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<br />_ _ tc. '>.�` ��f.
<br /> ':t'•�:�;.: , � �. � "� including Qoods or floodiag.for which f.�d�reqnires insuranne.This ias�uance shall be mainsained in the amo�mts and °��,�':�•''N ,'�.
<br /> a , for the periods that Ixnd�re4�ues.71te insu:ance carrier pmviding the±�sTM�++�shall be chos�by Borrower subject w .�.� ° ;:�� _
<br /> ` I,eader's appmval wluch sball not be untea�onably withhetd. If Bozrower fails to maintaia covera�e described above. ,. � �a ` .
<br /> $ • .. ,�:�, •.,.�
<br /> `�-�v `�. ' l.eader may, at Leuder's option.obtaia coverage to piatect Lxnder s rights in the Property in acco�+dance wuh paragr.sph _
<br /> _ "t`.`_ -�,_
<br /> � .. � .. 7. `
<br /> �� r `, All inswancx policies Aad teuewals shall be acceptable to Lender aad shall indude a standard mortgage dause. � r �. .,
<br /> I.�sLall have the righi to hold the policies and renaearals.If Lender requises,Borrower shal!prom�Uy give to Lender ��
<br /> e �
<br /> �1 . .: F : all receipts af paid prermIIms and renewal noaces.In the event of loss,Borrower shall give prcmpt nonce w die incnrance � �
<br /> d b Boirowet. `�,
<br /> ��:� ; . qrrier aad Leuder. Irader may make praof of loss if not made pmmp Y Y ��be lied[o restozation or r�r
<br /> -_ ," ;.-�:'�-;- Ualess Ltnder and Borrower othecwise agree in writing,insuranee pm �PP
<br /> s�: � -� �f the restorauon ar cePair is eoonomically feasi'ble and leader's seairity is not tesseaed. If the .. _ .
<br /> _�°,_.. . . ��',-:"- of the Progerty dama8ed. � _
<br />--�� :�. . �`. .:-'`.:: . ` restoration or�air is not economically feasfbte or leader's se�attity would be less�ed,the insurance proceeds sbaU be
<br />-:�_��.�•_'_�_ . ' -,•�� applied to the sams secured by this Secunty Jn�*„me1r,wh�her or not then due. with aay eace�s paid to Bomawer. if �_�-- ,
<br /> "��. . — � Bomower abandons the Property.or daes aot an5wer within 30 days a�tice from L�'th�the�ce casri�has �.�. ti=,•.��.`"
<br /> � . s pro ..
<br /> • offered m seute a daim.theu Lender n�al►collect the ins�uance p�oeeds.I.ender maY use the ceeds to re.�air or reswre .
<br /> � . � `. the Pro or to a sum5 senued by this Security Instn�ment,whether or not then dne.The 30-day Qenad w�l beg�n
<br /> , x�. .t:. ' when the�nno'ce is given. -� �� -_
<br />��;.` �:��_ ` �`� -�`�- Unless Lender and Eormwer otl�wise agree ia wriva8•a�►Y$P�u�°f�proceedP�s��of�thel Payme�ts:lf -c_ . . I•_
<br /> _ � �`' postpone the due date oi t�e momhiY l�Y�r�c��i iv u;j�ar'r'.+�a�,..� ��'°` olicies and ptocxeds tesltlung '
<br /> ;'��,:. . ` under paragraph 21 the P�pertY u�q►�bY,L�der,Bom�wer s nght to aay insuraace P �:F-..,:
<br /> ,�� � \' ' +` '° from dama8e w the Pmperg+Prior to thc arq�uon shall ass w Lender to the exteat of the smns secared by this Seciirity .
<br /> :�.t:_ . . _ �.,_ er P �_ ;, �.{g:�'J�
<br /> . •,. Insr�aent immediately p ri o r w t h e acqnisition-
<br /> � :: • 6. Ooatpancy, Pr�vatEen, Mairnteoaaoe and Protection of We Ptop�ty; Borrow�'s Loan Appflcatfop; ;'� :,�_
<br /> �`"` � • estabiisb. and use the Propeny as Sorrower's pnacipal resideuce within svctY daYg _ ���
<br /> I.�ol d s. B orrower shall o c c u p y�and shaU coatinue to oa�py the Property as Borrower's principal residenoe _ �1�_�•
<br /> e. ,.. �,.''• a8er the execurion of this Securiry in writin which consent shall not be . •`�:
<br /> �.�.:Y. ' .. . . _ . for at ieast one yeaz after the date of occu�ancy,�mless Ixnder othenvise agrees g• • ��-`'
<br /> � �. �m�onab2y withheld,or�mless extenuatmS circumstances eust wWch aie beyond Bo:rower's caatml.Bonowes shall not ; y ,� ,_.
<br /> ����:'. . . ';. destmy,damage or impa'u the Ycopert�r. allow the Pmperty to deteriorate. or commit waste on the Property. Borrower ; ;�,
<br />_.n.�r , � shall be m def�lt if any forfeiatte acaon or pmc�eeding.whether civil or criminal, is begrm that in Leader's good faith ` .. ]�
<br /> ;,�`;'l�`. . .. .- "� }'ud�rnent wuW �esnEt ia forfe�ta�e of the PropertY or othecwise matecially uaPair We lien created by this Securiry y,� ,a!<<
<br /> as mvided in H I8,bY `�"--,�;•�
<br /> '., . Ins�o�t or Leuder's seWrit�►interesG Hotrower may cure such a default and reiastate, P P�P .,
<br /> ���. ' c�smg the action ot pr�ocee�iing to be dismisse8 with a tuling that, in I.ender's good faith detetminanon. precludes
<br /> �•
<br /> ��[ �_ ..��:.,.. . forfeit�ue of the Borrower s mteresc in the Propecty or other material �' paimneat of the lien create�by this Se�city .�Q,, �
<br /> • Insuument or Lender's sea�rity interest.Ba:mwer shaU also be ia defavlt if Bornower,fiuiap the loan appucaaun pracess, . , ., .
