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. –1,. � '_ --er_t-- .��-+a+�r. �u . .. . ._n '_ <br /> .i nYt�l';-. <br /> ,i �O,(F f :': . .:/ryv�. ++ .I' _ ' Tv.., !�._�.. <br /> . . ._ ' .... � '�.�, ...��Rc. i�'"� . .t,dr„�':;,, . _ , . , ' . �axr ReQ-�0r�.. -_ <br /> � v�(,}q�., ff{ ' af�rr�ua:�... '!(rlfieS��Ci7.':�. <br /> ...:0�.-�!" �wY ,K. l"4�1�'.�.^,�� Na. '/,. ih ,R k'nrua�r��"' - _ �.,.�� <br /> .":'i,�YM'+i� .__ lMCr'.,.r._"...-�-�._..�_.�____. <br />__.....W„9rt � <br />'_._�,��J�,,��:.41��� --- <br /> � "� 9orrower's escrow�ccount und�r tho I�d�nl R�I Esute S�IIMrr�ent Procsdurea Act af 1974 �s artNnded hom tin� to tim�� 12 U,S.C. <br /> ==����a� <br /> 260t et s�q. ("RESPA"y,unMs� �nothK I�w th�t�pplM�to th�Funds �Ns �wss�r�mount. If so,I.�nd�r maY��t�nY tYr��coM�ct�nd <br />``�'�.,are�� hokJ Fund• 1n �n unount not to�xoMd th� MitM�mount. Und�may�stkn�t�th�amaunt of funds du�on th�b�sle o1 cur»nt d�u r" <br /> , and reasonablv esllmatas ol expondAurrs ol fulura Escrow It«ns or otherwlse h ecCOrd�nce wRh �ppl�ebb ww. <br /> ?��;�`^F`•` The Funds sh�ll bo hakl h an h�tRutbn whos� cNpo�Ns ua Inwr�d by � hde�� aOYn�Y� „strum�nfalky, or mtky (fn�:wdh9 <br /> _. �x ' � <br /> f•n��^i��; Lender, H lender h wch �n hstNutbn) or in �ny F�derd Homs Lo�n Bank, Lsndsr ehaN �ppy lhs Funds to pay th�Eacrow It�m�. <br />�" � '� Lender may not chprpa Botrowar for holdhp enA �ppNhO lh�Funds, �nnu�Ny amyxhp tn�escrow account, or verMyhy th� Eacrow <br /> � Ilsms, unla�s Ls�Wr pl1y� Borrow�r Manft on the Funda and appNC�bM Irw parmRs Lrnd�r to rrµk�nuch a chRrp�. Howw�r,�r � <br /> `��`;+��� �'� , mey requkA Borrower to pay e onBdYne charq� lor �n hd�lnd�nl r�nl�at�l� tRx nporthQ sorvlCe u6�d by L�nd�r fn conn�otbn wNh � c <br /> '� "" this loan, unfess applbable law provkNs othwwise. Unbss �ayrocment ls mndo or app��Ceble 4fw raqukes fntereat to l» p�ld,L�nda � <br /> ,.--°°—;,� shell not be requk�d to pay Bonoww�ny ht�nat or Mmfnpt on th�Funds. Borcow�r and I.w�d�r rhay�prM In�vrklnp, howwor,thtl — <br /> .r�rY���� h�ereat shall bm p�ld on th• Fundi. Lsnd�r eh�N pN� to Bortow�r, wRhout charp�, an �nnu�l �ccounth9 of th• Fund�, ahowlnp <br /> r:it�sf <br /> -° credRs�nd ci�bks to th�F��nds and Ih�purpoae lor whbh MCh dibk to th�Funda w�e m�ds. Th� Funda�n pl�tJp�d ��addkbn�l <br /> �'-�''�:�� security for all sums secund by thfs Sacurky Instrum�nt, <br /> ,�.`:.;,.�;. <br /> �^•= ��a` If the Funds hskl by Lender exceed tha�mounta permNted to be held by epplfcabb law,Lendsr sh�M eccount to BoROwK fa th� <br /> -.[�:..:. <br /> "� excess Funds in rccordance wflh tho rqqukamont� of applk�bie Isw. If the amount of tha Funds hsld by Lend�r 11t I�ny tim� M nOt <br /> .-�,-"-=--- <br />_-R,=,:�,�,�a suHbient to pny th�Escrow It�na wh�n due,Lender m+�Y So notMy Borcower h wrkhp,end,in such cas�Bortow�r sh�M pay to Unda <br /> ;�. , the amount necessery to meke up the dsf�cfenoy.Borrower ehall make up lhe defbbncy fn no more then tweNe monlhly paym�nte, �t <br /> - �=�r Lender'S sole discretbn, <br />-�'-'Y=x Upon paymant in lull of all sums secured by thfs Secudy In4trument, Lender ahall prompty rafund to Borrower�ny Funds hNd by <br /> �==a�� Lender. If, under panprsph 21, Lender shaA acqute or sell Ihe Properly, Lender,prbr to the acqubklon or tak of th�PropMty,�heN <br /> '-'Y NY.a��J <br /> ---- - apply any Funds held by Lender at the tkrw of acqufskbn or sale as a credR epahst the sums 6YCUnd by this SoCUrky Instrum�nt. <br /> �-"=+'�'�%' 3. Applicaiion of Payments. UnNsa�pp���bb kw providsa othsrwito, eA pAymantc rac�hred by Lendar unti�r p�n►qnPh� _ <br /> `:�:.:�. . <br /> :`_ � t end 2 shall be�pplbd: fist, to my prepayrnent charpss dua under the Note; second, to �mounts pay�bb undst pu�pnph 2;third <br /> 'Y�'�'' '�� to interest due; tourth,to principal due; end I�st,to eny late charpes due under the Note. <br />-•.i,l..