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<br /> � ' •18. BO�fOW�r'• Riqht to Rotnst�t�. II Borrower meete certeln conditlone, Bortower ehell have the right to heve �_
<br /> "� •, enforcement of thls Securlty Instrument diacontlnued �t any time prlor to lhe euller oi: (e) 5 dsya (or euch other perlod as �ppllcable _.
<br /> '� lew m�y epecity for rNnstatement) beforo eale ol the Property pursu�nt lo eny pcwer of ode contalnsd in lhla 3ecurlty Inetrument; or �—_
<br /> . f� —
<br /> (b) entry of � �udgment entorcinp thls Security Instrument, Tho�e concYtlons are that 9orrower: (a) p�Ya Lender�II aums which then =
<br /> ! would be due under this Securiry Inetrument and the Note ae i} no �ccelentlon h�d OCGURQfI; (b) curos eny default of eny other !_
<br /> covemnt or �greemente; (c) pAys all expenees incurted In eniorcin�this Securlty Instrument, Includinp, but nat limked to, reasoneble
<br /> attomeya'}eaa;and (d)tekee euch actlon ad l.ender may reaeon�bly requlre to�saure lhet the Ilen of thln Security Inetrument, Lmder's �
<br /> '? riyhte In the Property �nd Bortower's obNg�Uon lo p�y the eume securad by this Security Inetrwnent eh�li continue unchanged. Upon ra•
<br /> rdnetntement by 8orcower, lhis Security Inetrument end the obligatlona eecured hereby ehell remein lully etlective an il no acceterelion —
<br /> r� h�d accurted, However,thls dght to reinet�te shall not apply in iho caso ot acceleratlon tinder peregreph 17. _
<br /> .�`��'7�e 19. S�I• of Not�; ChMng� of Loan S�rvICl�. The Note or e p�Rial intareet in the Note (together wfth this Securfty _
<br /> " Inetrument) may be sold one or more times without prinr notice to Borrower. A esle rruy resuit in a change In the entity(known as the
<br /> "Lonn Servlcer') that collecte monthy paymente due under the Note and thla Secu�ly Instrument. There elso may be one or more
<br />,�,• chenges of ihe Loan Servicer unrelsted to a salo 01 Ihe Note. N there la a chenge af the Laan Servicer, Borrowa will be given writtm
<br /> .. � notice o1 the chenge In accordenco wRh peragreph 14 above end epplicable law. The notice wlil etete the name and�ddrese o1 the
<br /> new Loan Servlcer end the nddrees to which paymenis should be mnde. The notice will also contain any other Inlortnatlon requlred by
<br /> •� applicabie law.
<br /> 20. Haardous Subst�ncss. Bortower ehall not cauae or permk the presence, use, disposal, stonge, or releasa oi�ny
<br /> • Hezardoua Subetances on or In the Property. Borrower ehall not do, nor ellow enyone elae to do,enythinp nttecling the Property that
<br /> Is In violstion ot any Environmental law. The precedinp two aentencea ehell not eppy to the preaence, use, or etorege on the
<br /> - Property ot smell quentkles of Hazerdous Substances thet are generally recognized to be eppropriate to normel residential uaee and to
<br />� malntenence of the Properly.
<br /> ' Borrower shell promptly give Lender wiitten notice of eny investlgation, clalm, demend,lawsuft or other action by any govemmental
<br /> or regulatory agency ar prNate party involving the Properly and any liazardous Substance or Environmental Law of whlch Borrower ha� _
<br /> actuel knowledge. It Borrower leams, or Is notiBed by any govemmentel or regu!atory authority. that any removel or uther remediatlon
<br /> ot any Hazerdous Substence attecting lhe Properry is necessary, Bortower shall prompty take ell necessery remedial actlone In
<br /> accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> 'h ' qs used In thia paregraph 20, 'Hezardous Substances' are those subetances defined as toxlo or hezerdous subst�ncea by
<br /> Environmentel Law end the foilowing eubstances: gesolina, kerosene, other il�mmable or toxic petroleum producte, toxlc pestiddea end
<br /> ' herbicides, volntile soNents, materiels conteining as6estos or formeldehyde, end radioactNe materials. As used in this paragrsph 20,
<br /> 'Envlronmental Law' mesns tederal lawe and lawa of the judsd!ctlon where the Properly lo loceted that relate to heafth, ssiety or
<br /> environmentel protectlon.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower end Lender further covenent snd agree as followa:
<br /> � 21. Accalaratlon; Remedias. Lsnd�r shall glve notics to Borrowar prlor to sccelaratlon following
<br />-J�___'.._ _. Borrow�r's bre�ch of any covsnant or �gresment In thls Security Instrumsivt (but not prior to
<br /> • - aac�l�ration und�r p■r�gr.Pii i7 :��sies: �p�:lc��!s !='-� nrny�da�t otherwlse). The notice �hall �poclfy:
<br /> (a) th� d�f�uR; (b) ths ection nquirod to cure ths defauit; (c) • dna. not less than 30 d�ys fro�n tho
<br />-� d�t� ihe notice le given to Borrowsr� by whlch the default must be cured; and (d) that f�llurs to cure
<br /> th� dafauR on or before th� d�te sp�cftied in the notica m�y result in �ccoler�tlon of �h� sums
<br /> "' sacurad by this Securfty Instrument �nd sale of the Prop�rty. Tha notice sh��l furthor Inform
<br /> Borrower of th� rigM to relnatats after�ccslor�tion �nd ths right to bring ■ court action to asesrt th�
<br /> non-�xlst�nc� of a def�ult or �ny other dofanse of Borrow�r to �cc�lor�tion and sale. If ths d�fault is
<br /> not cured on or before f:ho date specified In the notice, Landsr �t its option m�y r�qulre immedl�te
<br /> "'^ psymsnt In full of dl sums secured by this Security Inetrum�nt withiic�bla law. d Lendsr eh•II ba
<br />�- invok� th� pow�� of s��a �nd �ny othar remedlaa permitted by app
<br />-' ' entitlod to collect all expQnses Incurnd In pursuing the remedles provided in thls para�r�ph 21,
<br /> includinp, but not Ilmited to, ressonabl• attorneys' fees ■nd costs of titla svidenco.
