tS. TA?�S AND.ASSCSSMEN'f3. (irantor shell pey all tattey a�id asaeasments rolaUnfl to the Property whsn due and tmmsdiatsiy provide l.endsr
<br /> widencs of paymer,t of aame. Upon the roquest of l.snder,Qrarrtot afia!!doposlt wtth lendsr each rtwt�th one-lwoltth(1/72)ot tha sstlmat9d annuN
<br /> Inwrancs prdmtum,taxea and saaessmenta psrtainfng to the Pncpsr4y. So lonp ea thero ts nc defautt,thsee amourtts ahall be applied to thebaymerrt '
<br /> ot tauea,asaesaments and Inaurnnce as requirod on the Properly. I�the svertt'of default,LerMer ahall have the rtght,at ks sole optlon,bo a�Ply the \ �-
<br /> turtda ao hsld ta psy any taxoa a agetnat the Obl'q}aUona An��tun6s spplbd mery.at La�der's option�ba e�p!!!!�4n r!��se order oi the di�le date
<br /> thereof. �
<br /> !w ".NSPEC7104.OF PfiIOPERTY, B+�OKS, RECORDS AN[! REPORTS. Grantor shall allow Lender or fts eperrts to exart;ine an, ins�xct the
<br /> Property ant!examine,fnspect and make copias ot Grerttor's fwoks ar+d�acorda per4ai�ing to the Property from time to tlmo. GtaM.or ahall.Provfde '
<br /> eny asststance required t�y Len�er tor thaae purpeses. All of tha signad.irrs and information cortffiined in Grantor's books and records shall be
<br /> genuina,true, sxurate and camplete in all renpects. Gran',cr shall rate tho oxh�tcnce of Lender's benefldal interost in fts 'aooka and recotd�
<br /> Ps�nt�'�9�� �PertY. ���o��y�Grantor shall reporc, in e fortn eaUafa�torV to Lander,suct!irtfortnatio�as Lender m�ry raquest reparding
<br /> Graritcc's flnandal oondtUon or the Property. The Informatfan�hall b�tor such;i.rrioda.ahali reflsct CuanqoPa rocorda at such tlme, and shtUl be
<br /> csndered with auch hsque�cy aa Lender may�eaiflnat�. All InformaUon hsmiaheC try C3rartor to Lsnder�hall bs trw,aoc�rabs and ppmplsta In dl
<br /> rsspects,and alpned by Grantar N Lender npwsts. .
<br /> 77. ESTO?PEL CERTiFiCJ4TE3. Withfn ten (10)daya after ar,y roquest by Lender,Grarttor shail delhror tc Lender,or nny irttended tranateree ot
<br /> lsnder'a�hta w!th re�pect fo the Obligetlona,e eigned nnd eudmowledged statemeM:+oecifying(a)�ttt»outstu�dinfl balanA�on tfie Oblipr.9ons;and
<br /> (b)whother Grantor poaaesaea any claims,de4enses,set-uYs or couMerdaima wkh resract to tha Oblipatlons end,N ao,the naturo of;LCh dalms,
<br /> defe�ses,srtcffa or co�2rrierclaims. Grarttor wil!be condusvely bound try any reprosentatlon that Lender may make to the tMSndad Csrteferee with
<br /> respaat to thrse matters In the everrt ttsat Grarrtor 1a;Is to pro�ide the roquested statemen4!n a tlmaty manner. �
<br /> 'i8. EVENTS f9F DEFA�LT. An Event cf Dafauk ahall occur under this Deed of Tnrst snd the Truatee'a po�uver ehal(become operative fn tho svent thg:
<br /> Cuamw,BorrcwBr or ony guarnnxr oi the Obligatto�s: .
<br /> {a) fa{{s to pay any Obl{gatlon to Lender vvhen due; •
<br /> (b) faila to pertorrt;any Obp�a�on or brnaches any wn�7artty u owenant to Londer contatrtsd In thia Ueed af Truat or any cnher proaent or tuturo �
<br /> agraer�ent;
<br /> (o) destroys,lcsea a darnager!he Property fn sny materlal respect or subJecb ths Property to aeizun,conflscatbn,or a>rxJemnatlon;
<br /> (d) aaeks to rawke,tarminate or otherwiae lfmk Its IlabilEty under eny puaranty to Ltindar,
<br /> (e) dlea,tseqmea leigalty i�icompeteM,In dissolved or tsnninaded,bacomas Usolverrt,maices an assignmaM tot the beneflt ot credttors,talis to ,.
