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<br />"°•�"�'°'Yr�' -7, prat�ctlon of L.�nd�r'� Rlpht� In th�Prop�rty� If eorrownr f�lla ta perlorm the covenents and agreemente
<br />��"�'t Y , •, cont�ln�d In thle 3�curity Inatrum�nt,or there Is �legd praceadlnp that rrMy alpnMcemty attect Lender'e righte in the Propaty(euch �e
<br /> -:T.�."-:�i, ■proes�dinp In b�nkruptcy, prob�ta,lor condemn�tion or forlelture or to enforce lawa or regulaUone), then Lender may do and pey lor
<br />;,,:,�°�,�; ; wh�lw�t It n�cessary to prot�ct the v�lue ot the Property and Lender'n dghta In the Property, Lender's ectlone mey Inelude psylnp
<br /> rny eume��cured by� Ilan whlch h�e prlority over thia Sewrity Inetrument, appNrinp In court, payinp reaeon�ble�ltomey'e leea �nd
<br />- � entwinp on tha Property to m�ke rep�lre. Althouph Lnndx m+ry taks�cllon under thie pangnph 7, Lendx doea not h�.ve to do so.
<br /> '�` Any �maunte dirnureed by Land�r under thfe p�nqnph 7 eh�ll become �ddllionsl deht o1 Bonower aecured by thla Securfry
<br />'-���„�. ;,, Inttrument. Unlea� Borrower �nd Lende �pree to other terma o1 pavment, theae emounte ehall beer Interoat ham the date of
<br /> `4' dleburoement�t the Note rate�nd eh�N be p�yabb, wNh intereat,upon notice hom Lender to Borcower requeatin{�payment.
<br /> ' � 8. Mertqepe Ine��r�nae. II l.ender requlred mortgage �naurance es a condition o1 meking the loan secured by this Securiry r
<br />.��_� Inatrument, Bortower eh�ll pay the premluma requked to malntdn the mortg+�ge Innurence In eflect. It, for any reaeon, the m4rigaqe
<br />��-'�"��� Ineur�nce coverape requlred by Lend�r lapnea or ceaeee to be In aHect, Bortower ehell pay the premluma requlred to obtafn covenpe
<br />��, eubat�ntkAy equNelent to the mortp�pe Insurenca prevlously In effect, at a cost substant�elly equNslent to the coet to Bortower o1 the
<br /> = — mortgage hsunnce prevloucy In eNact, 6om nn�kemate mortgage Innurer epproved by L9nder. II subntenll�ly equlvalent mortg�qe
<br /> � � Inaur�nce coversge Is not av�llable, Bortower ahall p�y to l.ender each month a sum equ�l to one-tweHth o1 the yeuty morty+pe
<br /> Ineurance premlum being pald by Borrower when the Inaurence covernge lapsed or coased to b�tl�n e�ectno`onder be aequlredu at lhe
<br /> , :::.,�, rotdn theae p�yments as e lo�e reaerve In Ileu of martgage Insurcnca Loea reaerve paym y 9
<br /> -�n•i�. optlon o1 Lender, N mortgage Inaur�nce covenqe (In the emount and for the perlod that Lender requlroe) provlded by �n Insunr
<br />'`'��a�" epproved by Lender ageln becomea av�llable �nd Is obtalned, Bortower ehall pay the premluma requlred to tn�lnuln mortq�Qa
<br /> Inaunnce In eflect� or ta provlde e loss reserve, unW the requlranent for mortgeige Insurance ends In eccord�nc� wkh eny written
<br /> � • � r ngreement between Bortower and Lmder or�ppYcnble law.
<br />_=_:;, • q;� 9. InYp6Ctlon. Lender or Ils agent may meke reeooneble gitries upon and Inspectlons ot tha Property. Lender shsll gNe
<br />- ' ; ;,'< Borrower notice at the tlme of or pdar to an Inspectlon apecllying resaoneble caus�for the Inspectlon.
<br /> - � •. 10. Condemnatlon. The praceeds of eny award or clalm for damages, dlrect or consequentlal, In connectlon wlth eny _
<br /> � � condemnetlon or other taking of eny part ot the Property, or for conveysnce In Ileu of condemnetlon,are hereby ea�lgned and ahall be
<br />. � peld to Lendar.
