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27. COLLECTION COSTS. To the enteM permitted by law,Granbor agreao to pay Lend�er'a reasrs+iebl�tees and c+asb,ind�rdinfl,bu4 not Iimttso!o, <br /> Mes and costs af atianwys and ottret agents(r�duding without limkatbn porak,�afa darks and conaut�),rvhe4har or r�ot such ehomey or aqertt i� <br /> an smployee a!l.ender,whlch are incurted by I.e�der ir�oolloc!!ngerry aimouM due or erriotang ury rlpht or romsdY undx thia Dead•of Trust; <br /> whether a nvt wk he broupM,Includlnfl,but not Rmked to,ell fieea uxl ooaf�lncurra�J an�ppsal,In baniauptcy,'antl k�poa4�udflmertt oollsc�tbn : <br /> ectlons. <br /> 2B. PARTIAL WELEASE Lendx may rmleass fts 1Mnroat In n on ot tM Pmpeny by ezecutlnp��nd roc�rdlnQ�on�or mcro Psrticl D�sd of <br /> Rmconveyancs wtthout eftectlnp its Interost In the n►malnfn�po on o1 tha Property Nothlnp hereln ahall be deemed to ob6lQatm Undsr to role� <br /> e�r+y ot ka irnsreat in the Propsrty(except as roqulrod undsr PeraO�sph 3')'),nor Yha!(Lender be abllpstsd to rolsase arr/part►�f tt�s PropsRy H t3rarttor <br /> la in defauk undsr thla Desd oi Trust The Iken and ascu Irtterost ore�tsd by ths�ssd oi Trust romaln In sffsct w4th reepsct 2n that portlon of the • <br /> dejined in the Deed of Tn�st,that ia not tha au�b ect of 4hls or ury Pert4el Deed ot Re�r�veyenc�. ' <br /> corttafnedlFlCAwriti g signed by Lender� d�Y PQrt�eanN of�8orrowsr a a Gron'itcrb Obll9���dal ry o.�faf�rdvaaivsrerciss rts�oca�sfo�n uhaJl <br /> accept paymeMs from GraMOr or anyone ather 4fian Cararttor without�nq a walver ot thaae Obl � v <br /> not corratttute a waivor onerry other occaslon. Grantor's Obliqatlons under thts Deed of Trust 4hall na2 be atlsCced H Vinder amends,cempromlaea, <br /> exc�anyeb,"a(Is to exards�e,lmpalra or rAleeses any o1 ths Dblipatlorta belurfllny ta eny Grenta,Barrower or thlyd piuty otar�y of Itn ripfita agafnat <br /> daem�ed a waNx�a�ndr l�derashall have�e raiQht at any tima Bssre�atter to'elst upon sM�psrHmn�ernx, vio�of ury af tM ONi�ations shaH not b� <br /> 30. SLSSTITUTE TRUSTEE In case of the dseth,Inabltity,refusal to act or abaonce o{ths Trustee trom tlff�state vaharo the Property Is bcatsd a tn <br /> caae the holder o!the Obli9ations shall des(ra ivrary roason to romove the Trustee c�any ra�bst'tute es Vuatee heroundsr ond W rK a <br /> new trustse In hfa place and stead,the ho!dor of the Obllgationa Is hsreby grarned htll p�.�wer to appolM In vvtltlnp e.wbsNtute trustee for eaid rustss, <br /> and the substituts trvsteo shall,whenappo frned,becatic auxessor to ell rtphts of Tnietes harounder and the sa�rt»ahall bscome wsM�In hlm tor <br /> the purposes artd objecta of thie Deed of Trust wkh sl!the pown►r,duUes and ob(ipatlom�hsr�ln conferred on ths Ttustse. ' <br /> 31. Sl1CCESSOR3 AWD ASSi�W�. Thfa Dsed of 7rust shall be bindlnq upon and In�ro to�e banertt oi G�ar�and Lendsr a�d thetr rrsp�ctive <br /> �ro,aralqna,truateea,rocaNen,admtnlatrston,peroonal ropree�mtatlyes,k+g�ees a�d de�rlaseu;, <br /> 32 NOTICE3. Except ae otherwlae requinx!by IAw,ariy notice a o4her cor,,.�nunlca�an to be provlded undar thts Dsed of Trust shall be In wriUnp " <br /> and sent to the partfea at the addrosses dsacri4ed tn thla L�eed of Truat or such other add�ess as the p�ertiea m dsalpnate In writlnp from Ume to • <br /> Ume. !,ny such notice sa 9ivan end aeni by flrst daas mall,poatape propald,ahatl be desrr»d plve-,�the asrllsr o�throe(3)days aksr suah notlas Is <br /> sertt or wh�n roceived by the psrson to whom suCts notice Ia betnfl gNen. <br /> � 33. SEVERANIU'fY. Whenever poaslble,each provlsion of th(s Deed oi Truat shalt be ivnerpret�rd eo aa to bs effective anci valid under appllcabls � <br /> atate law. M arvy provision ot thla Dsed of Truat violatsa the law ar!s unartfaosabls,ths rs�st dr thls Oeed af Trust ahdt amtlnw to bo valld and : <br /> entorceable. <br /> 34. dlPi'I.tCABLE LAW. This Deed of Trvst shalt be govemsd by ths Irnvs of the stsM whete thu property Is located. Unlsaanp pllcabls law ptavldes <br /> othervriae,GraMOr conaenb to the jur(�Ictlon and venue ot any court sefected by Usnder,ln ka�w�o dl�ctetlon,locetsd ln thst afats. <br /> 3S. WO THIRD-PAAIY Rlciit o a iw�w^S°_or ahell be a thlyd-party benefidary of arry provinfan of lhls Deed of