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<br /> -'-:����.� 2fi. fwnf�ol Del�ulf,Each o/Iho/ollowlnp occunence�ahd/conaUfuro srt event ol de/ault hereundoi,lherelnal�w an 'fvnnt ol De/eult'1: •
<br /> :��:'��J� � (al AnY amount pe yible under fhe ObBgM/ont tocurerl by Ihl�Deed ol Trust!�nof Nalrf when due,elter�lving ollect lo nny uppllcnh/e
<br /> •• i.
<br /> +y��•• � grace per/od�here/n.
<br />:�;x"!� •`';; � fb! Tiu�tor Is otherw/a�In de/aul�under rhe te�ms ol thA OANy�t/one,
<br /> "{F/1.Y..1�.�, �
<br />-�;�.;:T'. (� fcl Tiustor Inlb to observe ur pe�lorm�ny o/Ihe cavensnro,�O�eemenro,or condiflons !n�hJS Oee[10/Trust,
<br /> 4 ., � ��' (d1 Any rapresenfeNon or wananly/nclud/ny, 6uf nol l/mlfed fo,any wenAnry ol f1fPo n�nde by Trustor in thls Dootl ol Trusf fs/nlse or ,o,
<br /> �'=_-,�rt�, ' rnafor/eUyrnls/eeding, or
<br /> - ,:.,.,,.
<br />-�YyT."' IUI Trusl�r sel/s oi conveys fha Trust Properfy,or any part U�ereof,oi eny/nleres�fhereln,nr!s cfivostod o/its dtlo,or uny Intmost c_�-
<br /> •_�.�� therein,in eny manneror wey, whethe�volun►mlly or Involun►anly,Wifhouf firo prior wiiflen conson!o/flOnnliClAly. -
<br />_:,.�a
<br />_-� T6. Accel�r�tlon ol D�bt;foncbrua.f/pon�he occurrencu ol any fvenf ol De/sull,or eny f/me fheroa/fa�un0l such fvent ol0efa�dt is
<br /> cured fo fhe satlslacdon ol Bene/Ic/sry,Bene/lclary may,af!!e opl/on,dec/are all Obllpetfons aecured hereby Jmmedie�e/y due and payable
<br /> y�� and fhe ssme shall bear lnteisst at fhe del�ult ratn,il any,sof lorfh/n ths No�e or the de/eu/t�ete,i!eny,set lorth!n the most recent
<br /> • obllgallon covered by the Gusranfy,o�othe�wlae at fhe hlgheat ie�e parmJtted by/ew, and,inespective o!w/rerhur Bene/iclery exerclses
<br /> ' ` sald apflon,!t may,at ils opdon and!n lfs sole dlscrotlnn,without an y lurther nvt/ce oi demand to or upon Truslor,dn one or more ol
<br />,F , ..f�r��" ' ' �ha/olfowing:
<br /> 1��
<br /> --::�'"'••• !a/ Benelitiaiy may enfnr upun, lake possusslon ol,manage end operafe lhe Trusf Piopany or ony part thoiool;innko ropnirs and
<br /> ° �_�•����- n/ferafions ond do anyacts wh/ch Bonelic/ary doems propor lo prafoc�fhe socurity rhoreol, nnd eirhor wi�h or wi�hout lnkinn
<br /> `_.:;i•;+ possession,in!ts ownnnme, sue lor a ofharwiso collo%t nnd rocorvo ients, issuos nnd pio/irs,includinp fhosa pust due nnd rinpnld,nnd
<br /> --:=Y;.r appty rhr;same,loss costs and expensos o/opera►ion and col/ecdon,lnclud/nD reasonab/e afromeys'lees end Benelidary's cosfs,upon
<br /> -;::.�" the ObNgarions secu�ed hereby and in such oider as 9ene/iclary may determine.Upon requesf o/Beneticle�y. Trusta�shell assenible and
<br />--���`,y.A shall make evailab/e to Bene/iclary any o/fhe Tiust Pioperry wh/ch ha�been iemoied. The en►erJng upon and raking pvssesslai al the
<br /> �s?�=�=y� Trusr Property,the collecdon o/any rents,lssues and p�olits,and the appl/catlon fherool as aJoresald, shel/not cuie or waive any
<br /> - delaulr rhe�eralom or rherarlror occuning,or allect any noNce o/delault or no►ice o/sale hereunder or lnvalidate any ac►Jvno pursuanl
<br /> �_�y?ti�� to any such nofice. Nofwlthsfanding Bnne/lclary's contlnuanca!n passesslon or recelpt and application al rents,issues ur prollts,
<br />�`[�:;. Uonaficrary shelf be enflfled ro exerolse every right p�ovlded lor/n this Deod o/Tius1 or by/aw upon or nlmr the ocr,urrence o/an Event
<br /> f ,,���,r; ol OelaulG lncluding ►he rigl�t to exeiclse the power of sale.Any o/the act/ons�ele�red ro in fhis Section mey be taken by Qonaliclury ot
<br />�r���.. �
<br /> such time as Bene/ic/ary may dnrermine wlthou►regard to the adequacy o/any securi�y lor the Obllgallons sacured heroby.
