.� ,. .
<br /> '� .. r. ,.,������tiirar.
<br /> „
<br /> , . �►. '
<br /> �
<br /> �,�� . i 1.' CondNnn�tbn. The pioCeeda o/eny�word qi pryment o►clelm/nr�fama�po�,dlrocl or consequnnf/al,/n r,onner.tlnn wlfh any .';.
<br /> r.nndmnnat/on oi ofher fnklnp o/the Trua�Pinpeit y,oi Any pail theieol,elfhe�fempoiarily oi peimanenUy,a lor conveyenco M:iau ol oiln _
<br /> 0 endclpif/on ol condemn�flon,ars hsrnby aas/pneei fa ond shill be psld ro Benel/c/ary. Trustor will 1lle ond prosocu�e, In yood lallh�nd wlfh °_
<br /> ; du�d�lipenco,!la clalm/a any such awud a pa yinenr, and w!ll c�use rhe s�me ro bo collncfod nnd pnld fo Oonollcir�ry,and ah�uld it/oil ro -.
<br /> do so, Tru�ror/nov�caGly aulhorlres and empowers BeneOclary, in the name o�Tnrsfor or orherwJse, to llle,prnsacufo.soff/e or tompromfso'
<br /> ' ` airy such cla6n end fo co!lecf,receive loi and rola/n Iho procoods.l;fho Trusf Piapniry Is nGandoned by Tnisfnr,or,n/far npfica by —
<br /> � RB/19IICIA/y f0 Trustor lhnl fhe r.ondemnor ol%�s ro n�ake en ewa�d or setUe a r.lalm/or dame�e�s, T�ustor lnils ro raspond tv Bonaliclnry —
<br /> wilhin fhli�y(301 deys a/�er fha datn such nof/ce/s me/%d,Beneliclary/s aufhorized fo col/ect and apply rhe pi��coods!n rha mnnner inrlicarvd �
<br /> hnrnin. Tha procoods o/ony award nr clnJm rnny,a/!ar doductlnp oll reasor�abla cosfs ond oxpanses,includinp nffornnys'/oos, which mny I
<br /> •• ��_� hnvn bnnn incurrod by Qono/iciary in IAa cnllnctlo»thereol,af tho solo discrofion o!Bone/icinry,6o ralaosed fo Tiusfor,oppliQd to�osrorn�ion
<br /> o/ll�e Tiust Pioport y, or appNed fo fho pe ymonf o/fho OGlir�af/ons.Unless 13eno/iciary nnd Trustor afharwiso a�/ien in wnfinp,an y such
<br /> npplicafion o/proconds to fho Nofo or Gunranfy,as npplicab/o,shall nof cxtond oi pas�pono fho Jua dafe ol ony rapules insfnllinvnrs cnlled � .
<br /> { /or(hornunder or change the amount ol eny such inslal/ments. �
<br /> •��;k';�� 12. Enviionmsnts/R�prstent�tlona�nd Wirr�ntlsi;Ind�mn!/lc�Non;lntpsotlon�nd TsiHny. Trustor represants end wanants lhaf, except �
<br /> ��' ns disclased!n wrlfing to Beneliclery end axcept where Tiusfor has obfe/ned the iaqu/s/fe/oce%stefa,end/or ledera/perm/fs and approvals,
<br /> Tius�or does not end wllf not gona�ete nor have in!ts possesslon any hazardous or foxlc wastes,chemicals oi other substances,rhe
<br /> •�� peneratlnn or possesslon of whlch ere governed by local,stafe and/or onvlromm�n►�l laws,ord/nences,decrees, regufANons and su�utos �
<br /> lliere/nalter'Envlionmenfa!Wastes"/. Trustor/urthe�rp.presents and werranis thaf!f is nof presenflY the subJecf o/any env/�onmen�a/ �
<br /> ° . /nqu/ry,/!�lgat/on,edmin/sfrative pioceeding or thieat theieo/by a governmanfa/aurhority,and that Tiustor sha//prumpf/y notlfy BeneJlciery
<br /> ol same i/anr ol the/orego/ng does ocCUr. Trustor elso represBnts and wanan►s fo llene/lclary fhaf if!s not subJoct to any judgmenf, decree,
<br /> oider or cilahan relating ta or a�Jsing ou►o/s vlolntion oI local, stefe or/ederel envi�onmenfal laws or regulallons. Tiustoi shal/also provide _
<br /> • 8ene/ic/aiy when appl/cable wlth copies o/a/l appropNate env/ronmenfal permlts and apprave/s.