<br /> pay debte as they become due,fliea n pedtlon undes ths federal ban{crvptcy Iaws,haa sn imroluntnry peUUan in bankrup4;y fliad in whloh C�rantor,
<br /> 8ortower or any guarantor is named,ar haa proporty taken under any writ or process M court;
<br /> (� allowa goods to be used,tranapoRed ar atored on tho Rroperty,the posaesa}on,trsnaportation,or use ot whlch,is Ilk,ga{;
<br /> (g) .nlbws a,�y party other than Grantor or Borrower to assume or undertaks arry Obiigation w�thout the vrrltte�conaem r3f I_ender;or
<br /> �'h) cauuia L.ender to deem itsoif insecuro due to a iJgniflcartt do�lirt�in the�reJue of the Propsrt�;or H Lender,In�;ood felth,for eny reas3rt,
<br /> Cal(evea that the prospect of pi�ymertt or perfortnence is impaired.
<br /> 99. RIG�ITS OF LENDER ON EYEhT OF DEFAULT. Upon the occurcenoe oi an Event oi DefauR under this Deed ot Trurt,Lender s'riall be anttUed to
<br /> exerdso one or mora a!the following remedisa without notice or demand(except as requlred by taw}:
<br /> (a) bo decisrs the QbligaUons ImmedEately due and payabis fn fuil,such accsleration shall be autort2ec�c;and immediate ii the Event of Defauk is S�
<br /> a Bling undcr the Bankruptcy Code; _�
<br /> (b) to colleat the outstanding Qbligntlons wkh or witt�out rosardng to Judici�l process; �
<br /> (c) to requiro Gramor to dailver and m�ks ava}Iable to Ldnder any peraona!pr�ps�ty or Chattela eonstltutlng the Propsrty at a plaoe reasonaDly �
<br /> cornronlent to Grnntor and Lender, �
<br /> ;d) to erner upon and 4a;ce posseasion of the Property wkhcut appiying for or obtatning tha appn;�rtment ot a receNer and,st Lender's optlan,to Q
<br /> appoPnt a recelver x�rthout bond,wRt;out tirat bringing suft an the Obi{�sUons end withe��!cKherwise m�eeting any stah.�tory condlUona rogsrciin�
<br /> receivers,k being ir,fended that Len�er shal4 have this cortVactu�l rigM to sppoiM a rxeiver, �
<br /> (e) to employ a manaAing agent of the Property and let the same,either 6i Trustae's own rtame, in the nsme of Lender or in the niune of
<br /> Grentar, and receive the rents.incomes,issues and profita of�Property a�d apply tho same, aiteK payme�t of all necxsaary chargea and �
<br /> (f��npaY arty st�ms in an��lioam�enner deemed e
<br /> Y x{�edisrtt by Lsnder to protoc!the sec;ufty Q}thio Deed of Trust or 4�curo eny defauk other �
<br /> than p.aymont ot interesi or princlpal on th6(7bligationa; D d
<br /> (p) to foredoae this Deed of 7rus4 Judicialfy or nonjudicislly and to direct the sale of ihe property through exordse of ths power ot sale as
<br /> referencsd in parapraph 20,hereln,in aavrdence wfth applicabie law;
<br /> (h)to set�off GrurtoPa Obligatlons npa;�st any amounts owed Grarstor by Lender Induding,but not limfted to,monies,inshumanta,and deposit
<br /> accauttts maintainad wtth Len�er or any currbnrtiy existlng w fu4uro atftitate of Lender,and
<br /> f)to exardse nll other r(ghta nvniiable to Londer under any other written agroemert or appllcr�ble iaw.
<br /> Lender'a rtghn are cumuiative and may be exercised together,separntely,and in any nrd3r. In tho event that Lender institutes a�actlo�seeking
<br /> the recovery o{any of tP�e Property by way o4 a pre�udgment remedy in an actton agalnst Grantor,Grantor waiva�the posting oi tuiy bond wfiich
<br /> might otherwise be required. lender or LendsPa designee may purchas6 the Property at any sale. Praceeds of avty Ttuatea's saJe hereundsr
<br /> sfiall 1» appiled flrst,tu the rosts and expes�sns of exerclsing the power of sala�nd of the asle,induding the paymertt oi the Trustee's feea
<br /> actually lncurred and not to exceed the amcunt whfch may be provided for In th{s Uoed of Trust,second,to payment�f the Obl!gatlons aecurod
<br /> hareby,thlyd,to the payrt;ant of Junlor Vust deeds, mortgag�s,or ather Ilenho{ders,anr!the tralanca,H any,to t�,e person or peraons lepalty
<br /> arttlG�d thereto. Th�Property or any part thereof may be sold in one parcel,or In such paacels,manner or order as Lencfer?n its scle discretlon
<br /> may elect,end one or more exerases of the Rawar herein grantad shnli nat extingulah or exhaust tha power unleas ths enUre Property(a scsid or
<br /> the obifgatlons are pald In}uR.
