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:i. , _1:�,.���..�.. - .s:3.i, <br />. - �:�i � .--.. .. _ ---s— . - <br />. 3 T�r 4 ' �t r~ - � . - � � <�� � <br /> � <br />� ,•�, � cta��� � t _ , .. .- - - ,r� � s.. <br /> � �� . _< . �- � t .':�<� 5� f� i . <br /> '�� , t...i.... ( . _ �f. _ . . .�' _ . < . .t, .:5._ .E'� .v4 4 .� ` ..-G-c <br /> - •i �'�� � L� � 4 -< _ ... ._.u.�._r� _� _ � __�_.C.�_'1. ,.a.....—=:� ° :�s y � r <br /> .._ _ _G, — Y" <br /> #'` .a{i . �` F:. . Fa' -L O.. �.�+`[ <br /> '-y-'a.�' `�-:f`' - •R. ,t4'. �'f 1��-4 r�_ <br /> -_ '�..• __ i . _ ,>c_�. '_ <br /> Zn �, C.j 5 Q i �����v .i E'�' ✓. <br /> � �e ;t't�Rt+ � t � � F ,''�c`<.. <br /> r,�:. . !� - ��` _ <br /> �a . ' . .. ,° . '.4:� <br /> R ` 5--`� - 4 • � ` <br /> �`L`. 9,Inspediva. I.�der or its ag�t may make reasonable�tries upon and'mspecdons of the Fropeay-Leuder sha11 `� ��+ ,. <br /> r ;' ,. . give Bortower nottce at the�une of or prior to an inspectian spRCifying�easonable c�use for the inspecdon- ��- ' a. <br />_-�:1:-� .'• . <. ,` �'. s I 0.C u a�t o n. T h e g m c e e�l s o f a n y a w az d o r claim for d a n m d g e or co a s e quential,in coa�xioa wiffi � L� �' .: <br /> daam g <br /> ,` 1 a n y condeqnnation or other taking of aay part of the Property. or for conveqanoe m lieu o f cende�auon. ue h e r e by , --'�- - <br /> �. ti � ,�� the l`�� . ' ��. <br /> � `� . . 1 assioned a n d s h a l l b e p a i d to L x u d e r. <br /> in ths ev�t of a total ta&ing of the Propecty,the pmoeeds shall be applied to the sums secured bY this Security �¢ 4 ,' < <br /> r-�°�—__.t s. 1 ��whethar or aot thea d�.with any excess paid to Eorrower. In the eveflt of a partial tatw►8 of the Pmpr�ty u► �_ '`_ <br /> �� ��` � ' � which the fair markec vatue of the Property i m m e d i a t e lY b e fore t h e t a l d n g is e q u a l W or g�e a t�r than the amouat- ot`We `. ` _ <br /> �' G :... ° <br /> '34:; _ � '�-`y'�-� sums secured by Wis Seauity Ins[�i immediacely befoie the taldng,anless Borrower and I.ender oth�wi�e�� ;�.,n ,. <br /> t n <br /> t't _ wrltiag.the sams secured by this S�unty Instrnmeat sHall be�ectuced by the amoant of the�rnceeds multip�, b3+ . _.���.:. <br /> -a= _ , followmg fraction:(a)the tntal amowttt of the sams secared mmediatelY 6efore the taking.divided by(b)the fasr marlcet �:,,� ,� <br /> ` valne of the Property immediatelY 6efo�+e the ' •Any balance sLaU be paid to Boaower.In the eveni of a partial takin8 - . j, <br /> � " --; - F of the Pmperty ia wbidt the faa maiket value of tbe Propert5+i�nediatelY 6efoie the taking is less than the amount of the _. <br /> � , d _ r <br /> � " : su�secured�Y before t6e taking,tmless Botrower and L�der otherwise agree in wrlting cfr onless applicc�b2e -.�4 --;_-��,- <br /> �z,_ ` laar otbeccvise rovides,die Pmceeds shaU be applied m the sams secnced by this Secority Insuument whether ar not the , ' '_ <br /> 3:�k " y SUI11S 8TC thC��. `.`'`, ._k ' <br /> :k�'':`. .., :. ' `� I f t h e P r operty is a b a n d o a e d b y B o i s o w e r.o r i f,a ft e r n o t i c e b y I x n d e r t o B o r r ower that the coadenmor offers to ,,°.V• << <br /> {_ .