<br /> os-22-t'�8 DEEI? OF TE�UST ��a�e �
<br /> �oan No a61s�i (CQ� �
<br /> - .�.��— ---- - -- — --
<br /> �naented�a the repsir«resi�n a tha a�o�periy. Tn.�w p�oc�oQ M�c a�a s.hae me�,it+e aw�e!,foet pnYrt�d ai s!rensannble
<br /> costs.axpense�s.and a!lortoeys'bsos inctrrad try 7nuf�o or L�nd�r M connecfon wRh Ma Gand,mnaUon. ,
<br /> Fr�Qs. I1 ury proceaoing irf co+sdemnefit�n�s�Bed.Trusfot st�prort+pC�noilty La�r9er it+wrph�g.an�Trtntat ShE�L+ron�tlY tak9 s;tch
<br /> sUe�s es re�ay be riece�ery to daterxi the sctlotr erM obbaln�a arratd. Tnator may be�s ramine!p�ty h�sue�+prace�dfn9�bul Lec�der shall �
<br /> be en�tled to P�P��tn the procee�lrg nnd io be rspfesertRed hs the procee�nq Cy coutespi M�awn choice.and Tnniflr wql det�vsr or
<br /> cause to be ddfrr�red to t.erxier s�ch�es rt�aY be cegc�d bY d from 8me l0 9me to permit such Dcrticips�o^- .�
<br /> i#RP03fTIWi OF T/►XES,fEES IFND Ct�iA63(�ES SY G�i1R�Y'�11.A�3i�iOR!T1�8. The fWovvkiG P���0 k%flo'�'�'Mr.e.�fsl Eaxes. \
<br /> b�6 and Chatges er�a pe�f al ttaa ased ot T:.ist � .-�
<br /> �urrerst Taxes,F�es�r+o�- �raqueat bY Land�.Tn�shsl eoroc�ie stxh ddaxneids in addltlon k�this Da�d of Tnist and taka
<br /> whatever othx sctlon is roG�d bp l�wtdar tio perfect and�on&x!s ia�ders N�sr�t Rw tiead Prope�ty. TrusSa she�wk�ase Lenda�!cr atl �
<br /> Vaxes,srs �ed below, toqettxq wRfi 80 8�ems9s htCtrred M tecarc6r�p, perteC9nq or Co1dM'.�nfl tltl�i!e!d Ot T►usS. kxtudinG wlth0ut Q)
<br /> bmF�lbn aN taxas.iees.doaxnentarY�arnp�.and oihet d�erpes tw recfltdnp or re�ster�dis�+ed d Trusl. ' �
<br /> Taxts. The to3awinp she!��te tmaQS t�wtich tfiis sec�or�� (e)B s�ec?f�ffiz t�pm+tl�is 1YPe af Doed of i rust a upon ad or any :�
<br /> pert rN tha tndebted�sss saeurod by It�Fs Deed at 7rt� (hl a spod6c la�c ac+Trz&tex wtdch Tru�tor is authorKsd or req�t�ded;ict from
<br /> paymar�ts o�fhe I�debled��s.t sectxad bY ti�is typs od Doed of Tnnufi (c)�!�x�n Ws typn d Dsad d Trust clierpa��le aQaiMt tha Land�a
<br /> �ns nader a►►,m raoan.:u,d (d}a a�edbc it�c on al or a�r Pa�ia�oi!he lr�Sodr�st ot an D1Y�^��P�P�encf ln4erest made by
<br /> Truslor.
