /> Lender's interesG and to inspect the Property for purposes ol Trust�r's compliance wiih the t�ms end condiBans o{this Deed of Trust.
<br /> ` Compllance with Govemmental Requirem�nts. Trustor shall promptly comply wflh ail taws,ordinance�,and regulsUons,now or hereaHer in
<br />�', eMect, ot all govemrtiental aulhortties applicable to the use or occupancy of the Property, inclu�ing withouf Ilmitallon, the Americans With
<br /> b(sabilities Act. Trustor may contest in good failh an�r such law, ordinance, or regulatlon and withhdd compiianCe durirx,�any proCeedfng,
<br /> inciuding appropriate appeats, so long es Trutlor has nuKfied Lender in writing prior to dolnq so and so long as, in lender's sole opinlon,
<br /> Lenders interests in tha Property are r�oR�eopardzed. Lender may require Trusta to post�deqs�a�e security or e surety bond,reasonably
<br /> � , satisfaatory to Lender,te protect Lenders iMeres:".
<br /> j; Duty to ProtRCt. Trustor agrees nefther to abandon r.c. lea+e una:tended the Property. Trusta shatl do ail other ects,in eddition to Ihose eCts
<br />�' sat torlh abave in this section,wh�h from lhe characl�r and use of the Propgrty are reasonabty necessary tp prot�f�nd preserve lhe Property.
<br /> dtiE ON SALE-CONSEMT BY LEtipER. Lender may,at its option,daciare immediateiy due and payable ail sums secured by thls Dt�ed of Trust
<br /> ��on the sale or transfer,without the Lenders prior wririen cortsent,of ail or any�art of the Reai Property,or any interesl in tha Real Prooerty. A
<br /> "sate or trarnte�'means the canveyance of Real Propesty or any right,title ar intcxes!therein;whether legal,bene8clal or equ(lable;whether voluntary
<br /> �invauntary;whether by outright sate,deed,instail�ne�t sals contrect,land contract,contra�t tor deed,leasehold Inlerest with fl term greater than
<br /> Ihree(3)years, lease-opNon conlr¢�t,or by sals,assignment,or Uenster a!any bene�clal interest ir or to any land trust hoiding Utle to the Aeat
<br /> Prooerty,or by uny other method ot canveyartce ot Reai Property Interest. !f flny Truslor ts a coryoraHon,pFrtnership or tim!ted Ilabllity company,
<br /> transfer also incfudes any chanpe in ewnership af more than twenty-flve perce�t(25%)of the vatlr�stock,partnership tnteresls at Amiied ifability
<br /> company Inleresls,as the cnse may be,oi T�rustor. However,this opNon shaA not be oxercFSed by Lender H such exerdse Is prohibited by lederal
<br /> law or by Nebreska law.
<br /> TAXES AND LiF.NS. The foilowing provlsiuns relaHng to the lexes and tierns on the Property are a part of(h!s Deed of Trust.
<br /> PaymenL Trustw shatl pay when due(and in ai1 events prior to deUnquancyj aM faxes,spede!taxes,e�essmenls,cherge,a pncluding water
<br /> end sewe�), enes and impositlo�Ievled ag�nst or nn accounl ot tha Prope�ty,and shaU pay when due afl deirtts Ior wor}c Uone on or for
<br /> services rende�ed a rnateriel turr�ishsd lo the Properfy. Trusla shaA meintaln the Property kee o!&tl fiens havi�q priority oyer pr equal to the
<br /> fnterest ot Lender ur�der thls Deed oi Trttsl,woceQt for the�en tN tex�t and assessmanfs not due and except as athefwise provlded in iF�is Dead
<br /> ol Trust.
<br /> Flqht To Conlest. Truslw may withhdd payment of any tax,asse,sment,or clalm in connecnon with a good faNh dlspufe over the obl{gatlon
<br /> e
<br /> lo pay,so long as Lenders intaresi I�ihe Properh�Is not JEOpardized, if a iien ari.ses cr is�led as a resutl of nonpayment,Tntstcx shad wifh{n
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