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;d) CiraMOr has the right artd ia duly authoriz�d to ezecute end pertorm Its Obfipations undsr{fiia Desd of Trust and thesa actlons do not and <br /> aheli�ot amfl{ct witti t�e any statute,re�ulaUon,ordinance,rute ot law.contrac!or othq; apresme�t which may bc�bindfnfl or: <br /> Grarttor at any time; . . , s. <br /> e No ection or roceedfn ia or aliall be � <br /> ( ) P 9 prnding nr threatened vrhlch mi�iht materially affec!the Property;and <br /> (� Grontor ha�s�at v(oiated nnd shall not vfolate any atatUte,re��!atlon,wdfnence,rula oi lavv,contract or other agreemsnt(indudinp,b�h not <br /> Ilmited,to,those goveming Hexardoun Materials)which miglrt matertsRty sNect the Proparty or Lsnder's rfphtu or irtterest in the Propsrty PurauaM <br /> to mt9 osed a r�,�c. . <br /> 3. PRIOR D@ED5 bF TRUST. Grart!or ropreser�4s and warrartts thai tfiare are no prfar deedx of trust affxtlng any Part of the Prc+perty except as aet <br /> torth on Schadulo B attached ty this�eed,�f Tn�at,whicti Grarrtor a,grnes to psy and perform in a timefy marn�er. If thsr�aro arsy prior deeds o!lcust <br /> then Grantor agrees to pey ail amounts�wed,and pertorm a!I obligaUona require�,under such deeds oi trust and Hie secured theroby <br /> nnd funher agroes thst a defauk under v1y prior deed of trust shrJi be n defauft urxler thEs Des�i of Truat end sFull oMitle Lender to di riqitts nnd <br /> remedias contalned harsln or In the Qbi6gakions to which Lendar waui�be erHf4led In the everYt of any other dsYault <br /> t 4. TRAMSFERS OF TkE PROPERTY UR lEWEF{ClAI INYEr�EST3 IN GpA)ITQRS O�BORAO�WERS. In trhs ervaM oi a sale,conveyanco,lease, <br /> corttract fw deed ar trnnster to any peroon oi ail or eny part of the real property�euxibed iH Schedutm A,or nny lr.teroat thsrnln,or cf gli w any � <br /> � beneficial interest i� Borrower or Grantor(H Bortwrer or Grentor Is not a naturel person or peroOns but ts e cprpora�oll,llmltcrd Ilabil}ty company, , <br /> partnership,tru�t,or o:her Iegai erttity),Ler,der may,ni its option,declaro tha outstanding p�n�ioal bnfance of ths:Jibligationa plua acaued irrterest 3 <br /> thereon immndiataly due and payablo. At i.cnder's caquest,Grantor w Borrower,as the casd may he,shall fumi�h a oompieta;statement ssttlnp forth <br /> � a!i af Its stockholders,members,or�+ar,ners,as approprinta,and the exto�t of lheir rospec�ve ewmership irtterosls. + <br /> S. AS5IGNMEFiT OP REPITS. In cansideration oi the Obligations which cre secxued by this DeAd ot i rus�Cxantor atrsa�utely s3slgns to L,Qnder nil <br /> Grantor's estnt0,right,titfe,interest,c!aim and demand rtarv ownad or hereafter acqufred in ai!exisdrvp an�futuro teases of the Property Qnduding <br /> axtenalons,ronewals and wbleaass),�I!apree^nrnts for uae�snd occupency oi the Property(ali auch Fee�ses and apreemerris whether w�Men or oral, <br /> p�n heroafter referred to as 4he"Lense�s' and ali guarnntlea of lessees'per}ormance urxfer the Loaase,toget�ter wlth t},e Imm.9dlats ant!crnitinulnp <br /> Hflht to calloct and recoive aIi of the rerns,income,racei�x,revenues,iasves,profib and ot�er Income oi any naCuro no�a�or heroatter�ue(Induding <br /> �rry lncome af arry natUre comi�g due du�ing arry redemptlon period)under tfie Lssses or from or srising ou!r�f the Property,in�uding minimum , <br /> 7en4s, additlona! rertta, pe,�aan:ape r�rts, parkinp or cammon area malntenance cocttributions,tnx end Inwtance aonMbutfons,iiefldency reMa, , <br /> �Iq�ideted damagea foliowing dafaut; In eny E.ease, ali procesda payab;s undsr any poiicy of insurancs oovering �oa� ot rortts�!e'wlUn9 hom � '�., <br /> '�Jrrtenantabilky cauaed by dastvctlon cx damage to the Property,a1P prooe�ta peyabie as n reauk of e!esoee'a�axerciee o!an epUem tc'n.purchaae the <br /> iProperty,a!I proceeds derived