<br /> 20. TRUSTEE'S D�RCl3E OF P01lVER OF SALE OM DEFAl1LT. Upon defauk by Bortower in paymant of any Qbllgattona secured heroby,Lender
<br /> may declare all eums,sxured hereby,imrtsedtatefy due and pa�ab(e and shell cause tp be fEied of rocoM a written notice of defauR and efeatlon to
<br /> seil 4he Propnrty. ,4}tsr the iapse of auch time ae then mby be required by law following recordntbn of such notice af defautt,and noUco of aale
<br /> having been given us theei requ(rod by law,Tnistee,wbhout damand on Grsntor,sha11 eell such Property,elther as a whole or in separate paroels,and
<br /> in such order as it or Lender may determine,nt Fublic nucttan to the highest bidder. Trustea may postpone tha sale of atl or any portlon of the
<br /> ProRe+rty by public announcement at the ttme and place of sale,and from time L�tirne theroafter may postpone the sale by pubiic an�ounoament at
<br /> the tlme and¢lace fixad by the precedlnfl postpo�ement. Trustee ahalf deltvsr to s��ch purchaser 14s deed cc,mreylnq the property,or pottion thereof,
<br /> so sold,but witfiout any covenant or warraMy,express w ImplSed. The rscltala in iauc��deed oi eny.mattero ot fact or otherwiss,ahall b�wondusive
<br /> Proof o}the Vuthtulnmas theroof. My person,Indudinfl Grantor,Trustes or Lendet,may purchase at such saJe, � „
<br /> sa
<br /> 21. AEpIlEST FAR NOTI�ES. Grantor requeats that a capy af sny�ot{ce Af de!auR and a copy of any notice of sale hereunder be mallx'to each
<br /> persan who Ia a party heroto,at the addreaa ot such panprt set{prth�hete���y�,�tr time and in the aame manner required aa thaugh a sdparatb
<br /> requeat thereot had been flled by each sueh peroon.
<br /> 22 $ECURITY INTEREST tlNdER TNE UNIFORM COhlb9EACWi.CODE This Deed of Trust shai�be considered a Hnancing stadement and a
<br /> flxture ftlfnp pursusnt to tf�e provlalona oi ths UnHorm Comrnerda!Code (as adopted�n g,e atats whero the
<br /> chatteb and arGNea ot �rOPBrtY fs located)coverinfl Nxturos,
<br /> , personal ProPertY now oMmsd or hereafter attncMd to or to be uaed in connection wkh!he Property together wtth any and al!
<br /> replaesm�rns thersoi and addkions thsroto(tha"Chattsis�,arod Grarttor hereby grenta lender a sscurity inMrsst in such Cnattels. The debtor Is the
<br /> Grarttor desaibsd abow. 7he secursd perty ts the lsndar dsmmuibs�above. Upon dsmancf,(3,�aMOr shall make,execute and deliver auch sscurity
<br /> agrosrturtta(us euch tsrm is detlned In eaid UnNortn Comme:cial Code)aa Le;�u'ar at any time msy deem neoeasary or propsr or roquired to prent W
<br /> Lsndar a Perfaated securtty interest ln the Chattela,and upon Gra�!or's�aituro to do ao,Lnnder la authartzed tp aign any wch�qroy�M��s agertt
<br /> ot CiraMor. Cirentor heroby authorlxes Lender ta fib flnandng statemertts(as s�cfi term�$daflned In eald UnHorm Comrtierdai Cade)w('�rosQoct to
<br /> the Chatteia,et any dme,wfthout the siQnaturo of Grantor. Grantor will,howevar,at any tlene upon request of Lender,atgn such flnnndng statemente.
