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� <br /> . � � <br /> ,��. <br /> � . ..-.�.,�,.;,.. <br /> ,t 4 . Jr <br /> �� :af.h�1,�.�T�' <br /> ,Iw«toM •, � . - . ,� •-� � „ �.:n . . . <br /> .. l�di� Mhr+rJwYifl'.a4_ . .. . .. . �' ._. .._ . .. - . . � _"_.� <br /> `�,• '_.�i:�.�"s: <br /> � 2. P�ymenf oflndsbfedrost. Trusror shall prompdy pny nr cause ro ba nld whon dua fha Ohbpulmns nnd nll o�hnrinrinhrodnoss. Tk•� '' � � ;;"r�;: <br /> Trustor sha!/also piompllyand laifh/ully obscrve a//o/lfs obl/gations uncPr any ofhor dood u/frosf anCUmhnrinp nN nr parl ol Ilm Tiusr r ',_ <br /> � Properry und,il npplicable,nny promissory noce,puornnly,or ofhor�onn o/confrncfun!indobfod�ms�sncurod by sur.h otha dc,r.d ol rrusf, • ; �,:.��z� <br /> whothor%unior or soNor fo rho lien ol rh/s Doed ol Tius1,and eny olher obli�joNons socurod hy n hon on rhn Trusf Proporfy,whr.lhor nnsin(/ `Y- <br /> cansonsunlly orby oporotron ollaw. - - <br /> ,�., <br /> � 3. Canatrur,tlon ollmprovem�nts. Trustor shnll complefo in pood and workmanlika mnnnor any bu�ldings,improvomnnls oi rnpmrs rolnfu�� ,•���N <br /> thereto which moy bo her�un an the Ausf Pioperty a confnmplated by fhe Oblir�ufions socurod huioby, 10 pAy whon duo oll c�srs nnd • . .;';�±r�` <br /> ' liubilifi�s lncuned the�e%r,ond not m permit uny cons►ructlon lion agalns►such Trusf Propaity. M Uin ovonf cw�sbuction of hudrlln�s, • ,.,;;-_ <br /> lmprovements or repairs aro con�amplAte�/ Trusror also agrous,anythinr�/n this Oead ol Tiusf ro tho connary notwdhs�nndinp;!al fn '_;z�; <br /> #' ,., piompt/y commenca any suc/i work ond lo comple►e fhe praposod lmprovnmenfs prompt/y,(bl�o complQie Ihe samo in nccordonco wiHi tho �� .�;. � <br /> ,�`.��—. <br /> � pinns and spnr.i/icnrions es epproved 6y Banellcipry,(c/ to comply with all(he terms ol a huAding loan agroemont,el any,bafween Tiusfnr `. �'±".-�';�,:..__ <br /> ' � and 14enolicinry, the terms of whlch are incorporated heroin by reloienco end mude a pnit haiool, Idl to a/low Benolicioiy m inspact tho Trust ,, . ,- <br /> k 1 PioPerly at all fimes during construction,and(oJ fo replace any work or mateNals unsolisloc�oiy to Beneficiary w�thrn/iJteen!151 days alf�r __L=_w_ �L <br /> �;' t wruten nodce/iom 8ene6clary o/such/act. , °`��'�°_' <br /> � ' _l '<�d'�nc.- <br /> c� .�x��'-� <br /> �� ,. ;\ 4. Funds/or P�yment olCh�rpes.!lrayuastad n�ony time orlr�m fime to�ime by tl�o Renelic�ary, Tiusfor s/�a//pay to Benn/iciary on the ��"iYt. --- <br /> �7� /irsf day ol oach monfh, orsuch ofher date each month as may bu speci/iod by Beneliciary,unlil tho ObligAfions oro paid m/u/l,a sum ' ---����"��� � <br /> •+ ��� lhaioina/foi tho"Funds"1 equal to 1/1?.th o/the yoorly�axns and assossmants which mny a�roin piio�iry ovar fhis Oocd ol Trus�and ground °______... <br /> rcnfs on tha Tiust Pioporry, i/any,plus 1/12th ol tha yaady picmium installments lor hAZnrd insurance,plus 1/12(h ol fho yaady prcmium ,y�''-__� <br /> ? instnllments /o�morlga�e insuianr.e,i/ony,all as�oasonably nslimntod initinNy and/rom time to fimn by Boncliciery on tho basis o/ •• •�=��- <br /> nssossments and bills and reasonnblo osfimaros rhorool. Thn Funds shall bn held in un insfitufion, rho doposits or accounrs ol which nre 1'`__-- ' <br /> inswod o�guarenteed by a/edera/or stnto or�ene y includin,q Beneliclury. Bano/icinry shal/appty rl�s Funds ro pay soid tnxas, nssossmonts, _-_ - <br /> = insuranco premiums and ground rents. Bone/iciary shal/nof bo roquirod�o pny Trustor nn y intares�o�namm�s on�ho Funds. Benolicinry shall <br /> give ro Trusfar,wifhouf cha��o,nn onnuol ncr.ounfm�ol fhe Funds sAOwin�r.rodits and dablts to Ihe Funds anU the purpose/or which onch __.