17.Transfer of the Pruprrty or a Beneficial Interest in Fiorrower.lf all ur any p�n nl the ProFx.rt����r an}�ic-erc>i In n
<br /> is w!d or trxntiferred(nr if a heneficial interest in Borro�+'et is suld or trans(erred nnJ Borrowcr is not naiura�perci n)without
<br /> Lender's prior written ionsenL Len'.er may, at its option, reyuire immcdiate paynxnt in lull f .II .um+ .Ni�j r`d b`�uh"
<br /> 9
<br /> Securiry instrumeni.However.ihis upiion shrli nol'oe exercueii oy u�xler ii r�e�ax i_;�uliibi�cu oy �cu�r..� � �
<br />� of this Security Instrument. ,
<br /> If Lender ezcrcises this option,L.ender shal!give Boaowcr nouce oC a«e' �ron.The nuuce shull pnu�rX�i4x1�`�no� �
<br /> �wi .� '
<br />� less than 30.fa}: �rom t�ie datc ;hc iwu�c u Jel��::rw�r nui.� +i[hin Nhich Sorro�er must pa�
<br /> $ecurity Instrument.1f Ba^.os.:fails:c pay these sums prior!e the^_�pi^!r[^n�•!�his;er��l.I.encicr m:n �m'okr am rcm�Ylics .
<br /> permitted by this Security tnstrurtxnt without funher notice or den�arxi on Ftorrower. �
<br /> 1g, Borrower's Right to Reiltstatt. If Barrowtt mttts ttrta�n rnrditionx, Bortuwer +ha�� have the rieht to have
<br /> enforcement of this�ecurity Instrument discontinued at any time prior to ehe earl�e�°f: (a)5 days(or-such oiher�Ra1�
<br /> .:`applicable law may spetify foi micutatenseat)before snte of t,�Psnpu�.P�'�Tj�LO�Y Paxez�f sa.° .n�
<br /> Securiry Instrument;or(b)eniry of a jndgment enforcing this Savrity i�trumrnt.77kne rnrd���o��«BOROwe�(a)pay5
<br /> Lender all sums which then would be due under th+s Security In trunKnt and the Note as if no acccicrtio��3d occurred:{o)
<br /> cures any de(ault of xnv other covenants or aereements:(c)pays all expenus incurted�n enforcing this Szcuriry(ns[rument.
<br /> including,but not limited to.rea�nable attorneys'fee�;a�x1(J)takec tuch action as Lendrr may reaum:rbly reywre«�aswre !
<br /> �.� .;;;a.�x;t assd Ec::c�:t,••'s cTl+ligstio�!.,p,y t,e���ms:r_�;rev�+L
<br />� tha[thz lien of i�is Seccri.7 IiuiNSdtiC.LC..dct s rig s in. } Y Instrument sr.d the
<br /> thi� Sxuniy , ' '-����s ;hall co�si��tie un:hangcd. UF�n rcinstatement by Sor*ow•er. this Secunty �
<br /> obligations secured herehy shall remain fully effective as�f no acceltration had�curred.How�ever,Biis right to«instate.hall
<br />� not eoply in the casz of acceleration unuer paragraph 17. V` , „ , w ether^with this'.Snunty
<br /> 19. Sale o(Note; Change of Loan Servicer. The Noce ur s p.+ttial mterest in the No�e( g �` � ..� �
<br /> � __��_...,._.....ro:'t.^cs»:.�,;u:prti `,z r;we A;� e�rctiul:i� . �
<br /> :r;in,mcnii naj �,...,.,, ..
<br /> as the"Luan Serncer")thst collects mon�hl�•paymentti d�e under the�1ote end this Stcuri!••InsWmcnt Thcre eko may ���e
<br /> or more chu�iges ot the Luan Sercicer unreletrtl io a sale ut the tiute.It there ic a change oP tht L�iun Sen��cer.Rorrower wfll be
<br /> givei�wriuen r.otice u(the chunge in aaordance with paragr�ph IS aMn'e and applicable law.The notice a�ii:�[a�e thc nume and� '
<br /> address o(the new Luan Servicer and the adJresa to uhich pa}��nent+.houlJ be m:�le.The runice will aho�nmam�n. uthrr �
<br /> in(orm.itiun rcyuircd bq:+pplicable laµ'. . -
<br /> 20. Hazardous Subs[ances. BorroHer shall not rause or permu the prc�ence. u�e, dup�aal. .torege. ��r relea,e ot uny J� �
<br /> Hazarduus Subtitances on or in the Proptrt��. Borroµ�er .hall not Ju. nor allow� aucone clx tu du. -nythim, �effecUne the �
<br /> Property !hut is in viulution of any Environmental Law'. l�ht precedin�;tw�o sentence�,hall not appl��[o the pre.ence, u,e. �,r �
<br /> � storage on the PruFxny ol small yuantities of H;uardou�Suh.tanrr.that arr grneralh rctogni�nl to he appropn�te tu nurmal n
<br /> residential uses�nd to maintenance of the Property. . . . .
