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. " . �, <br /> i11-14-14�9 �EED O� TRUS�' �pq � Paqe 5 <br /> :.osn No 76255� (CoMi:wed} / !'� ����� <br /> _ — � -- <br /> SECLIRITY AGREEN�F]fT;riHAkCEN(i STATE1rE.atTS. Thg talbwin0 Provlsiosn re�eBnO to Ws Deed d Tcust as a searRy aflreemerft ars e part ot <br /> tl�t3 De�Dd ot Trtis't <br /> Sec+xity Ayreeme�L TF�s ins�umeni shel const#��te a security.�eement !o tha extent ar�y ot the °ropeiiy co�Glules tixtures or other , <br /> P�o�P�oCertY.anC Lendar sheH heve all ot the riphts of a secv �!perty ur�Jer the Unif«m C�mn��is1 Cods u ams�ded k�m Ume to <br /> flme. <br /> Se:ur�ty Irttarest. Upon request by Lender,Trvs!or shaS exscuta Mand�slasmessts anc3 iaxe whatever other actlon b�quesied 6y ter.der <br /> to p�fECt and ccntinue Lenda�s security tnterest in the�ersi.end R�sor�ei ProPartY. in e6d'Uon to recading tAfs D!�at Trust In tha refli <br /> prope�ty records.L�xuier msy.a!any tlT+e and wlthout futfier autfio�Uon frsm Trustor�61e ez�c�sd c0unterpaRS,copies or reproduCtl9ns oS <br /> this Ceed of Trust as a flrsandng statemenL Tnufa sheY i�imb�trse Londar for slf�¢►er�ses Inctkred tn pettectlnp or coMlnulnp t1�ts snctxHy <br /> !nterast. tJpon dafautt,Tnzstor sha!assernbls th�e Perso�al ProPertY ir,n m�nner and at n place ree3onably convenle�t io Tnistor and Lsnder <br /> ar��make tt avaNa!iie to Lender w�!l�in ttvee C3)days at4er recefpt of vrtitlen�e+s�end hom Lan�or. ` <br /> Addressea. The meAfng addresses o!Tnaior(debior)end L��der(seared PaM�trom wNch k�f�xmatMn co�cerntn4 the ssctxitl+Interest <br /> granted by tt�ts Deed of Trusi:TUty be obtelned(ee:.h os teql'ir9s1 bY the�m Crnmee�,ie!Cod�).are as Etaled Or1 tfie lkst paqe p th�s Deed <br /> of Trwt <br /> Ft!� !ER ASSUR�'cMCE�; A170RflEY-iM-F1�C'T. 'Tho falonArt9 Pro�loa�relaG�p io hWter ds,stsances and attotney-ir�fACt ara a parl of tl�ls <br /> DE�ed ef TntSi. <br /> Further Asuwrar�caa. At nny t1me.e^r.._.,�:,,.t.::.:io,upon►eQuest o!t�nde��Trusior wGl rneke,a�cecule and deYver�a w�cause to be <br /> mede. axecuted a deYvered, to len�i.- �40� d�sipnsa, and whs� requesled by les�dar� esvsa to ba 19ed.�ded� relAed. or <br /> the cass may such ifr�es a��fn such oMo�s and plecee as ler.dsr mQy deem appropriate.artY tnd ei s:ich rtxxtpa0es. <br /> deeds oi trust,securfty deeds.secur!!Y e9raer.�snb.lfnam.in0 stafsmsnLs.�xx�inua9a�stafemem�s.instrumsnis d hrth�assurerx��cerUffcetes, <br /> and other 4ocumenls as the sale avi��fon of necessary or de�rebb fn or�to eMectuste,comPbte.Pert�ci�conffnue,a <br /> preserve (a)the obspa6orts al T�nslo►un�the NoM.thFS Desd d Tn�st,and fhe Relabd Oocurt+er+ls,arx! (b)U�e aens anrS sectxlty inttwe5ts <br /> crealed by tt�ts aued of Trust as Tirsi�nd qia�ro on�he PropKty.wheU�er no'�v owned or hereaM1er acQukad by Trusfot. Urd�ss prohtblletS by <br /> 4�w or epneed to the conhary 6y Lerider in vrtil�q,Tn�ah�M rNrtttx�Und�r!or sA crosls an�'eo�ns9s Incurred In connacUon wilh lhe <br /> matt�s reienad to In tt�is parayrnph. <br /> Attorney-in-FscL ti?nnta ta�s to do arry d the Wngs referted t�in the precsdirp Para�aPh.Lender may de so{or and In tho namo ot <br /> Trusiot and at Truslor"s e��enss. Fet wch�uposes,Truslor he�`y Mrevocably appdMa Le�der as Truslors ettomsy-an-taef fa the puryose <br /> cN�+akirtq.execuGnp� deRverin0.fllnG.racordr�q,and doirq d o'�tx thinps as rr�y M nsooss�rY a dsskabla,In Lender's sde oDtMon,to <br /> accomplish the me:9ers rct�e�r►sd to in tha precsdnp�►nnpraph. <br /> FULL PERFORMANCE. H Tnistx pays aH the!n�lebbdneu�IxludlnD"a�4fhout YmltaUan sa(uture edvances,whe�due,and otherwfse performs aR <br /> t'ne obliparions imposed up�n Trustor und�r t1�3s L�eed of Tcust.Lender s-iaD eocecule end da3ti�tr to Trust9s e reguesi lor fuM reconveyance and shah <br /> exacute and deBver ta Trusta s��itabte statsments ol tertntnolf�on al arry 3nancinp atatsrnant on tNe evidenclnq LerM�s seaxtiy interest In the Renis <br /> and tho Personef Property. My reconvsyanos!es requtad by taw a�h�J oa Fatd by Tntsta�M Pemdtt�d bY ePPYa►bls Iaw. <br /> DEFA!l�T. Each ot the toeowl�,et the a�tl�on of Lender�sheif car.'