<br /> � �� In the event of a totel taking of the Propeity, the proceeds shall 6e applied to the sums secured by thla Securlty Inetrument,
<br /> =^::,�=•�,-'�`' whether or not then due, wllh �ny excesa pald to Dortower, In the cwent af n paAlal teking o1 the Property In whlch the felr maricet
<br /> � velue of the Property Immedl�tety before the teking Is equal to or greater thsn the emount af the euma eecured by thle Searfly
<br />��"=4' Instrument Immedlately beloro the teking, unlesa Bortower nnd Lender otherwfse agree In wdting, the sums secured hy thle Secudty
<br /> --�:�kt�"r,�. .
<br /> :_• ��� Instrument ahell be reduced by the emount ot the proceeds muRlplled by the iollowlnp irectlon: (sy the totsl �mount of the eums
<br /> ; ;,�. axured Immedl�tey before the tak(ng, dfvlded by (b)the felr mnrket value ot the Property Immedlately before the Uking. My balance
<br />'",,r,,,:,.:,.�:� sheM ba pald to Borrower. In the event ot a partlal taking of the Property In whlch the}alr market velue of the Propeity Immadktely
<br /> �� betore the teking le lese then the emount of the sums aecured Immedlatey beforo the taking, unless Borrower end Lender otherwlse
<br />,•;�,.,.ti;` .
<br /> ,,.,Ti, .;; . agree In wrfting or un!eae appllcable Inw otherwlse provldes, the proceeds shall be epplled to the sums secured by thla Security
<br /> � z•- i�.e��m�nt whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> ���i' ��r� If the Property la abandoned by Bortower,or R,�fter notice by Lender to BoROwer tnet tne condemnor oiiwa iu i��ake sr a�asd ar
<br />`'�'`'r`4r�� aettle s clalm tor d�mapea, Borrowx i�Ils to respond to Lender wlthln 30 days atter the date the notice le pNen, Lender la wthorized
<br /> 'T;srev;t
<br /> ��R'.-V'`���'i to collect and �ppy the proceede,st ke optlon,elther to restoratlon or repelr of the Property or to the sums aecured by thla Secu
<br /> �.,;
<br />:;.�•"� 'a"'. Instrument,whether ar not then due.
<br /> ,��:�:••:��,�
<br />;:� .t�:;�',Y Unleas Lender snd Borrower otherwlse ngree In writing, any eppllcatlon of proceeda to pdnclpnl shall not extend or poetpono the
<br />' '"�•*"� due date of the monlhy paymente referred to In pe►�yrephe 1 end 2 or chnnge the amount of auch paymente.
<br />-�`�:.§�t• 11. Borrow�r Not Rele�s�d: Forbear�nce By Lsnd�r Not � WNvsr. exteneion ot the tlme tor peym«,t or
<br />-.i.lt�firl}
<br /> ��-��' modiflcatlon ot amortlzatlon of the sums aecured by thls Security Instrument grented by Lmder to eny succesaor In Interest of orrower
<br />�._.n�;�'� ah�ll not operate to relesae the Ileblllty of the origlnal Bortower or Borrowerb euccessors In Intereat. Lender ehell not be requlred to
<br /> r'.= +� commence proceedlnps egalnst any succeesor In Interest or refuse to extend tlme for peyment or othervrlse modHy amortiutlon ot th•
<br /> � �-;-��y, sums eecured by thls Secudty Instrument by reaeon o( eny demand made by the odglnel Borrower or Borrower's succeseoro In
<br /> -•�'K•�,�.. .
<br /> �-_�• Intereel. My torbaarance by Lender In exercleing any rlght or remedy ahell not be n walver o}or preclude the exerdse ot eny dght or
<br />�-�_.:'-�-�`�;�:�� remedy.
<br />-_��_:-,;"��, — 12. SucceRSOn and Asslgns Bound; Jotnt and 5owr�l Llablllty; Caslynors. 7he covenants and
<br /> �ti�`?%i , agreernanta of thls Securtty Instrument shall h!nd end bmefit the �ucceaaore nnd asslgns ot Lender and Bon•ower, subJect to the
<br /> .�,�.��-:_„<.
