<br />� `�-�-,s�� o��D o� n�usr
<br /> Loan t�o ao1595 i������� PSga 3
<br /> re�ase of arty ha�dous we.slo or s�ubstance an,under.abo»t a kom the
<br /> ad�a ar threntened itlpaBon a c�'rra o(ar+y kir�J by anY P��A rsla ��Y bY�Y P�owrters or od�!pants ot th0 PropettY pr �i)any
<br /> acknow�ged by Lander tn writlng, (q nettl�er Truslor nor 0n0�such matbarr and (c)ExcApt es Provlous}Y dlsc9ased to an� �
<br /> �te.menutacture.s4ore,creat,c9spose of,or rei� �f'ter�ent,cor�cEor,egent ��hvrt+the����p�'
<br /> acf�+ily shrsll be Cor�tx.isd!n�rxe w�h all �t�r�as wasie or su�stance' oQeiAy nnd (8}eny
<br /> km?tallon tho�..e iew�, reQtAatlorts,and ordirsences d�ed a�ovs. Trustor��..8tiorfxes l.snder a�nd ��d�o�ttdnCes.Indudlny without �
<br /> make a�n ��ecfioru and te�,st Tn�st�s a�e�se.as Lec�e�mny aesr a,-�p�oExfab�de�,,,ine won a�e Prope�ty tc '
<br /> SecCon ef iiie Deed cf Tntsi. ArtY fr�specSprts or basls rnede by lendet st�ell bb lor t8ndei"s ��e o(ths Props�iy with thls
<br /> arn/r�;�r�b�;�or Ilabl�!y on the part cS Lendsr ta Trust�er to any ather persac�. Th�• Fi+P�s�dY and shal not bs construeci b txs�te �j
<br /> based on 7r�5fors dua dl�gence in fnv�lipaUnG the Property f�r hnaQrdots v►"ssls�nd Masrdo�a and wsrraMfes conlalr�ed hetein nre ,�
<br /> wahres em tuhxa cfatau aqminst t-ender fa Md�u�or con6�bt�Gon hr ths evsrd Tnalor �c�. Tntslbr herebY (a)releasas end �
<br /> such laws, and (b) t�Qrees to irederttte f ar�d hdd ►�Lender�efr�st any��becomes iebb tor deanup or other costs under any
<br /> e�q:ensgs wt�ich Lender �y dire�y ot h�r s:�hedn ar suffer �' �• �• da^�eges. PenalHes, and Q�
<br /> corasequencx et ar.v use,3err.xs�an,rt�enula�,-tsre,sfo�e�,�n� ^� from e t+regch d h�is secSon oi the Dead of Tnut or as a �.
<br /> ��. -�ie ct�pasal.raledse or Gren�d rolesse d a hezardous wesls or sabsfanc�e on ths �
<br /> pro�fsiorts cf Ws � o! the Doed uf Tnet, k� t,he obB�tBon to b�dsru�tfy. slnl s��MvA tha
<br /> InQebi�dnass end tF�a saf�Ctlon arad� �^ '
<br /> Intevasf tn the Property,tw'�t.her bY�ot oll�r�fl�s ien ot thb Dew!;w Tntt!and shal rtat bs affected t►Y lenders acq�on M any
<br /> Nutaanca,1Yasta. Trustcx shaa not catrsa,conduct or perrt�Y ntny nt�sance nor a
<br /> F►operty a any portion ef th�Praperty. Vyit��t fm�tl�4 t��e Cf ths ""`��a«�.°`s`�x""y�+�+a a o�w�te o�,a�o mm
<br /> righ:fo removo,any Dm�or,rr�ne,ah�ir,qiy,����).�,��«��•T���not rortave.or prnnt b arty other parly the
<br /> R�movad ot Improvemenls. Truslex sh�A nd darr�oBsR a r•�nwve nrr i ��wRha�E ths pr}or w►ttlan consant of Lsnder.
