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<br /> ""—� . Borrower'a ea�:row �ccount undx ths 1Me�l RMI Eet�te Seqlament Procedures Act ot 1874 ee ammded iro;n time to tlme, 12 U.S.C.
<br />.�.r,.,,�_y�� • 2601 el esq.('pESPA'), unlas�nothK law thRt�pplles to ths Funda eete a leeaer�mount. If so, Lendx mey, �t eny time, coNect�nd -
<br /> -_--��_�� hoid Funde In en �mount not to oxceed the IeseK emount. Lender may entim�te the amount o1 lunds due on the bdsla ol curtent dat�
<br />�Yr����„ = �nd reraon�ble eatim�tee o1 sxpendkune cf luture Eecrow Itema or otherwi�e In �ccor�nce with epplicebie hw.
<br /> ��'<<���� The Funde eh�ll be heid In sn Inatflution whone deposite sre In�ured by � (edartl Rgoncy, inatrumentsilty, or entity (inaludinp
<br /> _Y_..._
<br /> '->�#si� Lender, H Lender la euch an Inetflutlon) or In any Faler�l Home Lo�n Bank. Lendxr ehell �ppy the Funde to pey the Eecrow tema.
<br /> . ;. .
<br /> �°;..: L�nder may not ch�rpe Borrowx for holdinp end applylnp the Funda, snnu�Ny andyzing the escrow account, or veriying tha Eecrow
<br />:_;�Y.-�',.,s''".,�� Iteme,unlr�s Lander peys Bortower IntKeet on lhe Funds�nd appNcable I�w pertdts Lender to mnke nuch s cherge. However, Lender �
<br /> �,;�,j.,,�.� mxy requlre Borcower to pey e one-time chsrge lor an Independent re�l estata tax repoding servlce used by Lender In connectlon wfth
<br /> r thls lan, unlese�ppticable I�w providee otherwlae. Unleas an �greement Is rruide or �pplicable law requirea Interest to be pald. Lender
<br /> shall not be requlred to pt►y Borrower�ny Intereat or eaminpa on lhe Funds. Bortower end Lender riuy ayree In writinp, however,thst
<br /> ��F Intere�t shell be pald on the Funds, Lender ahell Qhre to Borrower, v+fthout chnrge,en ennusl nccounting of the Funde, ahowing
<br /> �.,�.;as� crodite and debfta to the Funds and the purpase t�r whlch each debR to the Funds w�e mede. The funda aro pledged as addKlonal
<br /> ;�="�F security for sll aums necured by thia Security Instrument.
<br /> _ �`-'w=�`�'�"� It the Funds hdd hy Lender excxd the emounte permftted to be hNd by appllcabb law, Lender shall account to 6ortower tor the
<br /> __�:;�'4;,
<br /> -_Y,_,x exceae Funds In pccord�nee wRh the requkements ol epplic�ble kw. If the emount of the Funds held hy Lender �t eny t me a no
<br />--°"-"•+�" sufAdant to pay the Eacrow Itemn when due, Lender may so notNy Borrower In w�ting,end,In euch caae Bortower ah�N pay to Lender
<br /> �'i'���,`}
<br /> �_..�,.�_". ths amount necensary to make up the deAGency. Borrower shaN make up the deflciency in no moro than tweNe monthly psymenla, at
<br /> ;-�;�;: Lender'a sole dlsaetl�n.
<br />:��::.`:-•
<br /> '=�?�'�-'� ' Upon payment In full of all sums eecured by this Secudty Inatrument,Lender ahell promptly refund to Borrower any Funde held by
<br /> „--:r.aa.
<br /> _:���� Lender. 11, under paragroph 21, Lender shall acqulre or sell the Property, Lender,prlor to the acquislUon or sele of the Property, shn
<br />:.,,�, epply eny Funda held by Londer et the ttme ot acqulsitlon or sale an a credit agehst the sums secured by this Secudty Instrument.