from the tmrtninatiors or rej�cHon of arry Lbax in a bankruptcy or ott�ar Ineolvenr,y Proceeding,and a!I�rbr�eda from <br /> �iy rights nnd clafms ot any kind which Grantor may have n6ainst ar.y lessee under the Leases or any occupanb of the Property(eil ot the above nre <br /> eroarter coHsctively raferred to ns the'R�rtts'}. This essi�nment Is wbject to tho riaht,pov,ror end authority given to thn lendar to collect and apP�Y <br /> tha Remts. This assignment la rocorcled In eccordance wtth �tppiicab4e state law;the lien croatod by thla essignment la InMnded to be mpeciflc, <br /> perieCcd,and choate upon the recording at thfs Daed o!Truat,ali aa provided by applicaDle xtate law as emendsd hom+Jme to tlme. As lon�as <br /> thera is no detauR under the ObllgsUons or th;s D�ed oi Trust,Lender grants Grnntor a rova:abia iicense to callect all Rsnb from the l.eases when <br /> due and to use such pracaeds In Grant.^,r's busi.rress oparations. However, Lender may at n„y°:me roquire Grantor to deposft ail ReMs i�b an <br /> axount maintainnd by Grantor or Lende;at Lender's Ins�tuUon. Uµon defauft in the payment ot,or in the perfamnanee af,eny oi the Obiigndona, <br /> Lender may at its epiion takd possossion of tha Property and have,haid,manage,Isase and cperats 4he Property�an tertns and ior a psrlod ot lime <br /> that Ltrnder deums proper. Lender rny procsed to eollect and re�ive all Rerrts hem the properly, and Lend�r shall navo fuli p�we�to make <br /> „_ akaratlona,renovations,ro{�airo or replacemenb to the Property ns t.ander may deem proper. Lertder may apply ell ReM�in Lender's sole diecretlon <br /> cre <br /> to payment oi the ObAgatiores or to ths pa��nent o!the cost of sucti alteraUons,ranovabons,ropeiro artd roplacemertte and nny expenaes Incident tu <br /> ' taking and retainirtg possession of the PropeRy perlodically snd the managemsnt and operatloR M the Property. Lertder may iceep the PropeRy <br /> • prope�iy insured and may di�harge�ny tsxes,charpas,daims,assesamertts end o�er Ife�s wh�h may ar,�xue. Ttim expense and cost of these <br /> actiqns may bo paid 4rom ths Rerrts received,and an�unpaid amourtta shatl be added to the��Indpaf of the Obligationa. Theae amouMS,togethsr <br /> w�th othar costs,ahail becama pe�rt of the Obiigaticns securad try this Deed of Yrust. <br /> 8. LEASES AND pTHEH AGREEME�YTS. Grantor shaii not take or fstl to tako any action which may cause or permk the termination or tr�e <br /> wkhholding ot nny paymerrt irt connecdon with any Lease pertaining to tha Property. In$dd'rL+x,Grantar,without Lender's prior wr;tten conaent,shall <br /> �ct: (a)collect any monlea payable under any Lsase nwre than une mortth in sdvnnce; (b)modKy any lease; (c)assign or eflow n Ilen,aocurfty <br /> as <br /> Interest or other encumbrence to be ptaced upon GrsrrtoPs rights,tkle and irth►reat in and to any Lease pr the amounb payable thereunder;or(d) <br /> term�nate or c;ancel any Lease excxpt for ths nonpayme�t o}any sum or othet meMrial trreach by 2he other party theteto. H Grantor rucelves at euty <br /> tlme any written commur.faetion asserJrtg a detault by Grantor undar a ie�eo or purporting to terminate ot cancel any l.ease,Grantor ahall prom�tly <br /> forward a copy at auch communication (and any wbsequent camrt:unlcatlona�!a±�ng thereto)to Lsnder, pJ�suah Loaaes arrd the amouMS aue to <br /> Grantor thereunder are horoby aasigned to Lender aa additfonal security for tfie Ob1laaNOns. <br /> 7. COI.LECTION OF INDEBTEDNE33 FAOF,A THIAD PARTY. Lender sh!sii be anBtled to natlty or require GraMOr to notify any th(rcf party(including, <br /> bv4 not Iimited to, tesssas,IScensees,gcwemmerttal authorttlav and insuranx companies)to pay l.ender a�ry Indebtednasa or abilQatlon owing to <br /> r <br /> Grart4or with raspect to the Prop�rty(cumuiativaly"lndabtedness'}whether