<br /> CiraMOr wlll pdy all fiI{ng feaa for the filing o�such flnancing statementa and for the raflllr�g thereot at the tlmea roquired,(n the opinbn of Lender,by �
<br /> anid UnNortn Commerdal Code. !f the Iien a4 thfa Deed of Tn:st fs aubJect to uny eecurity apreement cove�infl the Chattsls,thon in the everat olt any
<br /> d�fauft under thle Q�srl vt Trust,ali ths rtflht,tftle and intereat of Qrarttor In and to any end al!oi the Chahbts Is hereby aaalp;xd to Ls�A��togethsr
<br /> wKh tlw b�nNk ot arty dspoaka or paymerns now w hereakar msds thereof by Grentor a the prsdsosswn a suocsssors i�Ntle oi Orsntor in the
<br /> Property.
<br /> �. REtMBURSEMENT OF AMOlJNTS�ENDED BY IENDER. Lsnder,at l.snder'a optlon,may ezpsnd funds Qndudinp attomeys'fees and 1e9a1
<br /> sxpeneea)to,�ertortn any act roqufnd to be ta{csn by Qrantor or to exsrelae any rigt�t or remedy uf Lsndsr under this Dsed ot Truat, �1ppn dsmand,
<br /> Grantor Bnali fmmed{ately roimburas Lender tor ail wch amounta expended by Le�der topether wkh Interost ther,�on at the lowe!of ti�e hi�heat rate
<br /> descxfbed In any Oblipatlon or the hlghest rats aiiuvved by law hom ttu date oi peyment urttll the date of rolmtwrsamsnt. Theae wms ahall be
<br /> In�luded U ths deNntdan of Ob{I9alions herein end ahall 3»aecurod by the be�dpdd�ntereat pranted herein. M tt�e Obli�atlana ars paid s}tsr ths
<br /> beQlnnlnp ofpu blixtlon of notloo o}ueie,aa hsroin provided,or(n ths event Lender ahall,at ka eoJe optlpn,permlt Grarttpr tp pay any p�p��e
<br /> Obli aUo�s after thq be inninp ot publicatlon of noUoe e{eale,w heroin provided,then,Grentor shal�
<br /> Trus ss�nd Land�f'In�nnec4lon with s�Ud publlcailon,inaiu+ding reasona�' etfomeya'feaa to the �y on dsmand all�xpsnsss tncurrod by the
<br /> reaswnable fee to the Trustee,and thb Deed of Tnut shall ba security tor ap such expenaea end teaa.a�m�for the Tru�`s�end fo;th�L►ntNr,tnd a
<br /> �2A. APPUCATION OF PAYMENTS. A!!paymerns made by or on beheFt of Ci�ertWr may bo appllsd e�alnst th�artrourttf paldby I�d�t noludin
<br /> �al�niny ObIlpaUorraP{n��whitwsr ords�r l�nder ohooses. ss ot Ib rlphb ot nmsdl�s desortbed m thls Dasd o!Truat and tfiM�to tllepp�ymMt
<br /> 2s. POWER OF ATTORNLK. Orantor hsreby appo1nb L.�ndsr as its aftomey-In-tact to �ndons Cirantor's neme on +it� i�stnunertts u�d o�Ghsr
<br /> doourrurrts p�rt�6Ung to tt»Ob1lpaUons or D�sd of Truat. h nddHian��sndsr shali bs sMitlsd,but not roq��fred�te p�rMrm any soticn a sxscute ury
<br /> dowmsnt requfnd to be tak�n or exsr.�ted by Cirantar undsc this DesG of Trust. Lerxlet'a psrtormancs ot w�ch actlon cx euscution of wch
<br /> doaunants shali rat rolieve Cin�nta from ury Obllpa8on a curo any defwR und�r thla Dsed of Tnat Ali powsn ot atEOmsy deuxlbsd In thla DNd of
<br /> = Truat+�n coupi�d wkh 4►�Indsrost and a»IrrevocAbb
<br /> �. S1J8ROQATION OF LENDER. Lender ahall bs wbrc�edsd to th�riphts of ths holder oi any previpus I(�n,ssp:�fty IMeros!or snCUmbtancy
<br /> dlsct�arped wkh funda advanoed by Lcnder rpardless ot whether these Nena��curNy iMerssts or othsr Mcumbnnws'nave bNn rolsaeed of ncord.
<br /> �rv+ES��c oFOR�wi«,r�uN,aop�.,,r,a.���lo,'�I (�ioo'rar�w
<br /> r.Q.aae��
<br /> r•,
<br /> !
<br /> R�.'�i'ti. � . . . . . .... .. .. ,�.S �.r . . . . . � . , . ,
<br />