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UNFORM COVEMM& Borrower and LW4W COMWA and was as follows: . 89--a 10 <br />t PRrW* Of PAWW MKI 31*W@* ft*PgPnW* and Uft ChWWM Borrower shall PMMO/ M when due the <br />principal of and iNasisf on the dnebt 'evidernoed by the Mob and any prepayment end late charges &* under the Nola <br />Z. Fund: for Taxn &W Inwirme. &Mea b appk*W %w or to a written weever rbyLender. Borrower shallpsytoLwift <br />on the day maelfily pmpwft we due under the Mott untill the Note Is paid in full, a sum (ITUM6-) equal to on&bmmh. of (a) yearly <br />tam and - assesernents width nay atta% pr-ftily over this Seanty Instrunwrit (b) yearly leasehold payments or ground rents on the <br />ftparty' N &W,(C) yearly laasrd inuxatm prernlurns; and (d) yusly mortgage insurance prardum. N my. The" items we called "escrow <br />iterm" Lender msy setinals the Funds due an the bulsol curare due and reasonable wirlaus of k0ure vacrow %wns. <br />The Funds shat be held In an kwOullon the drpoasks , or arum- .s r-4 wNch are hts—red or guanigad by a fad" of slob agency <br />(including Lander 9 Lander is such an liuMullon). Lander shelf apply this Fur.1s to pay the escrow {tarsi. Lander may no dWW Wr hoiding <br />and app"* the Funds. an lift the account or vsoft the escrow illerne. unless Lander pep Borrowe inlsnet at Vw Funds and <br />Applicable low penes Lander to nWo such a churga A dorgis assesset! by Lender In c m din - with Borrowers entuft kft this Secuft - <br />kwhurnent t* pay the cost of an Independent tax reporting senrics shelf not be a charge for purposes of the preceft -nwdsrww <br />Borrmer and Lander coney agree in writing that Inawrest *W be paid an the Funds. Was an agrearnent Itmade or *Pk" law f"WM <br />interest to be p" LwAr shell not be required to pay Borrower any ittwed or awnings on the Funds. Lander shag give to Sorimm <br />without charge an annual accounfirig of the Funds showing credits and debt t* the Funds and the purpose for which each debit to <br />Funds w" rnwhL The Funds we ptedgad as additional smelly for the wins seared by this S6curity-Instrumaint.. <br />Nth* aramM of the Fwxb held by Lander, together with the futurs moaft payments of Funds pay" prior to-tha due does of the <br />escrow J!"116 aheg escceed the arnawt required to pay the escrow Items when due, the access shall be.. at BorrawWs option, a0w <br />pmw43* rapdd to Borrower or cmdW In Borrower on monthly prpTwft of f=iends. if the'unourd of the Funds held by Lander 1.8 not <br />Borrower AM pay to Lander. any amount necessary to make up 9w.dallciency in.ons or.: <br />WM pftWMft 10 IKS*W ft*�tdrtdff. <br />tipon peffiv" in full of d vim smrad by this Sisawky Inalrurniont. Lendw shall. promptly refund to Borrower any Funds hiddt" <br />twidw. If wrier paragraph 19 the Rxgarty Is SM or acquired by Lander. Lender shal tvis, later then imirnedistaly prior to lhti'alb <br />d the Property or its acquisition by Lander, any Funds held by Under at the Umviol appic9fam sea as 11 against the sums sacixeidby <br />t% Stably instrument <br />3. Applicaiden of Payments. Wess goo" law provides otherwise, am payments r'ec6W,4 ftY Under under paragraphs I <br />and 2 shall be applied: first, to late cftr6vs dw ix.dw the NaW second, to prepayment charges due ranter the Nate: third, to Mounts <br />payable under paragraph 2: fourth, to ikftm %t &4-, aid Imst, to ptd�W due_ <br />4. Chw9w Uens6. .Borrower stud M aft *ws, assessments. charges; trM and IrnpositIons aftUbble to the Properly vvMch <br />may aulin priority am Tft.seauty liftw1enk and 'moshold payments or geond rents. it any. Borioww " pay these obligations in <br />the manner vxw4ed in parapaph Z gr. ,it:nest paid In that manner, Borrower them: an time directly to the person awed pr~ <br />Borrower st,#A', prompkV furnish to Lwdw @111 notices of onowts. to be pW un'der this paragraph. If Borrower nukes these payments <br />directly. Bdrioivir shall pornift funfth to Lander receipts evidencing the peyrrwx, <br />Borrower shall props" discharge any Ilan which has pdorky over this Sew*j Insbunont unless Bamwer (a ' ) agrees In wdft to <br />the payment of the obligation soared by the Van in a manner acceptable to Lander. (b) contests in QWd faith the Gen by. or defends <br />against enforcement of the lien In. legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the enforcement of the Wn or <br />bdsWm Of any part Of OW ROPW.Or (C) secures from the