<br /> ;;,s: IGJ Bene/iclary sha//,withoul regard ro the adequacy o/any securlfy lor�he Obllgallons secured heroby,ba endNed to the nppo/ntment
<br /> �%1'SS ol a recelver byany court hav/ngJuilsdlction,without noNce, to take possesslon u/,pio�ec4 and manage the T�ust P�operfy and operafe
<br /> �"'� the same end col/ect the rents,lssues and pio!(ts thorelrom.
<br /> •..�
<br /> �C',;':
<br /> /cl Beneliclary may brinp any acdon!n any court ol competent/urlsdlcNon to/oreclose thls Aoed ol Trust or onlorce nny o/the
<br /> -�°:.�_:� covenants hereol. .
<br />-;a��;r�l�ID
<br /> IdJ Beneliclary may elect to ceuse tha Trust Properfy or eny part the�eo/to ba sold under fhe powor of sale,and!n such oven�,
<br />_�?t.�:';°�' Boneliciary or Tiustee shall�lve such natice ol delau/t and noflce o/sale to each parry ro this Daod o/Tmst by mail a�the adtlrnss sot
<br />'_='?a!���� lorth hereln and any othernofice which may be then requlred by law. Thorea/ter, upon(he expiradon o/such rime and the piving ol
<br /> "`-•:`z = such notico ol sale as may rhen 6e reqalred by law,Tiustee,nt fhe fime and p/ace specilied by the noUce o/sale, shall seU such fiusf
<br />=-==it:.
<br /> t.�r�;;,�� Propeity,oi any pArt lhereof specitled by Benel/ciary at publlc auc►lon to rhe hlghest bidder/or cash in lewlul money o!the United
<br /> -_���� Stares olAmerica. l/pon roce/pr of payment ol rhe bJd rice, Tiustee shaN appty fhe proceeds!n the fo/%wing oider.fll ro fhe cosl and
<br /> M� expensas ui aRerc�s:a�.hs p�wc:o•`ss!=e.^.��^�!na�aP,lnr.iuding bur nat/!mlred ro, trustee's lees ol not more then 5600.00 plus
<br /> _,,r,�;_� one•ha/f of one percent ol the g�oss sa/a p�ice,and reasoneble etrorneys'lees,f!A fo the Obl/get/ons, and lai!rne excess,ii any, io ti,v
<br /> - __ person or pe�sons/egally endtled tF,e�eto.
<br /> -_= leles�eppraisalXPessprem'ums(or�t�le��/su ence,attornoy alees and court eo�Deshallrbe asial�cans�ltute Obligelans secuied hereby,�tide
<br />__a�.��,�� 27. Dutl��olTiusb�. Tiusro�agrees ther:
<br /> - _- lal �he dufles end obUgallons of Tiustee shafl6e deferm/ned so/oly by the express provis/ons oJ fhls Deed o/Trusf and Trusfee sha/l nof
<br /> ---�--x*�� be liab/e except lar rht perlormance o/such dutles and obl/ga►Jons as eia specl/ically sar/orfh herel.n, and no lmplied covenan�s or
<br /> _��� ob!lgetlons sha/l be imposed upon Trustee,
<br /> -`y'''�� Ib1 No provis/on ol this Deed o/Trust sha//io4u/re Tiustee ro expend or ilsk!IS own lunds,oi otherwlse Incui en y Nninr./sl ob!lgnllon!n
<br /> ---�""O`'�� rhe perloimence ot�ny ol i�s durlos hereunder, orin 1he exerCise o/any of!ts righfs oi powars,
<br /> ��_ profectlon/�he respect o/teny cf/on�aken�or sullee d by t l e�eunder l��good lelfh and IeUenrceefhereon,andp�ete authorizsl/on and
<br /> --- =�_� !d/ TrustoE sha//nof be/leb/e!or any actlon feken by!t!n good Ie!►h and reesnneWy belleved by!t to be author/zed or w(fhfn its
<br />,��_-,L�� discietron or rir�hts or powers con/ened opon ft by th/s Deed oJ Tiust.
<br /> -`_='���� 28. SacurJty AyresmenNnd Fixtun F/Nnp.Fiom rhe date ol!►s recording,this Deed ol Tiust she/l constltub a securlty agreement and
<br /> ti j�;;��� /ixtwe/iling under the p�ovislans o!fhe Nebraske Un/lorm Commerc/al Code wlfh respect ro those Nxtures descrlbed!n�he preamh/es hereo/
<br /> as constlruting a part of�he Trust Propeny, togothei wlth all other properry of Tius�o�e/ther s/miler or dlssimllar to the sn�ne,naw or
<br /> "- 'a�•°�' heren/ter/ocated ef or an the Tiust Proporry. For this purpose, �he/ollowing ln/oimallon!s set/orth:
<br />. qa�:[',�.- •��
<br /> '�'t�° (o/ Name and Addrr�s o/DebroNTrustor. !bl Name and Addiess ot Secured PenY/Benetic/ary:
<br /> .�--.;••�rt�.
