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r <br />. CotttttT.: Nhtliraala. +hither pat office ahidseati is <br />i�rgi�f:1; `>lJt�i`. ��',:.� �:• -.iii �'.: r ,.. , . <br />+ ►�'sistsil steer hates of Atrnerk thr . hialwaslas ..: .. <br />:, Wh flat Farmers fiosae A�siaisirat o ft XWIWd Stows <br />#pirnauisnts sEiii +tijt e, M.eiia� callai tko "Governttwat ": <br />is. tai "d en tiK Govensiment. as niidatced by oast cr-tstore peook o" aate(a) ar stiswaspfisas <br />�Cll1'a' °wP'�� � � raa� agaseriatt, bkrriss called "snore;: "• trbich has Brett exenstei b ioato+sse. <br />Is patysti Vii► the osArrs q ;d1e Goiasnsnent. autkarises aecekraeion of the a?ntiee fegtl ttdsep it the opthe of t6 Gaseri. <br />intent tiMia situ: rieFsidt464uitosve * and is dencAW as (cows: <br />Due Daft of Final <br />$19,905.50 NA 09- 01.91 <br />'' :;+fete iahtexest- :ate far I i'rie rrsoturct Cunt ownership or limite+1resource operating losafs) secured by this inummaittt ; <br />ahray ire. ins reaws� o twowkw is theFafthii ike*ne Administratioa re' 4,44orts and the note.} <br />-/ytak ekc -goy triidsrscfsn ioarr terboer+awer. attii t1w Gorrrtrii re. at st►y tit". t+tay eau lr, C note antinsaie elite <br />rna#�.iii��rreof pwnaat to the Cotttolidated Faint and Rwal Development Act, or Title V of tie Housing Act of 1949 or any <br />atli Cs tuu sdmiaisteeed by the Fuentes How Admishistratioe. <br />' #Ai it is the purpose aid intent of this instrument that. among other things, at all times.when the note is held by the <br />Gbreersteamt; or is the to 1 tie GMteament shodd aWV tkis iastromor without insurance of the DOW. this inKMnUatt <br />• stall secure payment of the note: but wbea the mote is held by an issued holder, this instrument shall not secure psymeat <br />of the note or attach to the debt evidenced thereby. but as to the note and such debt All constitute an inder .,.city mortgage <br />to secure the Government against loss under its insurance contract by reason of any default by Bortowers <br />And this instrument also secures the recapture of any intertsE eredItim subside which may be granted too the Borro*cr <br />by the Government pursuant to 42 U.S.C. §149W. or any amounts due tiddii any Shared Apprteistion AgreementlRtca . <br />cure Agreement e4tered into pursuant to 7 U S.C. 2001. <br />NOW. THEREFORE, in consideration of the loan(s) and (a) at all tunes when the note"is 61d by the Government, or <br />in the event the Government should assigt this instrument without. insurart_e of the payment of the note, to secure prompt <br />rysnent of the note and any renewals and extensions thereof and any agreements contained therein. including any provision <br />r tli�: payment of an insurance or other cbarge. (b) at all times when the note is held by an insured holder. to secure per - <br />fdrmit4ce of Borrower's agreement herein tun,: indemnify and save harmless the Government against loss under its insurance <br />contract by reason of any default by Boris why. and (c) in any event and at all times to secure the prompt payment of all <br />advances and expenditures made by the G warnmenr, with interest, as hereinafter described, and the performance of every <br />Co"arth!ne and Aaar._._vnert of rwroacr contained h.:. ;tai: w in ,try ,.tppicmenftary agreement. lumower dues Hereby grant. <br />bargin, sell, convey and assign, wi.A general warrantp,. i, iv.,,; the Government the Hbaawing property situated'iit the State of F _ <br />Nebraska, Coursty(ies) of Hall <br />�,. <br />The North IbIt of the Horthaws"ft• - 'Quartor IN%I(E}) of Section Twenty -Eight (28), <br />Totntrhip Twelve (12) North, 94nge Eleve.11 (11), Hest of the Sixth P.M., Hall <br />Cottdaxy,NL . ' ' <br />FmHA 4274 i4B (Rev. 719) <br />