� <br /> debif to Iho Funds was mada. Tho funds nro p/odDQd us additionn/socuriry lo�tha OG/igo(ions securod by thls Deed o/ Trust. /!�hr.nmount — <br /> o/the Funds hefd by Benoliciary, tcpefhei wlth►ho h�►uie month/y lnstel/mants of Fynt�pAyeblo pr/or to the due dntrrs o/taxes, _ <br /> nssassman►s,insuranco premiums nnd ground rnnrs,shall oxcoed the amoun�rnquiled to poy said loxes,assessments, insurance promiums �, <br /> and pround renls as lhey lal/due, such excess shall be, a�Tiusror's opfion,eithnr promptly repaid Io Tiusfor or creditad�o Trus�oi n�ninst =_ <br /> lufure monthlyinstallments ol Funds.I/the amount o/the Funds held by Beneliciaiy shall not be sul/�cient fn pay taxes,assessments, �- <br /> insuranco piemlums and giound renls as fhny lell d�io, Trustor shn!l pa y�o Benn/iclary un y nmount nncessary fo make up the delicioncy -. <br /> within thirty days Irom the�1afe noflce Is malled by Ilena/iclary to Trusfoi i�questinn paymenf thnieo% Upon paymenf in lu//ol n!/ __ <br /> 061igotions, 8ene/iciary sho//p�ompUy relund to ]rusroi any funds he/d by Beneliciary./I fha Trusf Piopn�ry Is so/d undc�fhw power o/snJe <br /> i oi the Tiust Piopeiry is otherwise acquired by Bene/ic/ary,Bene/iciary sha//app/y,immediam/y prior ro fho sA/e oJ rhe T�ust Proparry or its �;,;... <br /> , acquisition by Beneliciary,any Funds ho/d by 8eneliciary at the�lme o/npp/icalion as a cradit agninst thv Ob/ian�ions. /f Beneliciary exocutes _ <br /> a writtan wniver o/Trustoi's abligAlions under�hls Section, Trustor covenants and agroes to pay,be%ro the same becomo delinquent,oll <br /> � taxes,assessments,insu�ence premiums,piound rents,and all ather ch�rpes whetsoever lev/ed upon or assessod,placed or made a�ninsf ---- <br /> F� fhe Trust Piopeily.Trustor lurthei apioes,upon wrftfon request by Beneliclary,to prompt/y de/ivor to Beneliciaiy all receipls Jor fhe payment _ <br /> ol sucl>chorr�as. Tiustorlikowise apreos to pay a/!taxes,assossments and orher chorgvs lavied upon or assessed,p/aced or mado against, ,� <br /> -.�. oi moosured by, this Deed o/Tiust a►he rerordallon he�eol. ° "` <br /> �h <br /> b. App/lesdon ot Peyments.A/I poymenls iacoivod by BQne/!c/ary as ro ony debf,/iobility or ob/lpatlon owad ro Beneliciary by Trusfor may ,__ <br /> be app�ied b y 8nnolicJaiy 10 Iho payment o/►ho Obligofions In any order or munnor o/npplicntion which Benolirlary,in ils a6so�utQ disciorion, _ <br /> �� deems t+ppiopriote. � �� <br /> � 6. Cherges;Llena.Tiusror will konp the Trusr Pioporty Iree/rom all leens and ancumbrancos,whather prior or subordinnfe to qris Daed ol <br /> � Trusf,o(hor lhan tho/ien of current real nstafn tnxes nnd fnsfallmenfs o/o/Iicinl assessments wifh rospect to wl�ich no ponn/ty is yet -: �: <br /> __ __ . _. y_ paynblo;provided,howeve, that Trus[or neednot dischorge any such lien so long as Trusfor shall agree,in wiiting, to pay the obligation ' <br /> -- - � -,TF- secuiad by such/ren in a mannar acca raoin io acnali�ia� a���s��o�(in ''`'"''^^^:^^f su�!:!ic^4y°p,^-•'0:!13!!'