<br /> ' g�"' �du�� DM00013 ��
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<br /> S. Hazard or Propert� Incurance. Borrower shall keop the improveutcnts taw existing or htreafttr e�ecteii on the ,
<br /> Pro�:rty insured againsc loss by fire, hazard.e included within ths teim "eztecded coverage" and any other hazards, inciuding -- _
<br /> floods or�looding, for wFiich Le�er requires'rnsuca�e.This insus�nce shali be maintained in the amoun�s an� far�he peraods
<br /> that Lender requires. The insura�e catrier p:oviding ahe insurance staall be chosen by Borrower subject to I.ender's�approval •
<br /> which shall not be unreasonabiy withheld. If I3orrower fails to mainta9n coverage described above, Ixnsier may, at Lender'�
<br /> optiun,obtain coverage to protect C.ender's rights in the Property in accordance widi paraeraph 7. �
<br />` A13 insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptable to Lender and shalt include a standard mortgage clause. lxtider
<br /> shaii have d�e right to hold ihe poiicies and rer.ew�als. If Lender requir�s, Borrower shall promptly give ro L.e�xler all receipts of
<br /> paid premiums and renewal notices. [n thr event ef loss, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrie�ace� L.ender.
<br /> L.ender n�ay make proof of lo:s if not made promptly by F3orrower. � °'
<br /> Unless I�nder and Borrower othervvise agree in writing, ic�.curance proceeds shall be applied ro restoration or repair of the
<br />' Propeny danage�, if the restoration or repair is economicaliy f�sible and Lett�er's security is no[iessened. If thc restoration or
<br /> repair is not econonu�a!(y feasible or L.en�er's secur+ty wonld be lesse�red, the icLeurance prxetd:shall be applic! ro the sunu
<br /> secured by diis Securiry In.�tn.n�nt, whether or not chen due, with any ezce�e paid to Borrvwer. If Borrower abandoae the
<br /> Propeny, �r does not ai�swer within 3Q days a notice from Lender diat the insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim, then
<br /> l.ender n�ay collect the inmrar�ce proceeds. L.ender may use the proceeds to repair or rcsrore the Property or to pay sun�.e
<br /> securc�by diis Sec�rity Instrument,whedier or not thtn due.Th�30-day period will ttegin when tht natice is givcn.
<br /> Unless l.ecider and Borxower otherwisa agree in writirrg, any applica�ion of proceed_e to principal shall not extend er
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly paytnents reEerred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the paymen�e. If
<br /> under pa:agra[s:i 21 d�e Pmperty is acquired bv L,endtr, Borrower's right to any i��.eura�xe poiicies and proceeds resulting from
<br /> �att�a��to thc Pr�pPrty prior tr�d�e acquisition shali pa.�e to i.ender to tht e�tent�f the�ur:u�t�red b} dtis Security laetrurornt
<br /> �t,mKdi:ete!!�riar i�tY.�acQ��isitio�.
<br /> 5. Occupancvt c'res��r�-�tion, ntainteaance snd Prvtw�tio�i o�'ti:e Propert,w, Borro��•er's Loan Applicntion; Le:uet;olcis.