<br /> ol Lan9er. f�s&concFtiai to tfi9 remot�al of� t f �!s 6zxn.ha Red Pro�erty without the p�w�ttlan co�senl
<br />_ rePiac�such im�rove+na�wRh`mpe�OV�d af foasl�aquel�valt».��Y�Truf,�M meke�rtanpe�nls satlsfactory to Lender to
<br /> Lendr.r's Ri�t lo Er.3ar. Lar;dOr er�RS 0p�����������
<br /> LerxSer�s In!arests and to ir�!��,�p��a T�s �oPsrty af aM reasonabie�rr�s to ettend tc
<br /> xomphncs w8h the ierms and caa�9oro cf thb Deed d Trust.
<br /> Coonc4tancr witt�ravarnr..ea;tal R.�tdrtrnenta. Tntsiar s�w1 pr�pY�ph+wlih d latlr
<br /> a!�ect� ot as qoverrtmerttal a,vt�saloes a„-picat,6�to the use or oowp�r�y d ehs �'end regulatlortt,nqw or hor�,aHer in, _
<br /> D'sab�ltios Act. ?rvsia mey co�fes!:n Qou�fafth a.�y suCh law, or� ��y�' ��G�4mitatlon. the M�ericans lViih
<br /> inclut�np ap;�r�fo��;s�sa i:+ny ea Trustor has �totl�ed Le��der!n w�tl(�0�b end wltf►hoid complance dwing any_proceeding,
<br /> Lertd�s in;�vests In ihe PropeF,y are noR�+�. Lar�maY�e Trustor to ���a����,In Lenders sde opinlon,
<br /> satlsiecicxy to Lend.x,fo pceE�c!l�ecedefs f�beryst, � P�idequate secuity or a aurety bcxxf.reasonabiy
<br /> D��ty fa F'rotect. Tnisior aWeas rteFiher k a�anC'on nor lesve unst�e�rtdod ths ti
<br /> aet for;h abrnre in thls sectfcxi,which hwn qys����������. TNSlor r„,a!do eM otf�er eNs,in adc9tlan to Ihose acts
<br /> C'.�OH S+!_�-�A35E?!T BY lE)tpE�if, ���'�P�o1eC1 and pteserve tlie Property.
<br /> t.andst errey.st Ikt ePtdon.dedrrs�q�Fy due and PeY��sums sacwed by this Dsed of Trusl
<br /> upon the sale�trar.sfix,wit�cu!t!��art6er"s ptic�-vnNfen con�nf,o!a1 or a'�Y Par1 Ct!he Reel
<br /> "sata cx transt�mearts the cQm�+yance oi Rsel Pro�etly or anY riPht.tllle or Inlerest the�aln• �O�tY�ot ury Interest In t�e Real Propsrty. A
<br /> or Irnduntsry;:vhether by o4�ht sate.cked,ks�kne�,t sale ccvstract,kn6 can�ct.ca+4ad tar�basehdd M1�er�5��e tWerr-nsther vuJnlary
<br /> three(9)pe�s��ense-aptF�n co�,�act,or gy sa1�,�a�� preeter thd�
<br /> �oP�1Y�c�by erty oiher method af . �Y bet�flcial ln3ecgs!M or to any 4lnd ht�.t!hoid�r�B9e to iha Asal
<br /> trar�tar a�se lnducfe^s eny ch.��e in���d Real Propecty�rarest H any Trt�sQor is t c�soraiba�,DeR+�shtp or qmNed Reb�ty company,
<br /> company trelac�sls,as the t�se r;��be,oS�sar�,�.��P�t2`x)o!the voth�q stadc.partnersNp inieresls ix Am3ted Iiability
<br /> law or by Nebras�ce law. �shaR nd be�by Letk7et H such�carc�{�prp}�red by federal
<br /> TAXES AHA!lENS. The fdlowin9 Provfsia�s rdattng!o the taxe.a end 1�ns on ihe
<br /> �o�ertY are e part of�his Deed of Tn�st
<br /> PaymCnl Tnulor stia�pay wfien due(and M a1 evanls prio�Ep del���y)�g�
<br /> and scawerj, �r°es and IrtXxu,`Bo�s levfed egainsf or on aocourtt oi ifle �'��•essessrnenLs.CI19fQ6$�SII�UOI719 1Vfl}�f
<br /> serv�es ren�ed or rtxteris9 ft�rNshed to the ���P�'�Y,and shaA pay when due e�datms for work done on�r for
<br /> intarest of Lender under tys p�ed o(T F�. ��������'flP�e6'tY hse o!ef fens hgMtp prbrityr py�pr�ual to the
<br /> to beisrw.and e,�spt us otMarwic8 Ns1.exoepi tor the Ben oT trxes and tssessmecds no!dua„ex�epf tar the existinp lndebtednes,s re!erred
<br /> P�'ovided In Mds Deed o(Tnal.