<br /> Borrower+hall prompdy give L.ender wntten nutice uf anti mvt.tigahon.daim.denwnd. law�wt ur other ncuun by �n)'
<br /> govemmental or rrgula[ory sgency or private party im'olcing thr Pruprm�arul:uiy}{;�ard�w.Substance or Gnvironmen�al Law �1
<br /> of which Borrower has acwal knuwledee. !f Borroµ�er leams,or is noufcxl by:ui}��,�'emmene�l or re_ulatury'au[hurit}�. that �
<br /> - any removal or uther remediation o(any NaLirduus�ubs�ance attecung tne Nrupzn��u ncYOwry,ik�cr.>wer�imi�P11°'V"` '�'"` �
<br /> all ncezssary'remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law'. .
<br /> ps�sed in this paraeraph IQ "Haza:dous Substances" are thux subs[ances detinctil a�to�ic ur h:.�ardou+,ubstancrs b).
<br /> Em�ironmental Lati• :md the tollowing substances: casuline. kcro,tne, other fl:unmabk ur tuxic petrnleum pn�ucts. ws�c
<br /> pesticidc,and herbicides.colatile solvenu.material,cuntaininc a.tx;scos ur fumuldth}�de.and radioacuvt materials.As mN m
<br /> Ihis para_r.iph '_U. "Envirunmental iaw�' meanx fcder�l la���,and la�.�of thr iunKl�rtiun µ�hes the Prupeny is Iexatc� that
<br /> rciate tu iicaitii.s:dr;y or cnvirumueutai Fni,ta.tivo.
<br /> NOV-UtiIFORM COVENA�ITS.BurruN-er and Lcndtr turthcr io��enant���a,_ree a.lullow.:
<br /> 2t,:�cceler:�tion:Remediiw.Lender xhall give notice lu NorruNrr prior tu accelerrtion(oll�i��ing 13urru��er's brrach
<br /> uf anv cuvenant or :�}�n�emen[ in Ihis Security Ins[nimen[ (but nnt prior to rccelera[ion under parr};raph 17 unt�.�+s
<br /> applicable la�� procides othen�ise).Thr nulice shall.p�Yifi: (al the defaulL• (b)Ihe•rction reyuircd[o cure the default:
<br /> (c)a da(e,nut Itys than 30 da��+from ihr drle[he nutice is;;i�en�u}Sorrn"er,b)W hich the defaul[n�ust br cund;and
<br /> (d) that failure tu curr the default on ur txfurc[he date��Yifii�l in the no[ice ma�� rrtiul[ in acceleration of the sums
<br /> s�rurcd b� Ihis tiiYUrih� Instrumen[und cale of Ihe Nruprrt.. 'ihe nutice.Fu.^ (urther infurm NorroHrr of thz ri�.ht to
<br /> reinstatc after acccleratiuu and the ri;;ht tu briny; a a�urt actiun to ati.ert Ihr nun-e�i+tence uf a default ur am� uther
<br /> defense uf ISurru�cer!o acceler.ition and.:de. If thr def.m!t i. nut cured un ur Mfure Ihr datr�{xYified in �hr notiee.
<br /> Lcndcr. a� i!�uptiun, nm�� rcyuirc im�n�dialc pa)mcnt in tull of all wm..frund M lhis ticr'urit� liutrumcn[ �.ithnul
<br /> funhrr dcm:�nd and nta�im�oke Ihe{H���er of s:�le and:m�uthrr rcm�dit.permitnYi by applicablc la��. Lender shall ix
<br /> cnliticd tu cull�r!all c��nscs incurred in punuin�thc n•mcdii�pn��idcd in thi.para�;raph 11,includiu�.bul nul IimitiY7
<br /> �n,rca.un�ble a�tornc�s'fc�y�nd cu.t�uf titic r�idcncc.
<br /> = If thc pu��cr n(.:�Ic i> inr�ikid. Tru.t��c.hall rccnrd a nuticr uf dc(ault in cach cuunt� in ��hirh :�m part of the
<br /> Propert� i,Inrated and.h:dl mail copiir of wch nalice in�he manner pri�.aritx-�1 b� uppl,cable la�c tu Borru��er and tu
<br /> thc uthcr acr�o��.E,rc.ri ibrd ii� :�pplicrblr la�,..UYcr thc hn:, r�yuircd b� applir:�blc IaN.7 rustce sh.dl�icc pubtic noucr
<br /> ;rf salc lu the�x�isun..ind in the manner pn�cnlx•d bc.ippinehle 1.���. �ru.t�r. �•i�hu�,rt demand un Kurro��cr.�hall+ell
<br /> thr Pn,{;erh ❑t public auctiu�i tu the hi��hut bidder:it the nme:wd plarr and uu�e��hr term.d�ri;!nated in the nuurr u(
<br />�`�° .alr in��nc ur murc parccl.aud in:�m urdcr�I�ru.h�c•dc(ri:nini..Tru.tiY'm:�� �H�nc.alr o(all nr:u» parccl u(�hc
<br />�� Pru�rU b� public annuuacemenl :d lhe li�ue and place��f:ia� pre�i��u.h .chiduled�ale. Lender or iu deci�lnee nta�
<br /> purrhasc thc Prupert� :iI am .alc.
<br /> . Form 7C28 9 90
<br /> i
<br /> ,� . � i...s,�,� :.. .,.s,a,;. �` .'.r ....:�::..,a i.i:s. .v
<br /> .,, ,y �;;• t�.,a,.;� _ e:':
<br />