<br /> Trustoi warrants and represents�hat there are not now,noi to Ihe Trustor's knaw/edge al�ei reasoneble lnvest/gef/on have fhaie ever been
<br /> j Envlronmental Wasfos sfored,deposited, trnated, recyc/od or disposod ol on,under, or af fho Trusf Proporfy (including fanks or o(hei
<br /> • u�- /aci/ifies fheroon confuininp such moferia/s/,wh/ch matorials or contalned maforinls, i1 known to bo prosont on tho propwty or presant In soi/s
<br /> f. orground wafer,wou/d rnquiio cloan up,remova/, orothn�ramedial action underenvlronmentallaws.
<br /> , Trustor wil/indemnl/y and hold ha�m/ess 8ene/ic/ary,Jts successors, assigns,employees, agents,parenL alliliates and subsidierios,and oach
<br /> � ol'fhem, Jrom any and all claims,sults,damapes,llab(!lNes and expenses nrising ouf ol or!n connecllon w�th any allogod or actual podution
<br /> or con►am/natlon o/thn ground, water or air o%on or near the Tiust Pioperty.
<br /> Bone/lCiary may at any f/me hire the services al en environmentel consuldn�and/or fesfln,q canpany ta uispoct!hu Tn..:t Propc. '��with the
<br /> costs fhereo/fo be char�ed to Trusfor. Trustor shal/not re/y on such fnspection nor shall Trustor be rel/eved►hereby ol conductrng its own
<br /> envlronmenfal audit or taking such other steps es are necessery to comply w!!h environmental laws and regu/aflons.
<br /> • � 13. Tiuttor Not Rdeated. Ex►enslon ol the time/or paymonf or modillca[ion vt an y amortlzation oI the Obligot/ons gianfed by 6enellciary to
<br /> � any succeasor!n lnfeiest o/Trustoi shal/not operafe to ie/ease,in any manner, the/labi/ily o/Trustar and Trustor's successors!n interosl.
<br /> � @ene//clary shal/no�6�requiied to commenco proceedings agninst such successor or reluse lo extend time for payment or nthArw/se modify
<br /> amortization o1►he Obligatlons b y reason ol eny demand made by Tiustor and Tius►or's successors!n intaresf.
<br /> � '� � 14. Add/tlonel Covenen[a.!n addil/on to any ofher covenants ol Trusio�made Jn an y ofher agreement,lnstrument or documenf,Trusto�
<br /> ' shall comply w/th the cavenents sef/orth In any Rlder attached and made a pa�t o/Ihis Deed ol Trust.
<br /> 1b. Schedule ol Le�tst. Withln ten (10l days alto�demand, Tiustor sho//Jwnish fo Bennl/c/ary a schedu/e,cei�i//ed fo by Trusfor,sefring
<br /> /orth ell/eases ol fhe Trust Pioperty, ar any parflon fhereol,!nc/uding!n each case, the name ol the tenanfs or occupants,a descripflon o/
<br /> � . �he space occupled by such tenant or occupanb the ren►e/pe yeb/e/oi such space,and such other ln/ormallon and documenfs with iespecf
<br /> to such/eases and tenanc%s as Benellciary may rnasonab/y iequesf.
<br /> 16. Cov�nanti ol Truaror w/th Rsipset to Ls�tss. Wifhou►the pdor wrltten consent ol tlenenc�ary, Trustor sneii nor,diracriy oi indirec�iy,
<br /> wilh iespeet to any lease ol space!n fhe Tiust Pioperty,or any porlion fhereo% whefhor such lease!s now or herealter/n exlstence:
<br /> . fal Accept or pormit any prepeyment,discount or advance payment uI rent hereunderin oxcess o/one month,
<br /> !bl Cance/o�torm/nato(he same,or accepr any cancellal/on,terminallon or surrender Ihoreol,or perm/l an y event fo occur which wou/d
<br /> . occur fhareunder to ferminate or canco/tha same,ofhor(han terminatlon/or nonpayment ol renG
<br /> (c1 Amend or modi/y�he same so as to reduce(he ferm the�eol,the renral paysb/e fheroundei or fo change eny rennwal provislons
<br />-. . therein conteJned,
<br /> " Idl Welve any de/ault fhereundei or Uraach Ihe�eo%
<br /> lel Give any consent, walve�or approve/(hereundei o�take any olher action!n cainect/on t/rerewilh,or wlth o lesseo►hereunder,whlch
<br /> . would have Ihe e/%c►o/impairing fhe va/ue o/tho/ossnr's inferest thereundnr or the property subJect thereto,or ol/mpaldnn the
<br /> � posit/on o/Interesf ol Bene/iclary fhereJn, or
<br /> (ll Sell,ass/gn,p/edge,moifgege or otherw/se dispose of,ar encumberits intoiest!n any sald/easu oi any renls,lssues, prolits lsswn� •
<br /> ,,,,; , � or edsing thereunder.
