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_ _- � T <br /> ' � ' •S C,` '"C <br /> ' , . . `-ir��4 : . �� - ...._ . -. - -- � c . `- - <br />-° 7 _ �i�L;F'.� , . _ -lJ`'JC�`_" ' ' :4__}_Li._ <br /> - 4 `-� §` :.� _ , � s z- .. ` 4 F ,>�' +� <br /> �� • , _ , , `, }y}: <br /> °_ i. �x.k_ � .- - . ' <� �f > <_ t -.{c <br /> , •. <br /> � :..' � � � ...�. � . �'� _ L -. �r.� ..c' ti� .< c�.' <br /> . � <br /> ��f•. '; �...• 'z-�Y.-.�-4�b-[� y _. . . . . . —..._t - - "" . .._ ... ..... .. .. . ...._...�.. . " _. . � .. <br /> 7�_ K .i:. _ _—.—v[L�.-lc...'__ 1..,_.__�. Y , t f. <br /> ' � •� . ` �;' _ <br /> F`.. ` • C t�( '� •` • ��� �`L `` . <br /> _ : . .� �t � �� 1�- . _ <br />�� , . _c. , • � . ��i <br /> V�tk ' j� •� � � <br /> � �. .- -''�1 �{�DaG 2'�c -S.�:f <br /> _i _',;`� ffi��,��'�y�If�fails to pay these sums prior w the expirarion of this periad,Lender may <br /> od this Insmmu�u withaut funher notice or demand on Borrowa. � � � �. <br /> . :.� Y � <br />�.�'. __ .. 1�.Borcaw�'s Rigttt ta R�nstate. If Boaowez mcets ceectain cond'mons.Borrower shall have the right w have -:� � <br /> ttai : <br /> � ' w forcement o f t h i s S e�u i i t y i n s t n u u e n i d i s o o n i i n u e s d a t a a y ti m e p ri o r to the earlier of:(a)5 days(or such other period as ��'z �-- ; <br /> � . < � a p plicab2e law may specify for reinstateinent}befose sate of the Propeny pu:s�ant w any power of sale con t a i n e d in t h i s f ' ` <br /> i�,` ' R� ��y j°�mm�t'°r(b)eatry o f a j u dgtnent e a forieiag t h i s S e a m t Y��-'1�o s e c o n d i t i o n s are that Bomuwer:(a) � l� ,G' <br /> - - pays L�enda al!sumg whish theo woald be dne tmdec this Seauity 1nst�umeat and the Note as if no acceleration had � __ <br /> '� ,I,- . ` oxumed; tb) cu�es anY defmilt of a�r other coveaants or agreements: (c)Pays att e�P�s inaured in enfor�ag ihis €�:; _ <br /> �i '� t � S�urity inst�m�at,including,but not limited w. reasonabie attomeys' fees- and(d)takes such acuoa�d��� ; <br /> to assute that the hen of this 3ecuritY Ins�t. ���s rights in We Property ; � <br /> ��_ �� ` <br /> :��` ` . _- oblig�un wpay�the sams secure�l by this Secnrity Iasuumeai shall continne unr�nged.Upon remstatem�nt bY Borrower, _ .'. <br /> : � full effer�ive as if�acceteration had accaured- _ :4:�` <br /> ��` ,. . this Se�uit�+Ins�and the oblig�ioas secuced haeby shall re�in Y �h 17. ` . <br /> F °.: However,this right w reiasrate shall not ap p t y'm tfie case of acxelecarion under . <br /> �� �� ' � : 2 9.S a l e o f N o t�C h a n g e o f L o a n S�v i c�. 'I l i e Nate or a p a rt i a l intcresc in the Note(wg�her with this Securit9 -:�. � _�f� <br /> . < : - be sold ane or moie times withmrt prior notice tn Bomower.A sale may r e s v lt ia a c h a a ge in t h e w t i t y <br /> , '` ��the�I.fl�Secviver")thai colle�xs manthlY PaYm�ts dne nnder the Note aad this Security msuumeat- � _ ; r: <br /> ��� .. . � atso may be on$or more changes o f t h e L oan S e r v i c e r a n r e l a t e d w a sale of the Note. I h 14 ab�ve an�d appi'icab3e law. -.