. �9-22-19�8 �EED OF TRIiST' Page 6
<br /> Loan Nn 7"&�555 (Cor�tinued)
<br /> - ' �
<br /> a the comma�c�ner�+of enY P�iq�►+�enY t+ankrWicY or in�oivency'�tvrs bY or a�alrst Trtstcr.
<br /> Forecfoaure,�afethue.etc. Comrtx�r�xna�d taecSasiaa or►o�teltue P�oceedrtps.wt�etl�bY Judcfia!P���►0.�-�+e�P.�oss�sic�
<br /> or arty otFxx snethod.by any cre�4x of Trttstar or by any govemrr�ntai e9encY apalrut arry of the F'�o�perty. Fiawnvet.this subsection shall ntst '
<br /> �nPh'!n lhe evgnt o!a qood faMh disputa by Trtuta as ko the vaAd[ty or reasor�ablsrtess af the claim wldch is the Sasis ot the foredosura or
<br /> lorei9tlure Proceadin9.ixrrvkled thnt Trustor pives i.e�a vrritfsr+rwifce af such dalm and ituNshes reserve�or a stxety�ond tor t1x+taFJm
<br /> sat�sfacic+ry to Lsnder. •
<br /> BreecPi of OR�er Agteec�erft M��erich by Trusior aMer the te.rm ot eny other e�eernent between Trvstor and Lender that ts not remsdled
<br /> wftriln arsy grace perfod providesf th�efn,kidudn4 wtthout I�Uan nny agreeme,zt co�cert�dn�arry indebledness or other otr�iqntlo�ot Trc�for
<br /> to!end�,wheh�er�d5tlr.p norr os hte�. �
<br /> • EyeYSta/lttee�ng Guarantor. Any ot the precedr�y evgnts occurs v�l1h igspsct to any Guarardor of flny o!the indebtednesa or ariy Guarentor
<br /> d12�or beoornes incaer�atent,a revckes a�spt�s the�Y of�or feb6ty urtder.any Quarartty d the IndebMdness.
<br /> • lidvcsx Chmtge. A mats�iet adverse chanqe occuss in Trustr�s f4nancsal co�dSan, w Lender beeeva� tha prospect of payrrwnt or
<br /> PertormartCe af t�xi lndabtaciness ts kr�ked,
<br /> ln�ec�tmtty. Ler,dEr 6n goo0 ixRh tfeerns�elt k�sacute.
<br /> Exlsrin�ladebtes9nesa. F 4slaurt ahs!aocur under eny Ex2�,g IndebFadn�s or under eny hsstrumar�t on the Property secur:nq arry Exfstlng .
<br /> Inde'�tedness,or camm�sncem.�r�t of any suit or�the�r acSan Eo fiorsciose aryl�Ben ort the Prooe�ly.
<br /> RiGHT3 AP4D REGSEDIES Oti DEFAC�.T. llpon Lhe c�ocuurrencs c(any Ev�t cg ptdault ond at any tirnt�Moreatler,Truslee or lander,st its o�tlnn,
<br /> maY exerchca ary one er mat+of 1M fdbwf�p righis and rartiedfaa,M addUon ta nrry ot1�rtqhls ar rsrt�edku p►ovided by kw:
<br /> ACCekrMion ts�on Oetault;AdtAU0na1�ane�f9es. n a.ry ever�l at detaudt occurs ns per tl�e brtr�of the Note s�cwed hereby,lender may
<br /> dedare a9 Indebledness securad by ttRS Deed o!Tn�s!to be dw and payabk�enc!�rs�slwt the�eupon becoRw due and peyable wtthout
<br /> sRY Prosenlment,dernarx.'.Proisst a no6ee d arry kh+d. TNerealfer.Lender may.