<br />- - provlslona of peragreph 17. Bortower'e covenants end egreements shell be Jolnt end severnl. Any Bortower who co•slyns thls Secu ty
<br /> In�trument but does not execute the Note: (a) Is co-slgning thls Securiry Inatrument only to mortgage, grant, and convey thst _
<br /> tl. � '� Borrowa's Intereat In the Property under the terms of thls Secudty Instrument; (b) Is not personelly obllgaterl to pay the sums secured
<br />. ,-. ,%.�c�. - by thls Secudty Instrument; and (o) egrees thet Lender and eny other Borrower may egree to extend, modify, torbeer or meike�ny =
<br /> � n� " ' eccommodatlons wR0 regard to terma of thls SecuNty Inetrument or the Note wKhout that Bortower'a conaent.
<br /> � 13. Loan Ch�rges. N' the loan secured by thls Securfty Instrument Is subJect to e lew whlch sets maxfmum loan cherpes,
<br /> r..�*�;..:"
<br />,_�•.. -. an d t he t law Ia fl n e l l y I n t e r p r e t e d a o t h a t t h e Interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected In connectlon wlth the loan
<br />�� �:1�"� exceed the permltted Ilmlte, then; (a) eny such loan charges ahell bo'reduced by the emount necessery to reduce the cherge to the
<br />� � ��' pertnfttad limlt; end (b) any sums already collected trom Borrower whlch exceeded permltted Ilmlts wlll be refunded to Borrower. Lender _
<br /> mey choose to make thls refund by reducing the princlpel owed under the Note or by making e dlrect payment to Bortower, It a _
<br /> relund reducaa pdnclpal, the reductlon wlll be treated as e partlal prepayment wlthout any prepayment cherge under the Note. _
<br /> � 14. NOtICes. Any notice to Borcower provlded for In thls Security Instrument shall be glven by dellvering It or by malling R by _
<br /> �- iirot cless mell unless eppllcable law requlree use of another method. The notice shell be dlrected to the Property Addresa or eny
<br /> � other eddrese Horrower deslgnates by notica to Lmder. Any notice to Lender shall be glven ty tlrot claee mell to Lender's address
<br /> stated hereln or eny other eddrees Lender deslgnates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provlded for In thls Securi.y Inetrument shetl _
<br /> � be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender whcn glven as provlded In thls paragreph.
<br /> � 15. Governing Law; Severabllity, Thls Security Instrument shall ba govemed by federal law and lhe law ot the
<br /> , Jurlsdlctlon In whlch the Property Is located. In the event that any provlslon or clause of thls Security Instrument or the Note confllcts
<br /> I wlth eppllcnble law, such con111ct shall not ettect other provlslons ot thls Security Inslrument or the Note whlch can be glven eNect
<br /> wlthout the confllct(ng provlslon. To thls end the provlslons ot thls Security Instrument and the Note ere declered to be 3everable.
<br /> —� 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shnll be glven one conformed .;opy of the Noto and of thls Security Instrument.
<br /> _I �1.�. D�nnarh� enV
<br /> — � iT. Transfer of th� Property or a eeneticiai inceresi in ovr�owtlr. ii uii �i 6��y j�a: �� .��.� ••�r-.� =! _.. j
<br /> { Interest In It Is sold or trensterted (or Ii e beneficlal Interest In Borrower Is sold or translerted end Bortower ts not e natural person) �
<br /> wlthout Lender's prior written consent, Lender mny,at Its optlon, requlre Immedlate payment In tull ot ell sums secured by thls Security
<br /> Instrument. However,thls optlon shell not bo exerdsed 6y Lender It exerclse Is prohiblted by lederel law as of the dete of thls Security
<br /> Instrument.
<br /> � If Lender exerclses thls optlon, Lender chall givE Borrower notice of acceleretlon, Tho notice shall provlde e perlod of �ol less
<br /> than 30 days lrom the date tho notice Is delivsred or mallQd withln whlch the Borcower must pay etl sums secured by lhls Security
<br /> Instrument. If Borrower talls to pay these sums prlor to the explretlon ot thls period, lender may Invoke eny remedles permltted hy thls
<br /> Securily Instivment wlthout turther notfce or demand on Bonower. Fo�m ao2o s/90
<br />� F1029.LMG(10/97) Pngc J ot 5
<br /> i
<br /> i
<br />� • � 7p0pD011 �I
<br /> � . . . _ . . . _ . _.. . . _. _. _ . _ . ._. ._ .
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