• . ° u�ake an award or settle a claim for dama�es, Bormwer faiLs to r�pOn�to L�d�wit�30 days after the daU�the notice :;: t�-.4R, <br /> n <br /> ��fr: �•:� t is given.Lender is uathori�d w collect and apply the praceeds,ac us opnon,eiiher w resw�acioa or�air of ihe PcapertY ..,��., _.�.=' : <br /> or to the sums secared bY this Se�uitY�t.whether or not then d¢e. �not extead or '� ''� <br /> �� . = Unless I.ender aad Borrower o t h e r w i se agree ia wri t i n 8,anY aPPlicatioa of proceeds tn prntcipal <br /> ��s ;` � i° a- postpane the due date of the mombly payments refetred to ir�aar�graphs 1 and 2 or chaage t6e amnuat of sUrh payraeuts. '� fr <br /> ;��,� '. '� 1 1. B anower Not Iteleaxcd; Forbearance BY I.�der Not a ,'aiv�. .'��sioa o'the time for paymeat or ` ,;..��,; <br /> �.,�; �- modificatioa of amorti�auon of th�sarns s e c u r e d b y W i s Secunt�►I n s t n r m e a t g r a n t o d b Y L r�d e r w a�l+s�s o r i n i k t e r�s c ` .. i <br /> � � � l�� of Borrower shal!not opecate tn release the liab�ity of the ori p n a l B orrower or Borrower's successo�s ia iuterest Lend�eT 4 � , •. <br /> �?, • ,. . saccessor in interest or refase w extend time for p �,_ l- <br /> :�j�: .. __ : shall not be r�aquired to commence p�ceediags agawst anl+ <br /> othernise modifY amorti7ation of the sams seaued by this Secutlty Ins�t bY n�ason of aay demaad ma e by the •.. r. .,�;.•:�_ <br /> �j s , ` ` ' original B o r r o w e r or Botrower's suocessors m inteces�Any fo�bY I.eader m e�cetcislnS ffiY n8ht��y� <br /> �, ° not be a waiver of or preclnde the exencise ofaay right or remedy ts of 2��* <br /> �..-•. :_ dp�ps Bound;Joint and Several Liabitity;.Co-�gaas. The covenaats and agceemea = <br /> � ':�� _ �. <br />�:; . _ . . 12.Suoeessors .. ,_• <br /> .�.:�;r � � this SecvsitY Ins�u�wt shall 6ind and benefit the successors aad assigus of Lwder and Honower. sub�ect to We '.��;;,- <br /> �{, .� `, . _ provisions of pazag�aph 17. Bomower's covenants and agreements_shall be joiat and severai.Any Borrower wttfl cw-signs ,�` , �:, <br /> �' �� � tfus Securiry lnsuameaa but does not e�cecute the Note:(a)is co-s�BninS this�tY�only to mostgage,g�ant - <br /> ant - <br /> 4:<�' - ` ' that Borrower's uuerest in ttte PropertY under the tenus of tlus Security t�c;(b) is uut pe�sonally , ,.. .,,�R,.�,.,�,: <br /> ,, <. :' and couvey that Leuder and any other Boaower may <br /> G r• � obligated to paY the sauas s�uced by this Seauity Iasuument: aztd(a)aSrees t�:�. ` <br /> �•,i.. .• � agcee w e�ctead.modify,forbear or make aay accommndations with regacd to the�of this Secartty Iasmmne�t or the { �.r- ; <br /> ``"• � Note an out that Borrower's consent. a ; f•_ <br /> � • �.Loan Chaages. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets u�axi�loan P ; rr <br /> char ges. and that law is finally inte=Preted so [hat the interest or oWer loan charges collected or to be oolleaed in ;�; a <br /> :� conaECtion wnh the loau exceed the peimiueG limits, then: (a) any such loan charSe s h a ll b e r e d u c e dwtn�c�eded : .�, <br /> � ` � � .' r� necessar3+to reduce the chazge to the pemiiued limit;aad(b)any sums alreadY colle�xed&om Bonower ,.. _�,,; <br /> permittal l�mtts will be refunded to Borrower. L e n der may c l w o s e t o m a l c e W i s refund b y r e d u a n S the P��P�owed <br /> ` ,.