<br /> � r -� If ths pow�r of asls is invoked, Trustse ahell record � notice of dsfault in each county In which
<br /> � ' �'''+� an y �art of the Pro perty Is loctted and �shall mall aoples of such notics �I l c a b l a I wer A l t e rc t h e tim°
<br /> � � � �.";� �pplicabie I�w to Borrowsr and to the othsr peraons pnscr i b e d by p p p
<br />�- � � rsqulred by �ppllc�ble I�w, Trustee ah�ll give public notice of eal�to th� per4ons �nd In the m�nner
<br />` "•' prascribad by �pplic�bla I�w. Truste�, without d�m�nd on Borrowar, shall sell the Proparty +t public
<br /> auctlon tn the highast bldder at the tlme and place and under the terms designatsd In the notic� of
<br />- s�lo In one or mora parcels and In any order Truetae determinea. Trustee may postpone s�le of sll
<br /> or any parcel of the Property by public announc�ment at the tims and plece of any prwlously _
<br />- ' schedulsd sale. Lendar or fts deelg�a may purchase the Property at eny sda.
<br /> � � Upon recolpt of payment of the price bld, Trustee sh�ll daltver to tha purchaae� Truste�'s doed
<br /> :� � c�nveying tha Property. The recitals in the Trustea's deod sh�tl be prima facla evidencs �of the truth
<br /> � of the at�temsnts made therein. Trustee ahall apply•the proceede of the oala In tho fallowing order:
<br /> (a) to all coata and axpenaos of exercleing the power of sele, and the sale, including the poymant of
<br /> r, the Trustae's faas actu�lly Incurrsd, not to excead 1� 9'0 of the principal amount of the note
<br /> at the time of the declaration of default, and reaaoneble �ttorrsey'8 tees as psrmitted by Isw; (b) to all �
<br /> sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) any exceas to the person or persone legally •
<br /> ` entitled to it.
<br /> F 22. Heeo�veyanee. Upon payrtient of ell surrs secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey
<br /> ? the Property end shall sunender th�Wi houtlwarranN e dt without chargo tod helporsontor persons legally entitl d to RN Such personeor
<br /> Trustee ahall reconvey the Praperty N
<br /> persons shall pay eny recordatlon costs.
<br /> 23. Substitute TI'ustee. Lender, at its oplion, may from time to tirne remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee to
<br /> � eny Trustee appointed hereunder by en Instrument recorded in tho counly in which this Security Instrument is recorded. �thout
<br /> _i �o .,}fnp Prnoertv. successor trustee shall succeed to all tha Utle, power and duties conierred upon Trustee herein and by
<br /> -.- � -- -_-�- _ - � oPPlicable law. . .
<br /> , ' 24. Request far Notices. Bonower reyuests thet coples of the notices of delault end sKle be sent to Borrower's eddress
<br /> ' whlch is liis Property Address.
<br /> � 25. Riders tQ this Seeurity Instrument. II one or more riders oru executed by Borcower and recorded together wilh
<br /> ; this Securily Instrument,tho covenants and egreements ot each such rider shall be incorpornted into end shell amend and supplement
<br /> tha covenants and agreements ot this Security Instrument es H the rider(s)were n part of this Security Instrument.
<br /> ' vo�:T,ao2o s,90
<br /> I F70�9.LMfi(10h]7) Puc3c�1 OI 5
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<br /> 1COU0011
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