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ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER <br />0 Year Treasury Index -Rate Caps) an 1 O4 V -.Q <br />THIS ADFIMABLE RATE RIDER is trade this Mth _ day of Augst� 19 <br />50 is itmwrpotrtted lotto aid rbali be deemed to amend rind supplement the hlortgslge. Deed of Trust. or Security geed (the "Security <br />laatetsaaent ") of the same date given by the undersisned (the "Borrower ") to secure Borrower's Adjustable Rate Mote (the "Note ") to M Y <br />SilAMIM A L"M ASiIMATI M OFF QMD ISl AMDr NWRASsKA (the "under ") Of the same date wW cwvering tho <br />' pro)terty.des. ribed in the Security Intruineat sad Ipated at: <br />960.5outh Oak, Grand Island, Nebraska <br />(Property Address) <br />TYa taste con"M /twWwa Wkwing fir cbmen N ray 1-41 p nk oar my ttaaatitlf <br />W MIP t - Tbfa 1100108111111111100111111 ills attaaatat mX ItNare a rate can a nay amts Yttae amt <br />Am the oittlttavm ata# tM slaty mite 1 sleet ray. <br />ADDITIONAL COVENANTS. In addition to the eoveaants and agreements made in the Security Instrument. Borrower and Lender <br />further covenant anti agree as mot lows: <br />A. IN')T:AEST KATE :11.wiIF1tlKf14"[If€>i•Y PAYMENT CHANGES <br />The 140St provides for ut:frt)iW' ller*' i~sltC'af 11 .5 sRi. Section 4 of the Note rovides for c <br />p chug es to the intt:t est rate got-14e.: <br />mortttstgriiments. as f±tlfintri:" <br />4. LAt WEST M M AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHAlYGIES <br />(A) amp now <br />The iatera>at rate I will pay may change on the fast day of �Lieetanbt?F —.19 90 , and on that day evefy <br />tuielue months thereafter. Each datean which my futoest rate could :hange is called a "Change Date.,, <br />' ttie /sites . <br />P40Sx*g with the Pint Change Da;c. my interest rate will b€ lam°.« on an Index. The "Itidexir Is the w eeltly average yidd do United State <br />TreaSdq;IMPOitks adjtWtd to a cotutant maturity of ) year. as tnadi available by the Fedo4: Wta:rve Board. The md'i recent Indus rq#,tm <br />ava1114 313 td the(Iag V%,rLyn before each Change Date is called the ".Current Index." <br />If the.igikx is i10 linger avaitabk, the Note Holder will cttgr e n new index wfiich it basted upon comparable information. The Note <br />• HoWer iaiSi �ae.tae ctatttCt+nf this cl�ii�: . <br />tC)" f�.aijeailgthn`�1'Ctrtai�•• ;:... <; , .: - . <br />Before each CW4*.h*t -o the Note Holder will calculate my new interest rate by adding_. f nub <br />poitxa 1 p �� _ - OA.;• to the Current Index and rounding to the nearest I i8th of 1%. subject to the limits Sated in Section 4(Q) b;raff; <br />This rounded am= mflS% my new interest rate until the next Change Date. <br />The Note Siolder will then deterinine the amount of the monthly payment that would be sufficient to repay in frill ft I;i cn Dal r <br />expected to owe on that Charge Date -fu substantially equal payme>s'tr by the maturity date at my new interest rate. The result �,'. td tiJ Ott: slrav:i;rr <br />will be the new araoaut of my monthly payment. <br />M LImW on /atartaa Rah (.'batagea <br />The interest rate 1 am requi -tytt 01 pay W. ti *s, tint 'Ohmage Date will not be grr.Mcs than 7 •5 ai; of less than <br />riot. Thereafter. my titlzr{�M.'d rate will never be i ::;parr d or detteased on any cin(,fi; S't;ange Date by more than parr <br />from the rate of interest i have been i -, t for rt�c ,m,, <br />C � . eding (welve momhs. The minimum uurrest rate on this loan will never be ' <br />less than _ 9_D _rlfa and the maximum in;e 'ac "Uxte will