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I. . „ .-/ n fi...v::� ,' -. <br /> .�' • . _ . . • . . . . -v- ..� .��.� . ,�.~,� 1 T:.;. <br /> .�....r'.i�7'.!02`ai4sm Vwb.Q„ f�v,: rt. <br /> . <br /> �.f� ' .� . r_`' _.43.��..����fd •�;'.�." -.,t ._- <br /> ... .�_._��-. � _..._„ - -- --—� - <br /> .... _-..-- ...�,. <br /> . .. 1..� -. ;– ..� -... _. .. <br />. �' r. �} �i �.�r---..-.-._�..�._.�__�____.. <br />._ds-.1�.('..9.,y . .. . - . - _ <br /> ����'.iT . <br />` -�'A�_� 7. ProtecUon of Lander's RI{�hb In the Property. �� 9orrower h�y to psrtorm th• cawn.n►s .na �on.riwnn __ <br /> �"�`�5 conuh�d h thls S�curNy Inelrummt, or th�r� Is � Ip�l prxwdhp that may tipnNb�u�tly�thGl L�ndsrs rlpht� h th� PropMty(�uoh u � <br />��-`�_: <br /> -°�� e proc«dh9 fn bankruptcy,prob�t�, lor condwnn�tbn or forhkun or to enlorc� I�w� or rpuktio L�t�e ��nb�Yyd���y�► �� <br />��.,:" wh�lsvor is n�cessary ro prot�ct th�valw ol tha Proparty �nd Under's rqhts In th• Prop�ti. <br /> ����~'� � eny sums sacured by r lien which has prbrdy over this SecurRy Instrument, appearinp h court, poyinp re�eon�hM attom�y's!M� �nd � __ <br />=rs�,`'�±+�' enlerhq on the Property to maka np�fre. AMhouph LsndK rru�y tak� �ctbn undM thb par�ynph 7,L�ndM d0�s not haw to do so. <br />�...`�s:i�",-'�' Any amounts disbursed by Len d e r un d e r t h i s p�n p n p h 7 e h a l l b e c o m e addRbnal dWt ol Borrower s�cursd hy thla S�curily � <br /> � Instrument. Unless Borrower end Lender aprs� to othar terms of p4ymmt, th�ee emounts Ihall bwr Inbnat kom lh� dat� of <br /> -�''`:`-�iY'M1' disburswrwnt at tha Nala rala and sh�N ba payabk,wilh htwoct,upon not�a kom Under to Borrow�r roqua�tfnp p�yrrHnt• <br /> F�� 8. Mor4gsyG Ineurence. If Lendsr requksd mo�tp�p�insuranco as e condRbn of maklnp th� ban s�und by thb SacurMy <br /> �' ,�' Instrument, Elorrowor shnll pay the premiums requked to mafntaln the mortpape hsurence In �M�ct. If, }or �ny r��en, th� mortp�p� c <br />._.'nLw�slrt.� <br /> {naurn�ce coveraqe required by Lenda lapsos or ceases to be fn eH�ct, Borcower shall pay thv premfuma rsquirad to obw coverapo <br /> �� substentlelly equivafe�'lo tho mortpape insunncs prevbusly in efNct, �t a cost subatantN�ly�quNd�nt to th�cott to Borrow�r of th� <br /> mortyap� hsunncs prwbuey In eHect, hom �n aksmats mortp�po Insunr approv�d by Und�r, If �ubst�ntrNy �qulvaMnt mortWO� <br />���' insurence caverape fs not avaikble, Borrow�r shall pRy to Lend�r Mch month a sum �qual to onttw�Mth of th� ysuly mortpp� <br /> �� � ��f�-. , insurance premfum behp pald by Borrower when the hsuronce cove►ape lepsed or ceased to be In sflsct. Lend�r wAI acCSpt,us��nd <br /> ` ;�{ relaln these payments as a bss reserve in Ileu of mortyape haurence. Lass reserve paymente may no bnpu ba nquind� at th� <br /> `�:`,��,.. ., rovld�d by �n inaunr <br />•�r'�,r�= optbn of Lender, ff mortyape insuronce coverape (h the amount and for the perbd that Lendw roqukas) p <br /> --� approved by Lender epafn becomes avalleble end Is o 6 t a l n e d. B o rc o w e r sha11 pa y the premiums requP�d to mafnUfn mortp�p� <br />=���- , insurance in eHect, or ro provide a bss reserve, untll lhe requlrement for mortyaye insurence ends In accord�ncs wkh any wrNten <br /> . l•'} P. <br />'�"��'"' eqreemenl between Horrower and Lender or applbeble law. <br /> .;.,;,, s Lendar shaN piv� <br />- � -:tif 9. If18�1ECt1011. Lender or ks epent maY meke reasonable entrias upon and Inspactbns of the PropKty. <br />:_';�,�r+ Borrower notfce et the Ikne of or prbr to an fnspection specNyinfl reasonabb cause for the hspectbn. <br />�:;h�� ` i0. Candemnetfon. The proceeds of eny award or cktim for dartutpee, dksct or consequsnt4�l, In conn�ctbn wRh �ny ` <br /> condamnatlon or other taklnp of any p�rt ot the Property, or for conveyance h Ibu of condemnatbn, nre henby�ssipned and shall be <br /> �;•.