<br /> o9-2z—�s9s DEED �F TRl3ST �age a
<br /> Loan No 761555 (�p��j �
<br /> Lander and Issued by a cLVr�arry or t�mpar4es►pssoneWY�ePteF�le b lendsr. Tn�sia.uPon rsqueat ol Lsnder,w�dwR�er'to lonGCr trom
<br /> Gme to 8me the poBc►as a a�rtif�of ins:xenaa M Torm saSsf�dory�L.e�r�der.kidudr�srip�de8a�ns Phat oaversqes w�lt not be eanceped or '
<br /> dirdr�ished�ith�t+t ai I�.LCt Stxt L10)days'prior w'rttten t�ta L.ender. Ea�t hts�xar�ce pofCy also shei!indude an endtvsarner.!provi�ny that
<br /> - coverage!n iavor c#l5ndar:yN rat be irrpafred!.�anY�Y�Y�Y�.�m�''o�or delault ot Trustor or arsy other pc:son. Should tt+e Ree,i
<br /> PropeJfy et arty Sme beoome bca�ad in an erHa d�ignatad by tha D!rscta af the Fedecei Emerpency Manapement Ap��cy as e spedel Rood
<br /> ha�rd araa,Tr.estor aqreas to obteM an6 me�Federa!F}eod Insua�for!tx ittC ttnpeld p�ir�ipal balanco of t'�s ban,
<br /> �nCu,y xrtub set undsr the Ne6orr�1 Flood Irucrance Rro�arn,or es otherrvESS uP b tfie ma�dmu:n
<br /> R ra�ired by tander,e,-�d to mair�tain su�kescxancs!r�lhe Nnn ot
<br /> the�oan.
<br /> Appticatbn ai Frocee6a. Tn�lOr shei prornp9Y nadty Lender ai nny ioss a demape to Ne•Property. l6ntler mayrneke proot�!boss�Trustor
<br /> fa�7s!o do so w�fsin fitteen(15)days ot thm cesu�r. 14i�eUier or not Lsnder's securfty�irrpalred.i,e�3er,rey,at Ms elecMon,rxsi.re and retain
<br /> - ine p�oceads a any�,su�►xe ana a�y me�oc�as�o me rea�,c�o�a ma i,aea�ea�ss,pam+�a e�►r r�,a�n�s►,��,y,a�me
<br /> � resloaaUon nncl repadr o!tt»Prapecty. it lenc�r eiects Ic apQi�r tha procee0s to restoraUon and repair,Trustor sheA repelr ar re�plase 1Re
<br /> damegad oc d�.sNoyed l�r+pcaverr�ts I�n a marx�or saestaai...^y ta Lender. l.ander shal.upon sa�OCfory proo!of such a�endi4ure,pay or
<br /> reimbur..e?ntsior from the pra,�eeds far tfie tae�bl0 c�t o(rt�p9ir o�restaa9on M TntSbor b not In defa�t under tfiis Daed d Truat. Arty
<br /> PPt�ceeQs whicfi imvn rwt bflen c8sbu�sd wlUsn t80 Oays aRer ihek rscetPt and wNCh L.ander h�ts no!cantrsttled to the fepek or re�tntation ut
<br /> lhe Pr��ty sha9 bo used t�si lo PdY anY amo+x�t awi�lo Lender�x�der this Dsed ot Tntst,ihere!o RqY accn�ed inte�est,8nd tha remslnc'sr,b
<br /> �ny�shaR tre applled ta tiie principei hslan�of tTte Irtd�t�dr�eSa. H L.sndHt hdds Ilny prOCSeds utfst ptyment bt Tt�l of lhe InclBbtedness,SuCh �
<br /> � P�oCeeds shafi be pold to Ttusiot as Tnslo�s i�ferests mey apF:ear.
<br /> � �JnexFlred fnsuraa�ce at Safe. MY�mar.7sA'ed irtaurance shaN inure b the Neneilt�.and Pass k+,!he purchaser at the Properly cove:ed by tt�s
<br /> 1 C� Deed Q!Tr.ts!et any�+.alec's sale or olher snle hefd under tt+a provislons a`th6s a0ed ot Tnrsl,or�1�ny foreclostxr sal�of suCh Propetty.