or not a default exists under 4his Deed of Trust. Gra�ttor shall dillpenify <br /> coliect the Irtdebtadnoss owir,g io Grantor'rom tfiess thLd parties untli 8ts givl�g ot sucti notlticatian. !n the event that Grantor possess�s or recefv��s <br /> possessi�n of any instruments or other rerriittances wkh reapect to the fndebiedness foilowing the giving e}auch naUficxtlon or N the InsVuments c�r <br /> other remtttancea constintte the prepa,�ment of any InCebtadness a the pnyment oi eny insurance or condemnatlon procaeda,Grar�r shall hold <br /> such instrumenis and other rerr,'ittancas!n trust for lendar apart hom its other propnrty,endorse the ins4rumenb and other remittancea to Lender, <br /> and Immadietefy prwide Lender wWi pes�ssion of the ingtruments arsd other rsmfltsnces. lBndor shall be entfUed,but nnt required,to coliect(by <br /> iegal proceedings or otherwise},extend the tirrro for paymsnt,corsprca,ni�e,exc�an�a or release any ebligar or�collateral,w othsrvvfse sett►e any o} <br /> the Indebtedncss whmther or nat an Event oi Default exists undr�r this IJ�of Trun. Lander shall not t�e Ilable to Ora,�tor for any actlon, error, <br /> misiako,ort;isaion cr detay pertai�ing to the actions de�ribed in Yhis par�grmph or any�la�napes resuking therofro.m. Notwithstanding the foregoing, <br /> nothing hersin shali cause Lender ta be deemed a mortpagee-in-passessMn, <br /> & USE AfID MNNTEt�1ANCE OF PROPEATY. Grantor shali take a11 actior.s nnd r�ake any repelrs needed ia malMa3n the Property fn 8000 <br /> condkion. Grarttor shali nat cc,mmtt or perml;any waste to pe cammitted with respact to the property, Grarttpr sheli use the r'roperty soiefy(n <br /> comP��ance wkPt n},"�ilcable law and insurartce poilciea. Grartta shafl no:make any sftera0ons,additlons or(mprovemern3 to tha Property without <br /> Lendsr's prior writtnrt consent. Wfthovt Iimftlng ths foregoing,eli akerndons,asidit�ms and Improvemams made to tha Ptoperty�hall be subject to <br /> tha baneHcial intare�belongfng to Lender,aheJl not be ramovt,d without Lender's p�for written conaeM,and ahall be made at Gr,uitor'y soie expenso, <br /> r 9. LOSS t2R DAMACE Grantor shall bear the erttlre risk of arty loss,thcr�t,destruction or damage(cumulatively'Lnas ar i�amape'1 to a:a firoperty or <br /> ariy portton thereof from any cause whatnoever, in tho everrt of any Loss or C�mape, Grantor ishall,at the optlon r�f Lendsr, repeir ths�fectsd <br /> Property to fts previous conditton or pay or cause to te pNd to Lender the decroa9e in the fair market value o}the aNecMd F�roporty. <br /> 90. tN3URAHCE The Property will be kept insurod for fts full insurable value (repiacemsnt cost) agtinst al huerda Including Ioss or damage <br /> caused by flood,eartfiquake,tomado and firo,thrR or other casualty to the extent required by Lender. Grarttor may obtain insurance on the Pro <br /> from such companisa as axeptable to Lender in its sole dEscxeNon. The insurance lides ahall <br /> Len�Jer with at Ieast �� po royulro the insurence company to�ro�vlde <br /> days'wrrtten notlx betoro such polides are ettered or cancbikd in any manner. The insurance policles ehall <br /> �arr�a Lender aa a loss payae mnd provide that no act w amiuion of Grarstor or any othar person shall aHbct the rigli4 ot Lender M be paid the <br /> fnsurance proceeds pertafning to the loss or dema�e W the Property. {n t}ye aveM Gramor fefls to acquiro or malrttatn irssurancs, �ender (afMr <br /> praviding notice as may be required by law)may in its discrotion procuro appropriate Insurence cove�q s upo�the prc�party and the ineurana oost <br /> shall bo an advsncs paynbie nnd bearing irtterest as de�ribed In Perapreph 23 and securod hsroby. Grarttoe shail tumish Lende!wkh evidsn<x of <br /> Insurance IndlcaUnp the required covernpQ, l.ender may act as attoms�,dn-tact}or