<br /> R:p�h�To Conlesf. Trustor may wlthhotd��t����«��� ��h����obilgaHon
<br /> to PeY�so Iwsg as lender's inie�ast!n fhe 1aoPerdtzed. if e isn arSseR or Is 1Med u a reseult o(n
<br /> 8fleen(15)iiays atter the l9en e�i58s ot,M e l�en Is lAod.v�itldn 0lioen(1!�daYs eNer TNSIor hes notlCe of th81��Y�M,TRtstor shaH wilhin
<br /> !fsn, or H requssled by Landar,dePo�a�th l,.e,�der cash or a sudflclant��ate �9,seCUre the discharpe ot tFe
<br /> emouN sufHcient!o dscharga Ihe Ifen p{us any c�sts and aqorr�eys'f�s pr�. �������'satlsiactc�ry!o Lender in an
<br /> under tfie Ii�n. In erry cw��est.Trvstor stad du�e�d Nse1t and�endar nnC ahnM���that couid exrus tt9 i resWt of a toredasure or salR
<br /> i'roperty. Trvstor shaq nartx+LenCar ns mn adcRFlo�e) �Y anY aOverse ju�fpmeM E�fore s�orcarr�enl epairtsl Ihe
<br /> obGDee under any auro�Y bond ttxnlshed:n the conlest prpcee�fngg,
<br /> �ldhorize ths PeY��. Trusta shaA upo�demand hxrdsh to Lt►nder sal�ciorY evidence of payment of the Paxeg or essessmenls end shall
<br /> $PR�P�iels 9overr,menfsl of&.Nat to dei��e�r to Len�at ury tkna e wriNan statemenf of the taxeS and as.sessments against the
<br /> Properiy.
<br /> NQUce of�..ortslrvcHon. Trvstar s:sait no9y Lendee at least fiRee�(15)davs betore ar�y woAc is cammenced,erty servk�s aro furnished,a any
<br /> materdafs er8 suPPbed to tfie Proper,y. H any cneGtiaNc's len, mater�hr�n's 9en, or other Ren could be
<br /> seR�ices,or mate�als. Truslcx w��pon reyu�a����h�Q���a�� esse+ted on epCOUnt of the work,
<br /> P8Y 1h9 cosi ef such fm�NOVert:etd3. �Sa.' r
<br /> �to�',a Le^der ihat Tnisla can a nd x-il!
<br /> PROPE'�iTY OAMA�E 1NSlARAkCE. The QapoMrinB Provtslo�s ratai�g to Mist!ring the Froperly 9re e pert ot th45 Deed af Tn�st
<br /> !�laiRt�ns�ce oi Msuranct. Trusi�shal prt�aue and maf�ein po&�es o!fire fnssxance wRh standerd extencfed cpv�rag�endasemer�ts en a
<br /> .�'t��acem�r,t bas�s ror�e r�ir�swable vslue coverirrg aa irt�provem�on ihe ass+Property in an artrat;nt su�iasnt to avotd apPecaeon or any
<br /> coiru:xarx�a cfause,ar!d wit.h a s�anderd mm�a9ee dause tn fevor of Lender. T
<br /> fieb�nty insurance in such co`reia9e ar.w�usts ss lender ma �a she!also procure and ma&ii$in caT�Prehe+�fve general
<br /> insurar�ce FoGCtes. AddtBonaey.Tnstor sha,1 Y�4�with trustee ena�erxfer beir�g n¢med as addNJOneI instxeds in such Gabl►iry
<br /> t±�..°;u i�surancs,es l.end�ma malr.iat�wch other lrsstxarxe, lnqudFng but no!irtdted to hazard, business Intem�pGon, and
<br /> y re'�0^�►Y�ea�►s. Po�CJes st�eil be wriEt�n hr s«m,an,o,x,ts,covareges sna t�reesonably,accept�b�e to
<br /> � �
<br /> � \
<br />