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..� � . . . <br /> . , •� ,• ;'/ , <br /> . f. _s.�...- ,aRxae�Mtf�iMY�a',rAq.ti+5Me•.+si,�'1�{���'�yE..�:+!...�.,t . ,. •:�,: .�C,'�'7�i„}��. �. _ . :�';�`�= <br /> , 4 . <br /> hir+kn.�rw�^- <br /> !."._ <br /> ..� �-�+ <br /> � 18, 80ffOWO�'i RIQht t0 RelnitAtE. If Borrower m�sta csrtein condftbns, Borrpwer ahnll have the ripht to have _. <br /> - � enrorcement of thir, SecurRy Inatrumenl dkconthued at eny tfine prbr to tha sarlMr of: (a) 6 days (or 9uch other parbd a� �pplb�bb �:��`__, <br /> � law may spec�ly for refnst�temant) bafore eale ol tha PropsRy R�reuRnt to any powar of eaw contalnad In thi� S�curky Inshum�nt; or � :;:;:.r <br /> , (b) entry of o �udgment enforchp thls S�curky InatNm�nL Thnss condkbm Rr�that Borroww: (a)p�yi LMd�r dl �ums wh�h thm � �r�__ <br /> � E. ^: <br />' � wuuld be due under this SecurRy ImtrumMt �nd th� Nob �e M no acaMr�tbn had occurrod; (b) cures any det�uN of any othK J <br /> covenant or aqreenwnts; (c) pays aN�xp�nses Incurred h a+lorclnp thh Socurky InSlrurtwnt, includhp, but not Nmk�d to, rNSUnabN ` � ;_.._ <br /> � attorney�' 1eea;and(d) takpn such aclWn os Lond�r may re��on�bly nqufn to araurs that lha Ifon of thh S�curky Inatrum�nt,UndK� �;s <br /> � rlphts h the Propsrty and 8orrower's oblipatbn to poy the dume eeour�d by thia Securky In6trurrwnt shall oontlnw unoh�np�d. Upon Q �;1,- <br /> • retnstatanent by 8orrower, this SscurRy In�trument�nd the oblfpRtbna secursd h�rsby ehall rsrnafn fully eMeqtl�ve�s Y no acc�MuRtWn ���_�- <br /> � had occurred. Hnwever,this ripht to refnstete shall no:appy h the case of ecceleratbn under parnpreph 17• � „�: <br /> ��•.�r+,�i, 19. Sale of Note; Chanqe of Loen Servlce►. rne Noce or a partitwl intcrost in tha Noto (topemar wxn enis Socuray �:�.•-�� <br /> � ' � � Instrumen4) may be sold one or more tMnes wkhoul prbr notbe to Borrower.A sYle �y resuk � a chsnpe in th��ntky(known as th� � <br /> N � "LOan Servfcer") that collect� monthly peymentb due under lhe Note end thls SecurRy Inetrument. Thsn also may b� on• or mors — <br />=�, ChBnpes of the Loan Servfcer unrelsted to e sale of the NOIS. I f t here IS a Chan p e ol the Loan Senrfcer, 8orcower will be plvsn w�kle� <br /> � notfce o1 the chanpe In accordxnr,e wfth paraflraph 14 above and �pplbable law, The nolbe will state the narn�and addntc o! lh� <br /> � new Loen Servicer end the address ta whfch payments shauld be made. The notfce will slso contain any othx hlornutbn rsqulnd by _ <br /> applfcebk+ law. -- -- <br />_ �� 20. Husrdoui Sllb�tAllCQi. Borrower ahell not cause or permk the presence, uee, dispoaal, etor��, or ralease of �ny �_ <br /> Haznrdous Substences on or Bi the PrapertY• Bortower shall not do, nor eNow anyone else to do,�nythfnp afkclhp the Propwty th�t <br /> �-• ts in vblation o} any Envkonmental Law. The procedinp two sentences 6hall not appy to tha preasnc�, ut1, or stonpi on th� <br /> � Pruperty of small quantNks ol Huardous Subetances that aro pw�xaly reca�nizod to be approprk►lo tn normal r�sid�ntial uses�nd to <br /> msintenance of the Property. - <br />� Borrower shall promptly pNe Lender wrkten not�e ot eny Investfpatbn, clakn,demand, lawsuk or other actlon by eny povemrrienta� <br /> � or requlatory ayency or private party hvoNhq the Property and any Hazardaus Substance or Envlronmental Law of which BorcowYr has <br /> ` actual knowledge. II Borrower learns, or is notiffed by any govarnn�er.lel or rsgulatory aulhnrky, thel eny remov�l or other rem�dMtbn �_ <br />�� of any Hezardous 5ubstence a8eclhg the Property is necessary, Borrower shall promptly take all necessary �emed{al actbns in — <br /> accordance with Environmenlal law. <br /> ' As used i� this parapraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" are those subslances defined as toxfc or hasnrdous substancas by _ <br /> Environmental Law end the tolbwinp substances: pasolhe, kerosane, other tlammable or toxio petroleum producle, toxb psatbld�s �nd <br /> herbicides, volat��e eoNents, materials containhp asbnstos or formaldehyde, and rsdioaative matwtals. Aa usad fn th�a pueyraph 20, <br /> " "Envronmental Law' means federal liws and laws of the Jurisdbtb� where the Properly fs bcatYd th9t relrt� to heakh, 6dNy or <br /> - environmental protectbn. <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower ond Lender further covenant snd aqree as folbws: <br /> �� 21. Acceleretfon; Remedies. Lender shall qfve notice to Borrower prior to accele�adon followln� <br /> Borrowsr'a breech of any covenent or ayreement In thl� Securtty Insuument (but not prior to <br /> - � acceleration under perapreph 17 unlesa eppllceble lew providea otherwise). The noUce N�II �pecity: <br /> -__-- (ej i6e oeinui�; i�j .