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s:�t��;E :�i�. --,:,. ,,:,... _ _ - � <br /> r` .... . <br /> k <br />� Ot-14-1999 ��—��0�'7 DEED OF TRUST �ag� s <br /> Loar� No 7b2554 � (CoMinuec� <br /> .o..� . �.��-..� �.�-__� - - <br /> regard lo ths adequecy of fts sectxtty�enter uPon and take possesslon of the Prcas:�..+r s��y C�th�meM.1�Us ovm nsm:.;.;n tfie name <br /> ot Trustee.a�ct ao a�y ac�s wn�r,n dse„s r,�cess�y«desrati�e to presene me va�w,ne►k�sae,ss�y«�ta�ty�r r,e�rr�y,or part <br /> o+the Property or interest irt the Proper!y;Irxxeese ths tncort►9 irom the PropeAy or protect the security of the pruperty;e;id.wfth or wifhout <br /> taking possesslon ot the Prope�iy.sue for a o�e coNect tt►a reMS,Isstx�s and profits of tha Properiy.Indtx9np those pa�t due ar�d <br /> unpald.end apPly the same,less costs an8 e�cperues of opefatlon and qiectlon.indudn(�atiorneys'f�es,b any indebtedr�ss secured <br /> by thts Qeed ot Tn:st,ell in such order as Lender mey determir�. The enterhq upon and laicinp po�sion of the Property.the cobeCtlO� <br /> of such rents,issu�a�d profrts,end the app9caSon tfiereo!SheY not cure or welve srry default ar notice o1 default under thb DeEd ot Trust <br /> or invelidale any act done In resporne to such delauit a pursuant to swh notice of detaulk and., ;atwithstanc9np tha contlnuana�In <br /> possession oi the Property a ti�e co0ectbn.recefPt and appYcatlon of rents:issu� a profifs,Trustee or I.snder sheN be entiried to <br /> exe� every right prov(ded fa!n the Nole or the RelaSed Dacumenls or by law upon the occtxrence of any e�;ent of delault,Indudinp the <br /> right to caxercfse the po�ve�r oi s�le; ' <br /> . � <br /> @) Commence an ac�on io fa-�ose tf�ls Deed o'Tntt2 as e matge9e,appdnt a recetver a spedtica6y enforce any o(the co��enants <br /> hereoE;and , <br /> (c) aeiiver to Trustee a wriHen dedaredc�oi defa;�t and demend tor sale and e w�tten notice ot defa�t and efaction tp cetu�Trustor's ' <br /> Interesi In:he Property ta be sold,�rirch notice'frusiee shel cause to be duty tNed ior record In the appropriata oflfc:es bf the County in <br /> ' whSC�the PrOp9rty is focetod;and ` <br /> (d) Wfth r�pect 10 aY a sny part of the ParsonQl Property,Lar�der sFwl have a6 the r9phfs and remedies oi a secured party under the <br /> Nebrsska Unitorm Comrrie�(el Code. <br /> �aeclosuro by Power of SaJe. Ii Lender elects t�faraciose by exerc�se o1 the Power o!Sale he�rein r.onteined,Lender shaB notlfy Trustee and <br /> shaq deposit�xidi Trustee tt�is�ed oI Trust and the Nete end such recs.'pts and evldence of eape:��t�ues made and sec��red by this Deod of <br /> Tntst as Trustee msy reqt�e. <br /> (a) Upon recelpt of such no3ce trom ler.dsr,Tnr:tee shaA cause to be recrocded,put�95hed a.nd deGvered to Trustor such Notke of Defeuit <br /> I and NaGce of Sale as then reqt�ed by law and by ttds Deed of TrusL Trtistee sha9,wltt►out demend on Trustor,afler such tlme ss may <br />� then be reqsiked by lew and aRer�rdaUon oi stach NoBce o!De(auH artd atter NoNce of�ole havlrp been given as requfred by iaw,setl <br />� tt:�?rc�arty at the dme and plece of sale flxed by fl in such Notice ol Sala,either v,a whde,or in seperale lols or pBrCels or Hems as <br /> f Trus;ee shaA desm e�edtent,and in surh order as R may cleterrtitne,at pubBc auctlon to the hiQl�est bidder ior cash In lawful money of <br /> the United States paysble at ttie Bme ot saie. Trustee shsA dc+8ver to such p;xch9ser or purchasers ihereof its yood and sulficient deed or <br /> deeds cornre?ring the property so said,but wlthevt any covenant or wartanty,express or ImpRed. TTe rec3tals In such deed ol any mariers <br /> or facts shall be condusivs proo(of the trulhhAness thereof. My pe�,�on,Indudirtp r.�!!t+a�t BmHatlon Ttustor.Tnnlee, or lendtr, mey <br /> purChuSe ett such ssle. <br /> (b) As may be pertnttled by law,after doducMrg aN costs.lees snd expenses of Trustee and of ihis Trust,inctuding costs oi eviderx�of <br /> title in connectlon with sele,Trus�ee sr,�a�y n��oceeds ot saje io payrr,er,�or ��aa sums e�ended under tr,e�erms or�nts�ad or <br /> Trust or under the farrru of the Nrie not then rt�pald,inctudl�p but rto!6mtted to accn�ed inlerest and late charges, (N)eA other sums then <br /> sacured hereby.and (IB)the remr�nder,M ar�r,lo the person or perscrs le�paly entltled therato. <br /> (c) Trustee may fn the man�r provlded�/law Pcs4�cne sale of eN w arry portion ot the Property. <br /> Remecllss Plot Excluatve. Truslee ar.d LE+r.der,and each of them,sha�l be�nttf}ed to oMorce payment and periorrtwnce ot any indebted��ess <br /> w obHga9ons secured by ttus Oee�of Tnnt and tc�exe�cise ab ri{hls and pov�ers u.n�this L�eed of Trust,under the Nota,under any of the <br /> Ralated Docunenls,or undec sny ott�a�eement or any k3vs now or heraatl�in torce;nolwithsiant�nQ,so�e or aA of such indebtedness <br /> and obligations secured by thlc Oeed ot Tnist ma�r�.