<br /> ot-14-1999 . Gj Gj- �00�,7 DEED dF TRUST Pbge 4
<br /> Loan No 762654 (GortUrxaed)
<br /> PropeAy at any Ume become Ioceted in an erea designaaed bp�ee D�recfcx o!!he Fedsrai Erne�etx�ManeQsrt►snt A�ertcy as a speciat ilood
<br /> ha28td er9fl.7ntstor agr5es!o obtain and mairttaln Feden�l Flood instcance ta ths tul!utipald pir�al balance ot the ba!:.Up t0 the mR7d�(tUm
<br /> P�Y�inets set�mder the Mational Fbod Ir�strar�oe Ptogrem,tx as o14�a reqt3rnd by isnder.nr►d to rtwlntain sucl�ktsurance tor the temt of
<br /> the loan.
<br /> ApPika2irm of Proceeda Tnstor she9 prornptly notl y Lender d any foss cr damape to Hie Property. Lender may make proot ol bss M Tnis1G
<br /> fa14s to do so within fflteen{t5)da�s o!the casualty. WhetMer cr not Lenclefs sec�aity b tmpairod,Lendet may,at Its electlon,recetve and retain
<br /> the proceeds ot any Ins�rance and aPAh'►h.a prcac�eds!o Hie reduc�6on of the lr�debtedness.Pa9mant of any 6an aHecdnp the Properly�or lhe
<br /> restwaQon and repak of the Property. �!�o;•�:x eleclt 9n at?ply the procseds ta rsstoratlon and repak,Trvstor shel rey+air ot replpce the
<br /> damaged or destroyed Improvemsnts in e menreer satlsta�ory to len�• �s?�,upon sa�orY Proof ol y�,�,e�e�cure.aeY a
<br /> relmburse Trustor hom ttre proceeds ta ths reasonsble casi of rl�pat a restaration If Tnator fs not fn default�.t3e�Ws Deed oQ TrusL An�] _
<br /> proceeds which have rrot been�isbursed witl�tn 180 dsys afler Uieir recefpl and wt�tch Lunde�t�ss not cort!�itted�o the re�afr or reslorayon of
<br /> !he Pfonerty shsl be u�t+d frs!:0 FeY enY um0unt owi�q�o Lesfder lit�der this Deed d Trtes1.th9n to�ay eC�t19d{ritereSt�arld th0 temelnder.H
<br /> any.shaG be epp6ed!o the prtrtcipal baknco of ttm Ind�,c,ledness. P Landflt holds anY P��WY�^�M full of the Indebledness.such
<br /> . proceods snell be pad to Trustcr es Tnrst�s�rtr[y rppear.
<br /> 11r►txplred IttauranCe at Sale. driy tsr�6 hss+.:rana�shell tnur9 b the bene�«of.end ysss tc,ihe ptxChBSer ot the Propeity covered by this
<br /> Deed ot Trus1 at arty�stee's saie or other sele hald uncle�the provfsio��iNs Deed of Trust,ar at ar.y foredosuro sale of such PrapeAy.
<br /> TrustoPs RepoA on insuronce. llpon roquest a!Lancbr,roweyer rwt more men orscs a yeer,Tnatar st�e�hxr�sh to Lander a repart on eech
<br /> e�dseng polfcw ot i�urance shovving: (a)the neme d the hmvrsr; (b)M+e+isfcs kuued: (c)the amamt al ths P�Y: id1 the property Insured.
<br /> the ttvi�ciarent re�iacemsnt va{ue d such Frop�ty, and lT+,v manner oP d�mird�Uuat vatu�and (e)the eu�tratlon date dl the polcy.
<br /> Trustor shaA,uPon request of Lander.hav,e en Incter,x�,ndent e�xefser satlsladory to Lerxfer defxmir+e the cesh velue replscement ccst oi the
<br /> PropSrty.