holder of the Ban an agraerneffl satisfactory to Lander subordinaling the Ilen to <br />this Secuirify lnsMmmt If Lender detarmines UM any part of the Property Is Subject to a lien which insy attain priority over this SscurW <br />h3burnent, Lender may like Borrower a notice identlyirtii the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the Van or tskw we or more of the actions ad <br />Pith above wNM 10 days. clue the giving of notice, <br />S. Hazarit Insurance. Borrower shay keep the Improvements now casting or heMONIF erectI16 •'n the Prcp" insured against <br />Ion by lint, • ft=rds included within the tam "attended covwagW' and any other hazarft Ow w*4 (ArWer rewires Insurance. This <br />kSWWK0 049 . 40. ffdMft%# Im OW amounts and for the polods that Lender r"". The insurance tau W I:mvMhg the Insurance shall <br />be chosen by Sonroww adlect to Lenders approval which shell not be unreasonably withheld. <br />AN Insurance polciea and tanewds shelf be acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard ftWrCWgp, IMUSS. Lander GW have the <br />right to hold the policies and renewas. 0 Lender wpires, Soriuli4ar shall prorriptly give to Lander air receipts of paid pmrium and <br />renewal notices. in the evot.. of Ins. Borrower shag give prompt jfolkam to the Insurance cornier and LenderJAnder may make proof of loss <br />I met rrnede pnasPtiY by <br />Unless Lander and Sornwer otherwise agree in willing, insurance prcrmft, &h011 be applied to restoralkm or rqmW of the Property <br />damaged, V the restoration or repair Is sconorrk* feasible sod, Lnuidees seaft is not lessened. it the restoration or repair Is not <br />eeonorrnieA feasible or Lenders security would be lessened. the lauumcat proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security <br />Insitunwal. whether or not than due, with any eases paid to Borrower. if Borrower abandons the Property, or does not answer whin 30 <br />days a notion from Lander that the Insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim, then Lander may collect tha-insurance proceeds. Larder <br />may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums secured by this Security Instrurneot, whether or not then due, The <br />3D4%y period will bogth when the nodoe Is given. <br />WAM LW4W 00 Borrower otherwise agree in wndng, any application of proceeds to pees*d shall not extend or postpone the din <br />dale of the Monthly payments rafered to in paragraphs i and 2 or chow the amount of the payments. 0 under paragraph to the property <br />Islacquired by Lander. Borrower's right to wl insurance policies and proceeds resulting from damage to the Property prior to the acquI441an <br />SW pass to Lander to the srdsrnt of the sums by this Security Instrument immediately prior to the acquisition. <br />0 PnHWVMtIOn and Maintenance of Pro~. Laamehokkii. Borrower shag not davoy dwmW or utsmoveily change <br />the Provarly. slow the Property to delakme or canva waste. If WO Security Instrument Is on a leasehold, Borrower shall own* with <br />the PrOVISiOnS 01 the img. and it BOMMIM ac**u 1619 We to ft PWOPGIIY. the lassetwid and too title shelf not merge uns the Lender <br />swear to the reneger In waling. <br />7. Protection of Lander's R%Ohb In " Property; Mort9W Insurance. H Borrower Ws to perform the covenants <br />and agreStnents oorntainad In this Security linalrumird. or there Is a legal proceeding that may sigriffimlly affect Lender's riots in the <br />Phn" (such as a proceeding in bwAruplcy, probate, Im condemnation or to enforce laws or regulations), then Lender may do and pay for <br />WN_VWW 0% n—a-e-Sary to P-WCA-ftet- the ifahle of We ftop"_j r--.d L=dcez dghtz in tho P;oWy. Widies acUona may in"dar pr.Aig arty <br />erns secured by a Ion wtfth has gW4ft over this Security InsWiment. appearing in court, paying fessonable attorneys' fees and entering <br />on the Property to make repairs. Although Lander may take action under paragraph 7. Lender does not have to do so. <br />Any amounts dk&XW by Lam* under paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower seared by this Security instrument. <br />WAM Bonroww and Lander Was to other terms of payment these amounts shelf ben interest from the date of disbursement at the Note <br />rate WA shell be payable. with interest upon notice from Lander to Borrower requesting payment <br />21082S477 <br />7 <br />I <br />�q <br />I- <br />
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