`�'.s. ,, pakl to Lender. <br /> In the event of a total takNfl of the Pmpwty, the prxeed� shaM b� applkd to the sums secund by thb Sa:urky In�trummt, <br /> ' ,i•�•v whether or not than due, wkh any excess aald to Burrowx. In the event of a partial takhp of tha PropKty „ wh�h th� hlr nwrk�t <br />� �`''`''� value ol the Property Immedietey before the tokinp is equal to or preater than the amount ol the sums sYCUred by thb S�curky <br />'r.:��'•� ? Instrument Mnmediatety before the teking, unless Bortower end Lender othorwiso epree In wrkfnp, tha sums s�cursd by thb Securky <br /> `�"�:� Instrument shell be reduced by the amount of the proceeds muklp�led by ihe folbwinp Bactbn: (a) the total amount of th� sums <br /> '��".��' secured immedlately before the lakhp, dlvided by (b) lhe fak market value ol the Property m�dittey b��ors th� t�lclnp• MY bllNnc� <br />.c�,-_:�° in whfch the feP merket vnlue of the Property hrnsdktely <br /> ,•Yd:�;, shall be paW to Borrower. In lhe event ot a partk►I takfnp ot the Property <br />_=`�,T,,,�_ before the takfnp Is bss than the amount of the sums secured Immediately before the tekinp, unless Borrower and I.endsr othenvfse <br /> .;:,,;, eqree In writing or untess applicable law otherwise provides, the proceeds shnll be npplfod to the sums s�cured by fhle S�cudly <br /> �"�`°�'� Instrument whether or not the sums ire then due. <br />_-��;..+GC.� <br /> If the Propertv Is abandoned by Borrowor, or M, efter notice by Lender to Borcower that the condemnor qM�rs to make �n awud or <br />��-i;,�;L;�'�,� 58ff16 fl C18M fOf d9rt18Q9S, Borrower fafls to respond to Lender wicnin �S7 cinY:y 6iia i1i'v d8�a^ 2h�fSO:«L !S (jl`.'°-^. �^!1�M►� �uth011LSd <br /> -.�.,e�'zim,:;.. <br /> - �i� to collect end apply lhe proceeds, at ks optbn, ekher to restoretbn or repak of the Property or to the suma securod by thh S�curity <br /> --��:� <br /> Instrument,whether or not lhen dua. <br /> Unless Lender and Borcowx otherwfse apree in wrkinp, eny applbatbn of procesds to principnl ahall not eoctend or poalpone ths <br /> ""t!"���f�[ �+ due date of the monthy paymarts relerred to In parayraphs 1 end 2 or Chanpe tha emount of such payments. <br /> ��_:�iF�l_}��.'���! <br /> _ - 11. Borrower Not Rele�ed: Forbesrance By Lender Not a Welver. Extensbn ot tno trra for paym.n� or <br /> u.J��'� modificatlon of amortizANon of the sums secured by thls SecurRy Instrumant pranted by Lender to any succeasor h htsnst Of BoROw�r <br />'4L'`�r� shalf not operate to rebase the 1lebuity of the orpfnal Borrower or Borrowsr's successors„ intenaL Lender shall not bs rpuind to - <br /> '�ti��� commence proceedinys eyalnst any successor In Interest or refuse to extend time tor payment or otherwfse modHy amortiutbn of tha <br />"'�=�� sums secured by this Security InstNment by reason of any demand made by tlie orlpinYl Borrow�r or Bortow�r'• 6uca�son in <br /> ^�___�,�, hterest My forbearence by Lender in exerclsinp eny riqht ar rernedy shell not be a waNer of or pnclude the�x�rcise of�ny ripht or <br /> -°— _ r�rnedY. <br /> �,,,��� 12. Successors And Aa�lqns Bound; Jolnt end Severel Llebflity; Co-sl�ners. Th� cownant. u+d <br /> -��;a:�j'� apreaments of thfs SecurAy Instrumont shall bfnd and benafit lhe succossors nnd as6lpns of LantN► and Borrowor, subJ�Ct to th� <br />--__��j provisbns ot paragnph 17. Borrower's covenants�nd aprwrtMnts ehall be Julnt Qnd severel. My Borcower who co-Sipns thl� Securlry <br /> �ia.3,_. <br /> a instrument but does not execute the Noto: (a) Is co•sfpnlnp thls SecurRy Instrument only to mortyepe, prant, �nd conwy that <br /> _-__;;�� 8orrower's hterest in the Property under the terms ol thls Security Inatrument; (b)Is not pxsonaNy oblipatad to pay the sum� c�cur <br />-_T�n"!'