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� gg� �00�4� orsaooi3 <br /> p2yri?c:�ts fi�ay tw lon�er be rYqoired,at the option of Cxnder, if�nortgage ituurance coverage(in die amount and for d�e perioci <br /> d;at rrquires) provided by an in,nser approved by Ixnder again b�omes available and is obtained. Borrower shatl pay <br /> the premiun�.e rrquired to maimain mongage insurance in effect,or to provide a loss reserve,until die requirement for mongage <br /> i�sur�nce e�'��;i accordan:.e with any written agreeinent between Bosrower and L.ender or applicabie law. • <br /> � �. ;.. ecfio-. Ler�er or ic,e agent may m3ke rrasonable entries upon and inspectio►tt of the Pmperty. Ltixler�t�all give <br /> �iorrr,�ver noEice at ntie time of or pi.t„to an inspection specifying r,easonabie cause for d�e inspection. ' <br /> 10. CnndPnmation. The procteds of any award or ciaim for �amages, dirttit or co�tSequential, in conne�don with auy <br /> condenu�ation or other taking of any part of the Property, or for rnnve}•ance in lieu of condeau�ation, arc hercby assigned a:id <br /> shzl(;x paid to i.endtr. • <br /> in the e�•ent of a total tak�ue of the Prop�:ty,d�e proceeds shall be applied to the;ume secured bv°this Security laetruc��ent, <br /> whether or not then due. «i�i any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a pa�ial taking of the Pmt�erty in w•hich �he fair <br /> n�:rkec value of the Preperty inunediarety before the taking is equal ta or greater tk�an d�e amount of the smu securr.i by diis <br /> Seeurity lnswn�ent imnxdia:ely before the takiug,unless Bormwer am1 L.ender od�envice agree in writing. Lh�sums,;ecured by <br /> this Securiry Instrucnent shail be reduced by thc amount u;�� pra.�ecx�s multiplied by the foll�.Y�ng ,`:action: (a) ;he totai <br /> arru�unt of the sums secured inunediately before the ta�ing, d��ided by (b) the fair marker vai��f;ne Proper.y inunediarely <br /> before the taking. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In die event of a partial taking of the Frop�rty :n which ehe fair <br /> n�arket valu�of the Property ;nu�ediately bcfore the taking is lers than the arnount of thc sunu seti;ured irlu-:cdiately befor� d�e <br /> caking, un�ess Borrow•er and Len�er oeherwice agree in writing or unls�applicable law oth�nvi�e p�nvir;es, c}ce proceeds shali <br /> be applied to[he sunu secured by this Securiq•Insarunxra whether or�t th�sun�.e are then due. <br /> li th� Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if,after notice by Leitder co Borrower that the conciemnor offer�to n�ake an <br /> award or xttie a claim for damag�, Borro��er fails ro rcspond to Lxnde� :V1II1111 3O tI3fS BftC� tI1C (�.1IC [I1C i10UCC IC �IVCtI, <br />�der is autho�i2�d to collrct and appiy tA:procetds,at:Ze option,CI[1CS to resroratio�t or�pai�vf.J1C PfOPCCIy 0�t0 U1C SUI11S <br /> s.°cured by this Sa;urity I�utrument, whether or imt then dur. <br /> Lhilc� Lecxler at� Borrowtr od�trwisc agrre in wnting, an; applicatior: :e •�rcx.,,-c�.� to �,;i�x•ipal shall ix�t exarnd or <br /> postpone the due r3ate of;he mont!iiy paymenGc refrrrcd to in pararraph� 1 and 2 or change chti:a:ixii,t�t of such payn�ents. <br /> 11. 8orro�E•er hot Reteased; Fo�'fi�carance Bv Lender2V��t A �i'aiver. Extea�ion of:l�t tir:c for paynxnt or nxx]iti�:atian <br /> of amoniiation of die sunu�currd by this Security lattrun.Y.-nt grant�cl by Lea�der ro any succr,c�r in interrst of Borrower sliail <br /> not operare to relra�e the liability of the ariginal Barrowcr or Borrower's succ�.sorx in interest. Lendrr:ct�all ��t be rec�uirrd ta <br /> conuixixt proceedings a�aiint any succes�,�r in interY.t o�rciuce ro e�tr�x1 ti►,►r for payttient or odierwisr�ix�dr y amortiz�ttion' '- <br /> of d�e su�►Le secured by this Sr.;urity 1�!