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r <br />a <br />l <br />89-- 104838 <br />N Lander tequairsd mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan severed by the Security instrument, Bormwer shat pay tins <br />pmWm required to maintain the insurance In allect until such time as the requirement for the insurance terminates in accordance wills <br />Bomvwds and Leader's written agreamwnt or applicable few. <br />8. in$Paction. Lander or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender shaft give Borrow <br />notice at the time of or prior to am iaepoclieraape ---- era OWANS come for the inspection. <br />9. Condemnation. The of" or Allim for damages, direct or consequential. in eonnectiort with any condemnalon <br />or other taking of any part of tlie�rpr,isr�pp�wl► ie.tor of condemnation. are hereby assigned and shat be paid to Lender. <br />In the event of a toW tattirsg•etYta=lasperlr; tbe^peoeseds dial be applied to the sumo secured by Oft Security instrument, whether <br />cr set: than d M with sry crises paid to Borrower. in the event of a Parma to ft of the property. urnk" Borrower and Lr4w othrwke <br />agree in trrtfdrg, the Qkr ns sedmxed by thin Security instrument shall be reduced by the vacant of the proo*G& r,-AA4&d by the toirvrirg <br />ftellarc (a) the total amwmot of the :urns seared k aw d d* before the taking, divided by (b) thr fair market value of We IRmpey <br />Mwmld* bah a the tefdrtgy Any balance NW be paid to Borrower. <br />N the Property is abardorred by Bar we or N. after rnolba by Lander to Borrower that the condemnor offws to make an acrd or <br />*Me a claim for demtegas, Borrower fats to mgmd to L m W within 30 days after the dale the notice ie.givan. Lendw N audmxt W to <br />collet and apply the proceeds. at ka option. either to reatoradon or repair of the property or to the sums secured by this Beauty <br />Insbuiment whdhw or not than due. <br />Limier Larder anal Banower otltrwise agree in writing, any application of proceeds to principal shelf not extend or postpone the due <br />did of the monthly payments rolin to in paragraphs t and 2 or change the amount of such priments. <br />10. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lander Not a Waiver. Exwsion of the time fa payment or modscadon. <br />of amoetlraion of the sums secured by this Securty Instnnent granted by Lender to any successor n Interest of Bomovw slid not <br />opeate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in intwesL Lender abet not be required to commence ' <br />proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modfy arnwftdbn of the sums waxed <br />by this Security instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's suo0essors in interest. Any fafbaeranee <br />by Lander h exramiaing any right or remedy shat not be a waiver of or prelude the exercise of any ri d-. or remedy. <br />11. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Co•- .;gRt M L The covenee is and -groom tretss alt; <br />this Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. subject to the provisions of Paragraph" <br />17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several Any Borrower who cu-signs tints Security InMarvent bull: does not <br />execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mwtgoge, grant and. convey That Borrower's interest In•the propety <br />under the tarns of this Security instrument: (b) is not persoru y obligated to Pay, the sums secured by this Saauity fnalurni and <br />(c) sque s that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend, . rnpsft fbrhaw or make any accommDditbns with regard to the <br />toms at tulle Seamy fnstmxnert or the Note without that Borrower's consent. . <br />17- Loan Cherps. N the ban waxed by this searity 'Insirtimmt is atxbjed to a law whkh sets rrrtodx rims ban changes. and r <br />that law is irWy Interpreted so that the Merest or other fan charges colt fed or to be collected itt enrrteCOon with the ban Owed <br />the partlllad Innis. then: (a) any such l on•dytarga shelf be reduced by thi' mmu nt necessary to refuse the charge to the permitted limit; <br />and (0) any sues Weedy deieaud from BMV,4w which exceeded Permitted units will be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to <br />make thla refund by r*W ft tint prirrdpa) owed