!?�J?�ninr.siedings ellecfive - <br /> P Y yo�..,�,�.,,,...,.... ` <br /> . � fo p�event the enloicemenl o/!he lien or thn loss oJ nnylnterest!n or part o/the Trus►Pioperry,and shal/a/so give such reasonob/e security 'a `1 <br /> to Bvneliclaiy es may be demanded by Bene/%inry to insure comp/lance therewith. The Bonoliclnry may in ifs sv/e discretian delend►he/ien <br /> al thls Doed ol Trusf nnd a//costs and nffornoys'/oes lncurred by Beneliciary/n said do%nse shal/be�clmbwsed by Trustor or added to(l�o �_ <br /> Obligalinns. <br /> 7. He:�rd lntuience. Tiustor shall keep►he buildinr�s and ofher improvemnnts now oxistinr�or horeaiter Qrocted on t/ie Trus1 Proper►y <br /> insured by insurance caniers safislactory to Beneliclary ap�inst loss by/ire,hazards included in tho term "extended coverage'and such <br /> other hazards,cnsun/ties and contin�encios,inchidinp v�or dumn�e lnsuranco,ns may be roqulind by Benoliciary,in such omounfs and lor _ <br /> such poiiods ns inay ba requiicd by Bonr.liciary. The policy o/insuinnco sholl bn in Ioim ar.cepfsblo�o Bono/iciary and shnll nor conroin n <br /> � de%nse bosed on coinswanca,ond sl>all r.ontaln Iha standerd provisian fhat no act o/fho Benolicia�y or o/tho Beno/iciary's ogo�its or <br /> raprosentotives will render the pollcy void ns to the lJaneliciery or a//oct tlie Bennlicinry's iir�hf to recovor in cose o/loss,anrl fho policy or <br /> po/icies shullprovido thnr tho s�mo may not Go cnnce/od or modilied w/Ihout l/lteon fib/days pr/or writton notice�o Bene/iciary, and hnvo w <br /> loss pnyal�lo provislons!n Invoi o/and!n loim acceptnble fo Beno/iclary.All premiums on insuronce policies shall be pn/d in tho inonnar <br /> providnd under tha Secrion en�lt/ed'Funds Ior Peyment o/Cherr�os'here/n or,il nvf peid in such manner,Gy Tiustor mnking poymont af <br /> i /ensf/ilteen 1151 days p�ioi ro the due dofo,directly to rhe lnsurance carrler.Bene/iciary shall havo►ho right to hol�l the polic%s and ronawels <br /> thereol end Tiustoi sholl prompl/y lurnish lo Beneliclury alI renowa/noficos and nU paid premium rvcoipts recnived by i�.ln no even►slru!l <br /> Uonofir.iuiy o�Trustne Ge lield responsihle�or/aihiro to pa y lnsuranco promiums o�/or anylass or domage nrising ouf ol a dnlect in nny <br /> �• po/icy or arising ou�ol any/ailure o/ony insurnnce company to pay/or any/oss or dnma�o insured aga�nst or/or/oi/uro by Tiuslar ro e//ocf <br /> �� �he lnsurance required hereandei.In Ihe uvont ol/oss, 7rustor sha!/glve prompt notico b�mnr/ro(ho insuranco caniei and L�onu/rciory. �:' <br /> �• �� Bene/iciary may make proo/ol loss!1 noT made p�omptly or in proper/orm by Trustor.All policies o/insurance and any and all reJunds of t <br /> unonrned premiums Ara heioby assir�ned to Benaliciery as additionol security lor the pa ymanr ol fhe Oblipations. In tho ovont ol Bene/iclniy's - <br /> exGicise o/the power ol salo conta�ned heroin,or in►ho event o/%roc%sure,a/I ripht, t!t/e and lnterost ol Tiusfor in and�o any insuronco <br /> ' � policy�her.In/orce shnll pass to tha purchaser af fhe Vusfee's snle or loreclosuro snle. /n cose ol