<br /> Suuxsqw:ttt Taxts. II ury lax to whici�tfl[s see�on ipp+es is e�cled s�i-�es�f ta[tre d4ts af thls�c:afi Trt�L tMs.evenl aha&heve Ihe
<br /> same edleci as an E�ent�f Detaut!(a dofkwd be'ow�an3 lsrn7sr mar�any or d d�s avsifabk rec��es!or sn�ver.i ol DetauB as
<br /> �vided beluw u�en Truslor eMher (�}pa�s the twx bslars R becocTms d�nqt�en4 or f4)eos�lests Ute tax as prod+�d obove In tt�s Ta�t+�and
<br /> Uerts smclSon s:x!d�wdh Lendac cssh ar e su!llda+t cdporale`.uetY battd or othor aectlr�r aslblachry tU t.at!der. �
<br /> S��IJRITY ACREEMEN'i;FiNd►NCtitO BTATEI�iEifT8. Tho fWowinp psaNsio�a r�itifnp�O�s Omsd cd Trvs!as n s�curiiy agre�tmorri xro a part fll
<br /> lhts Oeed at TnisL
<br /> Secuttty A�reentent. Thk �rumerst shai cor�stlh�te s sactr�,l�re�s!�sti fo tAs ebent anY od lfie ProPe�!Y Co�stltulas fbntd'es ar othor
<br /> Rersa�al pro�oriy,a,:�Ler►der shd hav+�aA d tM�1q3�ls of a�eaxvd party ur�der tM ttrtiform bmmer�faf Cod�ts artssnded hom time fo
<br /> � •
<br /> �raurt�r Inlereat. Upori reques:by le+�der.Trustar shra axecuis finarxkp slsi�imsnh�nd Eeko whalwe�r otMr actf�o+�Is requestod by Lendor
<br /> !o pereci and conH�ue Ler+dt�s se�.,v�ity!nlecsst!n 1hs RarsZa and f'ersorxt P�^eriy. fn ad�tic�n to►ecadin�lFds i�eed a(Trust In the rse!
<br /> PrUperty rec�d%,Gender may,a!rury I�+s a+►d wttt�ou!hrU�er a�tYx�trom Tn�s:w'.1fa eowcuk�d couniarperts,eool�or reprodu�,�tiens of
<br /> tt�s Deed ol Truat ss a�sonnct�sfalemerA. Tr�aior shs�rekrbuse Lendar ior at eorpacnes lnc�xrsd In�eAectlrK7 a rn.�8nukiy tRts securlh/
<br /> knterest. Upon defautl,Trustar�h�9 assembl�ths Peraont+Prnperbj!n a mennsr arsd el o pMce ra�esonebly a�nv�!to Trtntor and Lendet
<br /> and maka tt av��sh�e to Lsnder w+."tiho H�rae(3)days aAx recelpt o(wrfY�ert damand trc,m Lsrtder.
<br /> A.ddreaees. Thc ros.R�q addresses N Trtalar(debfa?and i.onGer(sec+red RarlY}.4orn wiscfi lntarvru�on concFxrtirq it�s�curity interest
<br /> pranSed bY tt�e Deac!d Tr�t►nsY Ds ab4�k�ed(eoch es r�ted aY Uwt J�srm Cortrm�r�a!Ce.i•�ata es sttted on the t�st DaQ�s ot thls Deed
<br /> of Trvsi.
<br /> Ft1AlT�ER ASSURANCES;ATTOF�ft�Y-iK-FAC7'. Tt�t��9owY�q Pralsiorn n►�^C to tuAt�x asswancas a.�aHaney-IrNfact ere a part ol tNs
<br /> Dsed of Tntst
<br /> Furtfier Aasurancea At any time,and tfan tlma!o�me�upon reqt�t of Ler►der,Trustor wIA malus.eocecuEg and deAver,or vr4i�ause!o be
<br /> made, exec�tsd or deRvae�, to Lender or ta Lende�s desbpnee, and wt�en repuested by lender,�use to be INed, recorded, refited, or
<br /> rerecorded.as:Ae cas0 mev be,et�uch Yrraes arsd fn 3+idr ol4uas anQ piscss as t.ertQor rtsay deem a¢{xoprtate.e:��and at su°ti maigagss,
<br /> deeds oi trust,�ecurit�'��s.sa.'�urM egnserraeMs.dnandr�y stabrt�enis.coMfrniatlon sts�emen�s.Mslrumenls ef furthar asstxance,cerUflcates,
<br /> and other documersts�a may,in the sc�ia opk�ion of Leixier.be nece�ssry or dasirab�in o�b e!'(ectuete.eompiele�P�xisct,cortNnue,or
<br /> D�� ie)the ob�gall�ot?rusloc cuv3sr Cia Note,Uas Ooed o!Tnat,nnd ths Rala�Oacuments.and @)the iens and security interests
<br /> crealed by this�eed o(?'ru�3 an iM?rnQerty,wNac>>er rrow ownecl or hore�tfer ecqui�ed by?nntor. Unfess prohblted by lew or apreed to lho
<br /> contrery by Lan�x M wr».h�y,'fn�stor ahaY rnirtfbusa Lender tor�co�ls and�o�enses Micurted!n connecdon vrlth the maNen reteRed t4 in
<br /> tNs Para�r�c". _
<br /> AYttxray-?�zcl. It Tr�w.;ials!o do arry d ihe Ca�s�s n,Ierted b in�P�^�P�7'�Rh.Lsnder may do so(or and In lha neme o(
<br /> Trustor a.n�;r"nut�s e�ae. �ar wcA pirposss,Tn�here�Y kre4»aby�ppalnla Lende�as Trustor'a aUomey-��rfaci la�the p�xp�so
<br /> ot m8kln6.oxta.1�41tty� deflv�g� flinp,�. and dok�p�dt1�lf d�{ngs as msy b6�rteCOSSery or desk8bk, M lar�dora sole opinlon, lo
<br /> sCCamplish tt�:n�f4�s re�er,�ed Io in th9 preCedinq�ph.