�a t+ereeRer be otherwfse�ecured,wtx�ther by mortpage,deed o!trust,pledgu,lien, <br /> assignment�otherwisa. �leilher the accepfar�ce�rt Ws�ed o(Tnat nor Its anfac�rnent,whethor by court ecUon or pursuan!to the pa�+er ot <br /> sela cx other pawers corlalned in this Deed of?nut,she! pre�u�ce or M any manner affect Trustea's a Lendsr's r(pht to reatlze upon or <br /> enforce any other security now�r hereaRer held'�y Tnstee or LenGer,it bair�p e9re0d that Tnistee and Lender,and oach of them,shali be <br /> en8t:ed to anforce this Deed oP Tnut and any oth�securtty now or hereaHer held by Lend�or Ttustee in auo;r orde�end manner fls they or <br /> ather oF them may in thek absolule�scretlon d�terrrilne. t�o romedy conferted upon or reserved to Tnr•i�ee or l.ender, fs intanded to b�� <br /> exclusfve af any other nemedy In ttds Defld af Tn�s!or by law providad a penriltled,bid each shall be cumulalhro and shad be In aQd�ion to <br /> every other remedy Qfven in thfs Deed oi Trust or;ww or her�arier existlnq at law or in equlfy or by steh�. Every power ot remedy qiven by ttv� <br /> Note or any ot the Related Documents to Truitee or Lender or to which either of them may be othenNse entl�ed, may be exerdsed, <br /> concurrenity or independen9}r,ham tlme to tlme nnd u oflen as rtu�y be deemed�pedlent by Tnlslee or Lender,and oither of them may <br /> pursue incorulstenl remed3es. Nothing M thls i)eed ot Trust shal be construed as prohibltlrp Lo�der hom seekinp a dsNclancy Judgment <br /> agairtst the Trustor to the extent such acdon is pem�itted by law. <br /> Request For No4ke. Trusta,on behaN ot Trustor and Lender,F�eby requests that e copy of any Notice of Detsutt end e copy ot any No�C:e <br /> of Sale under lhfs DeOd ol Trust bs meUed to thtrtn at the addresses set torth In the Itst Qar�graph oP this Deed of Trust. <br /> WalYer, Etettion of Remedlea. A wslver by arry party of a breach of a provision o(tfds Deed ot"frust shap nol constitute a wafver of or <br /> preJudfce the part�s righls otherer}se to demand strict cesmpYance with that provislon or any other provision. Eiectlon by Lender to pursuA any <br /> remedy pravided fn this u�,cl ot Trust,the No:a,I�am Rele�d Document,or provlded by faw sheA not exdude pursult ot eny other reme<ly, <br /> and an e{ecdon ta make e�enditwes or 4o teke actlon ta perform an obM�stlan of Trustor under tMs Deed of Trust aRer taUure ot Trustor lo <br /> perform shatl not flfi'ect lender's right fo declare a deta�t a�to�aert�se grry of Ns remedles, <br /> Attomeys'Fees;E��ense�, it Lendar fnstitutes a�y suit or acBon to ento�e any ot ths lerms ot thFs Deed of Trust,Lender shall be entlded to <br /> recov�such sum as the court mey adjudga reaso�able as sriomeys'fees at triel nnd on arry appeai. Whether or no!any court actlon Is <br /> _ invotved,atl reasonsbte a�e�ses Inctxred Cu Lsnder whieh Sn Lend�s opinion are nec�csruy et arsy tlme for the protactlon ol its interest a the <br /> entorc;ement of ILS rights shal become a part of the I�tedrmss payeble on d9rt►and and shell�aaer interest at the Note rete from the dete of <br /> expend�ture unW r¢pald. E�ense�s covered by this parsgraph indude,wiftwut 8mitatio�,havever v.ibJeet to eny Bmits under eppNcable law, <br /> Lenders attorneys'fees whHther or npt ttsg�e is a tawstdt,Mdu�ng attorneys'fees for bankruptcy ProceecLnps(indudinp effais to modify or <br /> vacate eny eut�maGc stay cr inJunction), appeals and ariy antidpated post-Judgrnant cotlecHon servbes, the cost ot sea:cNng records, <br /> obtaininy ti�e repats pnducfing torec{ostxt�reports),strveyoes'reports.apprsfsal iees.Ut1e Inst�anc�,and fees for the Trustee,to the axtent <br /> �emftied bY eApNcable law. Trustor elso N�pay any c�txt cast�,in a6dfHon to aE ather surtu prcvlCed by lew. <br /> Rlghts ot Ttuslee. Trusl�str�hs�•e se e�f the rights and duUes of Lender as set forth in Uds seciion. <br /> POWERS AND�IGATIONS OF TRUS'�EE. Tt�fo�owEng provisions relatirp to ths powers and ob�yatlore o!Trustea are paA oi this Deed of <br /> Trust. <br /> ,\ '. , <br /> � <br /> � <br />