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. . _ � �� - _ � <br /> � <br /> - � <br /> 04-2?�-t998 DEED QF TRUST. �s9e � � <br /> Loan t+i�: ?'�?a95 (Corrtinued} <br /> DEFlNiY{atdS. 'fhe fodowing words sheSl have the toRowfnq meanb'�gs when used ks tt�is Dsed ot Tnu� Terms nc?t otherwlse debnstf fn lhls Deed ot <br /> Trust shflq have the moar�ings atM$�uleC to suCh tertns te the U�tCrtn Comrtsecc�l Cade. M rele�e�s to dooat amounts shaR menn nmounts In <br /> lawful money ot the tl�ted Sffites Ot AmBrlCa. . <br />� 6enefkiary. i'he�r�d"Be�maens FNu Poirits BaN4 ks suc�ssors flnc ass3pns. Fhre Pdnts Barak also Vs reFerted to as'Lende�'in <br /> thfs Deed M Tntst. <br /> DeeC of Tn�si. The.votds")eed ot Tnaf'mean Ws Deed of TnJSt en►on9 Trust��Lertder,and Truslee.and includns without Nmilatlo�eli <br /> esslgnme�t and secwRy Irderest prcvislo�s rela9ng to the Personet PropertY and laerds. <br /> �Exla3inQ In�sbtedetesa. Yhe words'E�I�debAedr�ess'mean Me indebledness desalbed below In the E�dsdng indebtedness secdo�of <br /> � Sh:s deed ot T�ust ' <br /> � Guarantor. The word "Guarantor menr�and kxludes without fimt'sdon any and a1 ptiarantors, sureties. and"exommodafi�on p§ities 1� <br /> C,� . connectlon wtth 9he Ind�,ledneas. <br /> � Improvements. Tha w�d'fmprovema�"moer�s and indudes wiihout Hmitali�on aA�dsgng and htt�re improwments,buNdirpa,shax:tures� <br /> , and othac eona:rucbM on tt+e Raai PrOperly. <br /> � mablle homes afRxed on the Reat Property�laci6des.adddlo�+s�rep�Oerto�ts <br /> °� Indebtedne9s. The word lndebted�x+ss'means aA PrinclPal and lnte�si Qayable unde�tt�a Nae and any amounts expended or edvRr�ced by <br /> � Len�lo dtscharye ob�ipatioru of Trttstor or eoq�ersses inctxra�Gy Tntstes or les�to ertfatoe ob11pa1ions ot Trustor und�tF�s Deed of Trust, <br /> Q" together wfth tntercrst on wch amoursts as provlded !n tt�8s Deed of Trust. In addi0on to Me Note, lhe ward 'Indebled�ess"Includes nN <br /> �' obt�gatloro.debls and�.P�+i��L'�eon.of Tnnlor to�'.a anY one or more d weM as e1 dalms by Lender apairut <br /> Tntstor,or arry one or inoae_ot thert4��+�+��D ot hereaifer arfsir�.whett�er related or umelsted to ths purpose of ihe Note�whelher <br /> voiuntary ar ott�e►�;ae,whe�he�dus or not'due.absduk+or ccnC.ipsnt,NQuideled a u�qul0afed end whsther Tnntcx rtuy ba Sabte Individuauy <br /> cr jofntly wfth others,whether oblignled es�Sranta or otfaeiwise,and whelher recovery upo^such Indebtedness may be or hereaHe►may <br /> bocorrs barred by �rty statute o!im1�a�Ons, and wtx�ther s�h IndeDtedc�ess may be a hereafl�r ma�,become othervvise unenforceeble. <br /> Sd s�en�may Ihi en►o T�n�or,t�ooe�an�wi h kster�a,ere�«+a n�owreve�r,Mm�i,o e�venc�stu►C�tu�ture ea aen�(e�zdu�n��jn�a� <br /> !ne e�,�a�e sa,aoo.00. The Ikn o4 thi��eed��Trust shali not exceed et any one tfine S24,000�0. <br /> Len�ef. The v�r,xd'Lender means Frvc Pdnt�E�ank.tts strxessors and a�ipns. <br /> Nole. The word"Pdote�nseana tne Nate aatea Sep�emoer rr.�s�u,�n the P�i�ctpal �motint o!53,�44�D.50 hom Trusda to Lertder, <br /> togelher with aA renewels.axterolons,ma�tlorts.�lfr�ndnps,ar►�suhs8tutlons ta theFNota. The maturily dale ot this Dead oi Tnnt is <br /> September 22,2001. <br /> Persona! P:ope�ty. The w+xds'Pr.s�! PropertY"mean a�equfpment, Ibctures.and other nrBctes ot penorta�PcopsrtY now or hereaflar <br /> owned by Trtnta,and now or:�ereeQer attached or allbrod!o the Reel Properly;togelt�r wilh dl ecoesslorts.Parts� and additio�s lo.ell <br /> reptacements ot, and aR substHu�ns lor. arry d wch property; and together with a3 proceeds (lnclu�n9 `wflhoul Nmltatlon aN Insurer�ce <br /> Nroceeds and refunds of P+�)han artY Salo or oNier cisPo�ion o(the Proparly. <br /> ProRtE'1Y. The word'Propeiiy"mea�cdlecyvelY the Aea!PropeitY snd ttae Personei P►ope�f. <br /> Red Properly. The wads°Ree.l ProPertY mean ti�u Propetty��b and riphls descr�ed nbova In the'Corsveyance and GranC section. <br /> Re!?