<br />�"�`��'"' '" 17. Wriver ol Sf�fut�oI LImR�tlons. Time ia oI 1he essonce in all ol Trusto✓s obligatlons and dul/os hereundsr;and fo the exlenf permitfed
<br />��""'�� '*'+� by low, Tiustoi waives a!/present or lufure staf�fes o/lim/fat/on wlth respecr fo any debf,demand or obl/gef/on socuied hereby end any
<br /> �"""` �' act/on or procoeoing lor the purpose of enlorcfng thls Deed ol Trust or any riyhts or remed/es eoirteined hereln.
<br />-�'�.��.j''� xr 18. Asrlpnmint a/Depot/li./n the eve»f constructlon ollmprovemen►s!s contemplated by the OMlgatlons sncured hereby,ss eddltlono/
<br />_ • � � sec�dry therelor, Tiustor heiaby t�ansleis and asslgns to Bene/iclary,oll rlght, t/rle and lnterusf to eny end a/l monles deposlted by or o�1
<br /> behe/l oI Trusfor with any cily, counfy,public body or agcncy,sanitary disVict, uff/ity company,and any ofher bady or agency,lor the
<br />- lnstallat/on or fo secure fhe lnstallation o/any u�ilily 6y Tiusto�,pertalning fo the Trusl Propert y.
<br />- - 19. Org�n/zsdand Exlstenc�. //Trustor is an organizatlon organlzed under tho laws ol a sfafo,if wll/do a//things necessary to proseivo!ts
<br />- , oxisfonce and nll riphfs and pilvileges under the laws ol fhe st�fa o!ifs organkatlon.
<br /> ' •r� 20. FoMe�i�nce b y BeneNel�ry Nof�WiJvei.An y de/sy by Bene/%!ary ln exercising eny right or remed y l�erounder,or otherwise a//orded
<br /> � • �� by appllcable law o�equit y,shall not bo a waiver ol oi preclude(!�e exerclse oI such righ�or remedy or o!any o(her rlflht or remedy gran�ed
<br /> � - hereundor or at/aw or equify. The/ailure oJ fhe Bane/iciary to exercfse any optlon fo accelerate maturity of the Obligallons securod by fhls
<br /> Ooed o/TrusL rho lorbearance by the Bennl/clary belore or alter the exorc/se o/such option,or the wl�hdrawal or abandonmenf ol
<br /> � � procosd/ngs provided for by(hls Deed o/Trust shall not be a waivei•ol the iight fo oxercise such op�lon or to acce%rate the inaturity o/such
<br /> 1� ObiigaUons hy reason ol any pasf,present or future evonf wh/ch would peimlt acce/oiedon undor fhe Secf/on entit/ed'Acce/era(fon ol Debt;
<br />- •� � Forec%sure'hereln. The procurement o/lnsurance,fhe peymen�of roxes o�rhe discharge o//iens or cher�qes by Baneliciary shall not bo a
<br /> � waivnr o/Beno/feiary's•r/ght to accolerate tho matu�ify ol�he Ubligafions he�ebysncurod. The Bvnellclary s recelpf olany awards,procoeds
<br /> or damayes undor�hv Secf/on entiUed"Hazard/nsuranca"and fho Secflon entitled "Condmm�atlnn'hvroin shal!not operato ta curo or waivo
<br /> '. , i delault by fhe Trustor undor thv Soctlon entiflvd"Events ol Delaulf"hororn.
<br /> 21. Remedles Cumu/etive.A!/remedies provided in this Dood o!]7usf are distinct ond cumu/arlve fo any other right or romody under this
<br /> • ' Daed o/Trust or a/Ioidod by law or equify,nnd moy b�exoicisod concurrontly, Indepondontly or successivaly,and os ol�nn as tl�o occasion
<br />- `�� fherolor orises.