any/oss, tho insurance procoeds muy, ot � '____ <br /> � � fhe op(ion ol[Jeneliciary,bo applled G y 8eno/iclory upon tho Obligations,or any part tlrereol,end!n such order and amouni as Benelrclnry =_ <br /> _ mny detormine; oi said insuianco proceods,at the option o/Boneliciery,may elther be usud ln raplacing or restoring the Trust Property <br /> pnrtially o�(oto//y desUOYed fo o condifion satls/octory fo Qeneliciary:or said insurance p�oceeds,or any portion(herao%mo y be relnasod�o '? __ <br /> � Tiusror. (/nless Beneflciary ond Tiusror orherwiso a�roe ln wNt/ng,any such npplicodon ol insurnncn proceads she!l not oxrend or postponQ +:�_- <br /> rhe due dnte of any nofa or agreomont ovldencing flie Oblifladons,or any insrnllments called lor thnre�n,or chango fho omnunr of such <br />^• � instaflments.I/the Tiust Pioporty is acquirod by lJeneliclnry pursuant►o tho oxe�cisn of►hn power o!sale or othnr loroclosuro,ol/right, tide `�^.^ <br /> ond intorvsf ol Tiustor in nnd to nny insuience pioceads paynb/e as a rnsu/t ol damage to►ho Tiusf Propttrfy prioi to fhe so%or ncqulsition .i�� <br /> shall pass to Henoliciary and shall bo appfiod lirst to the costs ond expenses,lncluding arromnys'leos,incuned in collocting such proceeds, f,:,�, <br /> (hen in the manne�andin the orde�providod hercln. Notwlthstonding nnything contained in th�s Saction to tho contr�ry,iI Chis Uood ol Trus� '�r�.--- <br /> is on a condominium o�a�own house and thore is a mostor insurance polrcy in lorce covarin tho common aroas and lacilitios and aU •-�_--- <br /> ' ' condominiums and town housos located in tha�dovefopmen►, thon,unless ofhorwiso notilie�ln wrir/ng by►he Benelir,iary,tho Trustor sholl �.�n;;;��}��� <br /> havo no oblir�n[iun to malntain Ihelnsuranco roquiied herew�do�and wil/assign a//Gone/its nnd prnceeds recoived H�eioon ro rho QenoliciUry : �..�p.,�,>s'',. <br /> MSCr' <br /> an�i,in fha Beneliciary's sole discretion,namo the lJenoliciary ns the nomod inswed on sald policy. Whenaver such inswance is in Ioice �j��,e,,r:�.sr�;�- <br /> /regardless ol whalher reyuesfed 6y�hQ Benolrciary or noU U�e Tiusror hereby authoiizos tho Bone/iciary to cancel such insu�nnce whenever :'s'�' <br /> d�e Bene/iciary delermines tha[such insuronce doos not odaquafaly protect tlrn Benoficiary's m�erest. ^'.'��_r- <br /> --c•-- <br /> . .. '��'�:�2:�;�.::: <br /> 8. Proserv�tfon�nd Meinfenence o!Trutt Property. )'rusro�will koep tho buildings and ofhe�improvomonts nuw or hereafter eroctod on rhe ,_ <br /> Trust Piopo�ty in good�epair and condition, ord�nory dnprociation oxcepted,and s/ra/l provido a//uti/ity sorvices nnevss�ry/o�(ho oporation .. . <br /> and preservation ol Ihe Trusr Proporty. Trusfor wi0 nor comrnit or punnu wnsro, wifl not altor the desi�n or struc(urol charoctor cnnstituring <br /> nny Guildinp now or ho�eo/!or orocted on ond constitufing tho Trusf P�operty without rha prior wriften consent ol Benelicinry,will not do any , <br /> � ac�or thin�which wvuld unduly impair or dapreciato tho valuo ol thr. Trust P�oparty ond wdl nof nLondon�hc Trusf Propertp.Trusror wrl/nof <br /> remove anylix�urcs consti�uring rho Trus�Pioperty unloss!ho same aie immedintely�eplaced with likn properry subject�o the/ion ond <br /> secuiity inranst ol this Deed ol 1'iusr