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<br />- a��` 1050804
<br />(4) 'Ib rrtsiatain isaprovemeat3� i ». repair acrd srsalre repairs required by the GowerrtwAr. operate the -
<br />is a soot and swat"; roanp tq .wit# rte funs coasetvatsaa practices and
<br />faro and Ironic maaspnens phuss
<br />_ -- - -.� . new, r__�r.a ee eemfit Wit. {t1st1NL4e — -
<br />taaba, itv o atom' covered harebr. orwuftatt• the arri�en cotant of tits Geteratai�tat. eat, retttare,'clears any
<br />tort), or obit fidaerah axotpr o mty 6s seaanry for ordioary investor pestpoee
<br />10 '1`o coinoy with an laws; oedittsndxet, arad-teaarhitaoars aPecting the ptcpetty -
<br />(11) To pay or reirubwn tie Government for attpeaaw rsssorsairiy tatcewry at ind"td to file protection of the lira
<br />and priority hereof and to the enforcement oi£ or flab calsptiaace with the pro+►iriao :hereof ctrl of the soot artdasf ettpplie-
<br />mestary agreement (whetha before or after default), iincitdiag but sot limited to costs of evidence of tiide te► std sarway of "
<br />the propeM, costs of recording tki art# otter inrrtutnenb, alsoraeys' fees, trustees fees, court coats. and ettpeaua of a�re� fi
<br />s tisistg. srlhng and conveying the proven j,;
<br />(12)` Esapt as otherwise provrtl IJ Y- -the Enters Home, Administration regulations,- neither the property nor asy,
<br />portion thereof or. interest therein shell- be kaw4'saalgtsed; sold, transferred, or encumbered vohrntarily or otherwise. widtogtR
<br />fist arritten consent of the Crorarantent. The Covargmest shall have the sole and excessive rights as raortgtgee hereua#aas;
<br />l"o"bs&& but not hartited to the power to �>,t cottsranta, partial sekases, subor&nations, an satisfaction, sad no losers)
<br />holder shall bare any rig)tts. title Or intmik in tar to. the lien.'" any benefits hereof.
<br />(13) At A = reasonable tines the' Cod ernment, and its agenta MAY MuPect tie property w asurwu w core•
<br />esaats and agretMpgtetts contained herein or fn any suppbtmentary sgr,ceinene sae 6essag performed.
<br />(14) loge b+ eoimdnx: iVO (aj 4djust the ` ztu It rate, payment. terms or balance due on the Irian, (6) in�crsese the
<br />' str�'" aunt e . to id��errea iattTest va, Om outstanding prineipa16a�1aaee.(c) extend or defer efts matssrity of,
<br />raOt ,the note or any indebtedness to the Gorernment secured-
<br />and rei3tw' r- edule t#te payments per,. clad deliE ;es+ %3encid b th
<br />a by this irutstr trH; (d) release any phi _ so is '&b i under 66 note or for the debt from liability to the Goorwitmeat,
<br />e ,ef the try anij,tts(stnrdinate it* lien, and (f) waive any other of its rights under this iaauum4*4 )lily
<br />(�'.. r�lit•.y opec th
<br />�t �sid ws7l be, -d'sne witboiit affecting titi" lien or a priority of this instrument of Borrower's or any other
<br />a lrabsh�rf ^?r? the Go.e 'Ment for payment oft 'note or debt secured by this instrument unless the Gonrgernmenc says
<br />r "idly in m or otherwise afforded by applicable law, ent-whether once or shall not be a waivesrtof or preclude the exercise of
<br />trrnedy uxdeti`I9jt%'In
<br />any such fight or, ii reedy.
<br />(15) if at any base it 4AU appear to the Government that Borrower may be able to gbuin a loser from a production
<br />credit association. a Federallati•d bank, or other responsible cooperative or private credit source. at reasonable rates and'terms
<br />foe loam for similar purposes` afid periods of time. Burrower will, upon the Goarnment's request, apply for and accept such
<br />[cirri Iii sufficieei amount to pay the note and any indebtedness secured hereby" and to paY for any atn k necessary to be
<br />purchased in a cooperative lending agency in connection with such loan. :
<br />(16) Default hereunder shall constitute default under any other real estate, or under any personal property or other,
<br />security instrument held or insured by the Government and executed or assumed by Borrower, and default under any such
<br />other security instrument shall constitute default hereunder.
<br />(17) Borrower further agrees that the loans) secured by this instrument will be in default should-usy loan praeeeds
<br />be used fora pur pose that will contribute to excessive erosion of highly erodible Land or to cite conrgpxlixi of wetlands to
<br />produce an agricultural commodity. as further explained in 7 CFR Part 1440, Subpart G. Exhibit K
<br />(18) SHOULD DEFAULT occur in the perforrijance or discharge of any obligation in this instrument or secured by
<br />this instrument, or should tht'.parties named as 8oni'M40 die or be declared an incompetent, or should acsy one of the parties
<br />nameA as Borrower be disclta ryy:d is bankruptcy or}cfi-rxlared an insolvent or make an assignment for the baradfit of stilt's.
<br />the Government. at its option. with or without notnre;, may: (a) declare the entire amount unpaid under the note and any
<br />indebtedness to the Government hereby secured immediately due and payable, (b) for the accouvt of Borrower incur sad pay
<br />reasonable expenses for repair or mainbrmattce of and ;take possession of, operate or rent tlsrs•property, (c) u n application
<br />by it and production of this insuvmdnt;; without other evidence and without notice of )tearing of said application. have a
<br />m Wwer appointed for the property, with` the usual
<br />.her of receivers in like cases, (d) foreclose this instrument as provided
<br />herein or by law, and (e) enforce any and all other rVAty and remedies provided herein or by present or future law. '
<br />(19) The proceeds of foreclosure sale shall be applied in the following order to the p 1ment of: (a) costs and expenses
<br />incident to enforcing or complying with the provisions hdreaf,' (61 �atp prior liens required'�g. law or a competent court to be
<br />so paid. (c) the debt evidenced by the note and all indebtedrstes to the Government we,kwaed hereby. (d) inferior liens of
<br />record required by law or a competent court to be ice• paid, Fe} at the Goveminznt's option, any other indebtedness of Bor-
<br />rower owing to or insure:l +6;; the Government, and (f) any balance to Bowen► r,, At foreclosure or other oak of all or any
<br />part of the property, the Gdwinment and its agerttimay bid and purchase as a stranger ani may pay the Government's share
<br />of the purchase price by crediting suA. amount on any debts of -Pormwer owing to or •i2twred by the Govermtsem its the
<br />order prescribed above.
<br />(20) Borrower agrees that the Government w!31 not be bound by any present or f( #�.:re State law. (a) provi&hj for
<br />velustion, appraisal. homestead or exemption of the property. (b) prohibiting maintenance of an octirn for a deficiency
<br />fdztWent o,- limiting thc - -nourt thereof or the time :within which such action must be &tauggfiht, ( :G) teectibing any other
<br />erstute of limitations. (d) allowing soy right of redrinlstion or possession following any fe4t*ti )+sure ; or (d) limiting the
<br />eytrditions which the Government may by regulation impose. including the interest rates lt•'may charge, as a condition of
<br />approving a- transfer of the property to a new i3!xrowes. Bour)wer expressly waives'AW Benefit of any such Statx laws.
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