Grantor In making end aetdlny dalms under insurana poHdea, <br /> canceilinp any policy or endoning(3rantor'a on srry drsTt or negntleble InsVumartt drawn by arsy Inauror. AII such inaura�cs polbiss shell be <br /> Immediately asslpned,piedped and dellvered to Lendar as h�rther secu�,tor the ObitgaUons. !n tfie event of loss,Grantor shall lmmediately Qlva <br /> Lerder written noUce and l..ender is authorized to make pn;of o(ioss, Eaoh(nsurance company�s directed to make <br /> fnsteed of to Lendnr and Grantor, Lender shall have the righ4,at ita sole opNon,to nppiy such monlea tavard the pbii�a`tlona�a�r tpvnrd�ti�o} <br /> robutiding and restorinp the ProRertY. My amourtta mey at Le�dsr's opUon bs applied In�ie lrneroe order pi y�e due detaa thereof, <br /> 11. ZONIN(3 ANC PRtVATE COYENANT3, Grantot ahall not initlate or consent to�ny change fn the zontng provislona or priveta oovenartta sf(�cqng <br /> She use of the S'roperty without Lender�s prtor writ:en conse�t. M Grantor's use ot the Praperty is oz becomes a noncortforminp uss under sny zoniny <br /> Imromedlat��n�r���na�u����k��U8°tO�dtscortt(nued or abandoned wfthout the priw writtan co��aerrt of L.snder. C3rerttor w�'ll <br /> N Rrwide Lender wH,h wrltten noyca of ury proposed chanflas to the zoning provlalona or prtvats oovenents aHectinp 9tas property, <br /> 12 CONDEMNATION. Grantor th�11 Immedtately provide L,ender wkh nvr}aen notice of any actuel or throatensd oondemnatlon or sminsnt domain <br /> pr�eding pertaiNng to the Property, /UI moniea R�b m Grorrtor hom such condemna�on or takiny eus hereby aaaipnsd to Lendsr nnd ahall be <br /> { �plied flrst tu 4he peyment af Lendor's attomeya� fees, �egal expenses � oy,br c�s� (ir����� �p�� �eeaj in conrtecUon with the <br /> � condemnation or eminettt domaEn Rrocaedinqs and ttron,at the opUon ot Lender,to tha paymertt oi the ObliAatlons ar the roatorati�n pr ropelr o1 the� <br /> Proper!y. <br /> 13. LENDER'S RlGFiT TO COMAAENCE JR DEFEND LEGAL ACT10H3. Grantor shnli immedfntety provide Lender wkh writtsn notfte o}any actusl . ''t <br /> or throatened actlon,sufY,�r othor proceed�ny a{}ecqnp tfie Property. 3rantor hereby appoirrts�ender ea fts attomey-irniact to commdr�os,intarvene <br /> In,end defend sur,�;ectio�a,suita,or othar leqai proceedinfls nnd to oompromise or aettls srry danr or controveroy pertalMrtp thsroto. L�nder sha;l <br /> no!be Ilablo to pnuiqcx for arsy ectlon. srrpr,mistsks, omisalon or dsiay p�rtaininp to the ectlona deecribed In thft <br /> resuking therstrom. Nothirtg contafned'naroln witl prwsnt Lerx:•r f,pm takinp tha actions dwcrfbed in this P��h or any dunaqes <br /> 1�. IN,UEAANIFICd1T10N. Lsnder ahall not assume or t�p W►�OnPh In fb own v�ams. <br /> under arry clicumatsncea. Gremor ahall Immedl f°°�O^elbls tor 1hs pstfortmtncs o}uny ef t3rantor's obitpaUona wkh roapsct to the PropsrtY <br /> dincton.afflcero,em I �N Provids Lendw wtth wri°tsn no8w of artd IndemnNy and hodd Lsndsr and ka shatsholdsrs, <br /> P oye�s�n�agerrts harmless knm ail daima�damapea,ilebllttlea Qndudlnp attwneys'Mss and bpel exp��sss),csu�o} <br /> ection, acJans,w!u and ofhsr Iapal P�d��Os(cumu!ativsly'Ctaima�PertalninC to the Propsrty pnq��liny,but rrot Iimkecl to,C�cas InvoMnp <br /> Fiaur'.�u f�tatsr4al3). Cirantor�upon the request cf lsnder,shaSi hin lsyd counssl to defsm!l.ender from woh Cldms,end pey ths <br /> Icga c:.:}.,neua and othe;oost�incurted in oonnsctlon therevvith, �the altemaUve,l.endar ahell bu srnftled to sm �r �' <br /> ' suc! Ctafms at G�arttoPs cost. Cxarrtor's oblipatfon to indsmni}y lsnds�undsr thia para0rsph shall wrviw t!»brmin�lon,kass��iossdrsure ot <br /> i thi�,f.�sd ot Trust. <br /> � 1PHE9t18 �F�rt[JCtlor.T�chrqlpg4��,lne.(Ii/p/y8) (gp�iC97JTDi �. /'� <br /> .' � i P�2d6_�� <br /> �:+�.— . . . . . . . <br /> :.-'.� , ,! 1�� �_ <br />