and ol nt leost equa/volun and uti/ity. Trustoi wi/1 comp/y with all p�osent and/ufwe ordiaances, <br /> iegulations m�d iequiiemenfs of any goveinrnenfa/GoJy which are npp/icnb/o to Ihn Tiust Property ond�o fhe occupnncy and use r/rereol,// <br /> t/ris Deod o!Trust is on a miif in o condoininium or a planned unit devolopmenL Trus►or sl�nl!pe�lorin all o!Tiustor's obligafia�s w�der!he , <br /> doclnrofrons or covenants c�oafinp or yovorning�ho condominiuin or Uio pinnnod unit dovelopmenr, thv bylvws and iegulafions ul!ho <br /> � condaminium or plonned unit developmenL and rho constituant documonrs. � <br /> o �....,�..d�„ ttannir„rv nr irs noenls mnv.n�nll�easonnble timns,en►vr upon thc T�usf Pioperry/or thc purposc o/inspac(roii inNuding, <br /> � _. ...-�--_ . _ -•--- <br /> Dut nof/imitod b environmantal(os(iny.l7enuliciary shall lwvo no duty fo moko such�nspecnon ano snaii nur i,r i%�i,F�i� .:�.+�..,,.. .�c , � - �-_--- - <br /> pe�son in possession d it mnkvs or Inils ro muke ony such inspecrion. � <br /> jf0. Protecflon ol Secudry. I/Trusfor/ails ro perlorm ony o/th�covenon�s nnd ogieements contninad in U�is need o/Trust,or il any action ! , <br /> I or proceeding is commenced wh�ch does or rnny adveisely a/Iact rhe 7'iusf Piope�ry oi tho interest o/Tiusto�o�Qenoliciary thcioln or fhe I <br /> rifle ol 1'rusfor therero,rhen Oenoliciury,ot i!s option,may perlomi such coverronts and agioements,moke such oppar+rances, delend a�oinst <br /> 1 and/a�nvesti�vte such acrion or procecding end take�such other action as 8ene6ciaiy deems��ecessary to pmtect i(s interest iiicludmg,Guf <br /> i r�ot Gmrfed fo, dubursement ol rcasonable utroineys'lecs nnd entry upon the Trus�Property to mnke repairs.Any amounts disbursed or <br /> �ncuncJ tiyQcneficiarypuisuonf ro rhis SecGon,inc/udrny.6ur not limited to,reasonable nf�ornays'lec�s, with rnrerest thcrcon, shaU <br /> � constiture addiriono/Obliguuons secured by fhis Deed ol Trust. Benaffciary is Herehy given an enevocable puwer o/uffomey Iwhich powar is <br /> coup�eJ wirh�n mterest/or puiposes ol secuntyl fo enror upon Uie Trusf Property as the T�usror's ayont und rn rhe riustoi's no+no ro <br /> � pe�/orm any�nd a!/covenants ond ogrewnents�a Ge perlorrncd by thc Trustor os horein provided. Unloss Trustor and fTcne6ciary o�ree fo <br /> othor(enus o/paymenr, such nmounls shnll be PayaGle upon notico Irom flone/icinry ro T�ustor requesfiny poyment the�ool,ond shaU Ge�r <br /> �n�eres�I�om Nrc dvte ol disGurscrnant or tho do�e incurrcd ot the rate set lorth in d�a Nofa or Nic ryfe prowdod in N�e most�occn�oGli�nrion <br /> covmed by fhe Guornnry, unless poymvnt o/inferest af such roto would be conVnry to vppl+c�Glo low,�n whfch evenr suc/i amounts s/��ll I <br /> hear inferest pt(he highest rafe permittod by applrcablo law.Nofhing contained in this puragraph shnN require Beneliciory fo incur uny <br /> expenso or�ake any oc�ion hereunder. Benelicinry sholl, at ifs op�ion,be subrognfad to nny ancumbrance,llen,cluim or demand and fo a!1 � <br /> rlghrs nnd secwdies lor the payment rhereol paid o�dischorged 6y Ileneliciary under�he provisians hereo/and any such suG�ognrion righrs <br /> s�:o/�he add�tional:�nd cumulauve secuiiry/or fhls Deed o/rrust. 1'�9�z��� <br /> t I <br /> � _ <br />