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<br />89-- 104445,
<br />9. CondearaaMsu. TM proceeds of emir award ovOlm- AR.damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br />condwnnafionorohertak ingottMProperty.brpart"W.Oa4ioz . �a nvaysncainlieuofcondemnation ,areherebyasfigned
<br />and shtW be paid to Lender.
<br />in the went of a total taking of the Property. the rgr•,a ratl ills appNad b the sums sectued by this Wed of Tth»t, wish
<br />the "cow R any, paid to Borrower. In the a rent o . $I palls! linttg of.he Property, unless Borrower and Lender aY>.twise
<br />agree in wrilrhg.thsrsahalf b s spptird lota sumel senorod ley Phis Deed of Trust such proporban of the proceeds as is etfwl b
<br />tint whiah�I�mounto111�wswmsascund�rlhfq. psedot' TruatinuratdiaWypriortothsdaMoftskinQ basis's the
<br />fair vakre of 1Ne iwss�dtalsfy prbOr b the date w tak(rq, with the balance of the proceeds paid to Borrower.
<br />M ffte Prcwtary te ath�by lgorrowac or N alter nollea by Lerhdar b Burrgwar hot ft Condemn Condemn oflere b rthoke an
<br />awaret or settle a claifrl.fprdarrtageN. Borrower tali f b nraRond b Lender within 30 days after the dole such notice is treaded.
<br />Lender is auhwind lo+roiiaet and apply the proceeds, at Dander's option. either b reeoodation or repair of fhe Property or to
<br />the Mr!h!! secugd by Ita Bead W Trust
<br />1lnleea I.MdssanehlbrtowAr othenirhsagr+sein rvritiflg.ldn)!such applicationot proceed:to principal shall notextend or
<br />�ft due dots of the morif ft Installments reWrod.io,41•paragraphs t and 2 hereof or change the amount ol such
<br />10. tla�esuasrMetflalaaeai. t' ckiansirirtOfshefinteiiorptymlNt�grntadiNcabonolaehortiiationolthesumssecuredbythis
<br />Dean of Trust gin nted"by Lender to any Weser in interest of biirviwlior shall not operate to refaasf, in any manner. this
<br />1isbNityoflhe original SprowerandBorrower' asucoessdrs interest Lender shalt not bere_ quiredto commenceproceedings
<br />Oesl Twat by teasdrh of onyy demand ohs U try vw oriig alt Borrower �owoes successors in iuntsrast red by this
<br />11. iesltsaraaos iw �ersrler Net a waiwM. Any brbesrance by tender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder. or
<br />ollherwies effortteff by applicable law. shelf not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. The
<br />procurem entotinsiarst" ofthepsymo ritoftaxab orolhsrliensorcharg "byLendershall notbeawaiverof Lendoesrightto
<br />:aeeelerats the mslueily of tlhe ind"aftas sedurad by this Dead of Trust
<br />12. Xwouwss Ohre Ail rernedies providAd-io this Deed of Trust are distinct and cumulative to any other right or
<br />remedy under this used of Trust or afforded by ihw 'ar equity. and may be exercised concurrently, independently or
<br />�;:.. tls�R�saMe tad Asei�sa �sra$ Jairst and Searal Ltabtlty; CapYasa. The covenants and agreements harNn
<br />r"�ieii4� letter) bind, and the rights thereunder stall inure to, the respective successors and asapns of Lenderand Borrower.
<br />t b the provisions'ot paragraph 17 hereof. A!1 cotr<erhaMS are agreements of Borrower shelf be join! end several. The
<br />•captiom and theadings of the paragraphs of thhs Deed of Trustare tar convenience only and are not to fie used to interpret or
<br />14. Me11oe. Excptfor any notice required under applicable law to be given in anothermannir. (a)) any notice to Borrower
<br />provided for In thisDesdof Trust shall begiven by maitinosuch notice by certified mail addressed totlorrower atthe Property
<br />Address or at such other address as Borrower may designate by notice to Lender as provided herein. and (b) any notice to
<br />1 "•landw shall bs given bycartlfrad mail. rslum reeslpfrequosted, to Lender'saddrees stated herein or to such other address as
<br />F ender rosy —i---, by notice lo Borrowrar aspriwided herein. Any notice provided for in this Deed of w3tsnail be deemed
<br />to too basn'Oven l Borrower or Lender when 91ven In the manner designated herein.