<br />_ 22. Succeasors snd Asslgns Baund;fYumber,Gender,Jofnt end Severel L/ebl/lty;Geptlans. Tho covenants nnd agieemonrs herein conrainaJ
<br /> ` sht+ll 6ind,nnd�he rights herounUar shall inu�e ro, tho rospoct/vo heirs,lopol ropiesenrafives,succossars and assigns o/Bene/iclery, 7rustee,
<br /> nnd Trusfor. Wheravor used,tho singulnr numGer sholl lncludo fhe plurol, tho p/uinl the singular,and the use ol any gender s/�al!Le applicab/o
<br /> �. • � to all genders. A/l covenonts nnd ogroemenfs of Tiusfor shall Gn jomf and severiel,•prov/ded,howavor, tha�!/�l�e Trustor!s an indivldual,
<br /> � '' nothing contalned in fhis Dand ol Tius�shall ln any wa y obligato o spouse ol the Tiusror ro pay N�e Obllgar/ons unletss such spouse a/so s/r�ns
<br /> fl�e Nofn or fhu Guaranfy. Tho capfions and headings o/tho Sections ol tlris Dead ol Trust urv lor convonlence only and are nof ro Go used fo
<br /> interprct or oafine tho provisions horeol.
<br /> ' 23. Notice. Excepf/or an y notica r[tquirod under applicaGlo lnw ro be yiven in anothor mnnnor, l3/eny nofiCe fo Tiusfor providod lor in fhrs
<br /> ' Deod of Trusf sholl be pivon by mailing such noncn by certiliod mail,ieturn�eceipt raquesfed addressud ro rrusror ot i(s mailing address se�
<br /> .._ ".— . . . . .. .. .�'"`"'._�.......r......,n...,..a..��.�...�..r....L�b,d 1..,.n:n nn.//hl anv nn�lru ln Rnnal�ria�v
<br /> ..- -�-- .. ... -'- �ortn aaova or n�sucn otnn�uuwoa�os T.odi6%7;di�.o��a,.o�o..r••�•.�- •�__.._....._., .._,.._..�__.._._...._.._.... _.., .
<br /> or Trustea slrnll be pivon by cerriliod mai/,refurn rncelpf rnquosfa� fo Bonaliciery's ond Tiustno's mailinp addross srared he�eln or to such�
<br /> otl�er address os Qona/iciary or Tiustun i»oy designate by notice to Trusfor as piovided/�ore/n.Airy notice�rvvidod/or in this Deod o/Trust
<br /> sha//bo deomed ro hava been given to Trusror,Bonoliciary or Tiustea wl�en giverr in the mannor desipnated heroin.
<br /> 24. Govein/ng Lsw:Severe6NJty. This Doad o/Trusf shall bo governod by the laws ol fho Sto�a ol NaGrpskn. /n fhe evont ony provision or
<br /> clause ol this Doed o1 Trusf conllicfs wi(h opU/icaGle/aw,suc/i conllic►s/rall not a/fecf ofher provisions o/Uiis Doed of Trust ovh�cir can Ge
<br /> 'I yivmr ollecf witlrout fl�e conflicting piovisions and to this er�d tho piovisions of(his deed ol Trust aro daclaiod to 6e savvraU/e.In t/re evnnt
<br /> j d�ot uny opplico6/n law in allvcr on tRe dafu ol fha nx�cution ol fhis Doed ol Tiust limifs rhe amounf o/rnteresf or ofhor lfoms which may Gv
<br /> lawfully chorgod ond is intorprorod rn n manner such N�ot uny payment provided lor in fhis Dnod ol Trusf or ln fho Nofe or flie Guu�anfy
<br /> l lwhefhe�considered separofely ar rogothar wifh otlier paymrrn(s r/rof a�e cnnsidered n port aI(his Doed oI Trusf nnd rhis trnnsac(ion!
<br /> I vio/afos suc/i/aw,such paymenr is huro6y roducvd to the extonf necessary fo oliminate such vio/ation i/fhe 7iustor is enridQd ro rhe bone/i(
<br /> o!"suc/�law.
<br />� i'
<br /> I
<br /> � Pago 30/5
<br /> � ; _ _ — """'�- _' --
<br />