-`k ilE: <br /> -`'�.,�— 4. CI1�fQES; Llens. Borrow�r ahall pay nll wces,�ss�asments, charyPS, fhes end knposkbns cttrbutabN ro th� roR <br />���,r�:�� � whfch may aftain prbrity o��er thfs SocurRy InEtrument, and leaaehold payments or pround rents, H any. Borrower th�M pay tMN <br /> -''''°"'°-� obl'patbns fn the manner provlded h pareyraph 2, or R not pold In that manner, Borrower shall pay them on time dkeclly to th� p�rson <br />-`,���,i�-� <br />___- owed peyment. Borrower �haN promptly fumish to Lender�I nol�sa of emounts to bs paid under thls p�r�praph. If Bortow�r muca <br /> .,.s;=r;i'_ <br /> ., these peymants d'recty, Borrower sh�ll promptly lumish to Lender receipts evidenclnp the payments. <br />�� Borrower sheY promptly diSCherpe eny Ilen wh�h has prbrity over this Securily Instrument unless Bortowx: (a)ayrose In wrklnp to <br />-`�'_'''�� w the peyment of the oblpatbn secured by lhe Iiea fn a mannar accepteble to Lender; (b) contests fn pood hRh the Ihn by,a dMmds <br /> _•, <br /> ,�,I����p� apelnst enforcement of the Ilen In, lepal proceedinps whbh B the Lender's opinbn operate to prevent the enlorcement of ths Ikn;or(o <br /> 56CU►BS Irort1 tn8 hOltl6r Of t118 I�Bn an uy�an��a�t o+u5f«���'"i �� �w�°-' cs�inrrlinntlna fh9 Ilen t0 1h15 $YCllflh/ IfIS1RIR�MIL I� (.KIf1K <br /> . .-,,.'r.l��� <br /> —'_�:,c_�� determines that eny part of the Property Is subject to a Ilen wh�h may attaln prbrity over thb Securky Instrum�nt, Lendrr rr►�y 41w <br /> _`-__ — Borrower e notk:e Wentiylnfl the lien. Borcower shall satisy lhe Iien or take one or more o}the ectbns s�t fo�th abow wMhin 10 days <br /> ____-- of the pNfnp of notfCe. <br /> -•�aa�� <br /> �=��+�+�-� 5. Hezsrd or Property Inaurence. 8orrower ehall keep cne �nprowm.nts �ow .x�►�no or .r.cnd a+ «+e <br /> ��� PropeRy fneured oQalnst loss by fke, hwr�s hciuded wRhh the term'extended covenQe"and�ny other hwrds, hcludkW (bods or <br /> fbodinp, for whfch Lender roqukes hsurana. Thls InsurNCO ShitY be malntained In the amounts and for the pKfods that l.�ndK <br />���,�g!� raqukes. The insurance carrbr providiny the fnsuranr,� sh11 ba chosan by Bortower subJact to Lenders �pproval whbh �h�N not b� <br /> - "��R� unreasonably wRhhekl. If Borrower Inlls to maintain covenpe described above, Lond�x may� Qt I.end�r's optbn, obtah cownp�to <br /> �=="`�-`�� protect l.ender's rqhts in the Propeny h accordonce wRh pua�reph 7. <br /> ���� All insurence policles and renewtls shell be�aCaptable to Londer snd shall InalucN a at�ndard mortp�q�okuw. I.�nd�r�hd h�w <br /> � the right to hold the policixs and renewals. If Lender roquires,Borcower shall prompty qlve to lender aN rec�ipts of paW prNnlumt <br /> ��.:�;�� end renewel notfces. In the event of bss, Borrower shau pive prompt notbe to the hsurance canfer end Lvndx.Undor rr�y mNc� <br /> -._,�.;-�-.,�,� prool of loss if not rnade promptly by Borrower. <br /> "'"i�"-'`�`�'�� Unless Lender and 8orrower otherwlse epree In wrkk�p,hsurance proCeads shall be eppl{ed to restoretbn or repdr o}the PropMty <br />��� demaped, M the restorntbn or rep�P is sconom�aly feasibN end Lendw's security Is not Masenad. If th�r�ator�tbn or npak is not <br /> ='�" econom�caly feaafble or Lenders securAy wouM be lessen�d. Ihe „surance proceeds shall be applfed to the eum� s�cund by thls <br />_'a';74?'