<br /> EXPENDITIJRES f1Y LEHOER. Ot Trtsstor t�Es to«bmmply rwlth any pnrvisipn o!th�pesd d Tctsst,or H eny ection or pcocee�nq Is commerxes3 thet
<br /> wot�d meleriaUy atfect Lender's Mterests M the Property.Lsn�er on Truslor's behalF inay,but ehal nat be roqulrod to,telce any s�ctlon thal Lender
<br /> desms e�+propriate. My amouM that Lerxfer eo�in so ddnp w#bser Interest at the nbe provkled tor In the Note irom the dela Incurred or peld
<br /> by Lender tc the dala o(repeyrrwnt by Tn�.stor. Ai suCh s�enses,e!lenders optlo�,rA (s)bs payabb on damand, (b)be edded to tho balart�e
<br /> of the Note and be appoPrio�ed among and be payabk�wtth nrry kssiai,,w�t payments to becams due durlr�eiiher (i)the term ot enY aPPflcabie
<br /> irtsurance po6c.y or (d)the remairrinp term oi the POote,or {c)De trsated u a:z0ocr+payrt�ent tvtiich will be dve and peyable al!hs Note's me;urity.
<br /> This Deed of Trus!e!w w9i secure payment of ttwse errzoi,�ls, The riphls pccvided(o�fn Ws peraQra,��shaM be In edcfiUon to nny other riphts cx any
<br /> remedies to which Lender may be ar�i�tlsc!on accoun!o(ths detault. My st�as.�by Lender staM not be cor�strued as curinp ths dotautt so es lo
<br /> bar Lander from any rertwdy that R otherwfse woufd hrsve hed
<br /> WARRAN7'Y;t)EFElISE OF T�7LE. The fo�owirq provfs:or�s reiatkq to ownerstdp of lhs Property an!a p�A of tNS Daod of Trust
<br /> Ttt4e. Tnslor warrar,ts ttset (e�Trusior Fwlds good�and merketabls tlss od record to ths Prope�ty In iee sfmple,free and dear c�f aM kens and
<br /> ertcumbrances o�sr Ihan those ss1 forth M the Rea!Propsrfy de�c�ip6o�nr In any Ulis ktstrance Po�=Y.lfla report,ar Ifnel 91b opinion fssued in
<br /> fava�of,nnd eccspted by.Lerxler tn comx�a�wi�Ws:�eed d Trust,and (b)Trustor tas ttr tur rfOM.cowx�and authority to execule and
<br /> deiver ihi6 Deed C!Tntst to Let�der.
<br /> DePen�e oi Tttk. S�}e�:t to tlle a�e{.+6on irt the parapraph a4ave,Trustor warrenls anC w91 larever detend the tltle to the Pro�ty apains!Ihe
<br /> fa��vful dalms fli a8 pe;stx�s. In ths evsrrt any ac.ifon or procee�lnp b camrt��ced thet quasfbns Trvstor's title or the{nterest af Trustee or
<br /> Lender under tRls Deed a(Tnat,Tru3ta�shel defe�d the aclbn al Tn�s e�ensa. Trustor rtfay ba Iha�orNnal parly in such proceeding,but
<br /> Lender shaB be enGaad to perticipaSa ks ttw proas��p an0 to be npro6sMad In tfia procesdlrp by caunsel of Ls.�a own choice,and
<br /> Trustar wAI deAver,x causa to be cSelivecvd,to len.ier such h�Snunenls as Lander may reqt�est hom ticne lo Ume to perrrdt sucA parbdpstlon.
<br /> Com�e lKifh Laars. Truslor wananEs ttiat the Propefiy snd Tceu�s use of ths PropeRy�rompfes wilh a6 a�dstlnU aPPAcabk► Isws,
<br /> ortYinenCFSS,and rept�iR�ot pOVetnmenttl suthorf6ee,
<br /> COHOEiWttAT10N. Trie tdiowinC P-ovistores relaflrp to condomnatlon proceedlnps are a par!oi tNS Deed of Trust.
