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s <br />DEED OF TRUST 89� 104445 <br />THIS OF TRW; isirrade this - - Toth day August <br />ts... .._.alWVO*TrU@W. -Mraaa D. K. Hatt! <br />,• <br />Omsk Ikwro we % FinMw 8wk. WM an Asoociefta, <br />!, <br />Onr�eta, tfilBiMMt� lAi��iirt "YriNlsi"I. M arirtilfoiMry. ffr�ar e�nk oi4a� �rociwofR Oar y. N rar i1 <br />oorFwateMr er9etwieett and edo ft- *vdw OW left ott Ter: Un ' 81aNf of AnWico;'iM 6-41710- <br />FMIMSIAb'MR OIIIMIre; eierleelta� Mt0i3 -Z1AS �IrMeirr. "Lendar"j. ' <br />WtiChhaathea�ddreaeM 4320 Nest Capital Avenue Grand Island <br />Nebraska _48803 �•..R r� <br />IM.u.. {herein "Proper W`)i <br />TOGETHER with ON the kwovet oft now or hersalter sr 0n the prdp". tlii easements. rights. <br />arr"AMlMlOG 1-wwft (1 AJW however b the rights and audxxkko given herwinto LeiW4r to Cooed and apply <br />such rerNS�, 0 -16111 - tMMraf, oil and pee ripple and profit. w*W.; Vrter righle. and water Mock end all fixtures <br />now a herwller aMMOlradb propsrty.aM of whkh, irrNudMq MplawirnrNsand addiHriir0 thenb.O W be <br />deeMWID bear*remain a pert ofrie prioperty wwvered by this Defied of Trust and all of the torepoinp, together <br />with Maid pro/erly (o the WeeMwid OMMe d this Desd of Trud Is on a Mahold) are herein referred 10 as the <br />. <br />TOSEC� b LENWR (a) the npayrn" of Vw indebtedness evidenced by 8orrower's rwN dalad _ <br />1989 #look NW), to Wo Pte" sum of jhIrteen thousand and noLI00 - -- <br />_--- m4$13.004.Oq� ----- - - ---- Cloip M with k*W M thereon. wovkfing for mwW*j rds <br />by �i -&W IMIN ii` vM fhd hdoics of wa w a lkiednees, N not sooner pad. due and payable on <br />uaoa rakof !at iftft � - - —'ft peyrnent Of w other sums, with interest tfreraon, advanced <br />iw a000reerroe hmwir+ bproor. tlrlrsscuwitq of this peed of 7rw� and the perbrmawroe of the cownanb and <br />greMwelrts of fror+i ow w heron- oomir and aM reneweie, earMrteiona and rrradilkations ll wao. and (b) the <br />rNM den.�MAW MMMwes. {widrWft$Nits"WOM. MmbbBWower by Landes purlwnttopa oWsph 21 <br />hereef r� ~(. <br />epfM;;, CO IMW- Is OW ftm war is tawf�,lty Nixed of the eetale hereby conveyed and has the right to <br />grant arrd Convey ttlts lrogsrty. that MO Plop" is ur+wMwnberscf and that 8w(&*ar will warrant and defend <br />perMraNy the •1110 sD 1110 Propery a411i+tM a" claims and demande, aubtllct t* any d6cjw A & N1 pnq"jM.of <br />� s hood in* sctweduts ofexce;' rmto Coverage in anVtitle insurance Wiry inS;ni) j L�r's+ntefest <br />� t <br />