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Ot-14-1999 DEED Q'F TRUS7 � q�`��' c� Pege 3 <br /> Laan No 762654 (Cor�tin�ed) � f ����}va�� <br /> such ac�vEty sha9 ba co�r.dcsclsd En compisnce with ak a�Acal�Ie k�decti7,51ste,e�nd local lev�s,re9ulallo�s artcf ocdlrunces,incsu�vrtthout <br /> 6mHador thoSE iaws� regtdaCoris,and orc5nances desCr��ed 8bo•.e. T►L32af 8utho�es Ler.der ind fls s9enb to en16f upa'i the Properl)lo <br /> ��ake such I.�specSlorts and fes�.at Tnsta's e�se.�s Lertder may deem approp�iate io�ne comp�ence ot the Proper!Y wlth this , <br /> sactior ot the Deed of TntsL Ariy ir�ectlons w tesis made r.y Lendet shelf ba!or le��le�s pwposes ody ar�shefl not be corutrved to cxeate <br /> any r�porrsib�ty er 6ebY,ity on th�part d Lendsr to Trustor a to arry othor person. The re�xxeser.ffiUor�,s a:�d wartendes contained hereln are <br /> based on Trvstor s due d�gence In tnvASl�qaCnq the Property tor haz4rdats vrssbe and heardous subslancss. Trustor hereby (a)rebases and <br /> walves arty tuture�tnims agninst Lender for tndem►�tY or contributian In fhe eve�t Tnistor becomes aable fw dean��p or othe�costs ur.der any <br /> such faws. and (b) aprc�es tn inciemrrify and hdd harmkass Lecider afleknt anY and a/deims,1�.feb�itles. damayes, Par�ettlt�, and <br /> eo�enses whic!v �.�nder mey d�ecCy or �ndkecUY sustain or sufi�r �+�dnp irom a breech ot Ws ssa9on d M�s �aed oi Tnist or as a <br /> trorsequence ot any use�f�e�►sra8on,�,dlsposd,t�ele�w or UxeaEerwd relsase oP a hezardous was�e or substanca on tha <br /> The provs.orn of tMs sectlon o( th9 t3eed of Trust. Indt�dfnq the ubfqaCar+ to indemNfy� shap survlv�o the �ayment af the <br /> n <br /> Ir�idebteErsess and G�sa8simctt,xi and reca+va�an�a�ttsa fe�of�Qeed at Trus!and shat�oQ b�nflacted by Lenders aqulsltlon o(any <br /> lnteres!in the Propwty,wh�ther by foraclosure ct ol�eirvisa. <br /> Hulsa�fce,Waste. 7ruslor sfnaA nut cause,conduct or perrt�it any nulssance na comrrdt,permN,or sufler any striQpinS d or waste on or to the <br /> Propert;r or a�ry patbn of the Property. WRhout gmNinp Uie peners0ty c�the tareqdn0.Trustor w�not romo�e.a prant to nny other parly the <br /> right to remove.anY tlmber,m!r►srak(IndudfnQ oA end ges�sai�Oravei or radc products v+lthout ths pria wrttte�conssn!d l.ander. <br /> Rtmovai ot tmpro�remertts. Trustor sha0 nat dem.o6sh c,�rertwNa ury Impro�+emants kom the Real Ptoperty without fhe P�la written corsent <br /> �i Le.ider. Rs a conc8tlon to fhe romaval o(arty Irr�ovemenls.L.endsr rtwy requke TnAtor to meko�rsnqo.�m�ts sa�sfactory to Lender lo <br /> reptace such improvema�b wltt��m{xove�nenls ot at bast squd vehde. <br /> lender'�Rlght to Entas. L�nder and As'age.�ts and reQcessntafives may eMer upon th0 Reel Praperty at al reasona�Um� to eKend to <br /> Lenders Interests and'.o Bnpes:t the Properry tor ptxposas oi T.�ustors�nos ws�h tfie terms end cnndttlons ol tNs Deed ot�rusL <br /> CompUanCe vrtth Gov�tun►..rEat fieqitkemestte. TrtslOt Sh�A lxcxr�gY eempiY with t4(aws�ot�^narxxs.ond repul8tlor�,nC'�v ar herrlaller In <br /> e:ta.