under the Note or by making a direct p»rent to Borrower. it a refund reduces prindpd. - <br />the redud ion will be treated as a pxa1W prep>xyrtent without any prepsyment c'wp under the Note. <br />13. Lspislatlon Affecting Lendsea: p'ights. N enactment or ex;)katfon of applicable taws has the effect of rendering any <br />proviabn of the Note or this Security insbu rmt. unenbrcaeWe according to its terms. larder, at its option. may regain ntrnediate payment <br />n tai d>t all stems secured by this Soan%�# fratrument and may Invoke any remedies Permitted by paragraph is. it Lander exerclaes this <br />option. LW OW shalt take the steps specified in the second paragraph of paragraph 17. <br />14. KWCOs. Any notice to Borrower provided for In this Saeuriry InaWment shall be ghr+r�. try. =. dpiwrng it or by making it by ixst <br />doss mall urglq ar evil obfe taw requires use of another method. The notim shard be directed to the t?txsperN Address or any other address <br />Borrower doalwxww hear notice to Lander. Any notice to Lender shelf be given by ttrat class mail to i miser's add,►iesf stated herein or any <br />other eddies Lendthee ahem by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for n titiv.1eurity Instrument shalt b6 deemed to have teen <br />given to Borrower or Lritder when given as pnovlded in this pragreph. <br />15. Qovemin Law; Severability. This Security instrument shat La _Qoger -ed by federal law and the law of the 1w*k V= in <br />which the Pmpwty Is kmatedd, in the event that any provision or douse at ibis: '" - fty nstnrrnent .or the Note oontYcta wiltnqVkaVe -f- <br />law, avd:h :onset sink not ~ other provisions of this Security nstrurmt rw the f4ote which can be <br />given effect withdnut uric coniidNing <br />1310*1611. To this and the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are► dedred to be soar". <br />115' 1llailr~* Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Swwrity nstnttf'w.t <br />1'i. VORISAW Of. the Property or a Beneficial interest in Borrower. it all or any 'port of the Property or arV interest <br />in it is said or tra:e furred (or N a beneficial interest in Borrower Is sold or transferred and Borrower is drat ell natural person) without LertcWs <br />prior wsftlet consent. Lender rr" at its option. require immediate Payment In full of art sums secured by this Security nstrurnext. However. <br />this op9rnn shall not be exerlsad by Lander It escerlse Is prohibited by federal law as of the date of this Security instrument. <br />N Lessdar ourdses this option. Lender sfiaa On Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shat provide a period of not sass than 3f) <br />days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which the Borrower must pry an sums secured by this Security nstnrmwtt. if <br />Borrower bile itnese arras pdor to the expiation of this period, Lender may invoke any remedies pern>kted by this Security Instrunw! <br />without: fu t er notice or demand on Borrower. <br />19i. varriowees Rip 4 to RekwMe. N Borrower msels coti n cord dons. Borrower she# hews that right to haw onlorowmnt <br />Of this - %Cbrfty Insihinent wed M any time prior to the artier of. (a) b days (or such other period as applicable law may specify hoer <br />reineWrtetrl 4 tfefbim 01010 of the property parsuant to any Power of sate contained In this Security instrument; or (b) entry of a judgrrsent <br />antorrciig'. 116,,E�e�turlty Instrument. Those condfitions are that Borrows (a) pays Lander ale sums which then would be due under this Saeurky <br />nsturnmatt and the Note had no acceleration occurred: (b) cures any d@bA of any other eovanent or agr meats; (e) pays all Mgmses <br />inarmed in anbrdng this Seamy Inst rnent, Including. but not united to, reasonable anomeya' fees: and (d) takes such action as lender <br />may rosso eby require to sum that the ion of this Security instrument Lender's rights in the Property and Borrowers Wgkbon <br />to pay the sums seared by this Suety instrument she# continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower. this Security Instrument <br />and the abtgadons sussed hfesby still ran ttr+ly effective as B no el— h:-, c=zn-A ltx::k;.. this eQM to F&u is atwa hilt - - <br />apply In the case of acceleration under paragraphs 13 or 17. <br />vine s <br />aR <br />