<wment uy reason of any den�a��d n�ade by dit origii�al Borrower�r &�rrower's <br /> successors i�i interest. Any Forbtaranz� by L.ender in exerc4siug any right or rcmedy shall not be a �vai��er of or�re�:lude Uie <br /> exercise of any righc or remrdy. <br /> 12. Successors nnd AsSigns i3ound; Joint and Se�-eral Ltabilii�•; Co-signers. The co�enants aixJ agreemrnts of this <br /> Securiry Iitetrun�ent shall bi►� and beneft the succ�sors and acsigvs of Lender a�xi Borrower, sub�ect to the provisioae of <br /> paragraph 17. Borrowe�'s covenants and agr:�cncats shal� be joint anc! ceti�eral. Any Borrower who co-signc d�is Seciirity <br /> inarunxne buc doe; n�ot etecute the Not�: �a) is co-signing this Security [r�cwnxnt only to mortgage, grant and convey that <br /> Borro�;•er's int�rc:t in the Prop�rt}�uruier the rern�of this Securty i�trumcnt; (b) is not per�orrally ot�ligated to pay the sun�.ti <br /> secured by this Securinr lnstruR�ent; acid(c)agre�chat Lxnder and any oth�r$orro�ver may agrce to etteixf, modify, fotbear or <br /> n�ake any acconmiodat�oas wid�rrgud to the tern�.s of this See;�rit.v I���trun�ent or tt�r I�bte wiQ�out that Borrower's eoncent. <br /> 13. Loan Charges. If die loan s.--cured by this Securi.ry Iitcwnxnt is subject to a law which set� mazimum loan charges, <br /> znd diat 1aw is finafly inte�ret�d � ehat the intenest or cthtr loan charges colltcted or to be colltcted in connection with the <br /> toan e�ceed the pencuued liitu��, thrn: (al any such loar,charga�hall br reduced by the amount �irceccary to reducc the chargr <br /> So d�e pemutted linut; ai�d (b) any sun�s aiready colle�•ted from Borrower which cxceeded prnnittrd limit,e will be rcfundrd to <br /> 3orrower. I�;ider n�ay choo�e to n�ake diis refwx; by rtducing d�e priixipal owed under the Note or by n�aking a dirrct <br /> payaient to Borrower. If a refu�xl reducrs prin_•apal, the redaction �vill tx trrated as a partial prcpayment wid�out any <br /> prePaymcnt charfie un�er the I�ore. <br /> 14. T�'otices. :1ny notice tu Borrowzr providttl f�r iit this Security Ii��tninxnt sf�ali be givrn by delivrring it er by mailing <br /> it by ti�t clat� ntail uiilr.c�applicable law tr.�uirrs usc of a�x�tlhr n�rdiod. Tlic noticr shaU bt dircctrd to d�e Proprrty Addrc�� <br /> or any other address Horrowrr designat�; b�� noticr to l.endtr. Any notice eo Lx�xler shall be gi�•cn by firct clac� n�ai! to <br /> [xtxier'�addresti staced herein or any c✓�rr addrec� lxr�ler desibnates by notice ro Borrower. Any ��tice providrd for in diis <br /> Security Itr.trua,ent shall be dc�nn.�d to ha�•e bre��given ro Borrower or Lender when give��as provided in this paragraph, <br /> 15. Governing Law; $everah,iiih. This Security (a�trument chafl bc govcrned by federat Iaw and d�e law of th� <br /> iurisdicuon in w�hich d�e Propetty is located. In �he event t1�t any provision or cfause��f this Securit}• h�.arun�ent or die �lo;e <br /> contiic�e w�id�applicable law, nr,;h coi�flict shall not affect other provisionc of diis Srcuriry !►utrumrnt or the Note wl�ich can be <br /> ��ven eR'ecc widiout ilie contl?ctEng p;c�vision. To th�s end ehe grovisions of this Security Insuument and the Note a:�rirclared <br /> ro be c:�•erablt. <br /> 16. Borro��•er's Cor,v. �,,, wer cliall t�g�ven or�contorn�ed copy�f die Note a�tid of this Srr�s�ry I�t�trument. <br /> Form 3028 /90 <br /> ��6RtNE)t9z�zi o� P�p,a w e <br /> wr.r <br /> k <br /> � \� . <br /> br- <br /> C, . .. . . . . . . . .. ',�� �... �_ � .. <br /> ♦:. <br />