<br /> Fl�i.PEF�FORi�IRNCE. ?i Trus�pays�ti tfx►Indsblednass,Wx�ucanq wRhout OmMa9on d fuPure advar�ces.vahen due.end otherwise pFxtvrns ali
<br /> the ob29aaons fm�osed up�yn�n�six under iMs Deed c�l;rt�st,lender al�eoceeub and dsivir to Trus�e a reqt�t tor tu1 reconvey��ce end shaA
<br /> Rxecute and det?ver to 7rtrs;a-suitabls s^afemenls d�erminatlon d any Anarninp staiert�xd an IYe ev�denelnp Lender's securlty Ir.ta�st in the Hant,
<br /> and tt�e Persenaf PraPerA,', ArY^a�evsYa�ce taa raqukad bY taw sMi be paid by Trustor.N PemBited bY apD���w.
<br /> OEFAtt.T. Eech of ihe fo�o�rirp,at the o�tlon d Lender,sM!corntlhifa an event of delauit!'fvs�t d Defa�under tNs Doed o4 Tc;fst:
<br /> Detault on Irtdabfet4nesa. FaAure of Ttusiot to make any peyrtient when du9 0�th9lndeb49dt�ss.
<br /> Dehwlt on Ottr�rr Payments. FaBue o[Trusia wtWn the 1lme requlred by tMs Daed of Trt�st ta make erry pay�rnutit for tex�s cr Insurance,or
<br /> any other;sayrtx�nt necessary to prevertt tH'ing of or ta efled�SChnrge ot arry ien.
<br /> Com�.viance Oefauti. FANure of Tnutor to co�rpN with arry other 1ecm.ob�Getlon.cov�nent a�conialned in tFds Geed oi Trust,the
<br /> Nofe or in sny et the Raiated Do�:uman3s.
<br /> Fds�Stslemen� My warranly,repras�effiilon or sffitement made or harlshed to Lender by or on behatf of Trustor ureder this Deed o}Trust,
<br /> ttie Nole a the Relatead Do±urtertts is talse ar misleee9ng in arry meierial respect,eitt�er�w or et the Ume made a fimishsd.
<br /> D�recUve Ca�atctailmtfon. Ttds Deed o(Tnut or any of!he Relafed Docx�is ceases 10;be ht hdl tasts and et�ect(includirp(ailure of eny
<br /> cdfaterei docurnents to aeafe a va�id u+d pertecied secxiity Mtecest or ien)at ery�ma snd tor any re�on.
<br /> De�th w Ir��t?ren�y. 1'te death a1 Tnista or 4hs dissol�s6oc�or termirtaEon at Tnulors�dsler+ce es a gdng buslness,the insolvency dt
<br /> Trustar.ttre appdnUnetst ot e rt�eiveo fot any part of Trtstcrs W�Y.�Y�far the benef,t ot cre�tars,anY hRe of txedtor workauf,
<br /> . �
<br /> �
<br />