-t, of aA o����rental authortUe�appAcsble!o the t�a or c�oevpar+cy o(tt+a Prc,perty� lncludi� wUhoul MmNatlon. the Ame�icans Wlth <br /> �:..abmnes Act. T.�usta rt►ay cu�feat fn poo.i fatth any sucR isw� :�+ce.or►oQdaifon and wRhhold cort�9an�e durinp arry proceeding, <br /> Inctudi^3 BRR��ate gPPeels� so Iwig as Tnn:or Ms rwtMwd Ler�d,Y In writlnp p�fo�to doFnp so and 3o bnq as.I�Lenders sole opinion, <br /> Lendor's inierests In the Property ara nok jeopardxed. Lender rtmy roqvhu Tnntor to Fost adepwte sectairyr or a stxety bond,roasonably <br /> satlsfactory to Lender,to protect Lendera inierest. � <br /> Duty to Proteet Tn�.ctor aqreas ne.'ttier to abandai ncx bew unstfer�dsd Lhe Property. Tnistor she9 do ef other acb.In addirion to lhoso ects <br /> set forth abr,e In tNs soctla�,whfch han tts�ct�araclx and tn�a!:he ProQecty ve raasonably nsosssary to probct and praswve Iha Prope�ty. <br /> U1JE O!!SALE-e:aNSENT BY LE?1DER. Lender rtaty�at Ilt optlon.dedere lmme�atc�ly dua and paysble all sums secured by thls Desd ol Trust <br /> �pon the sale ar transfcx�withoul the Le-+ders pcior w►tttea consard,of a4 or anY psrt ol tha Raa]Properfy�or flrry Inlerest In the Real Property. A <br /> 'sale or iransfe�'means the cocrvayance of Fee!Property or u'ry�ht.title ar inlerest tMxein•wheU�er lepet�beneAc�al or eqWtable;whelher volunlary <br /> or invol�nta�,whether by outrighl sele.deed�ir�r�eM sale con►�acf,fend eontrsct.contract fot deed.feesehoid k►terest with a tetm grealer lhan <br /> three(3)Years�leese-opHo�ConUaa4 or by seb,as�Ig�n�Brst,or trenster GI nny bene�iaf ksletest M or fo 8ny Idtfd trust Addnp Ntle to 11:8 Real <br /> Property,or by any other mc�Mod ot corneyanCa of Heal Praperty hste�ast. H arry Trustor is a Corporttlai,partnership or Imtted NabAlty Company, <br /> trertsler elsa fn�udes s�y chanpe In ownershlp ot rteore than tweotY-Nve Pe�snt(25%)of the votlng stodc,Petinership{nterests or kmNed NabNi,y <br /> company interasb,as the ca3e may b0.d 7rustor. Howevet�tt�s o(stlon sl+a1 noi be�ercissd by Lsnder M suCh axercis�Is�roh►b8ed by Mderal,- <br /> law or by Nebrssi�a law. � � <br /> TAXES AMO LIE?!S. The foGowinp ptmhslons rotatl�q M ttte t�cas ar`cl0etis on tM Pfoperty ere a psri of tlds DeBd Oi Tn�sl <br /> Pa;�ment. 7rustcr shail pay when Que(and in aG evenls p�1or to�nyuancy)aM faxes.SpeCfnl taxes,asSessmonls,chat�es(InGuding wa'or <br /> and sawer}, hr,es and Impositla�u lev►ed agsks4 or on a�xount ot the Prop�ty,and sMt pay when due a7 daims for wak dona on or tar <br /> services rertdered or mstet'�a!turnistsd to!t►e Properfy. TnslAt s!a!melr�tain the ProQecty hoe of a!1en3 hdvitq p�lority ov�or equal lo lhe <br /> interest of Lender undet this Deed ot Trtat,�c�e�pt for Me�of�exes end aue�arnet±b not du9 end exCept as otherwise�rnrided in this Deed <br /> of Tntst. <br /> Rl�nt To Contest. Trusiar may wsth�'�dd payme+�i ot arry tax.assessmen!,or datm in connxlton wfth a good falth dispub over the obNqaBon <br /> to pay,so lw�g as Lende�s interest M tha Propuriy is twt Jeopardzed. H a!en arise6 or Ls fYed es a rosull d