� :. <br /> ' � Servicer,Bormwr.r w�l be givea wriuea u o t i c e of the c h an g e in accordamce with paraSraP . should be made. ;•4���`�.,:;. <br /> :��`�,` 'Ihe noace will state the n�ne aad address of the new Loan Se�vicer and the address to which paymeats : . <br /> �:�`.'"'_' • ` kcable law. -- `�::��-.;.,:�::; <br /> �, ��.� '!he nutice w►�1 also oontain any other mfomiauon reqwre�bl+aPP �posal,storage.or release of . <br /> �°�.... . .. F n 28.He�srdous Subslences. Bornuwer shall not canse or pecmit the p�ce.use. r'� .� <br /> `. �( Hazatdous Substanoes an or in the Propecty.Boaawer shall not do,uor allow anyone else to do.anything affectinS = .� : <br /> � that is in violation of any Environmeatal Iaw.'I7�e p�ceding taro sentencw shari not applq to the pres�cx, <br /> � .. . _�i w^•� �t �_ '. f -. <br /> �a�< :� < �.•. use,o�r stoiege an the Froperty of small quantities of Hazardons Substanc,es that are geaerallY rero�w be approp�saw _ � ^. <br /> �� , t o n o m�a l residennal vses and to mainteuance of the PropeccY• _ <br /> �F , - Borcower sball P�P�Y Sive Lender written notice o f a n y i n v e s t i g a t i o n,c l a i m,d e m a n d,l a w s u i t or other action by ��� ` , -� ;', <br /> ` . �' �Y 8��°�01�O 1 Y aS�Y�r private party involving the Property and an7t Ha7ardous Substaace ar Enviroa- s. <br /> 4_ `•• , avema�eatal oa regiilatory <br /> `;-�r mental Law of which Borrower h a s a c t u a t k n ow l e d g e.I f B o r r o w e r l e a m s,o r i s u o t i Bed�by a�►Y S ���Borrower ;':`k.'. <br /> :���� - • � iemediaSon of aay Har,ardons S�bstance affecrin�w. PmP�Y �r.. <br /> ,�;:,�., authori anY�val or other ..,���.; <br />_ ��-.;. _-;• --.' ;•.'� ty' rem�dia�acdons in acco�d�ce arith Envirnnmentai �-, - - . - <br />�..'��; . .�;,,� �P�PUY���ragtap �� Hardrdons Substances"are those snbstances de6ned as wxic or ha7ardous substances <br />_:��c.f��� � �• As used ia this pa oline kerosene, other flamrnable or to�dc petrolwm praducts. =�:-:�,t; <br /> �:,:�; - - by Fa►vironmentai Laa►and the foAowing sabstances: gas , de and radioacave materials. - '' <br /> ,(..�y. r wxic pestic�des and herbicid�es,volat�e solveats,materials containiug ast�esws or fo:matdehy , •.�';�����-_= <br /> �� :, � ` .�' As used ia this para��."Envimnmeutal Law°meaas federal laws and laws of the ju:isdicdon where the Property+is ;, �. <br /> r`,." ` ` � ..,, c. .. : .: tocated that relate W .safety or eavimnmeatal Pmt�dOa. as follows: -Y `Y:`''' <br /> ..g t:• . a Nont-Ux�ox�Cov�errrs.Bonower and Ixnder furtLer covenaru and agree - . .._ <br /> .r�:, . _ . . 21.Aa+eleratton;Bem�a. Lend�s6aD give notEce to Borrow�prior to acceleraHon foltowIug Borrow�'s : ��.:;;,. <br /> �; .� ' breacb of any coveaant or agrerm�t in WLs Sec�FtY�sb��t(b�no.�prtor w accetesation under paragrepb 17 `� <br />-•':-.s=� :. • . u n l e�s s 8 pp1�caDte taw p r ovldes otherwise)•'�'he notioe sDall specify:(a)the defaWt;(b}the adton�q�dred to c�e the �'� ; <br />-,`;���;�� . � , - default;(c)e daae,aot le�than 30 days from the date the no t lce i s g ivcn t o B o r r o w e r,b y w b i c D t t e e d e fantt mast be ; -_ <br /> , . . . cured;aad(�Rhat failure to cure the defaWt on or before the date specif�innot�'ce shall f�uth�orm Borrow� ,��: <br /> �*''� � � of the sams sec�red 6�9 this Ses�rit9 Iastrwneit aad sate of the Property. ,�'�..