<br />11T. 1ilfllMisrses Owd of Trust Over MIN Labs; BsrarMht1.. The form of deed of trust combines unilrsr -mi cr�hants for
<br />national use ond non-uniform covenants with lirafto variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu ty -ir Vrument
<br />,coverMg risel property. This Dead of Trust shalt be governed by the law of the jurisdiction in which the ixfoperty is•r=aled. In
<br />,the ewe that any provision or clause of this Deed of Trust or the Note conflicts with applicable law, suc:'h conflict shall not
<br />affect other provisionsatthis Deed of Trust or the NOW which can be given ahead without the conf ictinQ provisions, and to this
<br />end the prarisions of the Dssd of Trust and the fr'lole are deelm lo-lbe swerabte.
<br />1i. Mrew ees C4" Borrower shall be furnilal d a conformed copy'of Mhi Note and of this Deed of Trust at the time of
<br />execution or after recordation hereof. ,
<br />17. Ttarow of the Preteeny; Anumhpgoi s. tf rA or any pad of the prop"Or an inearrprt�,;hwain is sold or transferred by
<br />BorrowerwyThoutlalder' spriorwritlencorismii1tsroiadlnq (s)thecreationofaiienorenc ancesubordinaletothisDead
<br />of rust, (b) this crn#wofa purchase money security interestfor household appliance!, (c )'a transfer by devise descent or by,
<br />opera woflairuponlhsdesthofajoirillonanfor;(! ski' ltegrantofanylossetwidlnterestotthreeyearsorlessnotcontainingerr
<br />option topurchase, Lender may. at lender's opUct•,; declare all the sums secured by this Deed of Trustto be immeftley due
<br />and psyd". Lender shag have waived such option to accNewste it, prior to the sale or transfer. Lender and the,gor.& n to
<br />*h" V%lflapsry is to be sold orWwWwred reach ag»onhrhrtfiin writing that the credit of such person is satelfiuz(l:ry to
<br />Londw and *bathe interest payableon to sums siecured by this Deed of TYvstshatl beat such raters Lender shall rarquest. It
<br />Lender has waived the option to accelerate prtsrliTed in this paragraph, 14', and if Borrower's succeWr in interest has
<br />- executed a wrillenasaumplion agream --ac **6 in writing by Lender. Leratfer shall release Borrower from all obligations
<br />under this Deed of TruN and the Note.
<br />If Lender exercises such option $a aceelerafb, Lender shall mail Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance with
<br />paragraph td hereto. Such notice atlaNprovidea periodol nolleesthan 30dayefrom thode(ss the notieeis mailed within which
<br />Borrower may pay the sums declared due. N Borrower fails to pay such sums prior to the explrstion of such period. Lender
<br />may, without hither nobcs or demand on Borrower. Invoke, any rernedies permitted by paragraph 1lV hereof.
<br />NON4NWOM COYENAMTti, lemwisr one feeder ka llhes covenard and agree as tell m - w
<br />19. AccANration; flemedNsa. Except as provided in paragraph 17 hereof, upon E3wqnwoes breach of any covenant or
<br />erg somielt: of Borrower in this Dead of Trot, including the covenants to pay when dine Ater auras securedby this Deed?t f Trust.
<br />LenderlaftrtoaccelerationshaltrntiillnoticetoBorrowerasprovidedinpara graphlihereofape Ing:(t)trebrwcf%;(2)the
<br />rsctow rowited so curor such bail .(3) a date , not lea than 30 days from the date this notice is mailed to Borrower; by which
<br />stub tuiawh mustbe cautery; and /A iG failureto cure such broach on or before the date specified In the notice may result in
<br />accolirralionoft hesui ts:slecuniobythis Dead of Trustand sale ofthe Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower of the
<br />.right b reinsure Meer Scceisratfon end the right Sabring a court action to ~the non-existence of a default or any other
<br />defanseof Borrower soacceleratiwattdsata. Ifthebreeehis not cured on or babretihe date specified in the notice, Lender at
<br />Lender's option may declare ON Of 1l * trans secured by this Deed of Trust to be immedistety due and payable without further
<br />demand and may invoke the power W agile and any other remedies permitted by applicable law. Lender shall be entitled to
<br />collect ale raa/orhsfNe ousts and expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in the paragraph 18, including, but not
<br />tirrhiMd b reasonable nay s tees.