Trust. AN provl�lona of thls Deed oi <br /> Trust in fnwr at Ldnder aro Irttended solety for ths bsnefit of Lender,nnd no thlyd paRy shal!t�e entltlsd to ass�m�or expoct that Lsndsr wtll watve or ' <br /> co�aortt to the modMicaHOn of any provialon of MIs Dsed ot Trust,In Lender's eole dlacxetlon. <br /> 38. PRESERYATION OF UABILCTY AND PRIORt'fY. Wkhout a4tecUng the IlabBky of Borrcrover,(3ra�ntor,or any guarantor of the Ut>ilgatlona,or any : <br /> other person (except a r�erson expresaly,released In wrftlng)tor the paymeM and pertormanco of ths Obligatlana,and wi�out aftectlnfl the�hts of <br /> Lendar wkh rospect to any Praperty nr,t expressly roleased In wrlUnq,and vv�thout fmpalArtg In any way the p�lotky oi thls Deed of firust ovsr the <br /> Iritsrest cf anype rson acquired or�ire�c evidenaed by reoord�ng subaequertt to the record(ng oi this Deed ot Truet,Lender may,eithsr beforo or atter <br /> ��• the maturity of the C�sligations, anU without noUca or ccnseni: ro{eaae arry person 1✓lble for payment or psrformance of all or eny pact of the , <br /> � Obti9eUons; make any t►greemeM akering the terms ot payment or performance of a�l or any part of!he Obllgati�ons; exa�'cise or rehaln irom <br /> exercising or wxlva any righc or remedy that Lande� may have under�la Daed of Trust; axept addiUonal security af any kfnd tor any ot ths <br /> ObUpaUons;or releaso or otherwise deal w�th eny n+al or personal property secu�ing ttie Qbllgationa. My peroon acqwring or rscard{ng svldsnce of <br /> . any interost of any naturo in the Property shall be deemnd,by acqul�ing sur.h frtterea'c or rocording any evldenos thereof,to haw oo�anted to nll or <br /> eny auch aclfons by Lender. <br /> (� 37. DEFEAS.4AICE. Uoon t}te payrreM endpe ri'orman;a In full of all of ths Obflgafions,Lender will exocute and delivsr to(3rarrCor thoso documenta <br /> � that may be rqqulred to release thla L)eed of Trus!af record. Grarttor shali be respo!islble 4o pay tiny costs ot recprdatiai. � . <br /> 38. CQN8TAUC410N LOAl1. ❑ ThIa Deed of Truat Is a constructlan mortgaqe under the UnNortn Commercfel Code, to uscure&n obUQation ' �- <br /> � Incurced for the canstru:Hon of an Improverctant on lund,induding the ecquisitlon costs of land. Ttds D�4ed of Truat securoa e conatructld�{oan,and ` <br />(� it will t»tubject to the terrna ot a consVuction loan agreemeM betwesn Grordor and Lertder. Any matorisls,equlpmeM,c�sup�lies used dt lrrie�+ed <br /> r�" for use 3n the cr��aVuctlon,dovslopmeM.or operallon of the Pmperty,wfiethor storod on or cff the Propsrty,shel!al�bs aut�Ject to ths I!in-oi thls <br /> V� De�ad oi Trust. <br /> 38. WMIEH OF HONIESTEAD AND OTHER EXEASPTlON3. Grantor heteby waives all homeatead and other exemptlons In the Property tn whk:h <br /> Grnntor would othervvlae be endded under eny appllcable lavr. <br /> 40. MISCEUAKEOU$. Grantor and Lend�er agree thnt tlme Is of the essence. C3rantor waives presentmertt,aemand for payrrient,notla►ot dishonor <br /> and protRSti except sa requlredby law. AlI reteronces b Grantor In this Deed ot Trua!shalf indude all persona slgnlng below. M thers Is more than one <br /> Granmr,vret;w�e±*�!P�S SI18II be Joint end several. Tt�fs Deed of Tvuat ropreaents tha complete IMegrated undsrsteutdln�between Grantor and <br /> Lender pertaining tc the tarmR nnd conditlo�s heroof. <br /> dt. JlJRY TRIAL WAIVER. IENDER AND GFiANTCR HEREBY WAlV�ANY RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY IN ANY CML AC'T1aN AAISIN(3 OUT OF, <br /> O�i BASED UPON,THIS DEFD OF 7AUST. <br /> 42 ADDIT'tONd1l TERM3: <br /> � <br /> Gnantor ncknowledges that Grantor has read,under�tands,and agreea to the terms and condkiona o!thia Deed uf Truat,and acicnowledfles recelpt of <br /> an exact copy of sane. <br /> Dated�ia 2nd _day of Septembar, 1998 _ <br /> GFLWTOR: Noah D Bell Gww7o�: Debornh I Bel.l <br /> `-,��,-�� �J �,�,� � ��� <br /> o �1T 8a . <br /> G W1hTOR: QFW.TOR: <br /> GtWHTU�R: "� <br /> (iRAT1TOR: <br />( <br />� <br /> GRA�(;OPt �T� ' <br /> IPN�t 1D 0 FtxrnAtlon Tsehndop4s�M+e.(11/o/�I (�1 W7-0799 . Ppa 1 d 6 . - <br /> .?�t+� � . . ._ _ . . . .. ... <br /> . ................ <br /> • . _ l o k, <br /> �� �. <br /> ��` � <br /> �y • r �\` <br /> � � . . .. � ' ,, . �.�i�t��"�+h_a".�.��'!tk_f :��.'� l , .. . . �' <br />