<br /> i.:���� 3. Applie�tion of Peym�nt�. Unlees applicable law provides othe+rwlee, all p4ymente receNed by lender under peregraphs
<br /> -�;:,-��,�;� 1 and 2 shell he applled: 11rot,to any prepKyment ch�rges due under the Note;eecond, to emounts psyeble under peragnph 2; thlyd
<br /> �``-'�� to Interest due;fourth, to pdnclpd due; end last to eny lete chnrges due under the Note.
<br />;�,;,-°� 4. Ch�ryes; U�ns. Borrower eh�N p�y sA taxea, esseesmente, chRrgee, lines end Imposiqons attributahle to the Property
<br /> i:i,;'.�� which may attain pdorfty ovur thls Securtty Inatrument, and leasehold psymente or ground renta, If eny. Borrower ehall pay theae
<br /> �,.� ,. obiigatlona In tha manner provided In pevagmph 2, or If not paid In that manner,BoROwer ehall pay them on time directly to the person
<br /> t���•
<br /> ::;.-.;5�� owed pRyment. Borrower aheN promptly fumish to Lender ell notices of smounis to be pald under this parsgraph. If Bonower makes
<br /> -=`:.i:�:�` lhesa payments directty, Borrower shiM prompty}umlah to Lender receiptd evidencing ihe peymente.
<br /> �—���'�r Borrower ehell promptly dischnrge any lien whlch hes prlorfty over this Secudly Inslrument unless Borrower: (e) sgreea In wrftinp to
<br /> -;•;�Ft
<br /> �7���. the payment o}the obllgetlon secured by the Iim in a manner acceptsble to Lender, (b) conteats In good telth the Ilen by, or defends
<br /> __`,;,, �rsi �^!o:cen:e.^.'.Q!the!!!+�!n, Inael groceedinns whlch in the Lender's opinlon operete to prevent the entorcanent ot the Iien; or (r.)
<br /> �.ry H; a
<br />_�+_wU-KI, securea from the holder oi the Ilea �n ayreement satlatectory to Lender subordinnting the Ilen to this 5ecurity Inetrument. It Lendx
<br /> _- °���rs" determinee th�t eny part o} the Property Is subJect to a Ilen which may attaln pdority over lhls Security Instrument, Lender m�y qlve
<br /> ���i'.L.a�.
<br />"'�'""'�'_Y° Borrower a notice Identilying the Ilen. Bortow�r shell aetiefy the Ilen or t�ke one or more ot the actlons set lorth above wkhin 1U days
<br /> = ������ of the gWing ot notice.
<br /> m����,__�;�;,u_��� 5. H�zard or Property Inaur�nc�. Borrower ehall keep the Improvements now existing or hereafter er�rcted on the
<br /> _ -_��� Property Inaured ey�inet losa by flre,hazards included within the tertn 'extended covercge�" end any other hezards, Including flooda or
<br /> y�*,��j_T�� tlooding, for whlch Lmder requires Insurance. Thle Inaurence shell be malnteined In the amounte end tor the pedoda th�t Lender
<br /> _����� requlrea. The Ineunnca carrler providing the insurance shall be chosen by Bortower subJect to Lender's approval whlch ehell not be
<br /> __�:._;.:o.� unreaeonebly wilhhdd. If Bortower lalls to malntaln coverage descrfbed above, Lender may, at Lender's option, obtnln coverage to
<br /> iiCi�
<br />- -"-"� protect Lender's righta In the Properly in accordenca wflh pnragreph 7.
<br /> -----� All Inaurance policiee and renewola shall be eccepUble to Lender and ehall include a etendard mortgnqe cMuse. Lender ehall hevs
<br /> �'�"`� the dght to hold the policle� and renowal�. If Lender requlree, Bortower ehaM promptly gNe to Lender ell recelptn of pald premluma
<br /> "'�"''"'�� end renew�l noUces, In the event of loss, Dorrower shell gNe prompt notice to the inaurence certler end Lender. Lender mny meke
<br /> - ='.,;.y*�'+� proof of loss H not mede promptly by Bortower.