<br />If this power of sale ia�voked. Trustee shall record a notice of default in each county in which the Property or some part
<br />dwootislocaeadertd shah mail coon otsuch notice in themanner prescribed byapplic1&e law to Borrower and to theother
<br />persons prescribed by applicable law. Attar She laps ot such time ere be required by applfealtle few. Trustee shell give
<br />s toboMlttePropaieatyMgrperwri iortand in manner prescribed byappMcabie law. Trusses .wilhouh demand onBorrower.
<br />higiheMbidderalha time andplaceand undwtaMKmsdesignated in the notice
<br />al sate in area or revere paMoft- and in such order as Trustee Wray determine. Trufte may poa0.ona ate o all or any parcel of
<br />the Properly toil pubMc
<br />ON-10OWN Set he time and piece of any previously scheduled a". Lender or Lender's designee
<br />shay rurcttaeta tll+a Praoarly at any eels.
<br />raosiptdl Whapriosb ld, TrueeaoshaMd*v wlohe purchaser Trustee 'edeedconvayingtheRopertysold
<br />TherheeilatsintltaTrwMS► "a dNdalleleboP'FWAtaciaevidencool taruholVwstaNmen bmadathenin.Trusteeshallapply
<br />amp nmedsofhesaisinthsfoMowk gordar:( a) 1osNreasonablecostsandexpensesofthesals , Including. but ri llimrtedto.
<br />TSOGela"t.::T.l;f'.'lt! —... wGt#,: tr:: hiwijhrriGr.. i-:' s6:. 3Cr": arw�r�irj' irCafwrrin6nar8fhivififfrevif�r ►ca:
<br />(b) to ale Mrrers aaowed by his Dead of Trust and k) > exceea: it any. to tits person or persons legally entitaf there's
<br />it). Mreeeesr'it iffitjtl M Ilabollsla. Nillwithslandvhg Lender's acceleration of the sums secured by this Deed of trust,
<br />(Borrower shall haw Mho ngh l aD haws any proceedings begun by Lender to enforce the Deed of Trust disconunued st any time
<br />prior ta tN earlrar lo occur of (r)the filth day bMore the eats of the Property purewnt b the power of sale contained in **Deed
<br />of Trust (ln►00" 00 krrdONWdonforcaq hies Deed of Trusl :f Cal Borrower pays Lender all sums which would be then due
<br />under trhls Deed of trust, the Noes end notes secunng t utore Advances. if arty. had no accewatton occured (bl Borrower
<br />cures all brehsc; W any other covManb Or Agreement's of Borrower, eonte-ned in this Deed of Trust (e) Borrower pays all
<br />resaorhabie erpwhsaa incurred by Lerulet and Truslse entorc ong the covertants and agreements of Borrower contained in to #%
<br />[lard of Trustandin enbrcing tandw's and Tram's remedm asprtw4end to paragraph IS reraot. moua;ng. but not lanifed
<br />ro.rsssAnabteMlor ► wi'etees.and(d) Boirotirsetakes suchactiah As Umderrr;ay reasonably reQu4reto fissure thaltheriery of
<br />t'h,s deed of Trust Lender's interest in the Properly end F3on�wer "e obligation to oay tha surnn secured h r this 17ererd oaf To i to
<br />shalhcotl*ftuounrnhparrad Upon auchosymentand[ula,tj Mrrcirrer.t h1lDLed fit Tru5taiiijIn O.obf.Unugl,-.sc.urcdnoretl.
<br />snail reNmirt irr tank force ono eltrrrt as it nothcceleratrurr rradi t ieurre1
<br />E I
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