�� s:,:Iar. :e�ui►.,� �� ���.� ths detault; (c) a dete, not leas than 3o dsy� trom the <br /> � dete the notice is qiven W Borrower, by which the deisult must be cured; end (d) 1he[ niiure io cure <br /> the default on or before the dete apecified In the notice may reault In acceleraUon oT the aums <br />- secured by this Security lnaVument and aele of the Property. The notice shell iurther Intorm <br /> Borrower of the �fpht to reinstate efter ecceleretfon end the riyht to bring e court acqon to essert the <br />" non-existence oi a defsult or eny other defense of Borr�wer to ecceleration and �ale, If the dehult Is <br /> � not cured on or betore the dete epecified In the notice, Lender at Its opUon mey require Immedl�te <br />- � �; peyment In tull of ell sums aecured by thta Securlty Instrument without furthar demend end mey <br /> '` •� � invoke the pow�r of aale end any othcr remedles permitted by spplic�ble lew. Lender shell bs <br /> I r�f•�•"' . entitled to collect ell expenses incurred in punuina the remedie� provided In thls psre�raph 21. <br />- "''"`� includlny, but not Iimlted W, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of tit0e evidence. <br /> �'"?k'' � If the power of eale is Invoked, Truatee she�ll record e notice of defeult in eech county in whiGh <br />>],.�«.. . <br />-='`"�~���� � eny part of the Property ia toaeted and shall metl coplea of such notice In the manner preacrlbed by <br /> :,.�...,.,...�..:., , <br />=�..�, :, ��, , appliGable lew to Borrower end to the other p�rsons prescribed by applicable law. After the me <br />"�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_�� . requlred by applfceble lew, Trustee shell give public no4ice of aele to the persons end In the menner <br /> ' preacribed by epplicable lew. Truatee, without demand on Borrower, shall sell the Property at publlc <br /> auction to the higheat bidder et the time and plece end under the terma dealgnete�` �o^e��le of sll <br /> - sale in one or more parcels and in eny order Trustee determinea. Trustee may p tp <br />- _ or eny percel oi the Property by publlc ennouncement et the tlme end plsce of eny previouely <br /> scheduled sale. Lender or Its designee mey purchese the Property et eny sele. — <br /> Upon recelpt of peyment of the prtce bld, Trustee ahall deltver to the purch�e�er Trustee's deed <br /> ;.f����^�•�� ' conveying the Properry. The recitels In the Trustee's deed shall be prime facle evidence of the Vuth _ <br /> • of the stetementa mede thereln. Truatee shall epply the proceeds of the sale In the followlnp order: <br /> � x (a) to all costs and expenaes of exerclsiny the power'af sale, end the sale, includin� the pnyment ot ! <br /> 'C <br /> the Truatee'a fees ectuelly Incurred. not to exceed 3 °� of the principsl emvunt ot the note . <br /> 3� at the time of the declerAtion of default, and reasonable attorney's fees as permitted by lew; (b) to ell ir__: <br /> • ° sums secured by thia Security Instrument; end (c) eny exceas to the person or peraons leaelly �L-: <br /> : ; entltled to it. - <br /> 22. Reconveyence. Upon peyme�t of all sums secured by this Scjcurfty Instrument, Lender shall request Trustee tu reconvey <br /> � the Propeny and shall surrender this Securily Instrument and all notes evidenChg debt secured by thls SeCUrity Instrument to Trustee. <br /> Trustee shall reconvey the Property wRhout wnrrenty and without charge to the person or persons leflally entkled to k. Such person or <br /> � � porsons shall pey any recordetion Costs. <br /> 1 23. Substitute Trustee. Lender, at �ts option, may trom time to time removo Trustee and appoint a succsssor trustee to <br /> 1 any Trustee eppoh4ed hereunder by en hstrument recorded in the county h whiCh this Security �nstrume��t is reCOrded. Without <br /> ___� i conveyanco of the Property, successor trustoe shall succeed to all the titls, power and dutfes Conferred upon Trustee herein and by <br /> .! ....r„`.�.,iu�, ._�_ _wa....... <br /> .. . --- -'°—'-�� „rr......_... _"' <br /> 24. R@quest tOr Notice&. Borrower requests tr�at copies ot the notbes ot dotaun ana sa�a oe sa�i i�o:.�•-.�o�o o��.---- <br /> � vrh�h is tho PropOrty Addre55. <br /> � 25. Riders to thfe Security Inst�ument. Ii one or more riders aro executed by Borrower and recorded topether wkh <br /> 1 Ihis Securily Inslrument, tho covenunts and agrcemonts of each such rider shell be �ncorporetod�nto and shall amend and supplement <br /> ! tha covenan�s cnd agresments of this Security Instrumonl as if tho rider(s)were o part of this Security Instrument. <br /> I <br /> ' I Fo�m �07E B/80 I <br /> I�UivlMtl(10�9f) Pap�A ol 5 <br /> � <br /> � 805 <br />