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F <br />NON-LINIFORM COVENANTS. Borrmw and Lender further covowd and agree as follows: ba— 10 4838 <br />19. Aceekwation; Renwdkm t&idar shall gko notice to Borrower prior to acceleration following oomowees, breach of any <br />MrOnt Or 11110MMInt In this Security Instrument (M not prkw to noodaration under, pw*Mho a or. viuniess appic" kwv*mw <br />Wwwl"). The nollce shall SPOW. (a) the ddwt-. (0) the action required to cure the dft*-, (a); a dot%-Av.l. Rms mm 3o days" • <br />*m,the <br />data the nnjjfla is g0M to Swrowa. by ~ the d0suit must be cured. and (Q. that lislurn to ours tits` deloult on or bdwe the data <br />specilledinthe nnab, may reau1itinecoderallonafthe sums secured by this Semftj in*uwwfi'.wW a& of the Prop". The no** she <br />$AW . bftfn Borrower of ft right to reinslaft after acedendion and the V4 to bft a 6aW saMn in mud the non4mkiance of a <br />defrrrk or any adver detente of Borrower to acaders5on and salt N the dft* Is riot cured on or h do - the data sped" in the notice. <br />Lander at Its opilion, way require it mediate loft"ent In 4A of all am secured by 9ft Sm* rosin mod without further doonancl end "my <br />involve the power of ask and any other rer - rfil pwmftd by applicat",iiaw. �J** be entkM to ooieet all expenses homed In <br />pumft the rertadiss provided In thk 0io iq aph 19. includiril; but not bftd to. rasoWA -dim"p, fees and coat of We *Wdw%qL <br />111hapawarol safe lsinvolted; Trustavabd Woad a nod* ddelmA any part of the Property le Ito" and <br />shall mail copies of such notice in the manner prowl1bed by appillomble law 1A Btu Mww and to the other Persons pescribed by applicable <br />Mw. After the time mWkW by applic" low. Tmda *W 0" public nollm of eab to the person and in the nwrM prewlibad by <br />applicable law, Trustes, without demand an Swum Ad ad the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time Wd place <br />and undw the terms designated h the notice of axis h one or more parait and In any order Trustee ddwmkm. Trustee may pos%mm <br />sale of all or any parcel of the 111roperly by public announcement at the time and placed any previously scheduled sate. Lander or its <br />dnWw may purelme the Property at any saIL <br />thm recut d payment of the price bid, Trult0a.-OhAll driver to the Wdmw TntdW* dead convvAV the Property. 7M del In <br />the Tm~s-dnd shall be prime tKA& siddence of tits truth d the statements made Me In. Trustee shall apply the proceed of Via sale <br />in the (a) to ON "er-rtras of the sake Including, but not & A- to, Thafte-3,16sa; as permilled by applable low and <br />reasonable aftroaW fees; (b) to all. sum secured by this Sectaft Instrument. and (q) any ft"",to the person or parsons legally I- <br />to IL <br />20. LANNIer Irk P4484WOn. Upon acceleration under paragraph 16 or sibencloarnent of the Fraparty, LwWw (in person. by <br />agent or by *WWly, appoiMid recehrer) shall be entitled to arft upon, UM possession of and monow' titer Property 4ad to cored the <br />rents of to ftvparly Incluft thaw pad due. Any rants collected by Lends or the recalver shmill be mppkd first, to prproV of the <br />costs of ninavownert of the Properly and collection of rents. kwkift, but not Wnbd to. readvaes few premium an' recalvaes bonds <br />and ressonabii swneW'114w. and than to the sums secured by this Security Instrument <br />21. Roemm"wo. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Sectafty Inshument. Lender shell request ThMse to reconivey <br />the Property art steal rimarmfor this Security instrument and all n0ft eviolervoing debt seaavd by this Security Inshmsenot to Trustee. <br />Thades shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to fbe person or p mans hogally. a "do to it match person or <br />persons shall pay any =xdWm costs. <br />22. Substitute Thahm. LarKlar, at its option. may from time to tier w Tomve Trustee and appoFrl. all -successor trussm fo any <br />Trustes appointed hwwnW by an Instrument recorded in the county in which ift Somft Instrument is recorded. Wftoul conveyance <br />of the Property. the successor trustee shall succeed to all the dft power and duties conferred upon Trustee heroin and by,applicable low. <br />23. Request for Nolfem Borrower noWeste that copies of the notices of default and sale be Wt to Barqwses address <br />which Is the Property Address. Borrower further r* uses that copies of the nodose of ddeuk and sets be sw-,t to each person who Is a <br />party hereto d the address of such person ad forth havain. <br />24. Won to this Socurfty Instrumeft it one or more dders; we executed by Borrower and riimt"lVaher with M <br />Security MsWrmwd, the covenants and agrearnate of each each rider shelf be incorporated into and shag amend rrnrli s ppianent the <br />=awls sait aVvements of this Security Instrument as M 1h,4- MW ) were a part of this Security Instrument <br />sOre& applicable boxl,cQ', <br />0 Adjustsible twist Rider t4ffdorr*fmum Rider V-4 F&n* Rider <br />G"tad Payment Rider Planned Unit Dsvelopment Rider <br />Other(s) Specify <br />I . zv LINO BELOW, Borrower accepts and *gross to the term and covenants contained In tMe Secu&j Costrament and In any rMer(a) <br />secuod by BonvAw and recorded with It. <br />(-��OM-4 t (SEAL) <br />Borrower Eugole V Ujitior <br />(SEAL) <br />Rorro- <br />411honds v Ulmer <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />COUNTY OF Admits <br />on this before me. the undersigned. a Notary Public duly commissioned �L_dsy of �QZ i-- - --- <br />and wAMW for said county, pwwnby and MM <br />to me k%-own to be the kkr&N person(s) whose names) are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and admowledged the execution' <br />thereof to be <br />vchrAwy ad and dead <br />Wilirms my hand and noWIM sed at 14=0[M h uld county. the date aforesaid. <br />My Commission anVA - 6-1-93 <br />NnImm PAM Jftlry L BI&W <br />.AML sLA� <br />r/ <br />I I ),E - , it 114M3i 1111Tfjr-,1M. 21,*1625477 <br />-1 <br />
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