- <br /> -:�k..:. of the right w retnstate aftes accet�ation and the sight to bring a court sdion to a�ert We non�xistence of a ,_� .,,,�-_;- <br /> ��'r.;;;• ' � ' , -..; defauit or any othea defeose of BaTrower w aooei�atton an�e�ate paymen�in Yull of aU �stuas s�eaaed by this ,`` <br /> ��� . ' sp ecifi�ed in the uotice,I.wdar at i4s optlon maq requIre '•r �. ` <br />-'.{;.•�c=.. � : ` .� S�pn�Ity instrumrnt without fwrther demand and may invoke the powcr of sale and the reraedtes proQidetl in t63 . <br /> ..�`; `• � , ,�:1,�� appticab2e law. Lende�s6all be euHUed to oolled aU exPea�s luwirred tn p�s�iag '. . <br /> �.�--.•� paea�aph 21,tndnding.6ut not 13mit�1 to,reasoaab2e attorneys'Pecs aad uosts of titte evfdenoe. of We ' <br /> �- ; �� ' If the powa of sate is lnvo�,Trastee s6aU reoard a aottce oY defanit in eab co�ty in� to�Borr�ow�aad ,• <br /> ��. �'�� Peoyert9 is located aitd s6aD ma1l copies of sash nottce ia the m�nc�Presai�a�et iaw.'[tiastee s6aII �[ve � �• . <br /> s <br /> _ �.�. ,..; .. . . � .- bed by applicable law. Aftes the 8me requlr�d Y i?P _• <br /> ',i�. ,r,�. . ' . . �.. 1 t0 the other persaus irs�ssei ttcabte law.'1'nt�tee.without demaad on . '��."�'�._.�. <br /> �. � pu bllc aoflce of�e to the pesons sm1 in the mannes P''���dd�a We time and place end under the te�ms <br /> '.�;':': .. . Brrrower.shaD seII We Prope�tY 8t Pnblls sudton to the highest �tp o� . <br /> �`��,`�. deslguated in the aotice of sate in oae o b ubtic�ennouncement at he dme and�piaceof anY p=evtoum.clyysch- eduled � . . <br /> • sale of all or any parcel of the Prop�ty Y P 6Y . . - <br /> �; � ..- sale.Leader or its deslga¢e map p�uc��We Property at any salc. ,. <br /> .�' .�� � <br /> �,�,;: , Upon reccl pt ot payment af the�rtCe bid.Tnutee s6all deliver to the purcbaser'I'rastee's dced wnveyiag the . <br /> '_�';,�`�i,. : � PrapPrty. The reeltals in the Trustee s deed shall be prima Yade evidence of We trut h o f t he statem�ts made ; :: <br /> � . � �herein,'I'rastce shall apply the Rmeeed�of the sale in the followin�order:(n)to all costs and expeascs of exerdsing <br /> -�.., � . ... G , <br /> .'S''"�1 . , . . <br /> . _� ' , � : .� Form 3028 919 / age 5 nl 61 . <br /> ;�,' :.f . . <br /> ,�",uf�.�•.. .j BA.VKERS SYSTEMS.�NC.ST.CLOUO.MN 68307 11 806397�23A11 FOAM MG7�NE 1891 � . . <br /> ,,• ... • . i .. <br /> �: t <br /> r} <br /> 1•r . .. � . . . . ,. <br /> ::t. ... <br /> t.' . <br /> ye-: :' . <br /> [: .. � ' � ��f . . <br /> .,}.�':''. ; . <br /> ��.. . 1 : . <br /> ;�.. <br /> .;. <br /> i• .. - '� f <br /> �:;� � .. �� , . <br /> � � <br /> �-� - . ; _ .. ., <br /> ,, . . . <br /> .,.•.�:� . . .. .. <br /> �;, . . <br /> � � . <br /> ;: � <br /> �;� <br /> .�,— <br /> t.:.. • <br /> �� . <br /> ��_ °,.: . <br /> :: �.; - - -- - <br /> .. . , <br /> _ .. . . . <br /> --...._ <br /> .. .. <br /> -- . . .. , . _.. ... , .�� _.... . .� <br />