<br />�l
<br />89-.104445
<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and tender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />InbeveL pay when due the principal interest the
<br />bisdnessiI nhndtole
<br />ind I ISnN/�MNNofR char es" incip l re
<br />tip provided m the Note, and the principal of and interest orr
<br />any Fttbpr lldvsnoas sepwld b!f trhb «TrwE
<br />L w�t4 sloworteawritlenwarverbyLender .BorrowersWlpaytoLander
<br />F4a"y 1
<br />ot! tlhTMaaa/
<br />"FddVor[ More abteunderWANote. until MeNoteis paid infull ,a sum (herein
<br />talrailMr bb taxer may this Dead Trust,
<br />n s") post b Orn- at 'Wily and asaeasrttsnts which attain priority over of and
<br />groundrertbontASPropsrty. ilarly,piesorN -twMlN otyeariypremium Installments for hazard rnsurance.plusone -twNM of
<br />wy fume penrx s a t1 ads ra "VVO l� estimated initially and from time to time by
<br />TheFwwsshaiibofWl w ktsYtdion tadeposiisoroz ountsofwhichwow* uredorguamntasd .byaFederalorstate
<br />aQertey (includrr Lartdae K t.andM Is Buchan lnstitufion), Lender shall apply Me funds to pay sold taxes. assessments.
<br />inatxancwpremiurtisemdglrorx ►dtarner Landerntaynotcfiargetorsaholding and applyingtheFuurkKanatyzingsaidaccount
<br />or verityirgtiindcompiiing ssW asasssnlsnMondb►its.uraoss lsndarpays Borrower intsraston fhe FundssndopdieWetaw
<br />lender in Deed
<br />permits Lander 10 rnatci. srsch achsrge. Bbrroweir and may agree writing at the time of execution of this of Trust
<br />Msst interest on the Funds shall be paid b Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or aodicalbe law requires such
<br />inearsst>aiD be Larldsc shall not be required b pay Borrower Y1. Of, eatKtinpson the FFunds. Lender shall give to
<br />Borrower, wi ! charms, an annual r>! of ter Funds sho ca edi16. its to the Funds and the purpose.tor: .
<br />wtuchaachdabiltoIheFundswasmade .TMFundsarepledgeda �ir�r, :. uMy for the sum % secured by this Deedapf:
<br />Trust
<br />now avount of the funds held by Lender, together with the future irmnalhty inalbltments of Funds payable prior to the due
<br />dabs of fetes, nssssntatls. insurance premiums and ground renW shall exceed the amount required to pay said tax. ;
<br />assassments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, such excess shalt be, at Sdrrowees option, ejlher
<br />to Borrower is Borrower monthly instsilments Funds. if the the Funds held
<br />or credited on of amount of
<br />insurancepr
<br />; besuMlcienttoopaylax*&
<br />assessments, emiurnsandgroundrentsastheyfalldue .Borroweradt�`
<br />Ertogran y amount necessary to makeup Me deficiency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed by Lender to
<br />Borrower rsquMbrp payment thereof.
<br />Upon paymentinfullofallsumseacured try this Deedof Trust Lender shall promptly refund toBorroweran lFgndsheldby
<br />Lender. If under paragraph 1!s hereof the Property is sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender. Le6�e r thstl amly,
<br />no War than immed ek" prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisition by lender, and Funds held by Lerdir at the tiirp-6f
<br />f
<br />application as a credit against the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />3. ApplteMfeea el► Unless applicable law,, provides otherwise, all payments received by Leridery 4er theMNe
<br />1 and a2 teT reofs�sttali be applied by Lender prat in of amounts to Lender lcj: f
<br />and paragraphs payment payable -ower under
<br />paragraph 2 tWoof. dwto interest payable an the Note. then to the principal of the Ncte. and then tointere!�%+wg:;p;rnciparpn
<br />Future Advances. ;
<br />any
<br />4. 1.1MS. Borrowers shall pay all taxes, assessments snd:ather charges, fines and imp^sitions &3f; atabteti W!f e
<br />Dead
<br />Properly which may atlain a priority over Ma of Trust, and laid payments or ground rents, if any ?:'the mar.�er
<br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof w, it rust paid in such manner, tr)- Borrower making ppaayment, when duw .`r�i,ec:ty to rfte
<br />Borrower furnish to Lender notices amounts
<br />t
<br />pp&�ytre thereof. shall promptly all of rlt; a cinder this paragraph: Ewdi in the event
<br />make directly, Borrower shall furnish to Lerrdits•tecsipts
<br />Bomwer shall yrnerit promptly evidencing snxh payments.
<br />Borrower discharge tiro has this Deed Trust; tttat Borrower be
<br />shall promptly any which "rity over of provided, shall not
<br />required to dischargeaq suchlionso" iss8wrowershallagreeInwritingtothepaymentofthedtiligationsecuredbysuch
<br />in faith lien
<br />.
<br />_-
<br />lien in a manner acceptable to Lender, or shall good contest such by, or defend enforcement of such lien in, legal
<br />proceedings which operate to prevent the enforcement of the lien or forfeiture of the Property or any part thereof.
<br />S. fla=ws Ntalrraret.e. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the Property insured
<br />apintston hire. hazards included w�ithinatheL� "cApnded coverage ", and such other hazards as Lender may require
<br />for nq fvquire. provided, that Lender shall not require that the amount of
<br />that to the by this Deed Trust
<br />such coverage exceed amount of coverage required pay sums secured of
<br />This be by Borrower
<br />insurancecarrNr providing the insurance shall chosen subject to approval by Lender, provided, that
<br />W. be All is,surance be the
<br />such approval a not unreasonably withheld. premiums on policies shall paid in manner provided
<br />under paragraph 2,hweof or, if not paid in such manner, by Sormweji making payment, when clue, directly to the insurance
<br />carrier.
