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�n �{���3 DM00013 <br /> . <br /> �� - <br /> 17. i'ransfer of the Property or a Beneticial Interest in Borroµ•er. tf all or ar.y pan o;dre Propercy or any interest i�i it <br /> is sol3 or transferred (or iF a benefieial interrt in Borrow�r is sold or transferrecl and Borrower is not a natural pPr�on) without <br /> I�-nder's p�or wr�«en consent, l.ender nuy, at ics opdan, require immediate payment in fuil of all sunis secured by chis <br /> Security lnstrun�ent. Hoa�ever. [his o�don shall not be exercised by Le�clrr if ezercise is prohibiced b;federal la�v�e of the dare , <br /> of[his Security Instrument. <br /> If Lxnder excrcises diis�ption, Lcnder shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shali provide,a peri�d of not <br /> Icss dian 30 days from t�;e date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Bonoever must pay all suntS �ecured by�tltis ', , <br /> Security laurument. ?f Borrower fails.o pay :hrse sums prior tn 8,e expir3tion of this periai. Lender may invok �any re�nedies -,� <br /> pernuaed hy-this SecuritJ'nstxumecu witheut further notice or demand on Borro�ver. <br /> I8. Barrower's Right to lce+nstate. If Borrower meets certain conditions. Borrower shall ha��e the rig�ht to have <br /> en�t�rcement of this Security In�trument discenunued at any dme prior to the eailier of: (a) 5 day�(or such other period as <br /> applir�ble law may specify for reinstatemenc) before salz of the Property p�rsuant to any power of sale c�ntained in this <br /> Se�:urity Instrumenr,or(E; entry of a judgment enforcing this Sec��rity I�trument. Those conditwr�e are that Borrower: (a)pay, <br /> Lender all sums which tnen would be due under this Security Itutrucnent and che Note as if no acceleration had occurred: (b) <br /> cures any default of any other cover�tn�s or agreementt; (c} pays all ezpenses incurred in enforcing this Security ln�trument, <br /> including, but rbt limited to, rea_eonable attorneys' fe�; and (,d) takes such action as Ixnder n�ay reasonably reqwre to assure <br /> that die lien of ihis Secoriry I�wnxnt, Lxndcr's rights tn the Propeny and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums se�:ured by <br /> this Security instiument shall contir.ue unchanged. Urc,n reic�tatement by Borrower, this Security Inst,-un�*ut and t!:c <br /> obligacions secured hereby shall re:nain fully effec�ve as if no acceleradon had xcurred. However, this right!:,reinstatr, sliall <br /> not apply in the case of acceleration undcr paragragt� 17. <br /> 14. Sale of Note; t':�ange of Loan Se�vicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (teg?tner widi r�his Security <br /> Iaersument) may be so!d one or more tittxs without prEor notice ro Borrower. A sal�may resuSt in a�nange in Sie entity(knowr <br /> as che "Loan Servicer") that collects nrnt�ly paymenu due under the Note and this Secun�y In�e;ument. There also n�ay be one <br /> or more chauges of tht Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. if there is a change of r!-,e�.oan 5 rrv:cer, Borro4v.::will tx <br /> given written nouce of che charge in accorda»ce witn par.+graph 14 above aitid applicable�dl•i.TI1C rq(jr.�wiU state�.�e��ame and <br /> addres� of die �xw L.oan Servicer and die addmcs to which payn�en!s �Izould bc n��e. The ��tice �:ill alse c;,ntain any od�rr <br /> infoni�ation reqaired by applicab!e iaw. <br /> 20. Hazardons Substances. Bocrower shall t�ot cause or pennit die �rr:.e�Ke, ::�e, disposal. ;r�rage, or release e`any <br /> Ha?ardous Sub�ta�c� on or in the Praperty. Borrower �liall not do. �u�� aliow anyo�x cl�e t�- do, au}•dii�ie affectiiig d�e <br /> Prc>peny that is in violation of any Enviromi�enta] The prcc�i g twa a=nte�x:es�l�all :fi, ap�,y to thc pre�:.��xe, u�c, or <br /> seorage on the Property uf sma!! quantities of Haiardous Substa��.