�. ,. t w Borrower.If a refuad�ednces priacipal,the reducdon w71 be treated as a . ;_ <br /> under the Note ar by making a direct paymcn :t^: <br /> � . : ���'� partial prepayment without any prepayment c h a rge aa der t h e No t e. • �• <br /> a <br /> t ., 14.NotTices. Aay notice to Borrower pmvided for ia this Securiry Instrauuut sball begtvenby delivering it or by , .' ,µ <br /> �,...,' � mailing it by �irst class mail unlessappIicable law requires use of anmher method. 'Ihe notIce shail be directed to the '.` t. <br /> f, ; . �P�Y Addre�s or any other addtess Borrower desi�tates by nodce to Lender.An y notice w I.ender shall be given bY • , ., ., <br /> ,. firse class mail to[.ender's address stated htrein or any other address Lxnder desiguates by nodce to Bortower.Any nodoe �.. .. <br /> �---- � • --- mvided Eor in this Se�city Instnunent shall be d�to have b e e n given to Bomow e r o r L e n d e r a h e n g ivea as p r ovIded E'._ ,>;._:_ <br /> � .'�: . 4 ��paragraph. '� _ <br /> 1S.Goveraing Law.Severabilitp. Tdis Security lnstr�em shaU be govemed hy federal taw and the law of the °.- � � ,; <br /> ��'�' • •. ' }urisdiction in �vhich the Property is located. ln the eveat that aay provision or ctause of th9s Seauity Instcu�nt or the _ <br /> ��.-,' r• �'.�� Nate conflicts with ap�Ilcabte law,sucD cantllet shall not affect other provisions of this Seeauity Instrament os the Note <br /> � - . , .. , .�.� aLich can be given effax without the conflicting provision.To this end the provLsions of this Se�vrity lnstrument aad tbe s:; <br /> �:�..�� • � Note are declared to be severable. �, r. <br /> �' :�� � � ' �'" 16.Borrower's Copy. Boaower shall be given one confo�med ooyy of the Note and of tlus Security Ia�trument. <br /> �j'.�. ,`. �` .. 17.TraasYer oY the Yroperty or a Beneftdal iaterest in Bonower. If al3 or a�+part of the Propetty!or any <br /> •��'.: . .. . <br /> .�,, � interest in it is sold or traasferred{o:if a beueficial interest in Borrower is sold or tr�sferred and Barrower�s not a , <br /> �'`..:'. .. . ' �, naturaf person)witho�t l.eader's prior written consent.Lender mashal not bete ercisped b Lender�eaery ci etis prohib ed � , '" : <br /> sums secwed by this Security lnsuument• Hoaever,this option Y <br /> `;�*�� , � by federa!taw as of We date of this Security Insmsment• ' <br /> F�.., { fF Lender exercises this option,Lender shall give Bonower notice of acceleration.The notice shall provide a period <br /> :.��°;'•��� .�_ • � � of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is delrvered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured <br /> D,,; ,. . ` ' Fo:m ao�0 loe9e 4 of 61 `� <br /> ::... . �; _(,�f�.� .. <br /> � • � BANI(CPS SVSTE�dS. �t�C.ST C10U0.�A>I b6302 11�800�39�23611 iOp.A M�1 NE 1,591 a. - , _. <br /> , (;" ' � <br /> _{�,�T.'� � �_ . � � ' . <br /> ;;:..`"1,. - S. <br /> -.t.t._,. . - . ; tt ._ . <br /> '� , � �. �{ !ii ��. <br /> ; � I, � <br /> }�. � . .. <br /> ���: � <br /> � • � � . . <br /> _ , � <br /> f ' . . . . . . � �_ _, _ . <br /> •r. '; i � <br /> i <br /> �- , .. .. '- .. <br /> .P• � <br /> 5. . i . <br /> j,.. <br /> 7. ' <br /> •:a.: . i ' . <br /> . �'. ..• - . . <br /> t. ' . <br /> 4.� i . <br /> .-` - � -- -- - -� <br /> � :.��. . . _ ..-_ <br /> . •: •. <br /> . , . . . <br /> --.—_ ..n.�e. .. . _ i,•.�. ,. � ..:.. _r....r . . . _ . .... <br />