<br />All insurance policies and renewals thereof shall be inform acceptable to Lende< and shall include a M. ,dard mortgage
<br />clause in favor of and in form acceptable to lender. Lender shall have the right to riE:.ld the policies and renrr"s thereof, and
<br />Borrower shalt promptlyfu7nish w Lendef all renewal noticessind all receipts of paid premiums. fn f.1iaeveI1,rp4;oss. Borrower
<br />shall give prompt notice to the irsurume carmer and Lender. Lender may make proof of toss it tot mimile promptly by Borrower.
<br />Unless LerlrJar w dl Borrower OVwx4e. algve in writing, insurance proceeds shall be applied'!; restorii:ion or repair of the
<br />Prerty damaged, provided such reetaaxrcr. ar repair le economically feasible and the security of this G►"d of Trust is not
<br />feasible if
<br />=•
<br />ttw"tkby rmpaifod. If such r"Wation or repair is not er,•;eomically or the security of this Deed' d.. 'Crust would be
<br />rm 'W. the inswanee potice Kts shall be appt,ed't bu ms secured by this Deed of Trust, with the excemg. iK any, paid fo
<br />r r
<br />B(if raww. It the Propwty to i iti6fidoned by Wr,:irrrart rrc XGuruwer faits to respond to Lender within :30 days from the date
<br />Borrower
<br />'
<br />notice is mr+ad i +Linder to that the insurance Canter ethers to settle a clitim for insurance benefits, Lender is
<br />authorized ti�a,t:Wtectand apply the insurance proceedsat Lender s %vf.,an either to restoration or repair of the Property or to
<br />the by this Dow of Trust
<br />;
<br />sums socumd
<br />I." IrwWo lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application r,1 proceeds to principal shall notextend or
<br />�rratk9c+ne the due date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs t 4rid 3 hereof or change the ritmount of such
<br />It raph 18 hereof the Property isacquired by Lender. ht title interest
<br />i7nJ4ailtt»nts. under pa2f ail n and of &�rrower in and to
<br />insuraince in b the from damage Me Property
<br />any pokies end and proceedstheroot resulting to wish to the sale or acquisition
<br />shall pass to Larder to the extent of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately priax'to) r.ich sale or acquisition.
<br />S.'rsurfrNf rlarMlMaMNeeaeceol / nOparty:LeMs hmids;C.&MkmiMurn ;P.tannadUniltJ+ly* Borrowershaii
<br />P. imppairment,of
<br />keep the y in good repair and shalt not Comm l waste or permit deterior6its;r' o tme Property and shall
<br />corn� wilnOproviswnsofanyleaseifthisDeedofTruatisi onalessehold. Ifttiis?D eadotT rustisonaunotinacondommtum
<br />ore, plari"d' amt developmerit Borrower shall perform ail of Borrower's obligsfli i is under the declaration or covenants
<br />creeof, , or Qaesrning the condominium or planned unit development me fat -.,aws and regulations of the condominium or
<br />difivabprnent documents. If
<br />planned unit and constituent a condominium or planned unit development rider is excuted by
<br />Borrower Dead Trust, the
<br />and twcmrded tog~ with IMs of covenants and agreements of such rider shall be incorporated
<br />into and shall amend and supplement the covenants and agreements of this Deed of Trust as if the rider were a part hereof
<br />y. Ifreisollan of Lerttiara SoewlIly. If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements contained In this Deed of
<br />Trust or if any action or proceeding is commenced with materialiy affects Lender's interest in the Property, including but not
<br />limited u+, en'►ineMdorrWo. insolvency, code enforcement, or arrangements or proceedings involving a bankrupt or decedent.
<br />than Lander at L� option, upon notice to Borrower, may make such appearances, disburse such sums and take such
<br />met" asisnsoNMrybprobNle nder's interest includinp butn• ot limited10. disbursement of reasonable attorney's hesand
<br />IfLerMNrequiredmortgageinsurancessa
<br />___ --
<br />erNryuponthePrdpirtylo make repairs condition of making the Iosn secured by
<br />t *Dead of Trull. Borrower shell pay the premiums required to maintain such insursnce in effect until such time as the
<br />rpuironw, be" hinsuranceterminatesinaccordancewithBortower 'sandLender'swrittenaflreementorapplicalbelaov
<br />Borrower "M pay the amount of all morigsge insurance premiums in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof
<br />Any disbursed by Lender this 7, interest
<br />wountt pursuant b paragraph with thereon, shall become additional
<br />rndeblV0988cf9wrowMsecuredbytMsOesdofTrustUnes! sBorrowerandLenderagreetoothertermsatpayment ,such
<br />wncak.:tr �a:'.�t0U FaVaa...Z upon r-of:vafron-1Lar. -- tof,,3;t�wo: ces�u6a'�.iri�ipsymeentba repol, and S ;- Isl;bearifrtefeiifivrvrtiri•
<br />deer of drebursement of the role payable from hmeto time on outstanding princ +pal Under the Note unless payment of interest
<br />of such r� would be contrary, to amttcable law, in which event such bear the highest
<br />amounts shat interest at rate
<br />perrnisa'bieundsrsppticabtetaw f ingcontsinedinthisparagraph7sha: irequirelende rtoiric,,urnnyerperiseo►taketinv
<br />action hereunder
<br />9. frispsdba. Lander may make or cause to be made remo:iable,erdlres upon and mspectrun9 of the Pic :perty prooidri
<br />thats,ancter shelf give BarroNel notice prior to ahy such inspect-cri scecify;rcgi reasrnabiecause?.Nerc-':r.e rvijiffd if) I. melts
<br />100res1 Fit t1►A Vt!X�lrity
<br />