. � �� ___
<br /> 5. Ha�ard or Property Itn:rance. Borrower shall keep the improcement. now eziuing or hereaRcr erected �+n [he
<br /> Property insureJ against loss by fire,hazards induded within the term "extcnded cu�trage"arxi any o�her ha�arJ>, mcluding
<br /> ❑oods or!!��.�i.^.g,fe-•shic!:l..:..r.der reyuires insurrnee.This i:r.;u:�nce.hal!be mamtama)in the s .ounts and(ur thc pe::;��s �
<br />� . that L.ender reywres.�i�-he msursnm r:urier providing the insurance tihall be ch,xn by &im�wer sub�rct to IxnSer's appruval
<br /> whidt shall not be unrcasonably withheld. If Borrower faits to maintain coverage Jcxribcd above. Lcndcr may, at Lcnder's
<br /> pption.obtaln crverrge to pro�cY t Lendcr's rights m the Property m acconi:uuc with peragraph 7.
<br /> A�1 insurance policics anci rcnewals shall Fx acceptable to L.endcr anJ shal! include o standani nwrtgage clause. Lender
<br /> ahali Lave lhe right lu noici tnc poiicies and rcnewals.ii i.ender requires.Bum�wcr ai�ail pmmpiiy give to tx�er aii receipu of
<br /> ,. .�,P�ix"`�ums i-d renewai noaces.ir.Sse ettnt of iass Borruwer sha11 gicc prompe naice a U�c inwrana car•icr c.. :,..:.:u.
<br /> s���r amke proof of loss if sxs.s�e Ps�qa�x!}b�Bar.vx�er. . ;. ,; �
<br /> . ���i'7�h...k"-` . . .
<br /> Unles�ixnder and Borrower otherwix agrec m wnung.cuurance Proceods s�ll bn applied to ratordtion or repair of the ,
<br /> propcRy damagcd,iC the restoration or rcpair is economirallY feazible and Lender's s�YUriry is�t lessened•If the rcstoration or
<br /> repair is not economically fea+ible or Lender's securiry would be lessened•the insurance pmcceds shall be applied ro the sums
<br /> xcnred by this Security I:ut:s�..c�t.u•hcthtr c:swt ihen due,with any czccss pa+d to Borrox�u. :f So�oa'e:a.`.a:.dc:�u'w- �
<br /> pr�+eny,or dc�es not answer within?0 days a notitt fmm Ixnder that the insurancc cartier has offrred ro s�tde a claim,then
<br /> L.endtr may collect the insurance,rcxeeds. Lender may use the prexe�ls to repair or rcstore the Property or to pay sums �
<br />� sattred by this Scz�:riry Inswment,whether or not then due.The 30-day periuci wili begin when the notice is given.
<br /> Unlas LenJer and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any application o(proceeds to principal shall not eztend o�
<br /> postpone�he doe date of the nwnthly payments rcferred ro in paragraphs � and 2 a�han8<<he a��nt of the psyments. If
<br /> urxler paragraph 21 the Proptrty is acquired by L.ender,Bo:TOwer's rieh�to any ir�urence po��cies ard proceeds resulting from
<br /> damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass ro Lender to the eztent of the wms seivred by this Security Instrument 9
<br /> �
<br /> irnmedia[ely prior to the acyuisition. ti �a�
<br /> 6.Oecupe�ky.i'rexr�aiiuu.tifnintena�xY and Protect:u�o�the i'rnpe:::P,�rruwei s Loa.-..�p�l:�ticn;l.w�:..:...,-�y
<br /> Bortower shalt acupy,establi+h,and use the Property:u Borrower's principal residarke within sizty days aher the ezecution of�
<br /> this Security Instrumen[�nd shall contince[o occupy the Property as Borroµ'er's pnnciF�.i:rcsidence(ur at leat[ene year after p
<br /> the date of cxcupancy,unless Lender otherwise agrces in wricing,which conseN shall rnx he unreasonab�y w'ithheld.or unles.s(f�
<br /> ex[enua[ing circumstances exist which are beyond Bon'ower's cnntrol. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impa�r [he�
<br /> proper[y,allow the Propeny to deteriorate,or commit waste on the Propeny. Bortower shall be in default if any forfeiture'�
<br /> action or proceeding,whether civil or crimircil,is begun that in Lerxler's go«i fai�j�xlgmrnt could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> Prt��ertv nr o[herwix materiallv imnair the lien created bv this Securitv lacwment or[.tnler's suurity interest.Borrower maY
<br /> cure such a default and reinstare.:u provided in paragreph 18,by causing thz actioo or prtx�ciing ro be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> that,in I.znder's gocxi faith determination, precludes forfeiture of the Bomuwer's interest in the Property or other rt_terial
<br /> impai[ment of the lien creattd by this Securiry Imwment or Lernler's seivrity in!erest. Borrower shall also be in default if
<br /> Bortower,during the loan applicatiun process,gave materially false or in:xcurate infurmation or sta�ements to L.ender(or failed
<br /> to provide Lender with an}'m�tzrial inform�tion)in�ronnection wi:h the luan evidencal by tAe Nae.incl�ding,but not limited
<br /> to,representations�onceming&xrower's occupancy of Ihe Property ati a pnr.cipal rrsidence.If th�s Security lnstrunxnt is on a
<br /> leasehold, Borruwer shall comply with all.the provisions of the lea�. If&�rruw�er ;ayuim (et [ille [o tne Pruprrty, ii�e
<br /> leasehold and the!ee tide shall not merge unless Lender agrees to thr marger in writing. � �
<br /> 7.Protectiun uf Lender's Rights in[he Propertr�.:'Borroµ�er fail.tu prrfomi che rurenxnes ancl rgreemencs cuntai�ied in
<br /> � this Security Instrument, ur thzre is a Iccal prcxee�iin�that may si.niticantic atfert Ltrnler's righ[s in the Property ISuch ati a
<br /> proct•eding in bankruptc}�,prob�te,ti�r cu��emnation or forfeiturc or to rnlorce laws or regutativas),then L.ender may du'snd
<br /> pay fur whate��cr i,nece�>an[o protcYt the.�alue of thc Propem�ar�Ltrnlrr'.nghu m ttx Pruptny. I�ndcr's actions nuy
<br /> indude payim, am� ,unu ,rcureS by a lirn �.hich hs, priorit�� ����er thi, ScYUru� In.irumrn[. �ppcanng in court, pavme
<br /> reasonable attornep�'fers an��ntering on the Prnprm tn m:�Ar repair.. Alth„u_'h Lendrr rtu�'tal:t action unJer this para��raph
<br /> 7.L.endrr duca nol ha�e l���u.u.
<br /> Am� amount� di.�uned h� Lender unSer thi. par.igr.iph 7 .hall hrrunx .x1l�uunal S�t ol&xruwer �ecured b�� thi�
<br /> Securitp Imtrunxnt. Un�e,s k3��rru��er and Lcnder agrcti�o uther tenn.��f p:n��rm.tbe.e arrxwr.ts,hall txsr intecest from thc
<br /> date ol ditibur_kinent at [hr \<,te ratc-and .hall br p���ublt. ���i[h inttmt. uEx�n ix,[icr hom Lrnder ro Aurrowu reyut�tine
<br /> pap'nent.
<br /> 8.�lortcage In�;:.-ance. !�L�u�tr rcyi���rcYi morr��s`t m>ur,mr��..�:��n�iuon ol itukim_thz loan xYUrcvl by thi>�ecun[y
<br />�,y:
<br /> In.trume�it. Borru��er .hal� p:n the prciniurn. r yw«til tn in-tinc:�in ih i n�aer in,uran:. i �!f:tit. If. ���r am� r�a.��n. th;
<br /> mort_s,e inwr.�n ,c��r.i��e r��yu�«d b� lrndrr I�p.�.��r .i .tn tk �n�i(�_�_&+rrnu�•r hall pac the pre�mum�r�yuirrd�o .
<br /> obtain cu��r�et wb,emtialh eyui�alent[o the m rt �� e cn_ure�r��pre�ioc.l� m •tfrrt .�t a��>.t�ubu�ntiall�eyo�calant to the ,
<br /> cou to Rorrouc�r i�l ihe morte�g�• in.ur.m�: p�cci u h in ��f�L I'ram �n ei�en.:i[e ��ti�nea•r i�wrer appro��ed b� lender It
<br /> t^,�b
<br /> wb.tunti�llv eyui�_ii�n[ni�n_agr in.uein�c a��:ra�_r i.��a e�.ii!ehlr_B,,-n,�aer.he p-n t,� Lan�er a�ih momh a wm ryual to
<br /> one-t�c•Ihh o�t'ie�earh , .r[ �i� in urin�� [..niu hrin p�i�h� RorrnHer .�t i ihc n...ran i��� ra I.�p.r�or.r.neil to
<br /> �ro` .
<br /> .E„'. tk in�((�.�. I enilcr wi I.i.,�..� �.,.r a,.��re.t.0,th-. i��r�'�l.�. .� �, rucni • ��� ��( n. rt,��•�' in.ur:mie l��.. rc.erae
<br /> form 3028 9�90
<br /> �� ,.
<br />..:.� .a�Sn
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