paymen�°;:�>'no longer be thr option oi Lender.i(mongage in�ursnce an'�ragr liu the am��um and(��r the�xricxl
<br /> that LenJer rcquires)providtti by an insurer approved by L.enJer ugxin bi.�umes av�ilnble ar,J is obtaineJ. Burrowcr�hali pay
<br />� the premiums rcyuired to maintain nmrtgage insurance m effect,or to provide a Ic�',ra.rrve.until tn�reyuircmen� `or mongage ��
<br />' insurance ends m acrnrtiance wnn nny wnurn ugrce��Kr��,ei�«� u..c� ,w `vv�.. ."' �
<br /> g,��spectiun,L.ender or its agent may make resv�nable entn�+uEwn eixl insp�xuoru of tht Pn�tx��Y �-������'h�'��6"'e
<br /> �rrowrr innice at d�e tin�e ui or peior w:u�inspect:un ��if}ing r enab cauu fot t� �s�e:'ttnn. e
<br /> 10.Condemnation.The procetds of uny award or claim for�:.��.�Bzs,d�'^�ci enciem._nat en.a c hcrrh}t,��`�ien i arxi �
<br /> coniiemrWiu��ur other Wkirig of any par:o::hc P:cper.y,or f�,:e.,.�e,r^^e:.^..._ ��
<br /> s�.al:'x paid to Ler.der. �
<br /> �, ln-�=vmCO�Rtqtal„Seking c+f the PmQeny,�he p�°ceeds shali be apQliod w th�sums securcd bY this Security(nswmcnt. ^ ;
<br /> whether ar not then due.wi[h any ezcess paid to Borrower.[n the event of`a'pattial takioB of t6t PropenY in which the fair �;
<br /> n immediatei oeforc the Iakin is eyual to or reater tFan the amount o(the sums�.�.::���:his
<br /> market vafue of the Prope Y Y � g
<br /> Securiry Inste�ment immediately before?he taking,unless Borrouer and L.ender otherwiu agree in writing.�hz sums se�'ureci by
<br /> :his Securit, Instrsment shali be ieduced by the amount of the proceeds muhiplied by[he follow'in� (r::c•:^.^._ !=) �hz �^tal �
<br />�� artxwnt of the sums secured immniiately before the taking,dividecl by(b)the fair markn value of the Yroperiy �mmc�t�ately �
<br /> before the taking. Any ba�ance xhall be paid to&xrow'er. In the event of a partial tak�ng of the Pru{xny in which the fair �
<br />� market value of the Property irt�mediately betbre the taking is less than the artaunt of the wrt�sc-�'urc.l imnxtiiiatclr'br�urc the
<br /> taking,unless Borrower and LenJer otherwise agree in wriung or unless applicaule law otherwitie Provides,the prcxeecls shall
<br /> be applied ro the sums secured by this Security Inswment whether or no<<ne�unu src i1�c��uuc.
<br /> lf the Property is abandoneJ by f�orzuwer,ur i(.after notice bp Ixnder to Bor*oµ'e�that the corxier,u�r o«en to make an
<br /> awnrd or setde a claim for damages, Borrower fnilti to resp�md to Lender within 30�day>�fler thc date th:: nouce i��given,
<br /> Lende�is authorized[o coilect ancl aPP�Y�he it�uptiun,either tu a.«�r�tion or repair uf the Pm�tty ur n�the sums
<br /> �zcurecl by thic Cea�rity Instrument,whether or not then d��e. . .
<br /> linless Lender and F3orrower otherwi�e aeree in writing, any appGcauon oF proceecls to pnncipal .hall not estrnJ or �
<br /> p�xtFxine the due date o�[he monthiy payments relerred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 ur change the amoum uf�UCII Pd\'111C01�. �
<br /> 1L Burrower Not Released:Forbearance B}'Lendrr\ot a«'aiver.Extensivn of ihe�ime fur p��ment or moditicauon �
<br /> of amortization of the sums srcurrd by�his Srrurh��Instrument gr:uued by Lender to any succes.wr in imrrcu of Bexruwer shall O
<br /> not operate to release the liability of the uriginai&xrower or Borrow'er's succeswrs in interest. LerKlrr+hal�not b�'reyuireel to �
<br /> commence proceeelings again>t any successur in mterest or refux to externi time for payme�t or otherwix m��ify:unonization
<br /> of the Sums secured by this Security Inswment by rcawn of any dem:uid made by the un�mal &�rrower ur Borroµ'er's �i
<br /> saccesu�rs in interest. Any fortxarence by Lerxler in e!errclslm_any nght or remrcly shaii twt or�wai�«�'�u�V�R'u.;c tiic �
<br /> exercise of;u�y right or remedy.