<br /> (a; Eithe�in person or by epent,vRth or w9thswl bdnpinQ 8ny sc�pn pr proCet�i;,y a by e receNlx eppointed by a catri and without
<br /> r�u�to the adequs,^,yy M 1!s sec�fi�.aM�r upon and fake poss�sion o(tha Fropaty�or am part thereot,in fts o�Hn neme or in th•name
<br /> � of Trusiee,and do Gny ecis whic�a�aerra nec�sery a desiroble ia prese�ve the value,martcefab�iy or reMab?�ty of the PrcPorty,a part
<br /> i/q of tt►e PropFxty a irderast tn the Property;�Cresr.a Stie Income hom tl�e pr�Ay a pr�t�ct t���i�y��p�,�,.and,w!th or witt�aut
<br /> ��` lsi:ing poss�slw�af Ihe PropeAy,sue tor or att�rtsar caGect the rs►�s,is�ues nnd profla oi lhs Pr
<br /> i7 unpsid�and opertY.k�,udirig thvse patt due er�d
<br /> gPPb tho same.less caats arx!ex�er�ses ot apere�on and caiec6on.lndudk�q attorneys'lee�.ro any IncSeblednass sec;y�red
<br /> n
<br /> bY iNs Qeed ot Trust.a1 kt s:aah an3er as Lend�mey OelertNne. The c�nierin0 t�n nnd lakin9 Possess�on oi ths Properfy the�co�ecdon
<br /> �:7 cf guch re�ts,issues an�pra5ts,a�!M!he appicatlon tt�eraa}sh�R r►ot cue a waive mny detaull or noyq�o!defauR under thls DEed of Trust
<br /> p, or IrtvaAdate arty act da^s In res{.�a�e to such dslaWt a pursusnt �such nolka d cSeFat�l1:ertd, nohvithsianding ltx+ cenfinuance In
<br /> ` P�sslon ot the Properly ar the crolnc�cn. rACeiPt tv�d aPR'�catkn �ren's, isst�s or ptofFts.Truslee or lender shed l+e entltted lo
<br /> exercisa eve.ry ripht prwidod tor{n ths[Vol�cx ttre Relaled aocu�or by lew e►pon ffie occtxrence ot arry event ot default,dexluding;he
<br /> �' r6phi to exerc�se tha powar at gale;
<br /> Q'� (b) Commo�ce an sctdo�to saedoss tl�is Daed ot Tn�s!as�moApage,appdnt e recei�er or spedtfcepy entacs any af the co�renants
<br /> hs►eot a�d
<br /> (c) �Nver to Trvslen a written decserat�n ot de�uit ar�i demand fos saSe end a rrtiften rwUce of detaWt end elecUOn io c&use?rustors
<br /> interest in ltw Pro�ty 4o tre said.wf�ich na�ce Tnslee sha!cause b be duy lNed(ar rocord ks fts�ePProPriate off�as ot t?w County tn
<br /> which the Pro�iy f5loca�d;end
<br /> (d) Wit�r*.spect 4�eA or arry pa.'t d the F�sonai Pro(�erty�Lender she4 have al the�iqAb and remedies oi a sec:aed parry unds�tha
<br /> Ne4x�sske UNform Cammerc�al Code.
<br /> �oreGosure by Power ol Sab. H Lendex elecis to foreclose by exe�3se of the Power of Sab he�ein contalned,Lender sh011 nadfy Tntstoo artd�-
<br /> shaA depostt v�lth T�ustee fitis Deed ot Tnut and the NWe and sucl�recei�ts and svidence 3f e�enc9tures made and sec�red by fhis CYaed c,
<br /> Tnist as Ttuslae mey re4=.tke.