nOnpayrt�ent,Tnstot shall within <br /> fiftes�(15)dsys aRer the Fi�n arises or,!I a ien Is fied.v,itl�M 6lbeen(15)deys afEar Ttustar has noMce of the 1� th9 disCherpe ol ttie <br /> Gen, or H requested by Lander. deQosit wtth Lender cash or a suf�dent corporate sureiy band or ottx�r�ecu�ity aatistactcry to Lender in an <br /> amourt suffident to�+scharge the 8en plus arry ctsts and ottameys'tees ar otl�e�ctterpes that cadd acaue as a result ot a foreclosure or sele <br /> u��ar the Ifen. in trry contest,Trvstor shal defend riset(and lend5�er►:i sheil saf�y any adve�se Judqment belore eMorcemsnt aqalnst the <br /> ProF,srt�+. Trustor shall name Lendsr as an ad�ttlanrtl obRpea urxSer nny surety bond ttxNshaQ in Ih�confest pfoceedinps. <br /> E7rldence of Psymerst. Truslor sha!�on demand hxNsh to l.endar satis!eciory aNdsnc�e d payrr��t of the tazes or assessmenls and shap <br /> authorize the approp�te Qovam:reer'.�a�officta�!o de�ver to Uncfer ai any tims a wr{tlsrt staf�rd o!ltr taxss and assessmerds ayalrot the <br /> ��. <br /> Notice ot�or�slructlon. Trustor sh�A no�fy lender at leas2 flit�ean(15)days betae any wcr7c fs commanced,arty serv4�s ere furntshed,a any <br /> mata�isls are suppNed to lhe Property, H sny mecharsfc'a 6en, mnterialmen's 1en, or other Ben could be asserted on sccount of the work, <br /> sarvk.�es,or metorials. Tn�stor wfA upon recaues!of Lender hxnish Ic Larider advance assurnncAS satlslaclory to Lender thal Trustor can and will <br /> pay the.^.cst o(such imptoveme�ts. <br /> PiiOPERS'i'CARtAGE INStktANGE. The(olk�Wng provisbrs rdatlrq to lnsuTtreq the Proptiiy are a part of th�Qeed of Trust. <br /> AAaa�4nlcn�ot fnstmar�ce. Tnntcr shal procurn aod�n po8cies o��re insuer►ce wkh slanderd wde�ded c:overage endorsements on a <br /> re�lac�+ment t+asis for the luti l�euraG.'e value t,vverinQ df improvertsenls a�n fhe Real Property in e�emou�t suhident to evoid appHcatlon oi any <br /> coiRSUranca dause,and with a standa-d mo�qepee ct�use fn tavor od Lerider. Tn�stor shal also prxue and enainlsin comprehenshre general <br /> Aab�ty lnstzance in such coverepe amo�mts ss Lender mry reqtres!wMh tustee and L.essder beinq nemed at ad�9Nortal lnsureds in such fwbi6ly <br /> insuren�poNcies. kddltlor.aGy,Tnutcr shs9 maMtaln such othe�r tns�sr�s,k,ciudlnp but not lmNed to haiard,buslr�ess IntertupBon,and <br /> boiler Le.N.,er may reasonaWy reqtdre. Pobcies st+al be vwiiten In tar�,amour►�.�aQss and basb reasorwbly acceptable to <br /> Lender and�sued 9y a�comparry�companies reeso�aWy acceplable to 1.�:�. Trusta,upon request ot lender,wiC deAver ta Lender hom <br />'� time t�time th�pol'�lss a c�tificatas ot fnsurance�n f�rn sa�sEactory to�ender.In�udinq s�ptle,tlo�that coverugas w01 not be canceiled ar <br /> diminishsd wittseul at le�esi!en(10)days'Prior written nntice fo LenGer. Eac��i�surance poYcy siso shae fndude an endasement provfdfng that <br /> coverage hi lavor of Lender w�l not be Fmpalre6 in nnY�Y bY�Y act.crt�ssion or detault of Tn.�star or eny other person. Shculd the Real <br /> � <br />� �; <br /> 3'��� <br /> ;i` � � <br />