<br /> AAplkatlon oP Plet Proceeda N atl�any part d t�+s Rroperly ts condsmrsd by emir�enl domal� proces�r.Qs or by any procee�ing or
<br /> psxc�aasa in�of c�ndertsnalbn.Lendet may at Rs elecio�reqttra tha!a1 or arrY P��d tM t�t proCeeds o!the awa;d be appCe;i lo the
<br /> lndebtedrress or the repatr or restaa6m d Ifie Properiy. The nei proosAds oF the award shaC mAan tho awud atier payment o!ap rsasonable
<br /> cosb�expenses.end atlorneys'hes k�axreo by Tnafee or L�otisr!n conmecCon with tl�a ca�ndsmnatlon.
<br /> ProceMlrtgs. It any proCee�r�in condemr�atlon ts afad,T�ustor shM W�AdY�Y Lender in writl
<br /> n9,and Tnntor ahaR pr,m�ky take sucfi
<br /> st¢ps es mey be rtecessery tu d�fend the xy«y and obt�n U�e award. Trustor mey be tt±e nortdnet party in such proceecilr�,bul Lender shail
<br /> be enHdad to pa�sfe in the proceedtnQ er�d to ps represersbed In the p�b�,cou�d��chok�,and'rustor w31 ddiver or
<br /> 0
<br /> �use�o be deBvered�o�erede:sucn Irtsh�,meMs es mey be requeskd ey n rron,9o,s iO nme to penNt wct,part�pa�or.
<br /> IMPOSiT10N OF TAXES,FEES AND CttARGES BY GOYERl1�iE?iTAL AlliMiO�tITtES. The IoMowinp provdsloru relatlrq to qovernmerttal taxos,
<br /> tees and charg�are a par!ot�is Deed o!Tn�
<br /> CutTen!7exes,Fees enq Charpes. (,Ippn request bY Land�.?rusta shae�+neuie such docum�nts In addltion!A tMs C.eed of TruSt and take
<br /> whatever othe:acMon is reguestsd by LorWa�to psrfsc!and ccntlnua;sndors bn on N�e RsN Property. Trustrd shaM reimburse Lender for all
<br /> t�es. es aes«ibea aebw. loqether wlth er s�eroes hecurred in ^ecordfnv� P��o «�,�,u�►p u�[s pesd or Tn,st. i�du�np witnout
<br /> Nm�atlas aA taxes,feas.documsnyry stamps,and ottier ctierpss tor racadng or repisterf�9lNs Daed of Tn�
<br /> Taxes. The loticwEnQ shM canstltuf�la�os�to�.h thb secdon app�ex (a)a specHfc tex upo�this fYPe d Deed of Trust or upon��or any
<br /> part of tha Indebtedrmss sectxed by tt�is Dead ot 7r,a� (b)a s?edbc tmc on Trusfa wNch Tnnior B authort�d or r�uired to deduct from ;
<br /> payments on the Indettedr�ss seeiaed by this lype d Oeod of Tns� (c2 a ta�c an thls t�ps M Deed of Tn�sl chergeebb egainst the lander a
<br /> the hdder ot tt�e Note:and (d)a specillc ta�c o�a!or ury porUor�of the Inde4lednSSS or or�payments o1 prindpa!and irtterast meds by
<br /> 5u�..�ti�!7raea, if arry tax lo wMch this sectlon app5es ts ertacted sutrseGu6nt ta t!�date of thCs Deed of Trust,U�s evenl shed hr.ve the
<br /> same sftect as an Event oi Delautt(as deflned beE�w�a:tid Lsnder mey e�dse airy ar a!of its avaYeble�tor an Event of Defautt es
<br /> provi�ed below uNess Trus:or eitl�r (e)PeYs tfia tax befote it becomes delfnQu�n4 or (b)cortSssis the fsx as provlded above in the Taxes and Fi
<br /> lter�section er�deposlLs wn'�Lsnder cash ar a sulRcb�t corpc�rafs a�.e.y bond or other sscuRy sa6sfactory to Lender. �
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