.�ule an vve�c(�e(ault("Evant d De#at�under this Deed o!Tnisr <br /> Defautt oa�lndabtedness. FeHure ot Truslor to make any Dsprtw�t�vhar►du�cm the lndebMd�-�ess. <br /> Defeutt on Other Payr�ts. Fasure of Tnstor vrithln the�Jme requYed by this Deed a Trust to meke ar�y peyment tor texes or irtsurance,or <br /> ariy orher pa�t�sary to prevent fi6nq of or ro�1 dFscfiarpe a em�ten. <br /> Complfance D2tau12. Fa�xe of Tnator to compgl with arry other term,a'o0patlon,covenant or condtlon caMained in lhis Deed of Trust,the <br /> Nats or!n any of ihe Releted Decu�s+�ts. . <br /> Fa1sc Siatements. My warrmnty.rapresantalbn or stal�ment made or h�rnistied to Le�uter by or on behett o!Tnistor unde�U�s Deed ot Trust,-. - <br /> the Note cx the Releted Documertts is telse or m�esdn0 hs any meferial�espeet,bitlze�'raw or at the tlme made or hxnished,, <br /> Dtttcdva Cottalerdtzedort. This Deed of Trust ar any d!he Flelated iJocuments ceases ta be In tuY to�e end etfect pndu�n�q faAure of any <br /> coAatereJ documents to�eets a veid sn�perbyc4ed soatrky&derost a fen)at u�y�ms end ta arry reaso�. <br /> Death or Irts�lvency. The dee� of 7ruslor or the �SSOhldon or Orxmination ot Trustors e�dsience as a 9dn�buslness, the ImoNency of <br /> Trusior.the appdntmeM ot a�+rer far amr part o!Tn.�stors DroPe�•Y�enY�sl9^me�4 for tt�s bane8t of�edltors.anY�YPe of crodilor workout, <br /> or!ho comrnecscemeM cf any procaedlnp u�der arry ba�sknipkry or traahrency lavrs by a apairxt Tnistor. <br /> Foreclostue.FoAeiture�elc. Commencemenl d toredesure or faisiture proceednps,whsther by Jud�iai procee�nq.selt-help,�eposses.von <br /> a any other method,by erry cre�tor o!Ttustor or by any povwntr�entsl apency aQai�!erry ol t!�Propaty. Novnever.ttds auh�sectlon shaM n^t <br /> aPpN in Me event of a qood faith dlsp�ta Dy Ttustar as to the w�ly ot�oi the cletm which fs the basES d the toreclosure a <br /> forefaiture Pr��nO�P��++�ttutt Tn�stor yNas laxlar wrMfv�notice ot such cf�im end fixriishes�ves or a surety bond lor the delm <br /> satistactory to lsndw. <br /> eroach ot Ori�'ApreNr+en� My b�sacls by Tnnlor u�der 1M�lerma o(aiy ofhe�apresm�nt batween Truslor and lender thet b not remedied <br /> witMn anY 9����P����•�^4 w�hout ikrilaii�on anY a�ssrt�t�onamf�4�^Y lnd9btedness or other obRgatlon ot Trustor <br /> to Lender,whether e�ostlnQ now a'lalflr. <br /> Events Rlfectirr�Guarantrr. My ot the prec�np evenls occ�xs with respect Eo any Guarantor at any o(!he Indebledness or any Guerenta <br /> diss or bec�omes lr�mpalenL or rewk�s or�sPttEes the weidfy a(�ar tlsb�ty�x�dtx�any GusraMy of ths Inciebtedness. <br /> !ldver3e Chanye. A ma�ria! adverse chanQe occus !n Trustols 5�enda! �tion, or Land�r betiaves the prospec2 d payment or <br /> F�o�„anc.e a u,e in,��d�ss�s e�ad. <br /> insecurtty. Lertder►n good tsit�deems it�eM i�xe. <br /> RIGHTS AHD REMEIIIES ON DEFALLT. Upo^,the occtxrerx:e o(eny Event of C1elaWf and gt erty tlme thereafter.Trustee or its eptlon, <br /> may ex�ise any ona or mcxe at ihe fdlov+ing rights and rert� ad�on to any ottiec righls or�provided by law: <br /> Acr;eieratbn upon Detaui� Addttfonal i�emedka. it any event ot deisult occurs es per the terrt�s ai the Note secured hereby�Len�er may <br /> cieaare aA Ind�btedness secured by tMs Daed of Tnsi to be due and payable and the same shal thereupcn becorsse due 8nd payable with0ut <br /> eny presentment,demand.Prolest or nodce of arsy kind. 7t+ereai�r.Lsnder may: <br /> (a) E3ther in perso�ti a by age�t,with a without brirgin9�Y��^a P��9,or Ly e�CeivtY�epp0inted by a COIXt B�ld with0u! <br /> � <br /> �' <br />