�_ by this Security instrument; end (c) agrees that Lender and any other 6orrower may aflree to extend, modify, farbear or mak��ny <br />�"°���'*�� eccommodations with reyard ro terms of thls Securky Instrumenl or the Note wkhout that Borrower's coneent. <br /> -���..�'•� 13. Loan Char�es. II the ban secured by thls Securky Instrument Is subJect to a lew whfch sets msucimum lo4n chupaa, <br /> � � end that law is Ifnalry interpreted so that the Interest or other loan charpes collected or to be colWcted in connactbn wRh tha ban <br />-:;•��,�+i,�:�� ezccted the pormkted IknRs, then; (a) eny such loan charpes shall be.reduced by the amou�t neceasary to roduce the chu0� to tha <br /> ._-•+Z-., permitted limit; and (b) any sums akeady callected from Borrower whfch ezceeded pertnftted Iknks will be retundomd�t=to°Borr wer.��i <br /> may choose to make this refund by reducinp the princlpal owed under the Note or by makhg a dkeCt paY <br /> refund reduces princ�pal, the reductlon wlll be treated es e pertial prepayment wkhout any prepayme�t charpo under tha Note. <br /> .. ° 14. Notice$. Any notfce to Dorrower provided tor fn thls Security Instrument shell be pNen by delNerinp k or by rnallfnp R by <br /> I'ast class mafl unfess applfcabla law requkes use of another method. The notiCe shall be dker.ted to the Property Addroea or any _ <br /> other addross 9ortower desipnates by notfce to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be pNen by tkst cless maU to I.endK's addross F- <br /> �• stated herefn or any other eddross Lender desfpnates by notfce to Bortower. Any notfce provkled for In thls SecurRy Instrument ehall F-' <br /> be deemed to have been pNen to 8orrowar or Lender when pNen as provided fn this parepraph. <br /> � 16. Governing Law; Severabllity. This Se^urity Inslrument shall be govemed by (ederal law and the I�w of the <br /> � � jurisdictlon in which the Property is located. In the evenl that eny provfsbn or c�ause oi this Security �nstrument or the Nole contlbts <br /> with eppifcable law, such conflfct shall not eHect other provisans ol this SecurRy Instrument or tho Note whVch can be pNen eHect <br /> without the confli�thg provision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument und lhe Note ere declered to be severable. <br /> ' 16. Borrower'S COpy. Borcower shall be pNen one conformed Copy ot the Note and of thls Securily Instrument. <br /> , t7. Transfer of the Property or e Beneficial Interest in Borrower. �r eii or any part of ihe Property or any � <br />_ _____ _ . .----._�.,_ .. o ,..a.�e mm � nawrol nwsonl <br /> In[erest in it is soltl or lranslerred (or if a benei{cial fnterest h tlorrower is soid o� ua��a�enw o'.. .-�"-••- - •-• - � <br /> withuut Lender's prior wrdten consent, Lender may, at Its nption, requke Mnmediate payment h wll of n�l sums secured by thl� S�CUrRy <br /> Instrument. How9ver, this optlon shall not be exercised by Lender H exerclse Is proliibRed by lederel lew as of the date ot thls Securky <br /> Instrument. <br /> • it Londor oxercises Ihis optlon, Lender shall qive Borrowor notfce ol eccoleretion. The notfce shall provide e perbd of nol as <br /> than 30 days from lho date the notice Is delNered or mailed within wh�h tha Borrower must pay ell sums seCUred by thls SeCUrRy <br /> instrument. if Dorrower lafls to pey these sums prior to the expkatlon ol this period, Lender may Invoke any remed{es permitted by this <br /> Security Instrumont w�thaut (urther notiCA or demend on Borrower. <br /> Fo�m �07E B/BO <br /> f t01B.LM0(�0/07) f'ap• �ol 5 <br /> �95 <br /> I . _ _ . . _... _ .. ..� . '. <br />