-`'„��,:���_ Security Instrument, whether or not then duo, wkh any excess pald to Borrower. If Borrower ebandons the Property, or dose not <br /> "��r��� answer wRhh 30 days e notbe hom Lendar that the insurancs cartlor haa uMxod to settle a claM, th�n Unda may colNct th� <br /> -�="�� hsurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repalr or restore the Property or to pay sums aecursd by lhls S�curky <br /> ;,yyy�.,�k-q�'� Instrumeat, whether or not then due.The 30•day period wi�bspL�when.the notlCe IS pNen. <br /> :.=�f::;i:. ' Unless Lender end Borrower otherwfse ayree i� writhq,any applicatbn of proceeds to princfp4l shall not extend or poatpon�th� <br />`''�"� "° � due date of the monthy payments referretl to �n parepraphs 1 end 2 or chanpe the emount of the payments. If under panqrnph 27 <br /> _ ,,,,.r- - <br /> . �,. . tha Property Is ecquked by Lender,Borrowers r'pht to a�y hyurance poliales end proCeeds re5uk{np from damape to tha Propsrty p r _ <br /> to ihe acqufsition shqll pass to Lender to the extent of the sums seCUred by this Security Instrument knmedktsly prbr to tha <br /> � <br /> • ecquisition. <br /> � 6. OCCUpency, Preaervetion, Mefntenance end Protectlon ot the Property; Borrower's Lo�n , <br /> �� Applieetlon; Leaeeholds. Borrower shall occupy, estabush, and uso the Property as Borcower's princfpal resldMCe wRhln sbcty � ' <br /> � � days aRer the executbn cf thls Securky Instrumont end shell contin�e to occupy the Property us Bortower's pnc�ipd resldenc�tor nt - <br /> least one year eRer the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwfse eprees fn writfnp, whfch consent shall not be unressonabN <br /> withheld,or unWss extenuatfnp ckcumstences exlst whfch ue beyond Bortower's cBorrowe8shalWbe hedefau kseny�forfeku�re actbhnck - <br /> • the Property, a��Ow tha Property to deterbrete, or Commit w4ste on the Property <br /> proceedinp,whether civil or criminal, is beyun that h Lenders pood fakh judpment could resuM in forfekure of the Properly or oth�rwlse - <br /> _ . materinlly impair the lien created by this Securfty �nstrument or Lendors socurity hterest. B�rtower mey curo suCh a dsfauk lnd <br /> _ .. . . . ��_�����J ...YI. .. ..���,.�tie� w i mrin's nood hkh <br /> • reinstate, as provided in paragraph 18, by causing the acuan or procoeang co uo u��������a.. ...•��.. •-•-•. •••-•. - -- - - <br /> determinetion, precludes torfeiture of 1he Borrower's interest in the Property or other material knpakment oi tha Ifen cranted by this - <br /> Security Instrument or Lender's seCUrity interest. Borrower shall elso be In deffluR M Borrower, during the loan YppOCatbn process, <br /> pavo materally felse nr inaccurete Information or stetements ro Lendor (or tened to provide Lender wRh any meterfal fnfortnatlon) in <br /> connection with the ban evidenced by the Note, Includiny,but not limited to, representations co�cemhp Borrower's occupancy o1 the <br /> Property as n prinCipal resldonce. �f this Security Instrument �s an a leasehoki, Borrower shall comply wkh ell the provfsbne of the =. <br /> Ieasa. If Borrawor acquiras lee tdle to the Property, the basehold end the fee tith shell not merpe unless the Lendqr eqr6es to the _ <br /> morg�r in writing. Form 9o2e O/GO " <br /> F�078 lM0(tOr97) P�pe 2 0l 5 -. <br /> fl65 <br />