<br /> dS�L�:. . Cr .:
<br /> .,i;.;`: :; �re mater'rally false or inaccotate mfom�aaon or staten¢ents to i.ender(or failed w provide Lendet m��A� y ;. _..
<br /> '•`�•�.: • �nfomiadon)in connection with the toan evidenced by the Note.including,but not tim�ted w.represeatati •. ,.-��::
<br /> P p t is oa a leasettold,Borrower shall � " "`': '-�`
<br /> ; � . Bormwer's accupancy+of the Pro erty as a rincipal residcnce.If this Secunty InstnimcII . ,- r.�°
<br /> �':.�i comply with all the pmvisions of the leass.If Bonower acquires fee tide to the Property. the leasehold and the f�ee title ,�,; �'°. r`�=;,,
<br /> ,�:., . . _ � a-:::
<br /> ..�?:;' � • . sball not mesge untess Lendes agrees to the merger in writing. ,. ,
<br /> " 7.Protedion of Leade�s Rlg6ts ia We Frnperty. If Boirower fails to pecform the cavena�us and a ts ,•j -;._
<br /> `�..;, '�,�`v .
<br />. .•,-� ;_. .' . ..._ .. • -�._
<br /> �;.,., . . coatained in this Secwrity Imsuitment,or there is a legal proceeding that may sigaifcantly affect Leader's ' u in the `,, `=".
<br /> •�..;:: .. . �..�...:,. ;,.
<br /> ' 4�:.:. . property(sach as a proceedinS in banl�uptcy,probate. for conde�auon or forfeitare or to enforce laws or regalatians). , ry.`
<br /> thea Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessacY to Protect the value of the Properry and Lender's rights in the ,
<br /> �.�;;•c:' � propertY. Leades's actions may mctude PayinS anY sums sec�red by a lien which has priority over this S . -
<br /> ec
<br /> �mment, appearing ia wurt,yaying reasonabte attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repaiis. Althou '�,'<: �
<br /> . `t,.r � ' '�Y, l.ender may take acdon ander th�s p h 7,Lender does not have to do so. . .. :-:;
<br /> ��',.' . Any amounts disbursed by Lxn�under this paragraph?shap bxome additional debt of Borrower seaued by this _
<br /> � SeCUiity incsmmen�.UWess Bonowec end lxudet agree to oihet temLS of psymeut,these aznounts shaU bear interest from � �:;j;_
<br /> 4 .... .
<br /> ..'�.:.I. ..' .
<br /> •�i'.::,;:. the date of disbuisemeat at the Note rate aad shall be payable. wiW iateccs� npon notice from Lendes w Borrower _ .-
<br /> :Ar. ;.. .• . __ requestinS P�n� ,:'..
<br /> - '��_ :',. 8.Maitgage Iasusance. lf lxnd�r required mortgage iusurance as a condiaon of making the loan secured by this ��'�`:
<br /> S
<br /> the remiums re9uired to maintain We monga e it►sucance in effect. If.for aay .",; �
<br /> � �"�.•� Seauity InsUUment.Borrower.shall PaY P . � , �.
<br /> �::''"' •` reason. the mortgage insurance wverage requued by Lender tapses or ceases to be �n effeq. Borrower shaU pay the .
<br /> '.j:•�;.� . ' . p�emiums required to obtain coverage substaat�aUy equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect. at a cost , "..
<br /> ��.'..�. substantially equ�valent to the wst to Horrower of the mortgage insurance previousiy in effect.fmm an altemate mortgage
<br /> �`_�-� . insurer appmved by lxader. If subseanttallyequivalent mortgage iasurance coverage is not available,Borrower shall pay � ..
<br /> �,;.�.:,. .:.� ,
<br /> �,,.: ., , to Leader each moatb a sum equal to one-twelfth of ihe yearly irtortgage inswance premium heing paid by Boaower wheo
<br /> ' " •• ' �� the;nsurance coverage tapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve .
<br /> �'��`� .. ' � in lieu of mortgage inswance. l.oss�eserve Faymenu may no longer be reqn'ued. az the option of Lender. lf martgage , . .
<br /> ..y:�i_ : . iaaurance coverage(in ehe amount and for the penod that Lender requires)provided by an nuurer approved by Leader • • ,
<br /> :,:;-;,,. � again becomes available and is obtained. Bonower shall pay the premiums required to mamtain mortgape insurance in
<br /> �` . � effect,or to provide a loss resen+e, until the requirement for mortgage insurance euds in accordance w�ih anY Wrnten .
<br /> agreement between Borrowet and L.ender or applicable law. r•orm 30�8,9�q tpo8e 3 0�s� .
<br /> �' ' �/b'�J' �
<br /> �, . '� . � .
<br /> � • QAHKERS SYSTEMS.�NC-.ST CLOUD.MN 59302 Il 800-397 S36t1�OpM�AD 1�NE 2•9+91
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