<br /> =��"4t��t;� Unless Lender and Borrower otherwiae agree In wrtting, Inaurance proceede shnll be epplled to roatoratlon or repnir of the Property
<br /> - '��,s+' ,.
<br /> �=��ry;,� damaged, I} the rostoretlon or repek Is economically feesible end Lender's security Is not leesened. If the restoration or repsr s no
<br />-; •f= economically feaslble or Lender's secudy would be le�smed, the insurence proceeds shall be applled to the sume aecured by ihle
<br /> _,�'`:.�+.
<br /> =a�;rs��4� gecurity Inetrument, wl�ether or not then due, with any excese pald to Borrower. B Borrower abendons the Property, or doea not
<br /> _:;1��+'.�� enswer withln 30 days a notice trom Lender that the insurence carrler has ottered to serile e clafm, then lender mey collaet the
<br /> '°"*'��^'� Insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repalr or reetoro the Property or to �ey sums secured by this Securiry
<br /> ^�,r.• .�..;,�.•-
<br /> ,;'�}��fi' � Instrument, whether or not the� due.The 30-day pedod wfll begin when the notice Is given,
<br /> '- +�����.• Unleas Lender snd Borrower otherwlse egree in writing, any applicatlon ot proceeds to princlpal shell not extend or postpone the
<br /> . . ��` due date of the monthly peyments referred to in paregrepha 1 and 2 or change the emount of the payments. 11 under parngraph 27
<br /> , the Property Is acqulred by Lender,Bortower's right to any Ir.surence policle� end proceeds resufling from damage to the Properly prior -
<br /> to the acqulsitlon shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by ihis Security Inetrument Immedletely prlor to the
<br /> �. � acqu�snion. Borrowar's Loan
<br /> 6. Occupancy, Preservstion, Malntenance and Protection of the Praperty;
<br /> ' Applle�tlon; L�aseholdt. Borcower shall occupy, establish, and use the Property as Bortower's principal resldence wRhin elxly
<br /> .� days after the execution of lhis Security Instrument und shall continue to occupy the Propeity es Borcower's principal resldence tor et -
<br /> least one year eRer the dete of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agreus In wdting, whlch consent shell not be unreasonebly
<br /> wilhheld,or unless extenuating circumstences exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall nat destroy, damage or Impalr
<br /> . the Property,sllow the Property to deteriorate,or commit wasta on the Property. f3orrower shall be In defeult ff any torfefture actlon or ,
<br /> ' ' proceedfng, whether clvil or criminel,Is begun that in Lender's good taith Judgment coutd result In lorfeiture of the Property or otherwise
<br /> - - � . .. ...__,_ .�_ ��__ ........., ti,. •tii. c���rtf� instn,ment or Lender's security Interest. Borrower may cure such e defauR and
<br /> ._.._ . _.—_�i metr,nmry nuNon u�o ����. ..�......... ..� ....- ----�-�.
<br /> ' � relnstate, ae provided in paragreph 18, by causing the ectlon or proceeding to be disrniased with a ruling that, In Lender's good telth I
<br /> determinatlon, precludes torleiture ot the 9ortower's Interest in the Property or other meterial impalrment of the Ilen creatod by thle
<br /> Security Instrument or Londer's secu:ity fnterest. Borrower shell nlso be In defsult it Bonower, during the loan epplication process,
<br /> gave materially talso or Inaccurate Information or otatements to Lender (or tailed to provlde Lender with any material Inlormation) in i
<br /> � connectlon with the loan ovidenced by the Note, Including, but not Iimited to,representetlons conceming 8orrower's occupancy of tho ,
<br /> Property as a principal residence. If thls Security Instrument Is �n a leasehold, Borrower shall camply with all thn provisions o} the
<br /> � lease. If Borruwer ecquires fee tille to the Property, the leasehold and the lee title shell not mergo unless the Lender agrees to the
<br /> merger in writing. r-o��m aozo s�so
<br /> .. F7029.LM0(10/971 Pagc 2 of 5
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<br /> � 10U00071
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