never he greater than <br />4E) FfteretiveDVA :6ICbaasea r, <br />My. aiestt ittterrw'; rwlrr will become c. ,=11ve on each Change Mix. G � vill pay the amount of inl r mtw monthly payment btt;s;¢atiag on tfie "first ... <br />monthly lalcstnkntdstitra V1 the Change1Li tits: untitthe amount ofmy monthly payment change %slwr:,n. <br />(}l SYogerlott:fUan�ea : " ' <br />The Note Holder wilI mots) or de iv" to me a notice before each Change Date. The notice will advise me of. <br />(i) the new interest rate 0(v Vfy loan as of the Change Date; <br />(ii) the amount of my mc:41MIly payment following the Change Date; <br />liii) any additional matters which the Note Holder is required to disclLfe. ;,.Td <br />(iv) the address of the association you %.;:ad contact regarding any ourseials +s: ,.'c•:•:,t the adjustment rc ::.c•�. <br />D. CHARMS. LIENS <br />Uniform Covenant 4 of the Security fr.Vrt Mint is amended to read as follows; <br />4. Charts: lien• 8WOwtt shall pal 45 i.t6. atyW1a,.4tents, and other charges. fines, and impositions attrib.gx �'Ve to the Property whit. May, <br />attain a priority over tkiE Imurity Inst tirr ent, and kawhold payments of ground rents, if any, in the manner Mvitiesl under paragraph 2 herbs(, <br />Of. if not paid in such mama, by llvv #;wort hultiog. payment. when due. directly to the payee thereof. Borrower shall promptfi+•riurnish Lender <br />All notices of amounts due under +.h{i pr I'*jritph. and in the event Borrower shall make payment directly. Borrower shall prw:tr.tly famish to <br />Lender receipts evideneirs such payments. Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security instrument; <br />bwever. Borrower shall not be required to discharge any such lien so tong as Borrower: (a) shall agree in writing to the payment of the <br />obligation secured by stwh lien in the manner acceptable to Lender; (b) shall in grad faith contest such Gen by, or defend against enforcement of <br />such Inn ie. kgat ptoceedinp which in the opinion of I.ender operate to prevent the enforcement of the lien or forfeiture of the Property rK any <br />Part thertsof; or (c) shall secure from the holder of such lien an agrcemem in a form satisfactory, to I -ender subordinating such lien to this <br />Security laatrtataant. <br />If Lender determints that all or any part of the Property is subiect to a lien which may altaitt a ;artnt3y glee t1ti. 4xttrit3 irs;ru icns. <br />ieWiir slilVlgive Borrower a notice identifying such lien. Borrower shall satisfy such lien or take one or more of the actions set forth above <br />withisr ten days of the giving of the native. <br />L C. N°f"KV. <br />IttsiforM Covtearsl 14 of the Security Inst►umcni Is amended to read as follows: <br />N. NiRte. [xctO for any notice required under appl►cahle low ccs be given to ar::nher manner, fa) any natlre to llutroucr provided for to lht. <br />security Inuturncro shall be given by dehvcr::tg It yr by rns,ilulg It try tlrst stars trail tc, It;urcraer at the Property Address ur at such other address <br />as Mcwtofcr may t3ftis a r by nntrce to 1 fAdfr a: t'lovidej helein. and (h) aliv rotl<< to I ender shall he glv-cn by tit.t .tits mall to [ cndr:'t <br />aiddf[ss;taied f9Crl;in or to quch trtho ci.ldlcx6 its I ct -der play dCilh" nare hV f:f dri^ tO 11 31twAer -I5 prot!dCd 11CtClt1 Ar- t Ito,twir i t„t: di. -J it., r:71 iU <br />5ec�aay lr.; ±turners cltrll F.rc tt<s•ntcd to haoe 9�tat rttctt to lL;t rawer r l f e n:Ir. v. P,rn u: tt:e nvarncr de�:,?u.�oral t:ucrn <br />j, <br />
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