<br /> Q� Compit�nce e�vtttf E�lsisng lrxir�ledness. Duinp tha perb4 I��vtdch erry F.xkliflq Irtt�h�dness c1ex.�d bNow fs In ettect,ccmpAance wtth
<br /> !he l�.xance ptowisfot�s contalr:�in tt+e Irutn.mord e�iderx:irsp wcb F�dsNnp tndeb�dnesa shel c�nsEtuie complfence wMA M+e Instxance
<br /> �{ Arovlsfarct under M�is Deed of Tnut to Ehe a�derd cors�:�nce wfCi th9 f�ms af ri�s De�d d Trvst wa.�Co�utltule a dupNCatlon M Inxtxance
<br /> requlramenl le ruiyr�ocsz�s trom the a�suraneo beeoms RaYeele on bss.tt�ptovfsiara In tt�ks Oaed of Trust fot dNLsion of proCeeds shaA
<br /> � avFb�r�o ttea►aanon a the proceeds na pe�yevla cv+he noldsr a me Ex)serq�n�ebleanass.
<br /> � Trustcx'a Ftee,�ort oc:Inat�r�. Upon racr,aest oF L.snder,hax�r;wt mae tAan pr,ce a yesr,Trustor she�furt.h to Lsrtd�e report on each
<br /> wdsHr��oqcyr o(�nuwance sho..,�g: (a)t2m m►r�of the huurer; (b)the rf�det tnsu�9: (c)L?te amount of the P�Y (d?me P��Y Irtsured,
<br /> ihe ihen curent replacernertf value of wch�roperty.and!t�r�wttx�er oi daierminfrs� M�st valus;and (s)3+e explraHon dale of fhe odic
<br /> ?ntsta ahal�upon reque�t ot Le�der�Mvs an tndependbnt�'lser,�tts�xY to Let�der d6tirttdna!M Cash vth�e r+e�oemeM Cost Q1 th�a
<br /> ProFe�?'•
<br /> DCPENDlNRES BY lEt�tOER, Y. Trvstor fa&S to compl,y w&.h arty prov4sion d tl8s Deed cf'fnat,ir�luding nny o+sligelioci to maintain ExisBrp
<br /> Indeblsd:xrss Irt good startrArv�as roquhad 5eiwi,or tf Srry acypn ar procee�nq!s comrr�n�;d thet wouki mnterfaqy affeCt LandePs intarests In!he
<br /> �P�Y�Le�a on 7rus!or's behtH msy�but shet�not bs re4tt,�ed�a.take anY es�on tl►et Cer�der deoms ap�ropriete. My amount that lender
<br /> e�eRds in so doing wAI beer tnl�rest ai the ruula pc�v{ded for in ttt�Nof��rc�m!M deba fncurteQ cr peki by l.ander to the dele ot repayment by
<br /> Trusior. A9 s•�ch e�enses,a!Lcn.�ier's�pdan.wi ta)4a pa�et�.ka on dsrtsand. (b)be added to the batarxs v!1.1e Nate end ba sppaUoned among
<br /> ar.�i ba Rayeble witt�ar�y�,st��,��,r►,e�,t��o�eco�aue a�,y� m u,e�„a am aa�cao�e�,n�,poacy« (6)the remalning ierm
<br /> c(tha Note. or (c)be lteatati ts a�qdoon payment wh8ch wN►_��o due and pa}arie ai tPre Nole's mafu�ity. TMs Deed ol Tn�f also wW seccr.e
<br /> psyment oP�hese amounts. 5'Ne riqhb pra.�ided Ear in ihL��aph s►,.r tia M ec��o am om��n�or Am�s�s�o wn�n��+a��y ce
<br /> enulled on ecceunt o!the defauR Any wch acGan by Le�tdar shel�ct be coruhued as curinp ihe detault so as:o bar Lender trom arty remedy thet
<br /> tt otherwtss wou'd have had,
<br />` WAARAN7Y;OEFENSE�F T[TLE. TYs tcAawiro9 Pto�✓.�rxlatUp to awnecghip of the Property are a Fert oi tNis Deed oi Trust.