<br /> _��i�„�: Natiorial
<br /> _,:,��,.� Myron L. Hinri�cus and Rachel L. Hinrikus Norwesr. Bank Nebraska,
<br /> .-,��-��
<br /> - Aseociat:lou
<br />���:��
<br /> ,,-.s..� «
<br /> -�.��.
<br /> '�,-:�!`=;�-�' 15612 South 70th Road_ 747 N 33urlington Ave.
<br /> - . . Hastinge, NE 68901 Haotinga, NE 68901
<br /> (cl�ebtor's Sociel Secu�lt y Number/Federa!Texpnyer 1.0.Number 5 0 8 84 6 685
<br /> j�, (d/ 7hfs documenf covers goods whlch vre or are to become lix�ures.
<br /> � (e! Thd name ot the record owner oI the Tiusf Property is the Debtor/Trustor descrlbed above,
<br /> �:
<br /> � 29. Futu�s Adv�nces.Benelicisry,et LJenolic/ary's apNon,p�lor ro lull reeonveyencd o1 the Tiusr Property Gy TrusPeo to Tnrsror,may make
<br /> /utura edvencos to Trusror. Such luture advances, w�rh inrerest rhereon,sha!l bo secured by thls Doed o/Ausf.At no timo shnll thn principal
<br /> ; amounf oI rho Obfiga►ions secured by d�is Deed ol Trust,not includin�sums odvonced to protoct tl�o sncuii�y, nxcend tha tora/sum nl
<br /> 7 � s gp,65G.19 _.
<br /> i Nothing hoiein confalned shol/rmply any ob/igation on the p�rf ol fhe Benolicitiry to moke any suc/i additionnl advances.
<br /> �
<br /> Advnnces ol desbmsements made 6y Qonoliclary to prolec�fhe sncurlty,under Nie rerms hereol,while discretJonnry,shall not Go deemed ro
<br /> - -�-� ---=- bannfiOl7318dV90005.
<br /> .. ._. _:_..-_. ._._.� .
<br /> 30. Reconveyenr.e. Upon paymenr ol a!l Obllgafions secured by thls Doed of Trusf,Bvneliciary sl�ull request Trusteo to ieconvey rno Trusi ,
<br /> Piopeiry�nd sl�all sunender this Desd ol Tiust ond oll notes ovidoncL�g Obllge�dons sacured by this Daed ol T�ust to Tiusreo. Trusteo slroll
<br /> � roconvey thn Tiust PiopnrtV w/thout warrAnfy and without chaige ro tho paison o�paisons/agally entiNed therero. Such peison o:persons ,
<br /> shnll poy allcosts oI ie:ordation,ilony. �
<br /> 31. SubsUrote rius[ee.Bnneliciary, ot its option, may lroin time fa fimo rninovo Tiusree nnd nppolnt u Successor T�ustee to nny Trusreo ,
<br /> appoin�ad horeurfder byan instnimonf�acordedin the counfy In which this Deed o/Tiusf is recoidod. Wifhout convey�c G!o law. Trust
<br /> Properfy, Uie Successm T�usteo shn//succeed�o ull�itle,powa cu+d duties conlonod upnn Trustoo harein und Gy opp
<br /> 32. Mlscellaneous R/ghta ol Benelic%ry. [leneliciary r»ay at ony timo and/rom(imo�o trme, wirl�our notice,consent fo fho maklnr�ol ony
<br /> � i plut ol tho Trusf Properry or fhe crenrion ol ony onsement theroon or any covennnts resuictiny uso or ocaipancy fho�eo/oi agroo to niter or
<br /> amond rhe terins ol this Dnod o/%usr.Any personal proporty rcmoining upon rho Aust Pioparry alror tha Trust Property has bcan possessod
<br /> I or octupiod by DoitnliCiary,its agent or nny pu�chr�srr foUowing Trusrve's sala or/crec/osu�e, or under any dr.ed in lieu ol T�ustoo's sale or
<br /> /oreelosure,shal/Ge cm�clusivelyp�eswned ro huve boen a6nndaned by Trusror.
<br /> 33. T�usro�heroby raquesfs rhnr a copy oI ony notico ol Jelault nnd nodco 01 sole mude or executed by Trustae puisuont ro the provisions
<br /> Ireraol be sent to Trusror af its mailinr�oddress set lo�th obove.
<br /> Par�e 4 0l 5
<br /> _.. ..
<br /> . ... . .. :�.rN�''.- ...
<br />