$� 105083
<br />togtdsse •wide •all hies (isseludfssg the rotr'to a Vi K' g'lst+,•iducts. frMl, oil. gas. ooal or other miserals); imta eilrs, rt►snnesia,
<br />hereditasnents mad appurtenances thereunto belotsginE, the rents. issues, and profits thereof and reverses armai ►copse tksre-
<br />fmss. all improreweats. and perwMai property now or later attached thereto or reasonably necessary to tit use ther+e4.
<br />includixg, but not limited" to., rags, refrigerators. clothes washers. clothes dryers, or carpe porchawd or itsancicii(�:uin;
<br />whole or in part with loan funds, all water. water tits. and tracer stork pertairfma thereto-. and all payments at any '0&,4'
<br />owrissg to Ilsxxower by virtuse of in,y safe, tease, transfer. eoureyance, or coa8errsnatwa of any put thereof or interest Acre -
<br />sn•2of whit in ate herein calks t ..!Viet property°';
<br />TO HAVE AND TO il(9L 'tis6 property unto the Government and its assigns fbiever in fee simple. t
<br />KWItgWIt for Borrori "es ,wlf'., Borrower's heirs. executers. administrator$. suceessocs asd assigns WARRANTS THE
<br />TITLE to the property to the GovaHmantaga,inst all lawful claims and demands whatsoever excape any liens. encumbrances.
<br />tascmats, cesernratsons,-or canveyances'specified htminabove, andCOVENANTS AND AGREES u follows:
<br />(1) To pap promptiq when due any indebtedness to the Government hereby secured and to indemnify and save hum -
<br />ku the Government rtt�t, ions under its insurance of payment of the note by reason of any default by Borrower. At all --
<br />times when the note is hea�teld by. an insured holder. Borrower shall continue to make payments on the note to the Government,
<br />as collection agent far the holder.
<br />(2)' To payy to the Government such fees and other chuges as may now or hereafter beir"ired by regulations of, the
<br />Farmn*Nnme Administrrtion
<br />(3), if required: by the Government, to make additional monthly payments of 1112 of tine estimstcco.' annual taxes,
<br />assessments. insurance premiumxrand other charges upon the rnortbaged premises.
<br />(4) Whether or not the note is insured by the Government, the Garentrnent may at ar.Y time pay any other amounts
<br />required herein, to be paid 6y Borrower and not paid by Borrower when due, as well as any tr_ses and expenses for the pre.
<br />servatnon. protection. or cnfforcement of this lien. as advances for the account of Bonowet: All such adrasees dull-bear
<br />isumt, a the rate boars by dw note which -has the highest interest rate.
<br />(5) All sdvasces by dw, Go remment as describink, in this instrument, with interest, shall be immediately dye and pay-
<br />Abk by swo wr to else Government without densasal it -the place designated in tine latest note and shall be secured hereby.
<br />No such &&,%act by the Government shall relieve Borrower from breach of Borrower's covenant to pay, Such advances,
<br />witis , intetest, dull be repaid from the first available collections received from Borrower. Otherwise, any payment made by
<br />Swower may be applied ow ike note or any indebced.i" to the Government secured hereby in any order rise Government =
<br />detsnsisines. '
<br />(d) To use the loan evidenced b>y the note solely for purposes authorized* the Government.
<br />(7) To pay when due all taxes. liens judgments, encumbrances. and assessments lawfully attaching to or assessed
<br />afpinst the property, including all ehargts ;herd assessments in connection with water. water riiSk",, snd water stock pertaining
<br />to or reasonably necessary to the use of ,Ater test property described above, and all taxes ant raaessmencs .kvied upon this
<br />morri;W or the note or an indebtednesl: !hereby, sc�:urvtd or agtinst any lea- 6614r hereof or of the W,,ov or of said in-
<br />&Ikeriness under the laws o.1!1'ebraska, ankh' p!'0Mp' 2-i- ,Jrliver to the Government vai e6out demand receipti-'tvfderneing such
<br />payments.
<br />(it) To keep the property insured au�e"equtred by and under iarerance policies approved by the Government an4at
<br />its request, to deter auc6 policies to the Gwernment.
<br />