<br /> 12. Successors and Assig�ts Aound;Joint and Seceral L.ab:lilr': Co-si�ners. The-'o.'enancs arul aereementc of this
<br /> Security Instrumem �hall bind aixl beneht the succe»oa and assigns of Leru!er and Bortuwer, wbject to the pro�uwns of
<br /> paragroph 17. BurroH'er's co�'e`wn[s and a_reements shall be joint and si:veral. Any Borrower W tu� co-,i�ns this Securi[y
<br /> insirumeni uui Juc�u.�i e:;ccait t��e"�:otz�: i�i iti co->�_�ung t�is Secur::� :rs:^:ment:;r.!,::a:na^_=e. �:�r.:�::d com�ey ihct
<br /> Borrower's interest in tlie Property under the ternu of ihis Se:uriry Inswment;Ib1 is nut person:+lly ebG:;ated«�pay the sums
<br /> secured by this Security InstrunxnC and(c)agrees that Lender snd ar,y othu Bortuµer may a�ree to t!etrnJ,m��ify.I�ttbtar or
<br /> myke any accommalations H�ith regard to the term,uf this Sc�'urity I.�swment or the Nom NitM�ut that&�rrau'er��run�ent.
<br /> 13.Loan Charges.If the loan seturtd by thi.Security Irotrument is subject tu a law.:hich xts tturin;um loan ih�rges,
<br /> :md tha[la���is tinally interpreted so that the intere.t nr other luan charces coll<�red or to[K coll�[ed in�niinection with the
<br /> loan c�recd the permitted limits,then: 1:�1 an}'•u�h I„�n chare�shall bc:reduce.�l bv thz.unount r��r,.ar}�eo redu.'e th��haree
<br /> >� to the permitt��l limit:and lhi:inc sum�alreadc���Ile�trd inm 6��rro�e-r w�ch tscced�l�m�ita\ rinii ��il twi�di�rec[
<br /> b`: Bortu���tr. Lcnder m�p ihix»e to nw4.' [hi� r���unJ M reilu ing �hi� �nna �il o�ved unJrr thr -
<br /> p:i��ment tu Bortnwer. II a rctund r duce� principal. thc r duction uill be trea0.-d :� e pr�p��mcnt �tiiih��ut an}�
<br />�; ,uep:��mcnt�h�rez und��r,hc\ote. . �
<br /> IJ.Autice+..�ny notice to Borro��tr proviJ.if Iur m thi,Stcunn Irotrumcnt.�h�ll hc gn:n b� delncnm_i[�,r by muil�ng
<br /> y it b� Iirst d:u�ntail unln.appliiable I�i�c rcyuir��.ux���a�n�tl-tr mtthoJ Th��noti .�hsli tk�irc�t�d t�tf t r p n�.\�Idresti
<br /> or ane other aSdre.s E3orro��rr de,i_n��[e, hc no�r.r t�, L��n���r .Am noticc• t„ L nf�r .hall Fk �_��rn b� i r_[ �I,��- mail to
<br /> I.endcr'.uddre<� -t it�J 'itrem or am o�hcr ad�r-. � �cr 1 .i n�� � h��nou : iu B�rr w-r. An� ��n � c�i I�.I�i�r in thi� �
<br /> hrr �
<br /> Seiunic Insirutncnt.h.ill he deeme�tu ha�e, n i� n i�,l3"�n,���r or k.rn�er��h �rn , �[�1�r�i� . .�I th�r���h. ��I the
<br /> ,� I .Gurerning La��: Se�erabili��. Ihi. ti :�r�n I�i.uvm nt ,hill tk '� ��tw t�. I �:�mcnt r i� Vote �
<br />,.',�.�� jun>dieti„n in«hiih thc Pro�rt� i�located In h ���nt th�u � �� pn �-i n r.lau..„� tLi _
<br /> �
<br /> F��� Y
<br /> c��ntL.i.��ith.ippli�aMe la�c .�th a,ntli.t.hdl� � t�ill�ct oR r �:� n ��t thi•� ur t. Iv�rum•r� . . A���,tr:u� ���Lir�� �
<br /> - �,i..�en r�frrt��rth��ut ihc�nt:lli.tinc��ro•.i.��,r l� J;�..�.�.1 t.. ,� �i•i.��•�1 thi.A.�,.r� tn.tnu-c
<br /> `� � !��hc-c�cr.ihi� � .]_:.:n ..�s��.mcr,i. '.
<br /> _i�� �� ;�,n.�r<<1;op� ��t thc♦ _ �...,, ._
<br /> 16.Bur[u��crACup�.B.�n��«cr �.J�.;,r_� .
<br /> Fo�m 302d 9:90
<br /> �
<br /> ;.
<br /> 2pii,a. �:.a!a.�'�'.;t.:'�`.-
<br /> .. s'4�e"'�.ae«:�..:..:.o�... ...�.. . .. . .
<br />