<br /> (a) Upon recefpt af sudx nc�oe trom Lender,Tnntee she�c�vse b be�corded.P��hed and deGvared to Trustor such Noi�o of De!a�tit
<br /> ar.d Noticce o(Sele as thE�reqt�ked by lew a�d by tlils Daad of Tnial. Tr��e stiag.wRhout demsnd on Trustor,r��sveh tlms as may
<br /> then ba required Dy lew arx3 alte�r�dalSOn ot such N�of QRiaud and xrler Notice o!Seie hevfng 6�n ylvon as re,quirad by k3w,selt
<br /> the PioFerty at tl�s tlme and piace d sah�re�d by R In wct�Nolkx d Sale.�as a whob�or in separete lots or percels a Rems es
<br /> Tnrslee sl�a11 deam�x�t,and M such arder a N mey detarmi�,et pt�c oucflon to the highest dldder tor cash in IewPui mcney at
<br /> !he Ur�iad StaOes paynble at Me gma d sab_ Trusles shep dAlver ta such pueheser cx purchaters thereof Ns�ood anst ai�nt deed cr
<br /> �-°���G�Pf�Y so sold,but vrlthoul arty covansrtt ar MrtrranCj�e�,ress a�mpeee. 'rne rocne�s in wcn de�d a ary maners
<br /> or facts shaA be conduslvs proot ot ti�a trutl�luln�ss t�erecA. AnY Pa'scr�.indu�np wRhotd Artdfatlon Tn�sta,'frustee� or Lertdar, may
<br /> pur�hase ai auC�sale.
<br /> (b) As rtsay be perttirifed by ta�v,atler de�ucflnp a8 oasts,tees and eo�errtes a}Trusfee and o!tnit Trusl,Includinp costs o1 evldonce of
<br /> • N�e ln conn�crion with safe,Tr�shap apply ihe pra�,ds p(sa{e to payrt►�,it ol p}sii sums mqsentied under the terrrb ot this Deed of
<br /> Trust or undx the terms ot tha Na9e nc�then rePald.M�InQ but not Imited to acCrued interes!and late Chsrpas, �)ap other sums then
<br /> secured h�Y.ar.d (ii�Me rs�r+edn�.t!nny�to tt�perso��penons spaiY entltled tt�eto.
<br /> (c) Truslee mey in the manner prcv{ded by lew pos�one sale of a!or arry pocUun of the?roperty-
<br /> Remed3es Na!D�clu�lve. Tnrstee and Len�er.and each ot them.sha!!ba e�titled to enforc�e payment and�famflnce of ersy indebtedness
<br /> or ob�iga�ons secwed by this t�ed ot Trvst and to w�s a!riphts ar.d pov„�rs un�r�p��T�,under Ihe Note.under any of the
<br /> Related Uocur.ie�:s,or under any ofher ayree�nt or nny lsws now or hereefl�tn toroe:nohvilMtar�ng.some rx a9 0(such I.-�debteAr.ess
<br /> a�d ac9gal�o�s seaxed by t'�ks Deod�t Tnis!may rww or herealier bs otherwise sec�xed,whe'her by rnoriga9a�deed of trust,Pkid9e,tien,
<br /> assi�rnsnt x othenrse. iVa'ther the acceFian�of th's Deed o(Tna!nor Ft5 entor�ment,wfiether by couri actian or pursuant lo the pawer af
<br /> sa'� a othar powers confained En ttus Deed d Tnist,shaA prejud�ce a tn arry marn�er at(ect instes's or Lsncfer's rfgM to reeNzo upor� or
<br /> � enforoa nny c��w�y�,;,.��,.�^�-,�,_._,,,,+�T„,,��.�e,,,�,r;a h�ng�d that Tn�lee and Lender,ar.d each af them,shafl be
<br /> `� enti8ed to onPace tius Deed of Tnal ard any�sectcily rto�v or�heid by Le.ider or Trusfee in such ader and rt�annar as they or
<br /> ei8:�of 41tiem rnay�n the�absature d�cxsUO� ��� µ����,��� a res�ved to Trz�l2e a Lender, is intended !o bs
<br /> exciusi�e of arry oUier remedy la�his Qeed of Trust or by faw provided os p�.but each shaA be cumulative and shsd be in edfitior.to
<br /> <:
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