<br /> rtue. Tn,stor warrnnts tnat (e)inrsior hosOs poc�and rnuketable}1De at;ec�d to the Property fn fee slrt�le,hee and �c.ear r�f all Gens e,nd
<br /> encumb,Bnces othc��then U�aSQ se!fartfi En ihe Re2!Properiy descripNon or in ths Exlsenp indebtedness sectlon below or In any tide Insuran!:e
<br /> P�"Y.tlCe reG�or ltnal tlde:+pir�on fssu�in lavor af,and aocePled bY�lender in connectbn wiM tlis Deed of Tnnf,and (b)Trustor has�Yrs
<br /> tull right.Pow�.and aulho�ity to�.�cec��a.�d deRvsr this Oeed af Tn�st b Lenda.
<br /> Defenso of Titb. Subject to 1he sx�..�epBon tn thu parapreph above.Tnisla wartants and wkl torever d�end the tltle lo ihe Property apalnst the
<br /> lawlul cEafms oi sA persons, In the e�nM any�ar procasdU�p is commenced thef qu�stk�s Trustors Mle or Ihe interest o(Trusles or
<br /> Lender urtder thls Dee�of Tnist,Ttustc�r s,hsp detend ihe actlon nt Ttustort e�ortse. Trttttor muy be thci nominat parfy ln such proceedinp,bW
<br /> Lendar shaA be eRritled to parf�Cipate in fhe ptoveedrq artd b be repreaented in the prcx*aedny by courtsd o(Lander's own choice,end
<br /> Trust°r w�l deNver.or cause to be deAverod.to l.ender s��cA irisk�umimts as Londx mey roquest from tlms ia Hme lo perrtdt such particlpatlon.
<br /> Compllance Wtth L.aws. Tnntor wartnrtts thet th� Property and Trusfore use oi the Property complles with all e�UrW aPPBceble laws,
<br /> ord�nencus,end regs�aUons of gcv�r�rrs�ntei auttwpitlas.
<br /> F7(ISTING tNDE�i7EDl�tESS. Tha fopc'airp Provision=c�t�rdnp e�ts'Sr�indafifedness(Me'F.�sBnp Irxiebtedt�pss�8re a��ert of lhis Ceed o(.
<br /> TtL�st.
<br /> EulsL'np L)t�. The 6en ct U�fs Doed ot Ttust securing tt�lnde�tsdness may be secor!dary artd fnferfor to an e�ds8ng pE+n\`f�ustor e�ressly
<br /> covonants and apress to paY.or see io the paymsnt of��e�St�g lndebfedr��d to grevant arry dslsutt on such Indebtedr�ss,arry defaul!
<br /> under the inshitments svtcfend�g such indebSed�ss.a srry deieuf!unde�anY secta�Y dxumeMs(or wch tndabtedness.
<br /> DeWUIt. if tne payme�t oF any irtstsRmen!of princFpai ar erry intAresi on ths Ex�Nng Indebtedn�s fs not made vr'tMn thA Nme requ�ad by the
<br /> no!a evidencir�g stx�Indebtedness.a shot�d a de(ault aecur under!he irtstrume.�t securing sUCh fndebtedness end not be cwe�during eny
<br /> gAP�l9 grdco period therein,than,al tlie oQtlon ot Ler►ttor.the indeble�3.�ess s�txed by thls Deed oI Trusi shell becomo fmmedletely due
<br /> and peyable,&nd tttis�of 7rvst s?�,!be in detauit.
<br /> Pdo NAodEflcet{on. Trusior sha0 not e�bar lnt�any agreement with tt►�holder p(qr�,mor�aga����t�a oiher sectxify aQreemsM whlch
<br /> has p�lority ov�this Dead M Trust 6y wldch th�t ag�ertfer�t Fs ma�fied,arnended�e�dended.a renewed wfthout the prlor evri8en cor�ent of
<br /> Le�d�. Trustor she9 rteitFtet►�ues!nrr acceot ernrn i��hm±e.w�.,.�.under any wch securRY e�eemer►3 wtthatt the prior wniten consent o}
<br /> Lend�.
<br /> CONDEMMATlON. Ttie foaewin9 FrovkslOns relaGnq tc�candemnaBon p�ocee3iregs ara a part of tl�Ls Deed ot Tnat.
<br /> MP11caUon oi Net Prxeeds. �f elf or any oart of the Property is condemned by eminent domain praceadngs or ioy any pnxeed�ng or
<br /> p�chase In 5au of co+idemnation,Lender mey at tls elect�re regtae thef aU or arr!Ra�ot the ne:proceads of ihe awud be app�ied+o the
<br /> . -
<br />