-es [hat are gz�cra�ly r',�:�giuzed t� be appropriate to imrn�al <br /> reside�ztial use.e a�to nsxintenar�:e of the Property. . <br /> Borrower viall promptiy give Lender wntten no;ict ef any i:rvc�tigation, c':�:�n, drmand, laws�!;c or odter action bv any <br /> go�enuutiital ur rrgulator}'agecx:y or privatr party i!:v;��ving���c Property ai►�:�ry Harardous Sut�;iance or Envimnmental <br /> of which Borrowtr 6as actual knflw�ledge. lf Boro�tier lrarnt, or is ix�tit:r� py any governnx:�ita! or regalatory antliority, diat <br /> any ren�oval ur odier renudiation of any Har�r�oc�s Substance affecti.r.�;;ie Froperey is�xc:��sary. Borrower shall pro►i�pt�y take <br /> all nec:ectary remedia:l actions in accordar�,e:�id�Enviromnental l.a�•�. <br /> AC USCd in this paragrph 20, "Ha�ardo��� Substances" am those substa�xe� :iefinrd a� toxic or hazardous tub�tances by <br /> Em•irottn�ental Law as!d the fol?oaiiig s�abstances: gasc`li�, kerosene, othe� tlammable or toxic petro!ei�ai produc�s, to�ic <br /> pesticidc�and herbicides, val;iilc solveiics, materials containing�ebestos o�iorniatdehyde,and radioactrve marerials. As used in <br /> this paragraph 20, "Envi:on:��enta! Law" n�is fed�ral laws and law�� of the jurisdicuon where the Property is lucated d�at <br /> relate to healdi, safzq�ar�m�ironn�ental protecdon. <br /> NON-UN[FO:Zhi COVENANTS. Borrower and Len:icr C.�tl;er covenant and agree as follows: <br /> 21. Accelerntion; Remedies. Lender shall give notiez to Borrow•er prior to accelerntion following Borro«�er's breach <br /> of 1m� covenant or agrc�ement in this Security lns+.rume�t (but not prior !o acceteratlon under paregraph ]7 unless <br /> ap�licable law provides otherwise). TI`�e notice s:all spedFy: (a) the default; (1�} the action required ro cure the default; <br /> c) a date, not less t�an 30 davs from t5e da.:e the notice es given to Borrow�er, b�• µhich tlie default must 6e cured; and <br /> � . ult in acceleration oP the surr�s <br /> (d) that failure to cure the defau1t on or before !he date spectlied �n the notice m.�y res <br /> secureci by this Securit� Instrament sale of the Propercy. The notice shalf further inform Borrower of the right to <br /> reinstate nFter accelention ane! free r�ght to bring a cou�t action to nssert the non-existence of a default or any other <br /> dePense oC Borroµ�er :o acceleratioG �nd sale. II' the defauft fs not cureci on or before the clate specified in the notice. <br />� Lender, at its option, may require immediate paym^nt in full of all svms secured bv this Security lnstrument wfth�ut <br /> further demand and may invoke the power of sale and an}•other remedies permltted by applicable Izw. Lender shall bc <br /> entitled ro colfect all erpenses incurrect in pucsuing the remedies p+'ovided in this paragraph 2l, including,but nt�t limited <br /> to,re2sona�lc�+ttorneys' fees and casts of titic evidence. <br /> • If the po�F•cr o( sAle ic invoked. Tn�ttee shsll record a notice of default in each couaty in which any µ�rt of the <br /> }'ropertv is located and shall maii copies of such notice in the snanaer pn.scri5ed by lpplicabie law to Borro���er and to <br /> the other persons prrscril�ecl by appticable 1aw.Af;er the time required b}•applicable 11w,Trustc4 sh�li give pubt9c notice <br /> oP sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law. Trustee, �t•itt;out d�mand on Borrow•er, shall sell <br /> ihe Propertr•at public aaction to the highe�t bidder at ihe time and place and under the ternu designated in the�iotice oF <br /> sale in one or r�nore µ�rcets and in aec arder Tn�stee determines. Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the <br /> Fropert}• by public announcement at the time and Flace of anv previously sclieduled sale. Lender or its designee may <br /> purch�se the Property at any sale. <br /> � . <br /> � � �� . <br /> Form 302� 90 <br /> �-6RINE)iszi:f oi v�s a e inny+ <br /> � <br />