�i�d Documsnts. 17w words°Relaled Documents' mean and fnduds+rltMut YmMeBort ad promissory notes. cxedit egreerr�nts, loan <br /> agreertsents.enviro�menta!egre�ments.4uaranties.s�u�tY a9ree�ents.mat�a9es.doeds of trust,and a6 olhar frutrurrbnls,eyreements and <br /> documents.whelher now or herealter eodStlnO.e�ceculAd in catttiectlo�uvith Ure Inde4tedr�3. <br /> Rents. The word'Renis"meens s9 presen!and h�hre re�.�etienu�s,'ncome�issues,rayalties�Profits`and other ber�el9ts derived kom the <br /> Prc�perty. <br /> Trustte. The word'Trustea'means flve Point3 8ank end any substltul8 or s�sor trustees. <br /> Trustor. TTre word"Tn1slor'maens arty and e9 perscns anC sr��this�eed ut Trt�t.fnduding vrFthout kmltetlon eA Trustors named <br /> abovs. <br /> TNIS DEID 0� TRUST, 1!lCl.iA1NG TtiE ASSiGNMFNT OF RENTS AND THE SECUR�TY tHTEREST IN T}'JE RElITS AND PEASONAL <br /> PFiORERTY,tS GIVEN 7Q SEC1htE (i)PAYAAEMT QF T?iE 1liDF4TED9�lESS Ar2D (2)P£RF�RNiANCE�F ANY/4ND ALL OBlIGA7lONS OF <br /> TRllSTOR UIiOER Ti�E ti07E,THE RELATED�OC1N�lTS,ANO T}�S DE�D OF TRUST. TFNS DEED UF TR11ST IS GIVEN A!!O ACCEPTED <br /> ON TNE FOLLOlNING TERMS: -- <br /> PAYMENT AlID PERFO�iMAHCE. Except as ott�w4se prw�ded in ths Oeed ol Tnut,Trvslor she�t pay So Lender all smounts secuted by�lds Deed <br /> of Trust as they bacome due,artd shaA stricUy and ln a tlmaty marn�pecia�m a1 ot Truslors cblpntlons under the Nole.th6s Deed cil Trust,and Ihe <br /> Fwa�Et°�!Rc+CUmenlS. <br /> POSSESSION AND MAI�lTENM10E QF T}E PROPERTY. Trtts'.or agtees thal Trustor's pCSSesslort 8nd�'S8 ot ttie Property shaA be aoverned by <br /> the foflowing pro�islons: <br /> Possesslon ind Uso. Unt�ihe occurrence oQ an Event of Detautt,i rustar mey (a}remain in possesslon e nd cantrd of the Property, (b)use, <br /> opereis or manege the ProPertY.and !c)codec�i anY ReRls from Ma Prnperty. <br /> Duty to Matntnir;. Trustor shaA maDntai,i the Fropevty in f�ar�ble t��on and promptly(;erform aD repatrs.rePlacemonts,an�mainterance <br /> necassary to preseris its vafue. <br /> Hamrdous Substaesces. The tFxnss°haza�dous weste:fiazardats strbs�r�ce,,•�osat;'release.'end'lhreate�ed release:as usad in trds <br /> Deed of Trust,shsli heve the same�rongs as sat lath in h+e Comprshens�'Emironmentai Re�onse.C°mpe�ue�°^�end liebirity Aci of <br /> 1980,as amended.42 U.S.C.Section a601,et seq.("C�RCLA'j.tha SuF+erTund Ameridments and ReauihoriffiUon Act af 1986. Fub.L No. <br /> 99-499('SAF�I\�.the Hszardous Mate�als Transportatb�Act,�9 U.S.C.SecUon 1801,et seq.,!ke Resource Co�servation and Recovery Act, <br /> �'?U.S.C.Seciion G901,et seq.,or other appRCabfe s�te a'Fedscal ia�vs,nies,ot regutatlons adopied ptxsuar�t to arty of the foregdng. The <br /> t�'4iarsrdaus wasie"and�rdous subsfance"shs!also lndude,vn'ttwu!Brtdta9on,petroleum and petrdeum by-products or any hacUon <br /> thereof�nd asbestos. Trvstor represents and wartsMs to L.e�der thak (a)During 1he p�i�d of Trusiors ownersNp of the Property.there has <br /> been no use.9enera8on,manutaHiae.staage.fireatment,�a1,iaiease or Uxaetened release o(any loaardous waste or substsnce by arty <br /> persan on,ur.der,rtbout a hom!he ProperNf (b)Tnstor has no knowtedge of,or reasan to betieve tha!there hss beert,except es?revluusty <br /> d':sclosed to and acknowfedged by Lendes in writing. {f)enY us�.Sen�aSon.rtrar�ufacfiag.starage.treatmertt,d�sposal.release,or threatenea <br /> V�: <br /> j`. <br /> S'. <br /> 1,' <br /> i <br /> t: <br /> ?` . k <br /> .. 'c <br />