<br /> Borrower shat!occupy, ec:�b(ish, and uti��tir Frc�pen}'as Bor.-o.ver';pritxipal res�dr�we widiin sit[y dayc after tlit executiou o(
<br /> diis Srcuriry IiLcwn�ent and sha!! continue to occuny dic Pro�,rrty a.� &irrower's principal reside�x:e for at least oi�e}•ear af�er
<br /> die date of occuparicy, unlec� [x�wer othenvix agrcrs in writittg, whi�h coit�eut sliall ixu be unrcacesnably wid�lield, or uniess
<br /> exeenuaeing circumctances exi�t which arr txyond Borrower's control. Borrower cl�all �x�t drstmy, da��k�be or impaic the
<br /> Propeny, ailow d�e Property to dettriorate, oc commit wastc on the Proper.y. Borrower chall bc in default if any forfriture
<br /> action or procetding, whether civi: or crimi��al, I$ �LIII tlld[ IR LCiI(�Cf's go�d faith judgnxnt could recult in forfciture of tfie
<br /> Property�r od�envi�nurerially �:,�pair the lien creat�d by thi;:Sc�curiey I�ntrun�nt or lxnder's�curity insere�t. Eiorrower n�ay
<br /> cure sucli a default aiid rci��.�tate, a.e provided in paragraph 18,by cau�ing dze actien or proceedinc to be di�mic�ed wid�a ruling
<br /> U�ac, in Lender's good faiiti detennination, preclvdes forfeiture of d�e Borro�ver'� inrerest ia the ?roperty or odier n�terial
<br /> im�airn�ent of die lien cr�eated by diis Stcurity Inswnxnt or Ler�der's security intere�t. Borrower �hall also be in default if
<br /> �OITOV�'CI, duric�g th�toan application proc�s,gave materially faise or ic►accurate inPorroation or stater,rnts to Le��der(or failed
<br /> to provide Le»der wieh any n�aterial inforn�ation)in cotuxction with the loan evide��ced by the Note, including, but not limited
<br /> tc�, reprc�r,!at'.ons;oncerni►u Borrower's occupatxy of the Pro;xrty as a principal residencr. lf this$ecurity lnswment i�oi�a
<br /> leasehold, i3�irrower shall comply v�ith all the provisioi�� �f thr leace. lf Bormwer acquires fee tide to the Property, d�e
<br /> Ic:��ehold ard��e fee title�tiall not n�erge unle�c Lxnder agr��es te die ii�erger in writing.
<br /> 7. Protecti�n of Lender's Rights in the�-operty. 3f Borrower faiis ro perform die cevenan!s and agrrenxnts contained in
<br /> this Sc�:urity liutru=rknt, or ehere is a legal Rra:eeding that a�ay significandy aff�:t L.ender's rights in the Property (�uch as a
<br /> prac:eeciin� in ba:ikruptcy, pratiate, for coixle»uiauon or forfeitvrc or to enforce laws or regulatioiLS), dien Ixnder n�ay do and
<br /> pay for whate_•er is i�ectc�ary to protert dit valut of the Proprn�� a�xl ixnder's rights in the Property. Lr�xier's actions ��k�y
<br /> iix;lude paying any sume �cured by a lirn which ha.c priority ��ver diis Sec;urity I�►.etrun�ent, appeariug in court, payiog
<br /> rc3soi�able uttonkys' fctc atxl tnterin�oti die Proptcty to n�ake�pa;r�. Aldiough Ix»dcr n�ay take action ui�dcr d�is paragrapli
<br /> 7, i.ender does�mt have ro do�o,
<br /> Any anx�untc disburad by ixndtr ui�dtr d�ic paragraph 7 cl�alt bc�cottx additioi�al drbt o( Bormwer crcured by thi�
<br /> Srcurity I�tstrumrnt. Unlec� &xrowrr and La�der agrce ro other ternu of paynxnt, thtsr aizx�unts cliali bear intercst from the
<br /> date of disbursrnxnt at tlie Note rate si�d sl�all be payablc, with interrst, upon �atice Crom Ixnder to $orrower rrqursti�ig
<br /> Pa>'n�e�u.
<br /> 8. blortgage Insurance. If Ixc�der required mongage in.eura�xe a�a coixiition of n�aking the loan�ec�red by d�it Srcuriry
<br /> Inetruti�nt, Barro�ver shall pay d�e prenuu:ns requircd to n�aitztain die mo;tFa�e ia�ura�Ke in effect. If, for �ny rcason, tlie',
<br /> niortgage ir�urance coverage required by Ixnder lapses or�ta.� to be in effect, Borrower sliall pay the pr�nuuiiu requirrd to � '
<br /> obtain covera�e svbscandally equi�•alent to the mortgage irtsuea�xe Qreviously in effect, at a cost substantially equivalent to the �
<br /> cost to Borrower of d�e mortgage ia�urdnce prcviously ir.effect, fror_i an alternate tinngage insurer approved by L.ender. If
<br /> substaneially equivalent mortgage irLeurance co���rage is not avaiiable, Borrower�I�all pay to C.endcr each monih a sum equal to
<br /> �n;-t��rlfth of air �:eari� n;nr�age in�:v-anc� premiu;n being paid tay Bormti�•er wben c?�� iiuurance coverage tapsed or ceased to
<br /> be iii effee:c. Lec�der witl accept, usc aixi retair,die�e payuxat�s as a loss rescrve i❑ lir� o; mortgage insuranez. Loss reu;rve
<br /> Form 30 8 90
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